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Throcgii Bomo niietako in running a Centcnnial train, divided into scctiona, on t!io New York Midland railroad, last weok, section tbr63 ran into No. 2, noar Middletown, N. Y., and tho result was one paaRenger killed, six soriouely wounded, and a number alightly. The engino and ono passenger Cftr wore wrecked, and two pasnenger cara were thrown down au embankmeut Bixty fect high. Fifteon hiindred passoneors were on tho train .... Thomas Ellis, a payiñg-teller of tho Park National Bank, of Now York, has abscondod, taking $GG,000 of tho bark's funds. A sEitious disaster occurred on the New Jersey Central railroad, noar Somervillo, N. J., last week, by which tliree passengors wore lulled, fire othors seriously wonnded, and nino s'ightly. Tlio accident was caused by a misplaced switch, which had been tnrned to throw the train off the track, and ulugged with a stick, and the switchboard was tuniod to show tho green light, "allright," and chocked firmly in place The Continental tiifo Inauranco Company, of Now York, lias misponded, and its-affairs have been placed in tlio hands of a receiver. The suspension of the Continental Life Inauranco Company, of New York, iuvobres the intorests of about 70,000 policy-ho'ders. The ctUcera of tho company attribute tho suspension to the general Bhrinkago in real estáte, and stocks and bonds. With judicious management and curtailed exponses tho oflicera thiuk the policy-holdera will not lose anvthing evontually. The atatemont for 1875 ahowod liabilitios, $5.537,827; assers, $6,i!94.371 ; lcaving a surplus of 5750,544. Tho income for 1875 was $2,504,530, and thenumborof policios iasued for tho year, 6 070, raakiug the number of policies isBued 74, 170. A SEitior8 acoident oceurred a few days ago on the New Jersey llidlaná railroad, A freight train feil throngh tho trestle and bridgo-work at Hawthorn, N. J., the engino nd tender landing end-forernost upon the Erie track, and the cars tiimbling in a pile upon thern. The onginoer, the firemnn, and three brakemen were fatally injured, and the conductor bad bcth legs broken. The entile Board of Exoise of New York city was arrested last weok on tho complaint of a liquor-dealer, who charges them with a violation of the Kxcise law, in granting Hcensos for sale of spirituoua liquors to tho propriotora of eating-houses At St. Johnatury, Yt., a fow morniii.e sinco, Frank Johnson, Charles Pntnoy aud .losoph Hcon wero exeavating for a papermill, and placed some rend-roek powdor to dry under a stove in the basement. While thev wero at work on the first floor, tho explosivo i;nited, blew the building (twenty feot square) into kisdliug-wood, and hurled 'tho men skyward. Heem was denudod of bis elothing, and fi'lod with splinters, and may die. JohnBOn aud Putnoy will recover. Au infernal machine of gomo kind, inclosei i ii a flimsy Saratoga tmnk, oxploded in the baggage-car of au express train from PhiladelEhia to New York, over the Pennsylvania road, last weok. Tho trnnk was fortunately on the top of a pile of baggage, and no damage was dono, beyond acattering the trunks and proatr;iting the baggigo men. Tho car was set on firo, but eoon txtingnished. Parts of the machine wero found in tho wreek, consiBting of a pmall pistol and fragmenta of cloek-work. The pistol was discharged into some inflammablc Bubstance that ves entirely consumed Edward S. Stckes. who was convicted of shooting James Fisk, Jr., was relcased, en the 28th uit., from the Auburn prison, hia term of seutonco having xpired. A. train frora Scranton, Pa., consistiog of eeventeon cars, was run into by a coal train a mile and a half north of the Goldsboro station, on the Delaware, Lackawanna and Woatern railroad, a few evenings siuco. Ono car was biunod and two tsle?copod. Fivo persons were killed aud thirieen wounded. THE WKST. A Cheyenne diepatch says that "Gen. Crook, boing satisSed that Eed Cloud'a aud lied Leaf's bands