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A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR EARNED ! o NEW GOODS ! And pricea LOWEH THAN KVKH, I have purchased in New York, for oash, and I ftm now dnily receivini; one of the lurptíBt ftnd most uelect stocks of GrooerieB in Washteimw County, coneisting of a fuU and wel) tielected LINE OF TEAS, AU of the new erop - including Guupowders, lmperialst Youn II - sous, II) sou, .Inpiiim. Oolonif, lorniusitK, Cungous, S(.im lionus. and Twanka), Together with a full line ofCOFFEKS, consiëtin" of ihe i'ollowing brand: MUCHA, OLÍ) GOV'TJAVA.MAKACAIBO.LAOUAYKK.SANTOS and RIO, both roasted and ground ; a full and well aelected slock of SUCARS, SYftUPS AND MOLASSES, Together with everythinp in the line cf Pure Spiccs.Oanned fruitu and Vegetables. We have a t'uli and complete line of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Ilosiery. Also, achoice ftisortment of Ifidie' and Uei'tlfinen'ö Underwewi1. t'üll and examine i mu; and PriccB and we will iiicuiv iatifíiction. UDWARD DUFFY. II Mayniird'e Block, cor. Main and Ann atreeta Ann Arbor, Mich. rHiirhest .cah price pid lor all larra productj.SO Sèwing Machines TUE SHTCER, 1TEV7 DOMESTXG, A.a.d thtO HOWE, And soveral Kood Second-Haud Machines it the SEWLNQ MACHINE OFFICE, Ann Arbor. Also Needies for all Machines The Tery best Miat aro made, and attachmente and partí rornearlyall iliachines. S1MGER MACHINES Rapaired better tbero than anywhere in America. Tí' yjopr inachinedoo't vork wel!, trade it. tor thatdoes, or havo it rcpairotl. All machines Bold on easy pajnienta at the office. Sccond door vi-t of Vont Office Ann Arbor, .nirli. l I. 1,. (íRINKI;LL, Aent. rvWETililNU HOVMB8 FOR SALE. Alargeitud vory wou built brick house, with two orrnorc lot-K. TwolafgO Tclmk-.! housés. Alao ii good si.ed brick houne and frnmo house ; and a mail fïame houpe on a gpod lot, intended f oz ad" 'ïiiÉr a front. For Kale on fair term and v reusonable credit. Alsoothpr buiMinffB, lots, and proper ty. !HO1BV W A!"i'lil- -So imuiy wihing tobomno money apph to me that ï c:m readily obtainfor l'ruttrs good (utisfnotory invfstmentH ton per cent. ïntercBt. E. W. MORfïAN. Ann Arhor, Jan. S , fi. ir.4 SEN b 25e. toG.P, ROWEL.L .V CO., New York, for pamphlet of too pat;ca, contttining lit of :'íh) newspapers, and estimates ahou juk cosl of advertising. STAR lü I h J X Q. H" O o C% m tu ■' r Z : (O D m HOUSE, Thorough-Bred Pigs AT A BARGAIN ! Intending to makeThe raising of thorough-bred pigB atspecinlty, we undertook to keop sever! lirctdt, but, whtín fnirly under way, we tind that each breed in ita viiried cunditions, ages, &c, requires ho many pasture lote and feed apartments, tlm1 we ftutt it impracticable. Theiefore timiiin; the Potend Chinaos me but little known in Michigan, wo proposu to drop them from our list, by selling : Pigs, of good shipping size, for $9 each or #15 a pair. FitfB, of extra size, 100 lbs. and over, $20 ench. A few aplendid 8 to 12 raonthti Sows in condition to be bred in November, at 140 each. Sowa, to ttirrow soon, troiu $'ií to JCO. Our stock i just the thing: for nny one wishing to malee a apcciuHy of breedioií l'ulnnd Chinast whicli in Ohio, [n liana, Illinois, antl Iowa are regotded witïi mort1 favor than any other breed, baving tibor - lega and immense bodies for theit heighl. HALL BROTHKHS. Ann Arbor, Sept. 12, 1878. 