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Blaine Excoriated

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rn. hewitt's speecii. Phulow-Cthzeub : The Itopublican leaders soek to divort attontion from tho extravaganeo and corruptioo of the adniim'stration by intorposing tho ' bloody shirt " and a cl(,trl of calumnicH againet tlio Demoortóo candidated bctwccn tho public gaze and tho monument of infamy which the Kopublican part? Iibk reved, inHcribrd all over with frauda. Aa'.oug tlio men mest notorious in tliiö work of ooncpalment, vituporation and mioreiroBentatiou, in James G. Blaino. "lint tboae who livo in glass housen must not throw stonos." Mr. Blaino ba a rocord whioll will wot boar cxaminíLtiün, and a I vontm'txl to diaputo tho i.iutli of one of hia BtatemontH mado iu Ohio, in regard to tho loyalty of lïradish Jobution, of thte city, ai:d of tho oilioial intcarity of Judge Cliffortl, of the United Staten Supremo Court, I havo been taken to taek in tlio last DOfflbor of Harper's Weekty and imitel to mako my utatcincutH good. Tliifl iuvitation I feel that I have uo right to decline, and I bt'eieak your patiënt attentiou imtl not your applauao, for it is not a gratöful tafk to expone tho weaknctw and tito lack of honor of a man who bas occupied for many yoara a conepicuouH position in public lifo. BLUKK81 BEI BPBIOB. Mr. Blaine, 1 fln '■. deliven eubstantiolly tho satne speech wherovor ho goea, ociaHionnlly intorjoctitig or oxmtHng a pnrtionlsr ntatcnif ui, according totho Intitiuto of Iiíh lovnarhu. Thu, I iu Ohio, ho upolie of Jude Olilïord ai "glving juJgment to a rebol againat Pow, peraonally, for tiio sngnr aeized on bis plantation bv a ícraging party frofn bis regimont," and of lbo Judizo himaelf as "an :ii!:raiii lmngry Democrat, doub!o-dyed and twiatod, dyèu In tlio woo], and coarso wool at tbat." BüTper'ë Weekly saya tbat "sucb langimgo, spoken jocoseïy to a grcat crowd in t!ie open sir, although uot plcafumt languago to be appliod to a Jndge, is uot a.very gravo offeneo." In this I venture to differ f rom Barper's Weekly. It ia a grave ofTonse to apply bucIi languago to au houorablo and legrned Judgo of the Supremo Cour , and it ia a much graver offonse if the allegation be false. Now, the allegation is absolutely and eutirely falso, and I applied to it tlio good old Saxon word "lie," wbioh It is, and which it deservoe. The peculiarity of Dlnine ia tbat he la perfectly reckless in assertion wben he t 'ninin tho proof is not at band to convict bim of falsehood. I have carefnlly watehed liis mode of dealing with the House of Representativos, and I can produce niany instances to prove the juatico of this criticism on his public utteranccs. HIS (10SKECTI0N WTtfl THE LITTLE ROCK SCAN OÁ ',.. On the 2d day of Jlay, 187C, the HtruSe adopted the resolution eubmittod by Mr. Tsrbox, of Mausachuaotta, inntnicting the Judiciary Committee to inquire into the circumstanoes nnderwbieb tho Union Pacific Itailroad Company becamo tho owner of S75.0C0 of the land-grant bonds of the táttle Hoek and Fort Smith Kailroad Company. Immediatejy after the passage of thia resolution Mr. Blaine called upon Gen. Hunton, who waa tbo Chairman of the sub-committeo to whicii tliis inveatigation had been referred, and toid him that tbis investigation was litnod at him,and rcqaested that it might not bo uudertakon nntil a later date whon ho could be present. In the course of the invostigation it apppured that Hr. Blaine had boen the owner of laud-grant bonds in tho Littlo Hoek and Fort Smith Itailroad Company. Home witneeaea teatified that they had heard that the bonds so purchased were the property of Mr. Blaine, but no positivo testimOD.y was produced showing this to be tho fact. Neverthelcaa Mr. Blaine attendod tbo meetings of the committoo, crosa-examined tho witnossos, andmanifoated aa much interest in tho proceedings and the teetimony as if the bonda in queation had been purchased from him for the consideration of iCi,000, which it was admittcd the Union Pacific IiaUroad Company had paul. Groat care waa taken by Mr. Bioinc and hin immediato friends on tbo committee, Mr. Frye and Judge Lawronco, to exclndo all testimony whion might by any poseibüity afford any eluo to the real nature of the tranaaction, or open up any olher transaction of a questionabló nature. In fact, llr. Blaine seemed to regard himself aa on trial, and availed