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I Scarcïty ui ITIoiicy. Tlicre is no doubt but the present condition o ali;kinds of business and industry is fearfully do pressed, and it bchooves every family to look care fully to expenses. Winter is coming on when children are liable to Croup, Whoopiug Oough, etc. Coughs and Colds will prevalí cv. rywhcro, and Consumption with other throat and lungdisease will carry off m.iny. These i; ihould Dot be aeglected, Doctor Bills are expensivo, and wc would advisc our peoplo to use BosciiioiisMluitMAN Sïrup. It never lias foilcd. One bottle at 7S cents wlll keep your wholc femlly rell during the winter. Two doses wül relieve" auy case. Sold in all towns in the United States, and by your druggist, Hueroacii & Co. Special Noticc, Hinscy & Seabolt takc pleasure in informing their eustomeis and the public generally that thcy arenow occupying their new store (on the old loeation) with inereased facilities for business. They propose to malte a specialty of Teas having ajranged for stocks with one of the largest Te I Houses, and will also keep a cholee lino of Family Grocsrfes. Flour of the best taffls and branda oatmeal, corn meal, leed, frnita and vegetables In season Cash buyers win and it for their interest to give thein a cali TUc "Iron Ti-ail, A spicy sketch descriptivo of a trip OTer the Atch.son, Topcka and Santa Fe Railroad the beautles scenery andpleasure resorte of the Rooky ! "Nym Crinkle. the musical and Inunat.ccriticoftheiv, Vor,c World, sent free ■■ appUoation, tojrtht witl, the San jL, GlUde ...1 and time tables of this Uew and populé loute from Kansas City and Atclüuson tü Pueblo and allpointsin Colorado, New Mexico, Amona I and the San Juan Mines. The Inert line of Pullman sleepers on tho continent between the Missouri raver and the lïocky Mountair,, without cliange. Sjrecial round trip tourists' tickets from the M Ississlpp) aiVM to Denver at J30, good to .top ott at :i!l pölnts. „ Adí,reás T.J.ANDERSON, Gen. Passenger Agent, Topeka, Kansas. Centennial Excursionists ftül, of cours-;, wishto seo all thesights comfortaWy and eheaply. To this end the Canada Southern Kailway Company has, through lts connection in ..„.,„„ ixuimwesc, placed on sale a lar"o number of Tourists' Excursión Tickets at greatly reauced ratea, by whi?h passcgers eau not ouly vmtthe Centennial Exhibitiou at Phüadelphia butcan in :ludition, yisit the prineipal eastern e tíos, Wlth an opporhunty of stopping at any of 'hesreatmimfcerof faraousrcsorts in New York and Pennsylvania. The Canada Southe.n is the I omy line ftomthe West running directly to NlagaJFaUs.giTiugpujBngets, tram the train, a wonderful panoramie view of the Mighty Caturaet, Horse-shoe FaU, the Great Eapids, and landing them d.reetly at the Falls. Tho track of the Canada Southern is an air line, lald of sto-i (!,„ the l,ea viest pattern ; there are no curves or grades ■ wood U used for fuel ; Coaches are furnished with the Ventilator, ensuring perfect freedom f rom dust. With its complete system of magnifleent Parlor, Sleeping and Drawing Room Cara, from Chicago, Detroit and Toledo, and its admlraWeooBnecüons at Niágara Falte and Búllalo With the New York Central and Erie Kailways, the Cunada Southern ie fast the favorite line to the East. Tickets via this popular line can be procurad at all offices of conneiting Une, orattlie Company's own offices. I Any Information can be obtained by addressing FBANK E. SNOW, Gen'l Pass, and Ticket Ag't, Detroit.


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Michigan Argus