1600M ETN A. IIERA1B. COMPANY. Capital, - - $3,000,000. AssetsJan 1, 1876, $6,792,69.93. Losses Paid in 55 Years, $ 44, 760, 391. 71. Surplus over all Liabilities, including Re-Insurance Reserve, $4,735,092.36. Nfit Surplus over Liabilitien, including Re-Insuranco and Capital Stock, $ 1, 735, 092. 36. C. MAOK, Agent, Aun Arhor. JOHN 1 IH'Ur,i:iiII, Attornt'y añil Counselor at Ijaw, 5 Norlh Main 3treet, Anu Arbor. (JiírtAdny at borne. Agents wanted. Outflt JJ)1 and terina i rw.TRUÉ &CO., Augusta, Me RAILROADS. MICIHUAN CJSYI'KAL UAlLliOVI). MAY 2K, lhTfe tlOltiQ WKHT. W & O h BTATIOSH. ' Ó'Sftr- A.M. A.M I.M. P.M.I P.jj. pv Detroit, leave, 7 00 1" o.r 2 !0 4 00 o 1 M (i.T. Juuction, 7 15 1 20 3 1)6 1 4 lsl 6 15 10 i? Wayne Junction 7 57 1(14 : ;;2 4 ín 6 47 ÏJ3 i'psilanti, s ::l 11 10 3 51 1 5 IS 7 Li 11 5 AnnArbor, 8 56 11 26 4 IS 6 45 J 45 I !2 Dexter, t 9 20, 4 85] (E 8 i„ __; Chelsoa, 9 43 4 47 fi 23 8 28 Urans Lake, 10 07 5 16 i 6 4!) 8 65 I P. M ! , M Jackson, Ar., Í10 4OÜ2 32 5 45 7 15 9 2S 12 jó Jackson, Lv., 10 45! 12 37 9 80 ís 2 Albion, 11 86 1 14 J 10 26 1 ?? i m. - g " Marshall, 12 25 154 lág 10 68 1 ■■ BattleCreek, 100.2 17 .! 11 37 2 10 Galesburg, I 1 31 a. h. IS 10 Kulamazuo, ' 1 52 3 03 4 00 12 3'i .. Lawton, ' ï 35 4 41 1 03 " Decatur, 2 52 5 00 1 25 llowugiac, 3 16 5 W 1 55 Niles, 45 4 23: t 10 2 30 tVl itiK'iinii.'in. : 3 69 6 26' 2 45 Thïee ( liiks 4 28 4 66 7 04 3 23 TT! New ISuffiilo, 4 43 6 08 7 21 3 40 Michigan City, 5 10 t ",! 7 50 4 06 Tü Lake, 5 4S 6 14 8 30 4 52 Kcti.wiDgton, 6 45 7 15 9 35i 5 42 7 'l Chicago, arrive, I 7 30 1 8 001 10 20 6 30 8(1? OOIHG KAKT. . Á ' f , f _?_ _L_:i_ Í Si' A.M. A. M. P. M. P.1I. p. n. Chicago, leave, 6 00 9 00 4 00 5 14: 9 00 Kensington, 1 6 45 9 4 4 45 6 57' 9 43 Lake, 6 40KI20 6 30 6 43 10 26 Michigan City, 1 32'll 00, 6 30 7 40 11 15 NewBuffalo, 7 M 11 20: 6 56 11 35 Three Oaks, 8 09 11 32; 7 09 8 11 11 47 . L. M. Buchanan, 8 42 [ 7 50 12 20 Niles, 9 01' 12 09 8 20 8 55 12 35 Dowagiac, 9 27, 8 491 1111 Decatur, 9 52 15 ; 1 26 Lawton, 10 10 9 35 Kulamazoo, 10 45 1 36 10 10 10 26 2 15 Oalesburg, 11 12 2 38 BattleCreck, 11 52 2 17: . 11 09 3 16 ! r. m. I ■ m Mamhall, 12 45 2 .V. J U B6 3 4; Albion, 1 14 S lj? 11 55 4 07 1 A.M. , , Jackson, Ar., 2 18 3 b a. m. IS 40 4 42 9 jj Jackson, Lv., 2 12 4 00 7 u0 VI 40 4 55 ' I r.-s Lake, 2 45 7 80 6 23 951 Chelsea, 3 10 ! 7 56' 1 5 50 10 1! Dexter, 3 28 8 13 1 6 08 10 Ann Arbor, I 3 62 1 5 15 8 36 2 00! 6 28 10 Ypsilanti. 4 15 5 28 8 55' 2 20 6 48 11 3 Wayne .Trine, 4 451 5 46! 9 23 2 40 7 (18 11 Ij (i.T. June, ; 5 30 ö 10i 10 0" 3 15 ; 45 Detroit, Ar., I 6 46 : 6 26 10 15 3 30 S 00 12 d Sundays excepted. :8aturday and Sunday ei cepted. tDaily. H.B. LEDYAUD, Gen'18upt.,Dotruit. H. C. Wkntwoiïth, (ren. Vnns. Agt., Chicago. Corner Main and Iïuron Stretu DETROIT, HILLSDALË & INDI ANA BAiLKOAÜ. OOING WEST. - 1876 - GOIIÏO EABT. STATIONS. Mttil. Exp. 8TATIONB. Kxp.Mai] A. M. P. M. Detroit, dep... 7:00 6:00 a. m, p.i. YpHÜanti.... 