himaelf of thoae atrict legal riglits to wbioh he would havo been entitled to in a court of justics. and did not manifest the slightct willingncïB such aa a man confident of his own innocence in the various iraDsactions in wbich he liad been engagod would have shown wlien imputationa were caet upon hia honor aa a representativo in Coagress. MUI.LKUN'a DISCLOSURES. Atlength a vritness appearod upon tho stand, Mr. Jamoa Mulligan, of Boston, who had in his poHaession not merely tho inforniaüon necessary to counect Mr. Blaino with the 'rausaction, but, as it turncd out, a number of Blainea letttra rolatiog to it, and certain momorauda made by himself and Mr. Blaine, which were calculated to throw a veryelearlightupon tho tvanaactiOD. If Mr. Blaine were the innocent and high-minaed man he cïaitns to be he ought to have been only too glad to have as much light as pasible thrown upon the investigation, and tlio production of these letters ought to have been a groat relief to tlio anxiety nuder which he was evidently laboring. But as soon as Mulligan roferrod to the poeacssion of these letters (evidentlv a surprise to Blaine) be whispered to hia frieud on the committee, Judge Lawrenco, to movo for an adjournment uutil tbo m xt day, and Judge Law ronce, alleging that he was too ill to proceed, accordingly procured the adjournment. Mr. Hevritttlien detail6d thecircumatancea in which Blaino obiainod posacsaiou of tho lettere, reviewed Mulligan'a teatimouy carefuHy, and, having uarratoil the hiatory of the Little Bock road and Blaine's connection with it, concluded as follows : 5ik. hewitt'b summary of tbe scaxdai.. Tü suui up tho whole matter, then, the testimony of Mulligan and tho produc'ion of Blaine's letters, so far as they have been producoi, left Blaiuo in tlie following poeitiou: He had statod ou the 25th of April, and he had subseqaently sworn to the truth of that statement, that tlie rnmor which charged him witb oaving been tlie owner of $150,000 to Í250.000 of Fort Siüith and Little Koek railroad bonds was " gratnitoualy and utterly falsa ;" wherets tlio teatimouy of hia own letters and contracts ehow that he was tho ownorof 5157,500 of these bonds. He had stated that ."in common with others" he had " bought sotno of tbeaabonis - not a vory largo amount - payiDg fcr them at preciaely tho same rato as otbers paid ;" whereas the proof shows that ho never purchasócl any of these bonds but received them, and a very large amount at that, as compeneation for selling bonds to other parties at a different rato from tho prico at which they were sold to those who were upon tho " bed rock'" in the transaction. Ho had etated thnt he had " never heard " and "did not believe" that auy bonds had been sold to any peraon ' ' excopt at tho regular price fixed for thcir aale ;" whereaa tho proof shows that he liiniself had sold these bonds at difforent pricea to different people, and had been paid a comirisaion for so doing. Ho had stated that he had loat a conaiderablo siim of money - over 820,00n - by this investmont ; whereas, the proof shows that he had never mvested a dollar in t'ns bonds, but hnd received what ho got originally aa compousatiou for hia eervicee in Bellijig tho bonds to other peopio. He had stated that all the bonds he had over purchased he oon'inued to bold ; wherjae, the preof shows tliat he has sold at least a portion of the bonds, whicb, it ia tnio, he never purcliaaed, but had received aa a commissiou. Lastly, he had statod that ho had never received" any bonds as a "gratuity," er at other thau tho regular markot price ; wberoas, the proof shows that he never got any bonda from tho company for money, or at any regular market price, but only as payment for service, which were a "gratuity" in the soase in which ho used tho term wlien the statement was made. IÏLAINK'k itLASl'HEMY. And yet this man appeals to tho Searchor of Ilearts for the rectitude of his intentions a:itl tho iutegrity of his conscieuce, and, so far as tlie atatüuient of tho 25th is conc9rned, he took occasion whon before the committeo, while under oath, to make tlie following aB3ertion: "Whilo I am here I destre to repeat, under oatb, in relation to this ÍG4.000 charge, tho statement made by me on the floor of tho House, in all itn parta and pareéis, as tho : ciad oath says." Is it possible that human i surauco can be carriod to a greater height I tlian this? Boaides