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A DOLLAR SAVEÜ IS A DOLLAR KARNED ! NEW GOODS! And pricee LOWER THAN KVER. I hftVe purchased in New York, for o.nah, ftud I urn uow dtiily receivinc one of the largest ad most select stocks of GrocöriuB in Washteuuw County, coiiBiating of a full and well selected LINE OF TEAS, All of the new erop- ineluding Clllipuivilrrs, Illipel i:i!, VoilUg II - sous, 11 j sous. .1 upauN, li.ihiiirs. Forlllus;ts, Cuiikuiis, Sou. ll.illys. Ulld Twaukay, Together with a full line of COFFEES, consistïng of the following branda: MOCHA., OID GOV'TJAVA.MAKAOAIBO, LAGUAY1ÍE.SA - TO8 and KIO, both rousted aud ground ; a full and well jelected aiock ut SUCARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Together with everythinjf in the line cf Pure SpiceH.Onniied fruiia, and Vegetables. We have a full and complete line of BOOTS & SHOES, IIATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hosiery. .Also.achoiee asBOrtment of Imdies' and Genlleimm's Umíeiweor Cali and xitmiue (iüods juni A'iictia and we wilt intturu sutiufaotiun. EDWARD ÜÜFFY. t M.iiynard'8 Block,' cor.lltiin anti Ann streeta Aun Arbor. Micli. Bailitrhest Cttah price paid lor all farm produce. JÍ Sewing Machines THE SHTGER, 1TE"W DOMESTIO, And tlxO HQ WE, AikI seveTal ood Sflcond-Hftiul Uachtnofl ut thé S:W1'C MACHINE OFFICE, Aun Arbor. Also Needies for all Machines fhe viry baa tbat uremade, and attacl nis aml )artü :!■ neutly uil itttlcUlntidi S1NGER MACHINES tspaliod better thorc ttian anywhere elso in América. If yourmachluedoD't vork we!l, tnule t for one fchftt doW or have it. repalred. All maihinee soid on easy paymeata at the offloa. SituiiiI door i;isi of l'osi Oi lic. Aun Arbor, ïlicli. (1Ö58J 1. 1,. GaiXVKBLEi, Accut. nAVKLMMi tiotNi;s FOB sai.k. A largeaud very well built brtck house, with wo or more lots. Two largo framed houea. Also i .'mui brick house uud frume ; and i tjinnU f rjime houa.' on a ood lot. ÈDMBdodfOZ ad.mtf utrunt. For sale on fair ter ma anda reauonale credit. Alaootber buildings, lots, and property. tiom:v WANXEÖ.- 6o man; wibMng ' ubonow money applj tome tbat 1 eun rftadUy obttünfor tenders good satisfnrtory investïnents ;eu per cent. interest, E. W. MOUiiAN. Ann Arbor, Jau. 3 , 13 6. 1664 OEND 25c. toG.P, ROWKLL & CO.. New Yoi, O for pampblet öf 10i p&qea, contuiuing lists of 000 newspnpers, and eatiiuaten tjho ingcoal ütad ertioing. STAR UI I h V 5 O. O O rt ni co - r ' o ? z ' co D DQ HOUSE. "ETN" A. mwm mm. Capital, ■ - $3,000,000. Assets Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.93. Losses Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilitiea, including Re-Iiisurance Reserve, $4,735,092.36. Nfit Surplus over Liabilities, including Ee-Iusurance and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.36. C. JIA.CK, Agent, Ann Arbor. For Sale Gheap FOR Cash, or j(oxl Merchantable Wood, One I'ouhU' Treiul-Pííwer on Trucks, iu cumplute orler. 