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Jersey Justice

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A telegram f rom Salem, N. J., Nov. 3, givea the following account of the trial of the participante of the WeedenWalker JjriBe-flght somfl montha ago : "The speed rith Wch % jury in the case of Weeden, Oollyer, ófoödwin, Neary, and Clark, tried for the fatal prize -fight, arrived at a verdict yesterday after joon was a matter of surprize to all ouonrnod in tlw cftse. At least two of the jury wöre küdtfn $o ha-Ce favored the acquittál of ïïeary and Clark, on the ground t.bat they hád been punished enough. ünd it wart thb'rtght that they would "hang" the jury. Tlièv subsequently agreed to a verdict of conviction op the understanding that the jury join in an application to the Conrt of Pardons in btJialf of Clark and Noary after a few months shall have expired. At 10 o'fllock this morning Mr. Henry tt. Hope Öame into tfotirt and made an application bofore Judge fieed for a new trial in the oases of Ölark and Neary, on the grouild tíiñt the verdict of manslaughter was agaiuct tUé weight of the evidence, the two named prisoners being merely innocent spectators. The conrt refused to grant the application. After the consideration of several minor cases bofore the court Mr. Hope asked that before sentenoe was passed upon Neary and Clark he should Ite hewd in a plea i(r mjtigatioö. The court iSSented, and thereilpou ofdfereil that althe prisoners be brought into court. TliiÖ ■H'Ss done. The men looked much dejected. ïhe mother and sisters of Weeden wero prwent, and the wife of Clark, and, at sight ot hèif relaeteSi burst into tears. The Court asked Mr. Hoji'e íf tu had anything to say beforo seutence was passed. The counsel replied that he had, and proöeeded to plead for Neary and Clark, on the giound that they iTeri flot principlfl nrtf seëondS in the fight, but merely spectators, artd fshey had left the ground when warnöd ld aö 90 bjr the Sheriff. After a short delay Judge Keed ordered the prisonors to stand up. Addressmg Weeden, Collyer and Goodwin, he said thrtt hey haA been found guilty of coming from a foieigtt Èiate Mid engaging in a brutal fight - a crime ágáinot the laws of the State. They had willfully participated in tbis crirnej and a more dreadful one had boejii tliö r?nnltj that of murder; they had therefore been guilty not only of a misderaeanor, but of the highest crime known to the Jaw. It was impeíative upon tbo court to see that an eiample be made of the prisoners before him, and he accordingly feit it his duty to sentenco Weeden, Collyer and Goodwin to six years in the State penltentiary, at hard labor. Tufning to Clttik atid Neary, the Court recited again the circumstances under wliich they had come into the State. There were, however, mitigating circumstances, they having departed when the Sheriff desired them to. He sentenflod them to two years at hard labor. The pfisollers tvero then rfimoved to jail. The Sheriff wiil tóko them to the State prison at Trenton immédiately. As stated above, an application for the pardon of Clark and Neary will be made in a few months. It is rumored that Judge Keed wül sign it.


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