all these palpallo misstatements, subaequently sanctioned by his oath, made voluntarily before he kuew that tho Mulligan lettern were in existonee, he had oponly seizod nnd appropriated these letters for the direct purpoae of auppressing or destroyiug tho only writteu evidonce in the case whcro howjs: undor investigation on the most serious cbargo ! that can affect t'jo character of a public man - the prostitution of bis ofíicial power and influono to his osvn private gain. Moreover, ho or hia frionds had causcd a telegram to bo pro pared in this country, and had forwarded it t London, uuJor a íictitious name, to Joninh (ialdwell, requestiug him to repeat it back wittioutdelay, relieviüg Blaine from the charge of having Hold his bonds directly to Col. Soott. He muet have boon in hourly dread of the dicovery of this trick, which had boen carefnlly conccalod by sendicg the telegram by one line and getting it back by t'je other. Such wks tho t'readfnl situation in which Blaine fouirl himself at tho closo of the week which proceded tlie afjaembling ot' the Kopublicau Presidenthil Conveiition in Cincinnati. blaine's exposure and msöKACE. The reat Eopublican loviathan was caught, and llcundering in the vory toils which ho himsclf had construeted. Turn whicii ever wny he might there as no escape from the cxposuro and dissraeo which awaiied him. It WR8 known in tho House that tbo statement whicli I nuko hare roluolantly to-night was roady to bo raade on the reuowal of the debato. The groat object of hia ambition - tbc Presidency - was at stake. Exposure maant absoluto and utter defoat. Moreover, if the l'rcsidoutial piize was not to come to Mm, au ho and his friends had hoped, Uien thero was at stake tho lesser prizo of the Senatorahip for Maino, which wai surely within his graap. To loso all v.ii worso tban death, and jet nothing short of a miníele couid Bave him, just as tho great prine of his life werc within his reach. Bat to Uie bold all tliings are poseiblo. TUe miracle waa wronght. Man could not hoïp him, but "the hand of God camo to his relief on that menu rhe Sr.bbath day, at tho aacred house of prayor." All inveatigation ceasos : all eommontary on whit had been inYeottg&ted w:ua Buapcnded. Ho rovivod only millioiautiy to Biake it posrtiblo for his frionds to mssuro the oonyenUon aseemblod at Cincinuati that liis rccovory was cortain, provHed he vra not eubjectod to immediato excitemeut, and ho drove out with Seoretaiy Fish before tbo final voto wa teken. Ho was not nominated 'or Prcsideut, but ho waa pvoiujitly consolod by tho appointmont as Sona'.or for the State of Maiue. UK B8OAPE8 1UNACY TO TAKK THi STOMP. When, howevor, it was propone! to renew tho investigation of tho Fort Smith matter, the iTimil.tco were aaflnred thstany raneml of the oxciting canao of his attack n'ould lead to :i relapso ; and, finally, when Miilligan cnine back to testify in rügard to cortaiu miesing facts - and, pon.-'ibly, miöaing letters - the coinmitteo were aaanred tliat tlct probable effect would bo to end Mr. lilaino t a worso place tlian t!io Sonato, to-wit: to a hinatio a yJum ; and for this statement the phyaiol&ns were t;ivon as authority. Tho committce, therefore, postponcd tiio invesügatjou till thu noxt sesxion of CongrenH. Witbin a wek. howcver, after tho iidjonrniiiciit, another ïuiracle was wrought - second only to tho Uon of [.n.aniH. Mr. lilainö took tho Hlnuip in Maiue, j" toied to health, in botly and mind, and ha aiuce been traveling the length aud broadth of the land, fehofsrsing that one Rpeech. fillcd with vcnom, misrepfe' sentation and slander, wuich on Monday laut he delivored, and whieh I hoard in thifl liall. Thi speech was markcd by the same reckless aesertipn which characterize most of Mr. Klaiuc's ffortH, and ivaa fllled with niisBtatemsntfl, wh?ilicoiild oatiily berefntedin detnil,but tho only rofntation which my limita will permit, and it i tlie best poseible refnlation for .snel a nmi. becanao it kocíí to the root of the matter, w to show, as I have Bhown, tljat ho haa pro veil hiinself t) be linworthy of rcdit by m&king atatomenta bofore tho House of iiepresontatives and the country - statements verified by the solcmnity of Blaine'a snbsequont oath - whicli are contradlctd in every important particular by the evidonce of bU om letters aud nis momorandum-books.


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