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1 dm Iflipelled by the doop interest I feel in the pending öleLt!oa t') nttend this meeting at the sacrifico of my hoalt': tad against the proteste of my physicians. I feêi ti Intense aoxioty for tbe election of the Presidontial, and of the State and Congressional tickets pfo sented by die Democratie party. I am moved by higbor than more party considerations wben I como before yon at tbis time to speak of the condition of our country in this centennial, whon onr minds aro instmctivoly turoed toward ita past progrese, or to its future prospecta. That man must be dead to duty who can Bink all patriotic feelings in a desire for a mere partisan victory. But our pride in the suceess of the past and onr hopea for the glories of the future are chilled by the moral and material condition of our country, and we are forced to turn our thoughts from the past to tbo futuro and to deal with the great problems of to-day. In a country bleBsed beyond all others in ita materia) advantages we see a pervading distress which can only bo charged to errors in governmeut and te a low stanuard of moráis in all that relatas to public nffaii's. It ia said thnt the clonds which have darkenert the bornes of our poople, the fielda of industryand the marts of commorco, begin to lift up and let in gleanu of light, which show a brighter prospect ík tho future. Í pray that this may be tme. But the fact still romain that at this moment there is more want, suffering and anxiety in Amorican homes than has b3en feit at any other period. The coming winter is looked forward to with droad by many who havo nover before feit the feara of cold or of hunger. I know of nothing whieh so moves our sympathies au the sight of a man willing and auxious to labor, with au honoot pride in bis independence anti manhoo-i, who finds tha not only himelf but thoae depending on him are threatened with want. Uut, worse than all, that in tbis his manhood may be broken down by the necessity of an appeal to the assUtance of others. Are there none such in this audienco boforo me ? We know that our land bas millions of citizens wbo Huiler these pangs of anxiety and humiliation. There is no rigut-minded, truo-hearted man who does not feol, in view of what he sets around him, that the duty of the day is to give all our thoughto to the causes of these eviis and the remedies which sl'.all relieve tbem. I teil you, my fellow citizens, that ho who can stand before an audience like this and who shall seek 10 turn away the minds of his hearers from their own couviction and that of their country, is a man wbo has a guilt to hiile. He who will try to divert yonr mind from tbe first great duty of American citizons' Hfe does so becanse discussion will bring to hfe that which will difcrodic his past actions and defcat his hopes in the future. -MOEAI. DISOBDERB AND MATERIAL DI8TBESS. There are two aspecto of our country which demand our attention - ita moral disorders and te material distress. My strength will not allow me now to speak of these. I trast I Bhall be able witbin a few days to show why the industry of our country is depresaod. It is mv purpose to speak to a gathering of my immediate neighbors upon this subject. Beforo a smaller audionce I can diucuss it with a fnllnesa which my hoalth will not pormit on this occasion. I hoped when the Republicana Bent away the sensational speakers who offended the sober judgmeut of their party by appeals j to paeaion and prejudice, and when they in vited Gov. Boutwoll to spcak to their audij enees, tüat they were abont to discuss the ', problems of the day and to turn their attention ■ to the duties of tho hour. He has been tho Governor of a State ; he bas been a clúef liuancial ofticer of the Government ; he is a leading man in tho Seuate of the United States: j no man in our land ha had better moans of I knowing the causes of tho cvils wbich afflict our country, the romedies which can relievo its Mufferinga, or tho policy his party has to purue ; in the future. My personal acquaintanco with him ia but slight. But we have all held favorable opiuions of his integrity. Wben such a man carne to our Stato to upeak to our poople, at a time like this, we had a right to expect calm, thoughtful, patriotic, busmesaliko addresses. I appeal to men of all partit s if they were of that caaracter ; if tbey touched tho duties of tho day ; if they threw light upon the problcms which disturb men's minde ; if they told ua what his parly would do in