of Sioux wero Rbout to dcpart, with a view of joining the hostiles in tho nortb, they having refused to comply with the ordera to come into tho agency to receive ration, determined on disarming thom at daylight on the morning of tho 23d instant. Gen. McKenzie, with eight comnanios of tho Fourth Cavalry, suooèssftüly nirrounded these two bands, consistiDg of 300 lodges, and captured the backs, squaws and ponieH without firing a shot, and they were marchexl icto the after having been (linarmed and dismouiited." Chicago clovatoi-s, aa per official figures, contain 2,345 170 bnsheln of wheat; 2,007,075 buahels of eornC42,523 bushols of oats; 177,810 bushels of rve' and 930,480 bushels of barloy. makine a erend total of 6,103,358 bushels, against 3,195,133 bushels at this poriod last yoar. A DisPATcn from Cheyenne says " the arrival of Gen. Merritt's cemmand at Bed Cloud yeaterday signalized the closing up of the Big Hom and Yellowstone campaign, which will be succeeded by tho Powder river expedition, consisting of fifteen companiea of infaiitn' oud eleven companies of cavalry, the latter pïincipally of tho Fourth Regiment, with a few conipacies of tho Second and Third which have not been in the aummer campaign. All are fresh troops and will be commanded by Gen. Crook in porson. The Fifth Cavalry wili havo" its .winter headquarters at Fort Boasell, Gen. Merritt in command. The Third goes to Fort Laratnie. Ton companies will remain at Red Cloud.".... A Salt Lako diepatch of Oct. 25 says: "This morning, tho ten days baving expired which liad boon allowed Brigham YouHg in which to pay alimony to Aun F.Iiza, bis nineteenth wifo, and it uot having been paid, Brigham appeared in court bofore Judge Shaeffer, who ordered that A. K. Smith be appointcd a sppcial Commissioner without bonds. and ordored to seiza property, sell the saaie, and pay the ,sutu roqurcd, with costa." A "horrible tragody was onacted last wook near liuahvillo, Ind. Chadwiok B. Brittain, a youn man from Paris, Ky., had marricd the onlydaughter of Joha R. Ilhodes, a farmer, aud, after living peaceably with the old peoplo noarly a year, finally domanded poaaession of the farm, and upon their refusal, he became abtisive and intemperate, and was ordered to loavo. After an al tercation with the o!d ladv he shot her dead. Mr. Rhodes, hearing tlo Bbot, hastened to the house, and was fired at, but the pistol misseJ firo. Govs. Ptllsbukï of Minnesota, Kirkwood of lowa, Hardin of Miseouii, Osborn of Kansas, Tonnington of Dakota, Garbor of Nebraska, an i eeveral eminent prof eaBors and gentlemen met at Omalia. Neb., laet wesk, for the pnrpose of diecassing the modes and means of rHding the country of grassliojüpors. A committee of tliree waa appointcd to collect and issue a pamphlet discuasing all the more practical means baed on experienco in the destruction of f,'ras9hoppers. Tho followiug resolutioiia were passed : 1. 'i'hat it will bo wieo and politie fop the LegislatnreR of the States and Territoriew most deepiy interettted to enact a law offeriiifí a bounty perbufhcl for the colhwtiou and destrucliou of eg;s aua urfledtjecl iiiBccta. ï. That tho Bovcral Logislatures authorizo local taxation for tho purpose of Bystematized cffortB in thn way of ditchfufi, btirning, ct.; wc also Bnggesf the repoal of tho game lawe, or a niodification of them to provent the destruHion ef birds which feed on iusects ; the prevention of prairio-flres until & suitabJe time for tüo deetruction of younK graBBlioppcrs by Uring tüe graas, and the euconragement of tree-culture for promotinj? moisture ana harboring birde. 