8:35 7:16 i Bankers. 6:00 t Saline. .. 9:20.7:46 Hillsdale .. 6:80 l:(j Uridgewater.. 9:45 7:67 Maucheter . . 9:15 4:U Manchester. 10: 8 8:00 Bridgewater 9:45 Ui P.M. Saline 10:10 W Uillsdale 1:15 10:00 Vpsilanti.... U0:65 S:M Bankera 1:30 10:10 Detroit 12:30 6:!i Traius run by Chicago time. To tiike eliect , April 1B, 1876. W. F. PAHKEK, Sup't, Ypsilanti. Ceïtennial Miiiti' P)IILADELrAIA( PA. THISC.reat International Exhibition, dtsipri to coiumeniorate the One Huiulmlth Aiimw sary of American Indepundence, opened May ldth and will close November lUth, 187ö. All thé N liona of ttaepWorld aud all the and ïerritoriea of the Union will particípate, bringing togeiber tlie most noinprehcnsivfï collèctlon of art tre ures, mechanical inveutions, scientitic discoi niauufacturing achievemonts, iniuvral specimtK. and aRricultural products ever exbibited. Tbf liroundsdevoted to the Exhibitiou are sUuatd os, tilt line of the PéBH8yWánhl Kailroad, and dBbraco four hundrtd and fifty acres of Fain Park. all highly iinproved and ornanieutcd, a which are erectéd tho largést buildings ever omstructcd,- fivc of these covering an area of flftr acres, and costing $.'1,000,000. The total numberci buildings erected for the purposes of the Exhilstion is over one hundrtd. The Pennsyivania Railroad, THE GREAT TRUNK UNE. A N 1 1 PAST MAIL ROUTE OF TEEÜ.S, will be the most direct, convenieut and ecooomkil way of rcaching Pliiladclphiu, and this great Exhibition from all sections of the country, tiains to and from Philadi tphia will pass tl a GRAND CENTÊNNIAL DEPOT, whi Company have erected at the Main Eulmuce totkt Kxliiuitiou ürounds, for the accommodation oí I paaseugers who wish to stop at or start from tle t II umerous large hotels contiguous to this station 'f and the Exhibition. - a convenience of the griattst f value to visitors, and attörded exclusivt-Iy by tbt I Pounsylfania Kailroad. which is TUK 0NI.Ï LINE RUNNING DIKECTTü TUK CKNTKNMAL BUILDINGS. Excursión irains willalaostof I at the Encampment of the Patrous of llustiandry, E at J'.lm Station, on this road. -The Pcnnsylvania Railroad is the grandöt I railway organizatiou in the world. It control I seven thoiisand miles of roadway. funniiiií toLtñuous lines to PhUadelphia, New York, lialiinioi I and Washington, over which luxurious day aod uiht cars are run from Chicago, st. Louis, Louisville, Cinciunati, indianaiKilis, Cohnnlme, Toledo Cleveland, and Érïe, without ehauge.ffr lts main line is laid with doublé and third track of heavy steel rails, upon a deep bed of brokei Bton6 ballast, and its bridge are all of iruu 01 stone. lts passenger trainsare ecjuippol with eTcry known improvement forcomfurt and saiety, ai.J are run at faster speed for greater di.staoces thafl the trains of auy line on the continent. The Oom pany has largely increased itó equipment foi Centennial travel, and it will be preparod to