the future, 6xcept that his praisos of its past iutimated that Republicana would do heroaf ter as I they had doneJieretofore. I will say no ugi kind thing of this Iiepnblican leader. I will i only look upon his speeches as proof of the I stress which must have been brougnt upon such a man before he made the addreaees printed in the Ilopublican journals. They did I more injustice to hiniself. to his party and to his State, chau to tho Democratie party. On our part we have sougüt to meet the issues of the day in fair spirit. I ouly icpoat what I bavn said herotofore in tbis place, on likO occu' sious, when I say I will do no injustice to tbo ! party which now govorns tho country. I &d! mit that the same spirit of extravaganco which I marks it oxpenditures has toen hown by overy State and municipal Government, without regard to tho party which controlled thoin, I since the close of the war. The American peoplo have lost mnch of their former habits of industry, economy and public virtue. WHERE THE TÜOYBIJS IS. Our troubles spring in a great degroe from public rather than from political demoralization. It ia a sad truth that we must confess that all branches of Government represent tho ! spirit of Bpeculation and the efforts to gain woalth by other means thau by iuduatry and tconomj'. We cannot correct those evils, we cannot get Dack our peoplo upon a higher piano of moráis and habits by partUan abuse. Eeform munt begin with each man in bis habits and thoso of his f amily. Political partios must buow their merite by forrotiug out wrongs in their own raiks, and they must prove their claims to public support, not by concealiug, but by CTposing the guilt of their partieaue. liio highest tributo paid to the labora of Gov. Tildou and to thoso who aro upholdiug him is tho fact that Re.publicau journals and speakers c'.aim that tneir exposnres reflect most strongly upou tho party to which they aro altached. flie darkest ahidow which rosts upon their party is made by the fact that they assail these efforts at reform, and are more anxious to rondeiim tho conduct or mistakoR of the men who aro laying bare bidden crimes than they are to puniah crimináis. An occasional compliment to tho Goveruor, or a vehemëut claim that they mean to uphold him in his Work, do not affoct the constaut stream of censure or the labor to break down his snpperters. SEW ÏOUK AND THK CIVIJ, WAR. Was it wise in tho Senator from Masachusotts, when he carne into this Democratie State, to charge that we were epponed to putting down the robellion ? Was it politie in him i to remiud tho public that tho Uopnblican aection of tho Union, from wbich he comes, did the least of all the Northern States to furnish mérito fightthe battles for the Union, whde New York sent a largor ratio than any other Atlantic Stato? Hnro ia acuttiug lebukoto the statements of tho Senator. New York furm'shedmore than other Statea in proportion ty its population. This is shown by the followinp: statement: 'JLi o average ratio of enroliment to the malo population in the Weatern Htates is 19 per cent. ; in New Jersey, 20 per cent. ; in Peunsylyania, 18% per cent. ; in t e New Euglaud States it is 17 per cent. ; in the State of New York it is 22 per cent. Masaaehusettp, with t-n Congressmen aud a population of 1,231.006, lies to fumisli undor the receut cali for 300,000 men 15. 126. Thefimtnine Congressioea] ciintricta of the State of New York, with a population of 1,218,949, are eslled npon for25,lCG. The quota of Vermont and New Hampsliiro, with a united population of 0-11,171 andaix Kepresoutatives in CongrcHS and four Senators, ia 7,099. The quota of two Congr6ssional districts in Now York, the Fourtli and Sixth, with a popnlation of 283,229, ia 7,628. Xuw it iy not only trno that New York furnished a largor portion of men than tueBepnbÜcau Statos, but within the limit of Now York tho Democratie Congreesioual dislriuts furnishod a largo excess beyoud thoso fnriii-hcd by the llopublican. If it wcro proper upon thia occaeiou to diöcuee these quoBtionis it would bo an oaöy matter to mako the Senator bluah for hia attack. Hut wo will not allow ouraelvea to bo irawn away from the questioua of tho day. In duo timo the history of the paat will bo truthfully written. Hut these uni:it attacka wpro not Iho worpt of the Se - ittOl'ö öpcCClH ?. A lUErUDUOAN Ol'lATK. Tho public couöcienco begüistobodifttnibod, and the Senator openn lus s))cccli in thtö coun;r' by giving an opiato to qimt iU action. He quotts history to nhr:w that mannor