3. We roeoEnmeud tüat, as far as possible, a purvey bo made of each State during the eoming v, titer to aBcortain those portions 01' each counly in wbich eggs are most thickly laid ; f nrther, that we fleem it the duty of the National Governmont to make aome effort to destroy or counteract the great pest, and tlius praveot its injuries. We recommend the attachinent of a spocial CommiBBionor to ono of tho Government Burveys sent aonnally to hf West, aua that $2.",000 be apprppriated for tho purpose of paying the cxijenses 'of the ComUltSHioD. The President of tho convention was re■juested to draw up and present to the Preoidont of tho United States & letter setting forth tlio urgent neceseity of action by the General Government in bohalf of the aections ravaged. Tho trial in Chicago of Alexandor Sullivan for tlie murdor of Francia Hanford has romiltcil in a diíagreomeut of tho jury A shocking calainity occurred laat week in lowa coiuity, lowa. Sylvcater Starkweather was at work in his flcld a milo and a half disliint from bis house, and Sïrs. Starkweathor was at work in a yard uear by, and had Ieft her oiiildren, two littio girls agod 3 and 5 yearp, up statre. She had not boon out in the yaid long whon aho noticcd Bmoko issuing from the Windows, and tho opper part of the houee in Sames. She frantíoallv ruclied to the house andupthestaira throngh etifling amoke, but when bho reaahed tho upper Hoor tho hoat ud tlamos wero o intenso that she was overeóme and fnreed hck frora her ehildron, who wero theninthe agonies of their horrible death. The mother'a oe&ipe waa attendcd by fatal injuries, tbeflre barning her clothes from off : lier body, and ovon tho leathor slioes upon her fcet to o, ommblirg criaj). Her two ehildron were so noarly consumcd in the flames that ! only charrod fragmenta wero found. A "WEij. iNFOmrEi) businoes" mau ík qiiotcd . at Mtlwaukee as cstiimtkig that tho yield of ' Wheat in Minnesota, this yoar has uot exeeoded 15.000,000 bushols, and that the qimntity for j oxport will not exceed 11,000.000 bnshels. In i lowa, he says, thoro will not be a buahol for export, tho farmera having no moro than tlioy 1 noed for homo uso and for seed A Fort I Handnll telegram reporta: " Adnelbctwoentwo I Indiana ocourred at Standing Rock Agency i One of thom was killed. Four ahotn each wero ( oxchansed, tv,-o of thi-m taking effect, ono in t thobroast, tbeothorin thebead. Honry riílea i were the choseu weapona, It was a regular t white mau's duel. They quarrelod over beef issues.' Pakties engagcd io digging a grave in the gravoyard at Bloomiucsburg, Fulton county, Ind., a few days since, unoerthed the remaina of a man that had reoently boon buried in an npright position, without collin or box. The body was put in a box and decontly intortod. No person could ïecoguize the body, nnd by whom it was put there is a myetoi y. THE SOUTH. A dispatc'U from Llttle Koek, Ark., aaya tliat threo Methodist ministers, white riding a circuit in Pope county, were shot from the brush by two illicit distillors namod lïughes and Halo. It is believod they miatook the miuiHter for revenuo officers and Marahala coming to arrest them. Ouo of tho ministers was mortally wounded, and died two non after bciug shot. The other two wero eoriously, if not mortally, wounded. Is Porrytown, Miss., one night last week, a Mr. Sturdivant, bis wifo, and three obildreD wcre murdcred in their beda, and the house bnraed to conceal tho deed. Two negrooa who plannod and exocutcd thia crimo were eap"tured, one hung and thoothor shot in atteropting to escape. Two confedérate are still at large, but can hardly escapa arroat. Mauy colored citizons assieted in the capture, and wcro with difticulty prevented from throwing the prisonors into tho bnrniug enibers. WttiLiAM IlAwniOBKE, of Hagorstown, M% aged 72 years, wae killed tho other day at that place by bis son-in-law, Thomas Stovons. The latter was quarroling with liis wife, and wbile attempting to eject him from hia house llawthorne received fatal wounds. WASHINGTON. Hu. O'Conneb Poweb and Mr. Parnoll, who wero eutrusted with the Irish Centounial addreas, have resolved not to proaent it formally to President Grant, inasmneh afl the tltato Dopartment insipted upon ita beiug prenentod through the British Minister Elrner Washburn, Ohief tho Trcaaury