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A Republican Said To Us Three Or

A Republican Said To Us Three Or image
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tour days ago, " If we can't eleot Hayes by moro than one majority, with all the advautage we have, guess we had better let Tilden have it." "The advantage," yea : the Executive, the Treasury, the Post Office Department, the Interior Department, the Navy Departmeut, and the army, - with the army of officeholders. In addition the " Returning Boards " and political agents fed by the Governuient all through the South. With such " advantage " victory by the skin of the teeth ia nothing but disgraceful and overwhelming dofeat. We have corupiled a table of the vote polled on the several constitutional amendments in this county, which shows the following footings : For the Prohibitory Oíanse ainemlmont 2,103 Agaiust the same, 1,3-45 Majority for amendment, 7Ö8 ï'or Judges' Salary amendment, 2,460 Agaiust the sanie, '2,198 Majority for amendment, 262 For u Ameudnients" amendment, 1,491 Against the same, 862 Majority for amendment, b'29 It will be noticed that the vote polled is a very meager one, the electora taking little interest in either, if we may except the one increasing the aul.n ii.-s oí circuit judges. In the general outlook, the prospect seems to be that the uext House of Representativos will be very close to a tie. The reportod ams aro about twenty-five, which, added to those made in theOctober elections, would givethe Republicaus the control by three or tour votes. It is safe to say that no southern claims will be put through Congress for two years to come, at least. - Allegan Journal. If the Journal ia correct in giving the political status of the House there is the very best of reason for predicting the allowance of any number of " Southern claims." It is notorious that the Forty-third Congresa allowed more claims in number and more in amount, twice and thrice over, than has the present Congresa. And if there shall be a Republican majority in the next House, the Mosbya and Longatreots and other whitewashed rebels wi 1 ooine to the front with full permission to run their arms up to their elbows into the treasury. All they will needs show is that they vote the Republican ticket. It is possible, barely poasible, that President Grant may have had nothing but a fair canvass and the publio good in view when he ordered troops to Florida - an order made without any authority of law. It is also barely possible that he may have ineant nothing but an honest oversight of the Louisiana Returning Board when he detailed leading Republicau politieians, and those not all the most reputable, to proceed to New Orleans to give moral uountenance to Kellogg, Paokurd, brother-in-law Casey & Co. But if his action was taken as President and in the interest of justice and right, rather than as the scheuiiug head of the Republican party, it 13 uniortunate tnat ne aia nox appoint or select a few leading Demócrata, so that both partios could have been semi-officially representeci. It in no answer in his behalf that leading Democrats havo proceeded to New ür leaus at the request of Chairman Hewitt. The list selected by the President should have been non-political. It was an intelligent Hillsdale County tv Republican who asserted that Mr. Tilden was a general in the rebel army ; it was another intelligent Hiilsdale County Republican voter who asserted, as though he knew, that it' Tilden was elected the rebel debt and the rebel claims would be paid, and the tuanumitted slaves paid for; it was still another intelligent Hillsdale County Republioan voter who predicted another war in the event of Tilden's election ; and then it was tho wife of juHt sueh an intelligent Hillsdale County Republican voter, and the mother of we don't know how many such intelligent Hillsdale County Republican voters, who responded to the suggestion that there was no danger of war, i.nd that all the other enumerated terrible calamities had been prohibited by Coustitutional amendments, that " Mr. Tilden would get hold of that Constitution and tear it in pieces, and then we should have slavery and war and everything else." With a body of intelligent voters such as these is it any wonder that Hillsdale County gave a umjority ot '2,779 for Hayes and Wheeler and of 2,744 for Edwin Willits:1 Hillsdulo County would be an excellent field for Regent Rynd and Bro. Cutcheon to do missionary work in. The Chicago Times of Wodnesday republishod iu full, from tho Southern. aw lievieto for April, 1873, Judge Cooley's artiole on " The Legal Aepects of the Louisiana Case." The artiole is a powerful, logical, and caustic as well as linl review of the outrages and usurpations pronioted from, if not planned at Washington, by which the Kellogg government was foisted upon the people of Jjouisiana in 1872, followed in 1874 by the invasión of one branuh of the Legislature - the House - by a squad of United States soldiers and tho forcible renioval of five ruembers, the eligibility of whom to the office they had assumed, no other body or power than the House had the shalow of right to act upon and decide. Well does Judgo Cooloy say: "When, there" fore, Gen. De Tobriand's soldiers, with " ruuskets and bayonets, forced those " membera from the House, they were " guilty of as high-handed an outrage " upon free institutious, aud as glariug " an invasión of representativo privi" logos, as was Charles I., when with " like force hu attempted tho arrest of " the tivo members of Parliament whose " course displcased him." And again, " It is plain, therefore, that the Consti" tution of the Uuited States furnishes " no justification whatevur to the pro41 ceediugs of the military foroe, which 11 broke up a Legislature and led live of " itH members from the hall, as a king ' of England, two centuries and a half " ago, hazarded his head in doing ; baz" ardtd and justly lost." The same Returning Board," composod of the same or equally disreputablo men (one liaving served a term in prison, and another having been convicted by a Oongressional committee - Kepublicans - of perjury in swearing to witnessing frauds in one parish in 1874, when he was not in the parish), babked by files of soldiers acting under like illegal orders from Wusliington, are now manipulating the vote of Louisiana and announce a deterniination to " oount Huyes in." And it looks very mueu as though the thing will be done, no matter how the pcople voted. It remains to re seen what remedy, lagal and constitutumul, the people of othbr States and the nation at large have to proteot tlii'm against such gigautio fraudo uud Uburpation.


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