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NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Estáte of Candace M. Bowen. UTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WashteOnaw, ss. Notice Is hereby given, that by an order of the Probate Court for the County oí Washtenaw, made on the Uthday of November, A. D. 1876, six months from that datewere allowed for creditors to present their claims against the estáte of Candace M. Bowen, late of Baid county ,deceased,and that all creditors of said deceased are required to present their claims toj said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowance, on or before the Uthday of May next, and that such olaims will be" heard before said Court, on the 14th day of February and on the 14th day of May next at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of those days. Daled Ann Arbor, November 14, A. D 1876 NOAH W. UHEJSVEE, 1609w4 Judge of Probate. Estáte oí' Katy Vanderbilt. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw O ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the' county of Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, on l'riday, the tenth day of November, in the year one thousand eiirht hundred and seventy-six. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of Katy Vanderbilt deceased. ' On reading and flling the petition, duly verifled of Abram H. Kiug, piaying that an administrator may be appointed on the estáte of said deceased ihereupon it is ordered, that Monday the eleventh day of December, next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the heirs at law ot said deceased, and all other persons intereBted in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of Baid court, then to be holden at the Probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted : And it is further ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons inteiested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a aewspaper printed and circulatud in baid county three suocessive weeks previous to said day ot hearing. CA true copy.) N OAH W. CHEEVER 160iltd lUldge of Probate. JASHIONABLE DUESS MAKING. Mrs Wood invites the ladies of Ann Arbor and vicinity to cali at her Dress-Makini? Room, over the store sf A. Bell, Washington street. Á f uil line of : new and latest styles of patterns const'intly on hand. üuality of work warrauted, and piices made to suit the t!mes. A share of public patronage is reupectfuliy sohcited ly!6T8 AWARDED Tbe First Premium AT THE CENTENNIAL SEPT., 1876, Over Thousaiids of Competitors ! TICROMJEfEL The most beautiful stoye, and the best of all the Ooal stoves made. This stove can be found in uae in the following houses in Ann Arbor : Alpheus Peloh, Dor Kellogg, Q. W. Sharpless, J. W. Hangsterfer, James Jones, E. Curtís, K. M. Richardson, Piof. B. Jones, Mrs. J. West, Dr. P B Rose, Mrs. Loomis, Dr. Hallock, R. A. Beal, C A Pomeroy, 8. T. Otis, C. M. Cadwell, B. Vaughn, Miss Lydia Smith. A. Roys, R. McDonald, Mrs Whitehead, Charles S. Millen, J. C. Watts Fred Borg, Prof. M. C. Tyler, Mrs. J. A. Polhemus j' O. Banks, W. D. Harriman, J. L. Burleigh, Geo. W. Cropsey, MrB. Hubbara, Qeorge Hayler George Granville, Mrs. Chambors, George Walker, Zera Pulcifer, and Rinsey Sc Seabolt. B3You will alBO flnd afall assortment of Parlor and Cook Stoves lor Wood, at 31 South Main street, Ann Arbor.' VOR SALE CHEAP ! THE new two stojy frame dwelling house iust completad. Situated on east University Avenue, the second house south from the Medical College. Speeially arranged for keeping Boarders, Roomers, or Club. Terms easy. ' Apply to C. H. MILLEN, No.4, 8. Main St. For Sale Cheap ! rnHElarge new doublé dwelling house, situated X CorNorth and Fourth Sts, two blocks irom Court House. Enquire of C. H. MILLEN. BUILDING LOTS ALABGE number of very desirable building lote, well located, for sale low, small payment down and long time giveu for balance if