and moráis havo at other tim-'a I een wowc than tlioynoware. Of all tbo .inbtlo aid burtfnl dovice to satisfy men nr aociotiiB with their ■ mmoraliticB and doiDB,nOQ6 have beon eo i-i (-M vou'i as thoeewhich lo&l ono to ma that Itben havo bern wore thnn thoy are. It iu iüniinciively 8aid by every conviotetl crini'HH!, "Woe to the Stato that has fot i standard of mováis and patriotism the wrODB-doingu of the past. Woe to a peopU wIiobo lcadew are ready to soften pnblie indu. nation against corrnption and fraud by show Ing that 8uch thlnga hava been even wore iñ the past, and thereby tear.h DJ to be ciinteilt with a comparativo moralitv." It was a cnltiní satire of tlio Senator iipon admin. trations tliat he Huis introdnccd bis lamlstionñ of ita virtaee, wisdom and ecouomy. In an n tilia homeant to say to the people that thev would do in the future a thty had dono , past. Thoe liberal Republicans who left tïiêir party because thoy were diasatisüoil with t8 condnot are told Tery plainly what thoy are to expeot if they retnm to it. He deelar'ea that the admlniatration of President Grant will compare well with all preceding administra. tiona. He makts uo excoptiouK even in faTOr of thene of Waeü'"?1013' Joflorson er Liucoln Vhile w flnd yery httle moral comfort in thj,' apeech, wa ato giill moro dtoappointed by tg views of busioöws sffairs. Yon men of teil "who anfffr tortures frowyour f eare of the coming winter, you men of bnainess who aro made gray and wriükled by ADXieties. are blandlj told- I give the íords of the Senator-" The times are not so bad it they might be worse." Witli reaBoD.'ngs of thC cliaracter, he nrgos the peoplo to git-e again bvery branch of the general OoYornnleiit íníothe baños of tholts. publican party. WHAT TUK DKMOCEATK Í8R FOK On oxti part we ask for the eicel ion of a Democratie President and Hoiwe of Kp"eeent. tives. Tbis wilJ =)ve each party a voice ij tlie conduct of affairs. It will make no changee in our laws. for nono can be pasged oí repealed without the assent of a Repnblian 8enat?. It will lead to what the public intere in moral flffmandg - a sharp discusoioo of iü the de'tails of pflM'e affairs. It will1 lssd to in. vestigationa which 11 not only pnnish, Int, what is hetter, prevent ÍTltañe. No partj ever did or ever will closely sift tüo sapeuditurea of its paitisans. We have all of ua tried to economizo in our f amily and business gffaiig. f9 know how hard it U to save our own moscy for the benefit of our families. How, thm, can yon expect that men will go throngh all theoe trials to save money for the public acj make themselveg pooror by doiug so ? We must so arrange the macbinery of govcrnmeiit, nnder the workings of the two p:rtiee, thatita action will tend to retrenchment and refom. That was the very deeign o f the f ounders of om Government when they made its different branches, ropresenting different constitnenda and elected upon diiTercnt principies. Tbw sought to give the minority Ja controi;in catain branches. One-]uarter of tho people elect a majority oí the United States Senate. II you elect a Democravic President and Hou and leave a Hepnblican Senate you mate fo vory state of thlngs that our fatheraaimedu in our constitution. When cue party contiob for any length of time all branches of the Goi. ernment it becomes demorliííet2. It was thi unchecked power that led the item.'wrat cpam into its errors. It was this tlnobeclo! xm that corruptcd the íteptiblican orgnlvtioiL Those who diligently study the conírtitat.1!! o! our Government will seo thaí they eoaght t multiply checks upon tbo deepotisms of majortties. lts great distinguishing featnrr, is tb fact that it tries to protect the rights of minor' ties. Nay, mare than this, it has byite dedmtioas and itó orgamzïtions so guaided 11 righte of each citizen that the humblest mu of our land can defy tho whole body ol om people if thoy seek to trample upon hia righa of person, property, qr conscienco. Elsd then. Tilden and Hendricks to the higb.ecotive offices, choose men like Mr. Lora for Cocgrees, and make the House of liepresoatal: Democratie ; leave the Senate, with í'b ral power of control and apcointmente. in the hands of the Republicana. "You bave then tlê checks upon arbitrary power desigued by ki fathers. You lace both political organizítiou I under conditions where they have the higkat I motives to commend thomeelves to the ( eau peoplo by exhibitione of virtuo, 7isdm ! and patriotism.


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Michigan Argus