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- The vote of the city w;is very ïargQ on Tuesday. - There wns a süht flurry of snow during ffediiesday night -The Common Gouncil failed to get a quornm last evening. .-Election day was a storiny and disagreejhle one : not a good day tor street gatherings - Bvei'yboily speaks words of praise for the j.jr.stone walk around the Court House square. _Cooperand Cary, greenback candidates for President and Vice-President, had 7 votes ju this city. -The Circuit Court opened its adjourned term yesterday, with a jury in atteudance and jfull calendar. -Duane Doty, Asaistant Superintendent of the Chicago public schools was in town a day or two I ist week. -Judge Joslin and C. R. Whitman, made tffo good speeches at the Court House on Satnrdayevenini last. -The Senior Concert last evening was not jsuccoss in pomt of uuinbeia. Too much dection excitemeut, - Bev. Dr. Cocker will deliver the afterpoon discourse in Uuiversity Hall on Sunijjy next, at 3 o'clock. - Theodnre Taylor, Prohibition candidate or Eepresentative, had 3 votes in the First ffardi and 1 in the Secoud. -The vote in this city, county, and State, polled on the constitucional amendroents on luesday was very meager. -The Bev. Dr. Brown will lecture Sunday eveniug in the Presljyterian Church, on Frophecy in Proof of Revelation." _ William Spriggs was ticketed to the House of Correctiou on Weduesday, for vaffnincy. Six months he will have a home. -The aaloonists suoceeded in saving Sawyer, but it remains to be seen whether Sawyer tan 8ucceed in saving them that little dred dollars. - Neighbor Beal showed oheek and pluok in abundance at the Opera House on Monday eveniug last ; but cheek, pluck and money gave his man the victory. -We hear that a certa in citizen of this city telegraphed to Lansing on Wodnesday for ft suite oí rooms for the winter. Can the public guesa who he is or what he wants '{ -Prof. M. U. Tyler gives the opening lectureiuthe course of the Students' Lecture Association this evening. Subject : " The Humorous Element of the Revolution." -An iron pipe has been luid uuder the sidewalk embankniüiit at tlie northwest corner oi' the square, ana it is hoped that the usual akatingpark at that corner will be prevented. - This evening the Lucille Western troupe play East Lyune at the Opera House, for the benefit of Company A. To-morrow evening they bring out Green The compauy is reputed ñrst class. - An o d man uamed Küey, living in the Third ward, attemptiug to cross the track last evening ahead of a rnoving freight train, wasstruck and so eeverely injured that he died before morning. - Kev. C. EL. Brighnm will give the sixth iecture of the course on the Middle Ages on thenext Sunday evening, at the Unitanau Church. Subject: "The Schoolmen." Students' class at 9:30 A. M. -In the history of this county there was eTer a tenth part of the money spent to secure the olection of a candidato as was poured out to put Mr. Sawyer through in this liepre8entative district. And money and false issues won. -The first of a series of parlor readings for the benent ot the Ladies' Library Association vü be given by Prof. Adams at the residence i President Angelí, ou Tucsday evening next, Mnnencing at eight o'clock. Subject : " The lase ot Lords."' Admissiou ten cents. All iffimvited to be present. - James C Mnroe, oí Loii, comes to us tomplaining that he was shoved through a wiiidow in Ames' news room on Wednesday evening just for hurrahing for Tilden: that aud nothing more, which cost him $3.68. He don't care a picayune ior the mouey, but would like to know the name of that Hayes fellow who would stop tree speech in that suniniary way. - The Dexter Band came down on Wednesday evening and serenaded Mr. Sawyer at his office, who made a speech in response trom his window. Thence the Band went to the Courier office and Waterman, " ye local," responded, and alter that there w;is feasting at the Gregory House. A canuon salute was also fired in froot of the Courier office : all ot which the innocent Republicans thought meant rejoicing over the eiection of Hayes and they hurrabed accordingly, while the inghtened Democrats trembled in their boots. - Early on Tuesday eveniug last a fire broke out in the attic of L. C. Risdon's fine residence on Huron street. The alarm was immedintely souuded and firemen and citizens were promptly on the spot. The fire was soou atingttished, but not until a large family wardrobe was burned and everything badly iamaged by water. The origin of the fire cannot be accounted for, as it broke out f uil ten feet from the chimney flue, and the attic had not been entered by any member of the tamily dunng the evening,- so far as Mr. Eisdon can learn. Mr. Bisdon desires us to eitendlns thanlfl to the firemen and citizens for their efficiënt aid.


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