desired. C. H. MILLEN. AAyibestakë. '" "Ie "" as GREAT WESTERN RAIL WA.Y. THE SHORT LINT BETWEEN DETROIT, BUFEALO, NEW YORK, NIÁGARA FALLS BOSTON Pliilafleljiliia, AND Áhh EASTERN CITIES. Xfl Q MH.,EStneSIiortestI,inefrom A tJ Detroit to Buftalo anj Points Eaat. 9-1 r. Miles the shortest line from Detroit to 3t: J Niágara. Falla and points Eaat. Surc Conncctions at Suspension Hride and Kuffalo witli the New York Central aud Iirie llailun)', The Track nnd Equipments of tlie GREAT WESTERN are pertect, and it ík manafjed with a a view to the SAFETY and COMFORT of ltü Fatrons. TOURISTS AND PLEASURE SEEKER8 VISITINrt THE "CENTEÏMNIAL" Should bear in mind that the GREAT WESTERN Railway i the Ohortest and most Comfortable Route 'between Detroit, Suspensión Bridge and luñtidlnl■oTtttc8ro88e8Su8I)earouteripplóltÍün Md ti0ket8 tbispopuiar . . „ W' SHARPLES8, Agent M. C. R. R., Auu Arbor Mich. Bfilreili ; Í OFFER FOK SALE my Brick Store, Corner os i l"ri!!)u-lld Fourth streets, opposite Cook'! ■ otel. This is oue of the most desirable , locutmns in the city, and will be sold at a bargains 1j9s JOHN Q. (iAl.L, I Mortgage Sale. "TJEFAULT having been made in the conditions A-'of a certam mortgage, bearing date the twenty-sevemh day ot jfarch, A. D. 187S (the ame having been gi ven for a part of the purchase money of the premise therein described), made and executed by Conrad Heselschwerett, of 8cio Washtenaw County, Miohigan, to Thomaa J. Rice of Hamburg, Livingstone oounty, Miohigan. and recorded in hber 44 of mortgages, on ' page 298, on the 29th daj of Miren, 1875, ft four o'clock p m. of said day, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Washtenaw County Michigan, which said mortgage was assignéd by said Thomas J. Hice to öennis Corey by deed of assignmem, recorded in said Register1 office, in hber 44 of mortgages, at page 298, on the second day of October, A. D. 1875, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, aud there being ciaimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage and the note accompanying the same (the said assignee having elected to have the whole sum become due accord? ing to the terms and eonditions of said morteasel the sum of three hundred and forty-nine dollar and twenty-eight cents; also an attorney's fee of thirty dollars as provided for in said mortoage and no proceedings at Uw orin equity having bien inatituted to recover the same or any part th?reof : Notice is therefore hereby given that by vhtue of a power of sale in said morteage coutained and of the statute in such oase made and provided, I will sell at public auction or vendue to the ighest bidder, on Saturday, the tenth day of February, A. D. 1877, at eleven ' o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the South door (that being the place wherein the Circuit Cdurt for the Oounty is held), the premises in 3 mortgage desoribed as follows: Village lot No. flve (5) m block No. two (2j,in the viUagl of Delhi in ' f Scio. County of Washteuaw and State of Michigan, to atwfy the amount due on said mortg!e and note with the interest accruing thereon.and the coste and expenBes allowed by law, together with said attorney's lee Dated Nov. 6th, 1876, „ _ DENNIS COREY, i. Cbamer, Assiguee of Mortgage. Attorney for Assignee. igos Mortgage Sale. TEFAULT having been made In tho condihT R % i Cnrtain mortSaSe made aud executed by Bradley F Granger and Susan A. Granger, hls wife, of the city of Ana Arbor, Michigan, to Phüip Bacil Lof the same place, bearing date the third day of Óotober m the year of our Lord one thous .i, S huIiai:e(i anJ seventy four, and recorded in the i omce of the Register of Deeds for the coun n ïL" t on he flftQ day of October, A. D .1874, at flve minutes past four o'clock p. m. in hber 48 of mortgages, on page 663, on which mortgage there is now claimedto be due two installments oi interest, amuunting to the sura of one hundrod and forty