1607tf Enquire of A. J. BUCHOZ. FOK SALE. rrHE andonlsrnod haa u nvmber of City lots I wliirli ffifi M.-11 nt rciuonabte p rices. Cali at once and secure a good bargaiu. Aun Arlor, Oct.31st 1876. 1607w4 CHARLES TIIAYER. PARM FOR SALE ! By Instraotiona of Catherlne E. James we offer for sale ihe Patríck Cavunauyh fanu uf eiglily acres more or k'ss, iu Northlicla? lti Wants a Gooü Itaraiu .' Ann Arbür, August 24, 1876. U96m8 BEAKES A CUTCHKON. ji lt II. HII.I., ATTORNEY AT LAW, And dealer In Real Enlate. Office, No. S, Opera House Block, ANN ARBOR. RAILROADS. MlCUftUÜ CENTRA L KA I UUmT MAY 28, 1876. aoiMa wkbt. ==== 1 m ' iS c y - a. m. a.m p.m. p.m. p rrr Detroit, loave, '. 7 00 Ín 00 2 50 4 00 6 Oci a, Q. T. Juuction, ' 7 15 10 20 3 05 4 16 6 15 uv Wayne Junction 7 57 10 49 3 32 4 50 6 4; 16 2 Ypsilanti, 8 31 11 1U 3 51 ; í L8' , l2 " Ann Arbor, I 8 68 11 20 4 13 6 45 7 45 Deiter, 9 '20 4 35 6 oc 8 10 ÍZ Chelsea, 9 43' 44; a 23 8 28 . Grana Lake, 10 07 5 15 6 49 8 55 P. M Jacltson, Ar., 10 40 12 32 J 46 7 15 9 25 l Jackson, Lv., H 45 12 37 9 30 5 lí Albion, II íSj H4 1 g 10 25 J y Marshall, 12 2' 1 M 31 10 68 1 ■■ BattleCreek, 1 00 2 17 í n ; } üalesburg, 1 31 a. m. 12 10Ï Kalamazoo, 1 52 3 03 4 00 ! 12 30 9 ■ Uwton, 35 4 1 05 l!l Decatur, I 2 .-2 5 00 1 25 _ Dowagiac, 3 16 5 g 1 y NUJ 3 45 4 23 0 10 2 Su! UuclitinBQ, 3 59 6 25! 2 41! ThreeOuks 4 28 4 55 .7 04 3 23 7Ü New Búllalo, 4 43 6 08Í ' 7 21 3 4J! " Michigan (Jlty, 5 10 5 35 7 50 4 05 Ta Uke. 5 48 6 141 8 35 4 5! ?, Kcnaington, 6 45 7 15 í SI 35 5?S Chicago, arrive, I 7 30 8 001 lio 2(1, 6 30; ju OOIHO EA8T. ti s íT" A.M. A. M. P. M. P. Sí. r. M "" Chicago, lea ve, o on 1 00 4 00 5 15! g 00 KeoBiagton, 6 45 9 4" 4 45 1 6 57! 9 43 Lake, 6 40 10 20 5 30 1 6 43 10 25 Michigan City, 7 32,11 00 6 30 7 40 11 15 NewBuffalo, 7 56 11 20 0 55 11 35 Thtee Oaks, 8 U9 11 32 7 OU. H 11 '11 47 Buchanan, 8 42 ' 7 50 12' H Niles, I 9 Ol' 12 09 8 20 8 55 12 35 Dowagiac, 9 27 8 49 1 1 Olí Dcoatur, 9 52 9 15 1 1 j Lawtn, 10 10 . 9 85 Kalamazoo, 10 45 1 3ti 10 10 10 M ; ií, Uulesburg, 11 12 _ 2 3g BattleCreek, 11 52 S 1 7 . 11 09 3 i6 Marahall, 12 45 i 2 55 11 85 3 4; Albiou, I 14 :: li 11 55 4 ii; I A. M. A w Jnckson, Ar., 2 08 3 55 a. m. 12 40 4 55 Jackson, Lv., 2 U 4 uO, 7 00 12 40 4 55 ' ' ilnuss Lake, 2 45 7 30 á 13 , j. Uhelsea, 3 10 7 56 1 i 50 Id t! Dexter, 3 5 8 13 6 08 lo i' Aun Arbor, i 52 5 15 8 36 2 00 6 28 1(1 5 Ypeilanti. 4 15 5 28 8 56 2 20 6 48 11 M Wayne June, 4 45 6 45 9 23 2 40 1 M'n n U.T. June, 5 30 8 10 10 00 3 15 7 45 Detroit, Ar., 5 45 6 26 10 15 3 30! 8 00 lMt ♦Hundays excepted. ISaturday and Sundav i eepted. tDaily. ' H. B. LEDYAHD, Gen'l 8upt., Uetru.t H. C. W'entwobtu, (en. Pasa. A({t., Chicago. Comer Maíu and Iliiruu tretli DETROIT, HILLSDALE&1ÑDI ANA EA1LROAD. OOINO WEST. -1876- OOIMO SA8I. 8TATION8. Mai. Exp. I ÍTATIOK8. Kxp. MíÜ Detroit, dep...7:'oo' e!oo' YpHilanti.... 8:36 7:15 Bankers 6:00 S:M Salina 9:20 7:46 Hillsdale ... 6:30 j# Bridgewater.. 9:45 7:57 i Manchester.. 9:16 ws Manchester. 