Secret Service, haa Leen requested to reaign. President Grant haa aot apait Thursday, Nov. 30, as a day of thankagiving and prayer, as will be seen by the following proclamation : By the President of the United States of America a proclamation : From year to ycar we havo beon accustomed to pluist in our daiiy pursuits and set apart a time to offer onr thanlïs to Almighty God for special bleSHings He has voucbsafed to us, with our praarera for a continuanco. thcreof. "We have at this time eqnal reanon to bo thaukiul for Hie continutd proteetion and for the many material blessinfis which Hiö bounty has bestowed. In adüition to these favors accorded to us as individuals, wp havo especial occasiou to expresa our hearty thanks to Alniighty God that by His providonce and guidance onr uov rxuneiit, cstablished a ceutury ago, has been enaoled to iulfiil the purpose of its founders, in offormg an asjlum to the psoplo of every race, i-ecuring civil and religioiiB liberty to all within its borders, and meting out to overy individual alike justice and equality beforc tho law. It is, moreover, especially our duty to oflfer our bumblc prayerft to the Father of all mercies for a continuanco of Ilis divine favor to u as a nation and as individuals. By rcaRon ol all these considerations. I, Ulysses 8. Grant, President of the United tftatee, do recommond to the people of tho United s to devote tho 30th day of November nest to tho expresión of their thanks and prayora to Almighty God, and, laying aaide their dailv avoeations and all secular oocupationK, to assembie in their respectivo places of wnrship and observo guch day as a day of thanlïsgiving and rest. In witness wbereof, I have hcreunto set myhand and causod the seal of the United Statea to be afftxed. Dono at the city of Washington, this 26th day of October, in tlie year of our Lord oue thousaiul cight hundred and seventy-Blx, and of thn indi-. pendenco of the United States ol America the onc hundred and flrst. [Ii. 8.] IJ. S. Grant. By the President : IJamilton Fish, Secretary of Htate. According to a report just made by the Postoftice Department, tho number of lettnnj deHvered during the tast ycar is 288,418,705; DOmbei coHccted, 234,230.582. About 109,000, - 000 newapapei-a were also eollectcd and delivered in the same time. Tho cont per pieca for this work ia given at 8 13-100 milis. Tüore are at tFio presont time tighty-seven letter-carrior officea, with 2.2C9 carrière. The soi-vico ia now declared to be more than seif-sustaining. GreittiF. Wn.MAitt BtBMSX and his sou, Arthur B., have been appointod Attorney and Asaistant Attorney f or the trict of Columbia. GKNERAl. In the trial of Cotte, ex-i;ashier of tho Jacqncs CartierTJank, at Montroal, tho evidence has developed an astouisliing conditiou of things. It ia ahown that the accounts of the bank have been falaified and the returns to the Governmont misroproseuted to tho amount of $2,781,992, This onormous fraud was rendered eaay of perpotration by the peculiar circumetances ' of the cise. Komaiüd Trudeau, President of the bank, ia a man 70 years o!d and so blind that lio oouïj juttt IiIhiiv to rifti lrjn Ijailju, lUt could uot sco to read a line or a figuro in the statements and accounts rendered to him by the cashier.' Tho latter enjoyed the entire confidence of the sightleas old President, who signed whatever waa brought to him. It ia no wonder that there was a " discrepancy " of uoarly $3,000,000. The breach of fraternal relitions wliich has existid betweeu tho Northern and Southern branches of the Methodist Church in the United Statea haa bo far boen healed that a largo number of roprcsentativea of the denomination North and South met tho other day in Louiavillo to ratify the action of tho Northern Conference at Biltimorc, la-it summer, looking to reunicn. The separation occurred at the National Conference at Louisvillo in 1844, and tho tliirty-two yeara of estrangement is now happily ended and all