dollars, together with an attorney's fee of twenty-flve dollars, should any príceedings be taken to foreclose the same; aud lat,beeIlalf madC D the Conditions ol "■nother certam mortgage, made aud executed by the nained BraSley F. Granger and Susan A Granger to the said Philip Bach, beariue date the twenty-sixth day of October, in' the year „Uu Lordono thousand eight hundred and seventyiour and recorded in tfie office of the Register of Deeds tor the County of Washteuaw on tne 27th day of October, 1874, at 1U oclock a. m., in libe v 46 of mortgages on page 674, on which mortaure there is ciaimed to be due, at the date of tMs uoS'v 7niV" a lm,1ts interest '"ounting to sixty dollars, together with an attorney's fíe of twenty-live dollars, should any proceedings e taken to foreelose the same, and no procefdings at law or in equity having been taken to recove, the amount due on either of said mortgages or any yttheveoï: Notice is therefore fei-eby givei (hat by virtue of the power of sale in said ?nort-' gages contamed and pursuant to the statute in sueh case made aud provided, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, on Saturday the twentxeth day of Januak'y next at ?he 'south door of the Court House in the city of Anu Arbor (that being the building in which tiie Circufi Court for the connty of Washtenaw is held) the prem13es described in said mortgages to satistV the ammmt due thereon, (two hundred dollars and flfty dollars attorney's fee), with costs and expenses of sale to-wit: All that certain piece m narcel of land beiug situated in the city 0Pf Inn Irtor County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan known and described as follows, to-wit: Lot No 4 and the west oue-fourth of lot No. 3, in block one I south of Huron street range two east, according of Ann Arto? Plat f &e """Se (now cit Dated, Ann Arbor, October 2G 1876 PHILIP BACH, Mortgagee. By Attorney. b f(i06 Mortgage Sale. rjEFAULT having been made in the conditions UmiKT 'Tíi? Tb exfcuted 7 Andrew J. Sutherland Eüzabeth il. Sutherland.nis wife, to Robert AWhedon,on the eighteenth day of June, A. D. 1875 and recorded in the office of the Reg ster of Deeds for the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, m líber 5S of Mortgages, on page 106 and afterwards dulv assigned to Charlotte Whedon on the twenty-sixth day of Noveniber, 1875 which' asslgnment was recorded in saij Register's Office for said county, on the twenty-eighth day of July, A. D. 1876, in liber five of as"signnients of mortgages, on page 228, by which default the power of sale containedin said mortgage has become operative ; on which mortgage there is claimed to bedue.atthedate of this notice, the suin of six hundrod and seventy-six dollars and sixty-seven one hundredths dollars, principal and interest beaidesan attorney fee of tweniy dollars, as provïded in said raortgage, and no suit or proceediug at law orinequity havmg been instituted to recover the ainouut due on said mortgage, or any part thereof: _ Notice is thercfore hereby giveu that by virtue of the power of sale containld in said mortgage, I shall sell at public auctionatthe south front door of the Coiirt House, in the city of Ann Arbor (that being the place of holding the Circuit Conrt for said county of Washtenaw), on Saturday tha 3()th day of December, A. T. 1876 at eleven oclock in the forenoon of that day, the followinu property described in said mortgage viz All of lot number six (6) in block number seven '(7) south of Huron street range eleven (U) east in the Citv of Aun Arbor, County of Washtenaw and State of Miehigim.said lot being on the east side of Thayer Street in siud city. Dated, Boptember 28, 1876 CHARLOTTE WHED0N, razisr &. Hamilton, Assignee of Mortgage Attorneys for Assignee. Commissioners' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wnshteu naw, as. The underuigned haviuK boen appointed by the Probnte Court for said