10:18 8:00 , Bridgewater 9:45 4:5) _.„ , p. M. j Saline 10:10 4:Ji Hillsdale 1:15 10:00 ! Ypsilanti.... !10:5í 5: Baukera 1:30 10:10 Detroit 12:30 : Traius run by Chicago time. To take efiect , April líi, 1876. W. F. PAHKKK. Sup't, Yosilanti. CeieñiíExMliili PHILADELPAIA, PAi THIS Great Iuternatioual Kxhíbition, deíigDíd to coiumeruorate the One Hundrodth Anniver sarv of Aiuericuu Indepyudt-uce, omned May mth and will close November lOth, 1875. All thé Sítions of the World and all the States and Territoria of the Union will particípate, bringing toetb er the most comprelieiisive coltection of art tRM ures, mt'trhanioal iiiveiitions, scleiitilic iliscovt-rii-, luanutacturliig achievements, niiin-nil specbno and asricultural. producu ever exhibiti-d. Tlie grouudsdevotedto the Kxliibitiuu art; situated on the line of the Pennsylvania Kailroad, and tiubrace four hundred aud fifty acres of Fairuiouni Park, all highly improved and urnainentd, n which are erected. the largest bnlldinga fver COst ructed, - five of these covering an area of üiij acres, and costing $5,000,000. The total aumberoí buildings erected fur the purpoaea of the Blblbltiuui.s over one iiumireti. The Pennsylvania Eailioad, THE GREAT TRUNK LINE. AND TAST MAIL EOÜTE OP THE U.S. will be the most direct, conveniont and económica! way of reaching JE'hiladelphia, ami this givat Kïhibitiou froni all seetions ui the country. Ii ti ai lis to and from Philadelplna will pass tbronri a GKAND CKNTENMAL bKl'OT, win Compapy have ereeted at thé Main Kntraiiuv tothe Exlubition (rounds, for the accommodatioo ui passengere who wish to stop at or start iroui ite nunierous large hotels contiguous to Ihis station aud the Exhibition, - a couvenience of the gi value to visitors, aud atlorded exclusively by liie PennsylT-ania Railroad, which is TllÊ ONLY LINE RUNNING DIRECT TO THE CENTENA AL BUILDINGS. Excursión irains wllialsostq at the Eucampinent of the Patroiiíí oí Huíbaodrj, at Elm Station, on this road. t&rThe renasylvania Rail road is the granlJ railway orgimization in the wurld. It controle seven thousand miles of roadway, formiug unitiuuous lincs to Philadelphia, New York, Baltiraorv, and Washington, over which day ainl uiht cars are ruu from Chicago, St. Louis, LouisvilK', CincinnatL India na polis, ColumhuB, Toledo, Cleveland, and Erie, without cnange.-fiff lts niain line is laid with doublé aud thml track; of heavy steel rails, upon a deep bed of brolwn stone ballast, and íts bridges are all of iron wr stone. Ita passenger tr&ins are equipped with erery kiiown improvemeut for comfort and safety. ud are run at faster speed for greator disuim:es than tlie trains of auy line on the continent. The Coin pauy has largely increastd its eqaipment foi Cetileunial travel, and it will be preparod to buil'], its own shops, locomotïves aud passenger cars il short notice, sufficient to accommodate auy extrt dumand. The uuequaled resources at the tominaiid of the Company guarantee the