diffeiencos reconciled on the very epot where, through the baleful inlluencea of tho elave inatitution, the eeode of diatrnat and diacord were sov?n. .... The Ninth Animal Convention of the Ra.ilroad Conductora' Lifa Associatiou of the United States and Canada was held at Detroit last week. Tho present numbor of membors ia 1,470: amount of benefita paid during tho year endiug Aug. 31 waa Í22.500. Durin the year ten passenger conductora and ono froight died, and three freight conductora wero killed. A dispatch from Annapolis, Md. , eaya that " Cadet Midshipman 11. H. Cockle, of Illinois, a third-claes man, who refnuod to teatify in the iMveatigation of the eage of the ' hazers,' lias been dismissed from the Naval Academy. This ia thé ninth cadet who has beon dismissed for the same qffense within lesa tlian two weeks. Cadets inaide, who "Hifncsaed the ' hazing,' are iuat as stubborn as ever net to testify. Tho whole third daas, it stillappears, will havo to be dismiased.1' Charles Mádison, who lef fc New York, Ju'y 8, to cross the oceau in a dery, has probably b3en loat. When two days out ho had hismain bom broken, and on July IC he baardod the Britisli achoonor Tempest, where ho romamed about ton minutes, and later on he boarded the ship lïeethoyon, and provieioncd hia little craft for the continufttiou of hia vovage, ainci which tiaio cothing has beon heard from him. FOKKIGN. A disi'Atch from Therapia anaouncea tlmt Baring, tho Secretary of thé Britieh Legation ia about to return from Phillippolis, convinced that the commission for tho punishment of tho perpotrators of tho Bulgarian atrocitica is a deluaion and a mockery. Tho worst crimínala aro regarded humanely, and moderato men are in disgrace. The old pauic is renowod, and a must trustworthy gentleman haa tr.ivoled witli the utmost baste to Constantiuoplo, to inform tho British Ambassador that tho Turks threat en new massacreo, and havo even appointed a day for beginning the alanghtcr. A telkokam from the llague states that tho Dutch Government haa modified its project of ooinago reform. It now proposes, pending an international settlement of tho monetary system, tho maintcnance of a gold and silver Standard for Holland, and tho suspension of tho coinage of silver. Güeat diatregs prevails in Montenegro, notwithatanding the military Buccosses, becauso of the necossity of maintaining a large number of rofugeoa. It is reported thero are 10,000 houaoleaa refugocs dying of starvatiou in tho mouiitains around Doíigrad. A London telegram announcee tho return of the British Arctic expedition, undcr Capt. Narts, comprising the stesmers Alert and Discovery. Their progrees to the North Polo was found to be impracticable. Capt. Nares reporta that no land con!d bo discoverod to the northward of tho bigbeet ktitudo rcached, namely, 83 degroca, 20 minutes, but in other respocta the expedition was succeeaf ui A sovoro cyclono rooently pHi-u...,l over t!io Central American Stiltes. The tow.i ut M&nagra, In Nicaragua, waa inundated, About 400 houaea woro blowu dov.n. Tho inhabitanta hnd to cliiub on tho top of their liouea to prevent being waohed away by tho flood. Jlany wore (U'owned by tho housos falling. The total damago ia entimated at about $2,000.000. town of Blanfleld, on t'.to Moequito coaHt, in Nicaragua, alao experionced tbo liurricano. Over 300 houses woro blown dowu. The same storm pascd over t!o lake of Nicaragua, causing an immone amount of dnmage. The Commodore Adam, a Ukc steamer, was lost. Tho losa on tho cotice tropa ia eatimated at .3.000,000. About tweuty lives were lest. The wholo diulrict ia complotely lboded A telegram from Vienna reporta that Priuca Autrsnorg, Président of the Austrian Conncil, replving in tho Beicbrath to the ! iiterpotlatioiw on t!i i . i do - olared that Anatria's polioy , vciyLiiing, to mMntaln peaoe. CoDsequently ny wpiration tov,aid t!n acquiaitioii of fñign torritory was out of the questiou.


Old News
Michigan Argus