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Antislavery: The Universalist Protest Against Slavery

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Last week we publishcd the ablo protest of304 Univcrsalist ministers against Slavery. We now insert tho reasons assigned by those who refusnd (o sign the document. By these it will be seen thal there is a considerablo per centage of prejudiced persons, time servers and doiighihces in this as well as in ollier denoininations. Refusal to sign the Protest is made, - 1. Because Slavery has existed from time immeniorial, and bclongs to the cssential order of tliings. 2. Bccause 'justifiable means,' alluded to in the Protest, are not defmed. 3. Because tho whole matter of Slavery isa political question, wilh which we havo nothing to do. 4. Bccause foreign níluenco has been exerted to foment difiiculties betwoen the States, and the Anti-SIavery movement originated with fóreigners, who would destroy tho Republicby aiming to lestroy the spirit of uniou between the States.5. Because the condilion oí thcSlavcs is bfittcr horc than that of the Africans, or the lower classes in all olher nations. G. Because the evils of Slavery were entailed by the mother couutry iipon the Colon es, ngainst their will, and the inheriting States must bear with the evil, as irremediable. 7. Because of the example of Jesus, who did not protest against Slavery that existed in his ilay. 8. of the golden rule, - If we held slaves in accordaco with law, we should not wisli oihers to i:iterfore with the enjoyment of our rjghls. Í). Because the Protest muy kindje fires of diseord in the Denomination, that will burn till charily ís all consumed, and dismcmbcrmcul ensues. 10. Because the instancea of divisions in othcr dcnominalions, from the introdüction of the Slavery question, slïoold be a warning to us lo desist from moJdling with the matler. 11. Bcoausc the rcasons which will justily this Protest, will justify the issuing ofone against all evils, and we shouM have tfieni without number, i f we carricd out the principie. 12. Because it is de&igned as a tost. f o exposé to odium and abhoiTcncc thuso who do not sign t. 13. Because the Aposllos left no protest agtinst Slavory, but, on the conirary, gave full ustruitions to slaves to be obedient. 1-1. Becauso the ossertTon in the Protest, in refe'ceöcés, to no one having a right to own hi.s fellowbetng, is ópposed to tl)e parental and matrimonial relations. 15. Because all inlerfereiu-e witii the conditio!) of the Slaves only serves to ncrOaso the evils of their situalion. The laws ngainst péroiitting them to learn lo read and wrïte, had their origin in such interference. 10. Because tho Sla es êarinöt bo benefilted by freeiloni, but must ever bo reduced below the whiles, for the two races can never live ín peace on the groundofequality ; and while they are in the same country, the one will be master of tho other. 17. pecause the crusado againsl Slavery ovcrloolcs the wants of society nround us, and in being busy wilh llie mote in our brother's cyc, we forget the beain that i.s in our own eve. IS. the amelioration of the Slaves dependa on the spread of the spirit of the gospel, and ministers cannol preach the gospel, if they are knowr. to be favorable to the Protest it will s!iut ihem out from the South, and destroy all our iniluence ibvré. 19. Because the Protest sa vors too much of modern Abolitionism, and gocs ngainst chartercd rigiita and privileges. 20. Because it lias a tendency to unchristianize tny brother at the Suuth - the slavehoidcr. 21. Because it isimpolitio. 22. Because it will sepárate Univcrsalist?, and give rise lo a distinct bodv west of the ilountains. 23. 3ecause Aboliiiunism has no picty, but is mere pariyisin, with sclfish aims. 24. Becauso if Slavery is abolisiied, there will be 20,000 paupers to each State in the Union, ü all have their sharc. 25. Because a severe direct taxalion would be feit if the two millions of slaves were let loose, in order to prepare and furnisir means to defend cointnunitics against them. 26. Because ministers are bound lo live at peaco with all men, and thi.s movement will have a tondenc}' lo aliénate the feelings of sume, so ihat wo caii; do them nogood.27. Becauso our duty is ïo preach lite gospel - and pray thatall may become t true disciples. 23. Beca use no good can arise froin simply a Protest ; it is utterly üseless; 20. Because tho signing of it would immediatcly termínale iny influence in this (a Southern) city and Stale.and Univcrsalism is of more consequence than the Irotcst. 30 Because I cannot subscribo to all the sentiments of the Protest. 31. Because nobody has authority to ask for my signature - I do not recognize nor concede the riglit or business of any man or body of men to coerce or coa.x mo to sign the Protest. 32. Becauso we are all slnves - some to pride, soino to nppetife, someto passion, &c. 33. Because the slaves al the South are bettorofl', in every respect, than the fruo blacks nt the North, and generally enjoy more of the comforts oflife. 3d. Because slavery is not a rcligious, )Ut a civil instituí ion. 35. Because the Protest cmanated frotn in irresponsiblo meeting, where nction vas taken without any delegated nuhority. 36. Because it will be a very unwise and iniprudent step fur us, as a denomilation, to lake, to commence tho discussion and agitalion of this iutricate and diílurently vieived subject. 37. Because we have all that wo can do, as ministers of tho gospel, to discuss the matters and súbjéets regarding our slaves at home. Tliose that sufler most, bound in tlio strongest chains, and kept in the dnrkest prisons, should engage our sympathy and be liberated first. 'l'wo brief letters will now be given entirc : - I. t:I decline. My reasons are, to be brief, - 1. Because Slavery cx'sted in the days of the Patriarchs and Prophets. 2. Because it is sanclioned in the Oíd Testament. Ö. Because it is now herc condemned in the Bi ble. 3. Because, "what (oJ reveáis, 'tis quite onough ío know." II. "As God works all íliinírs after thc counsel of bis own will, he has permitIcd llie bijicks to bo enslaved by íhe incrican pcopK-, and worksthat Slavery abcurding to his will, and has not mÜuoucfid niê to act in tho muller - ;md, n)y not beiiíg a freojigeht, 1 cannot sign _vo u Circular.