oounty, Coininiusjoners to receeive, examine and adjust all claims and demands ot all persona nguinst the e tate of John G Metzger, late of" said county, deoeaBed, )iereby give notice that six monthg from date ure allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for credltora to present their claims against the estáte of suid deceased, and that they will meet at the resulence of Michael Stierle, in the town of Saline, in said county, on the ad day of February and on the öth day of May next, at ten o'clock A. M. of eaoh of said days, to receive examino and adjust said claims. Dated, November 6th, A. I). 1876 lfios MICHAKL KLAGER, ' . JOHN LAYER, ( CommissioneiB. City Scaveager. rf IIE undersigned offers bis services as scayenger. A Vaults, cesspouls, etc, cleaned to order, and at reasouable prices. Orders may be left at J. H. Nlekel'f. moat market, State streef, or made through thePoalofiiae. W. ACT1ON. Ann Arbor, Nov. 3, 1876. $í to fliOAPerdayat home. Samples worth tt J)wVfl (rue. Htinsun & Co., Portland, Ö73 1876. 1878. Save Yonr MOney ! W. WAGNER HAS JDST OPENED THE FINEST STOCK 01 FALLAXD WINTER CLOTHING To be found in Ann Arbor, comprising all the NEWEeT STYLES AND PATTEKNS Whieh he is offfcring at prices that ÍEFIES ALL CQMPETIT10N THE PLACE XO BUY A CHEAP SUST Is at WAGNER'S My stock of Piece Groods Will be found complete and contains all the NE WEST DESIGNS. Suits Made to Order. A Large stock of FUKNISHING GOODS. TV AGITEH, 21 South Main Sr. Ank Akbob. THE HILL FARM FOR SALE. Adjoining the West line of the City of Aun Arbor in township two south oí range six east, coinprising the east half of the northeast quarter of section nineteen ; and that part of the went half of the west half of the northwest quarter of section u?3W&L.l5& of ■ turnilike; in a" House, Barn, an [Jnfailing Spring of Water, And about flfty acres well improved ; rlrst class land and situation bntutiful. Two-thmls ot the purchase money may raraain on the land three to tlve yoars. _ F"r tema appiy to GB0_ E HAND OrII.J. BEAKES, Detroit. Ann Arbor lS74tf FOR SALE ! Stone l.iiiir, AVater I.inio, ' land Piaster, & Plaslering Hair, , er at my Lime Kiln or at my shop. J. VOLLASD. FARMERS. WOOD WANTED Id exchange for Saddles, Harneas, Trunks " eline Bago, Horae BlsnkeU, Whipa, Uloves and Mittens, etc, at my harneas shop. s J. VOLI.AND. a lCUOiaC Q.EORGE W. CEOPSEY, Late of the tirm of Ct.ark & Ckopsey, and A Keaknky, late of Texas, under the nrm name of KEA1ÍNEY & CKOPSEY, Have established themselves at No. 33 South rialn St., Aiiu Aibor, aud propuse to Uo geueral ' Crocery Business tonished FBÜIXS. They have ntted aud A First-class Eating Department, Where Meal can be had at all hours, or board bv the week. Casli paid for Butler, Esrss, and all Couutry produce. Goods promptly delivered m auy part of the city. Eemember the place. 8 3 Nou Ui Itlain Street. KEARNEY & CROPSEY. Ann Arbor, April 26, 1876. joso l"HFENEMYrDÏSÊASfr THE FOE OF PAIN TO MAN AND BEAST. Is the Graud Old MUSTANG LINIMENT Whieh has atooa the test of forty years. wmhnoteof,r? SoreAi'will ot heal, no Lameness it Human iwf'n Che' no Pa""ha "ffiicte the touch A wVi hftt doe8 not yield t0 its ma8'ten „ ivJ-ll0 ', rf CO8tmg SOc' or has ot toli?B1fl ñ ot ahumanbeing, andrestored to hte aud usefulnest mnn a valuable horse. TinsêyTs5abölt's BAKERY, GROCERY - AND - FL.OUK & FEED STORE. We keep oonstantly on nand, BRBaD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, F08 WHOLESALE akd RETAIL TRADJE. ' W e sliull aluo keep a supply of ELm PLOUR, ■ SÏTFT CO-S BEST WHITE WHEAT p??YE FLOUR. BUCKWWHEAT PLOUK, CORN MEAL, PEED, At Wholesale and retail. A general stock of GROCERIKS AND PROVISIONS lonstantly on hand, whieh will be Bola on as reulonuble terms as at any other house in this eTty „leetenPntyOr BUttei' Country ro.ut(racïargëTerea l "" Plrt Of the F with OOR SALE ! Ann Arbor, Oct. Cth, 1876 m'3mi C. H.RICHMOND.


Old News
Michigan Argus