most perfect aeconi modations tor all its patrons during the Cnt al ExhibitioD. THE MAGNIFICENT STEN KR Y forwhïchia Pennsylvauia Railroad issojustly celebrateil, p sents to the traveler over ita perfect Roadway o ever-changing panorama of nver, movuitaiD, aiwl landscape views unequaled in America. THE EATING-vSTATIONS on this line are udsurpassed. Mtals will be furnisht'd at nütiWa hours aud ainple tiuie allowed for enjoying theuiEXCURSIÓN TICKKTö, at reduced ratea, will be sold at all principal Railroad Ticket Otbcut in the West, Northwest and Southwest. 4&Be sure that your tickets read via the Grift rf[iii.ylvaiiia Route to the Centennial. FRAKK THOMSON, D.M. JUiVD, JR., General Manager. den'! Passer A$ Northern Central E. R. Co. MOST DIRECT ROUTE TO THE "CENTENNIAL." Through In 27 hoiirs from Detfolt, as Xr sclieJule of passenger trains blow : [Via Canada Southern Rallirxy.] Loavc Toledo, 6 10 p m 10 a ■ f Monrie, 6 52 p in 11 45 i 'i' " Detroit, 6S5pm uJupn [Via Great Western H'yJ PM A M P SI Leave Detroit, 6 25 4 20 12 i [Via Grand Trunk R'yJ PM AM AM Leave Detroit, 5 4fl 2 r0 7 30 [Via New York Central R. R.] AM AM PM PM Le. Niacara Falls, 4 00 7 .10 1 4.1; 8 10 Suspension liridge, 4 20 735 200 800 Butlalo, 4 35 7 45 1 50 9 M Kochester, 7 30 3 SSpm 5 30 12 20 a in [Via Northern Central R'y.] AM PM PM AM aW Le. Canandaigua, 9 45 4 40 6 IK 1+5 Penn Yan, 1102 5 53 7 18 2 42 Watkins, 12 17 7 00 8 37 3 38 80 Ar. Havana, 12 27 7 09 8 43 Klmira, 130 8 10 9 30 4: ' Troy, 8 38 10 39 5 34 W Minnequa, 4 09 1100 6 02 W Williaiusport, 6 10 12 85 "' 40 '„S NortluimbeiUnd, 12 40 9 25 2 öunbury, 12 50 2 00 9 3.1) 'iu. Harrisburg, -1 1.1 9 86 1 1 10 !? BalUmore, M '; -■" ! - Washington, 9 02 n VI PhOadebhla, 7 00 7 35 :i:w New York, 10 10 10 25 6 45 W20 Passengers by tliis route have the privilege of stopping off at auy polnt, :ind ui visiiing Wasumii" ton City without extra charge. . No dust. Road thoroughly stone ballasted, U ita passenger trains are equipptni wiih every km11 improvemeut for tlie conveniencc and safoty ot ps1 sengers. The far-famcd Watkins (Men teisg looated n "" direct line of Northern Central Railway pMM"!' eau take it in on their mutu to tho Centennlali W taking tho Nortbern Cenlriil ILiihviiy. i sure your tickets read via New York Centra' aud Northeon Central Koails. Information given on application to Westeru W senger Agent. D. M. BOYD, ,Tr., Gen. Pass. Age"' Sam'i. L. Seymoub, Western l'a.euger Ap ■ Buffalo. N. Y. 15Sltl_ITOTIÖB. COME into the enclosure of the subscriber, oj or about the ninth day of October, A. ! '"j1 one grey heifer, about ono and one bnlf !:tp "" ■ Color : white and red, most white on ual'k . spots between the horns and red on the nose : "f. die slze. The owner is bereby notiied to c!ï prove property, pay charges and take tue "' helfei awav. Dated, t reedom, Uct. SU, 176. „_, JACOB FIE151'JOHN l.. BirRrRIlill, Attorncy f Counselor at Law, r North Main strei't, 4" Arbor.


Old News
Michigan Argus