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Social Spies

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Sometirneo a spy is employed to "shadow" a spy; a detective is used to watch a detective. ín such cases íüe two spies combine in the oommon interest of Áeattag their empluycr. very of ten the private detective "mteup a job " on sörüö weaíthl ptersctt Sr cot-pot-ationv A srew'! deiëeuvc last year contnved for fonr months to be kopt on the track of a "suspected " individual. w)o was alwiw" levig O Üf.cê, bilt never to be foand. In the search for this individual the detective crossed the Atlantic wice, traveledthroughEngland, France, and Belgium - stopping for ten days in London, and. a V ek in Faris - ttaVelcd over A.UÖO miles in flirt nrt.untr,, li n'l the bost hotels, drew $10. a day ánd his expenses, which were $10 more, and never found his man; for the very good reasou tliát the suspected parfy had never e'istid. "Cow not to do it," is a very important part of the modus oporandiof a private detective. If he is paid to lmnt np a party in a lawsuit ho will not hesitate for a consideration not to ftiid that party, even though he ie whero he öould lay nis hands On him at ftn time. If Ke ia enld-ved td refiort iHe proöeedings oí a party lio can manufacture just such " proceedings " as tbat "party " wants to have reported - for a eönsideratipn. A roiHsingj rnn neód ñever bu foúñd - ií lie oniy nnds and fees the detectives. One prívate detective makes the greater part of his annual incomo by acting as "roper-in" for gambling houses. During the war his oommission on the moaey spent by the victiras he "steered j to 3 nopular Broadway gftrüe uettfed him thöusands upon thousands of dollars. Other private detectives do not hesitate in their capacity, as agents for business houses, to reeommen'. peoiJle to worthless iiouses, who pay thtm a tangible commission. The " expense account " is the great joy and placer of the private detective. Ile charges from $5 to $8 per day for his services f he witó wont during antf-pfthio tirneö tb gei $10 and f 12), bnt wnen he is sent out of town, or when he is engaged on a "delicate" job, he cüarges "expenses" besides, and under tliis head of expenses he does not hesitate to include (in hisown mind) clothes, knickkoaits. winep. cimrs and siindries, - though he sums up these little items in the bill in his own way. A bilí was recently rendered by a private detective oí $80 for eleven days' work, whüe expenses were set down at $103. The bill ws pnids though ftll tho tvork ánd all the expenses would have been amply compensated by $40, and the expenses were nil. There are two sorts of detectives - those who are excellent "pipers," flrst-class "shadowers" or spies- and men for "general business." The "pipers " inust bö patiënt, observant and untirmg, while the " general I business " must be quick-witted, ready for any emergeney, able to play any part that may be desired. " Piping " is tho mechanical portion of the detective system, whilo " general business " is the artistic. With either clas the great object is to avoid being found out - i. a, "dropped"or "tumbled" on. A few years ago tho private detective business in New York city followed the usual rule, and spread " up town." A private detective bureau was, a few years ago, opened on Fourteenth street. The best customers wero either fashionable wives who wished their huabands " shadowed," or fashionable fathers who feared that their daughters were associating with questionable characters. On several occasions the services of tho detectives were called upon suddenly to follow and " pipe " some woman who had been seen with some suspicious person at a matinee. There was plenty of this sort of v,-ork, but, after all, tho "social" side of the private detective business was not eo lucrativo as the ' ' commercial. " So the office was moved down town asrain, in which section of the city are at present congregated all the private dbtectives of New York. The Jiaineless Frencli Vlug. Figaro reminds us that the French army has no flngs, and that on tho 2d of June, 1871, the War Minister issued an order that the standards then in use were to be handed over to the artillery. In exchange, small flags without any inscriptions were sorved out provisioaally. The provisional flags, which have now been in uso for flve years, only cost 25 francs, apiece, while the silk standards, with thoir ornamenta, copt 280 francs. It is not, perhaps, a question of expen-liture which ldnders tho War Office from replacing the eagle. The fleurs-de-lya are out of the question ; so is the Galiic cock, which has been monopolized by the Orleans f amily ; the lady in Phrygian cap who symbolizes the republic, and who is playfully called Marianne, is only in favor with iladicals ; and the moderate republic has neither symbol nor song. Taken alone, the tri-color belongs to the ïevolution, the empire, and the younger braneh of the Bourbons. Perhaps it would be prudent, until the Conservativo republic is moro íirmly establislird, to leavo tho top of tho ilagstafï in lts present nude condition. - Pall Mali Gazeüe. ____ ftuclt-Hunters Hiriug Whole Lnkes. During the last two years, says the Sacramento Union, professional duck-liunters have hired the lakes in the vicinity of Sacramento for the hunting season, and prevented amateurs from shooting thereon. In some instances tuey made money by the transaction, but us a general thing did not. Tho ï'DBult promises to bo that tho competition for tho possession of tho best shooting grounds will causo the rent to become so high that the hunters will not have as largo incomes as they did before they began renting. The amateur shooters of the city are considering the desüability of forming clubs for the renting of lakes next year - the larger the club the greater tho acres of property leased, aod, as they have considerable feeling over what they style tho"freeze out" policy of the professionals, it is probable that, if tho organization of cïubs is carried into effect, those that shoot for tho market will have a brisk competition in the bidding for possession of lakes. Flebeian8 at College. This 3 a sample of tne " hazing " for which a numbor of silly young fellows havo just been expelled from the Naval Academy at Annapolis : " A third-clnss cadet, bucked by several of bis mates, would enter the room of a ' pleb' and address him thus : ' I am au ugly fellow ; don't jou think ro V Of courso the pleb would decinr.) that he thought him b very handsomo fellow. ' Then,' says tho thiiil-classman, 'you moan to cail me a liar.' Tho trembliug boy would humbly nsscrt ho meunt nothiug of that kind, but tlio fellow Would grab him by the neok and h o-w, declaring he woald throw him out of the third story window. Dif-gging him to tho window, he would thruht the frightoned pleb just far enougli ont to make him btlieve that the least jur or inovement would i)recipitato uiüx to the pavement below. After being hauled in hë is placed between two ttiattïesaes and au Indinn war-danoe .j had apon the upper oue, tha whole soene conoluding with a close o{ wtiting flaid."


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