buiíd, I its own shops, locomotivos and passenger can l short notice, sullieitnt to accommodate any extn (Iemand. The unequaled resources at the cotiimaM of the Company guarantee the most perfect acet modations for all its patrous during the Centeam al Kxhibition. THE MAGNIFICENT SCENERY for which lb Pennsyivania Railroad tssojustiy celebrated, pre sciits to the traveler over its perfect Iïoadway n erer-changing panorama of nvr, inouutain, n"i landscape views unequaled in America. THE EATING-STATIONS on this line are usurpassed. Meals will be furnished at suitaw hours and ampie time allowed for enjoying them. EXCURSIÓN TICKKTö, at reduced n besold at all principal Railroad Ticket Offices u the West, Northwest and Siuthwest. 4 su re that your tickets read via the Grrt Penusylvauia Route to the Cenn-niiui]. FRANK THCTMSON, D.M. BOY1, JR-. General Manager. Gcríl Pass'r A$ Northern Central R. R. Co MOST DIRECT ROUTE TO THE "CENTENNIAL." Throngh In 27 liours from Detroit, :w per abrfule oí' passender tnlDa t)'lov : [Via Canada Southern Railway.] Leave Toledo, G 10 pm W ''■■- " Monroe, 682 pm 1145 " Detroit, SSSpm . 1220P [Via(;rit WesterD R'y] PM A M t M Leave Detroit, 25 4 20 VI 10 [.Via arand Trant K'y] I' M A H A M Lcavc Detroit, " r. 2 50 " M [Via New York Central it. K.] AM AM PM PM I,e. NiaRara Fulls, 4 00 7 ; 1 V, 8 10 Mr'iision liridge, 4 20 7 :t5 2 00 8tW lkillalo, 4.% 7 V, 1 50 Kochuster, 730 83SpmSÏ0 12 20am [Via Northern Ceutriil K'y. J AM PM PK AM A Iye. Canandüigua, 9 43 4 40 6 58 1 4 ]', in, Van, 11 02 5 5Ö 7 48 2 42 „ Watkin, 12 17 7 on s n 3M w Ar. Havana, 12 27 7 09 8 lïlaüra, 180 8 10 9 30 4 30 " Troy, 3 38 10 89 5:11 J MInnequa, 4 09 1100 602 WilHamsport, 6 10 Í23S 7 v Northumberland, 12 40 925 Sunburv, 12 30 2 00 9 llar, , burg, 2 45 U !S Baltimore, 7:;'. ■ U'iishin 902 907 l"' Phlladelphla, 7 00 7 35 3 30 'J New York, 1010 1,0 25 6 45 l"" Passengere by this rouli? have Privillf?... stopping oft at any point, an.l ..f vUitiiiü Ua-l!lton City without t'xtra charge.. , i Nodust. Koad thorouiilily stone ballastüdj" its passenger tratas are equipped ih every -g imprivenient for thü conveniciif' -ind tfetyol p sengers. . (ar-famed WatkinaGlen being locateo on J dlrecj line of Northero Central Kailway pa can take H In on thelr roste to th CeoieW ■ takinw the Northern Ceutral Iiailtt-ay. rl! Be aare yoar tickets read via New Vork (-eDl and Nunlu'in] Central Rpads, pjj. Information givon on ápplicatlon to Western senger Agent. I). M. noYD, .Ir., Gen. Pass. h Sam'i. L. Setmoob, western Passenge',? Buflalo, N. Y. _JiïW Dr. S, S. FIToá OF 714 Broadwiiy, (f. V-. a Author of Six Leotures on the PrtTe"tÍ""(,J, Cure of Consumption, Asthuia, Ileurt l'ISw:.v may be conaulteti Bt l'inucy's Hotel. Detroit, ."] personully or by letter. He treat all "',8e " ,,n nuiles and femaleií of uil ags. Ka'uily "J sout free. OonsultetionB (ree. Dr. Kitcli J. alluw iteneroxity in charles. Eíb fume ls '"',, in bad oases. May, 1870. lS84coi) FIXK JOH PRINTING i0'"3 '"" AKGUS üFFICB!


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Michigan Argus