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Crushed To Death

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[From the büü ?rn"ipoo Chronicle.] At about 12 o ciock last Hl#tt frightful accident occurred at the Boyal ühina Theater, No. 626 Jackson etreet, which in its horrible details and scènes of terror tfafi Unerjualed by any evoat wbich has occnrrcd ÍQ !Íe Uhitiese quftrter for rariny a da. The entertainment fit thia theater Iris ev' enin'g wás given ás a bonefit to one of the tño&t poprflar autora who perform at the theater, aürt thé' hortse was crowded from the bottom of the pit to the outermost recesaes of the gallery, every benoh being occnpied. In the neighbbfhfwd of 8,000 men had crowded into the place, quité' a nnmber of Chinese females being preseüi, bnt only two or three white men. At about 12 o'clock, whiiö the drama at present running there was being playeü, a small fire iü orno matting in the gallery, which had caflght by the sparks from a cigarette or cigar in the hands of somo carelèas Öhinölnan was dieeoveml. The man whö tütidi thïa startling disco-fcrj, regardless of the even if he had f orejeen them, soiíiided the alarm immediately in his own tongllc'y which everybody understood to mean destruction and death by burning. The utmost confnsion prevailed, and a panic ensued, The largo nnmbers of Chinese in the atlditcmutn rushed frantically for the door, wliile thofle paoked in the gallery did the same. Some twenty-fl ve or thirty irien from the lowor part of the house reached the door first and were almost simultaneously overwhelmed by the frightened crowd which was mtrging down from the gallery. Tho doors, which are doublé and each about twelve feet high by six feet wide, were closedj bnt the resistless torrent of yellow iíumaníty potired down the stairs, throngh them without attempting to open eiíhnr', afld fhe eonseqnenee tras that the foremosi Cfowü, Abont thirty in number, wero scarcely out böfoie the stairway broke, and tho mossivo door f!l upon and crushed them to the floor, while oVei it crowded and jostled the dense audience witiicrat thought of the consequences. In the mesntime, the prematuro fire, which had made no headway, was summarily quenched by a Christlan Chinaman named Adam Quinn, Who, böside stamping upon it, took off his coat and ooverod it. Tho actofs njioti the tgo were entirely ignorant of the C&tiütj of ihö pauio, and did not stop to inquire, but continuad with their performance, which had the effect of staying many of the frightened Chinese who were trampling every thirg dottti ïit tbfiir eflbrts to effect an exit. The passage of the dense crowds through the entrance and tile hoart-rcndÍDg ehrteks of the crnshed and djiug under the doors alafmed síiveral policemen on Jackson street, who üömediately fndeavored to offect an ontrancti into the theater and sent to the pólice station tot asriftïvnoe. Officer Duffield, a special on Jaeksoil 8i?ett, was one of the first white men who esSaycd to stem the panic-stricken tide flowing ont of the doorway, and he was obliged to use his club vigorously before he could stop a single man in hia way. Half a dozen stalwart policemen, from the watch which was jnöt boot to leave the station for duty on their reáptíctife beata, repaired quickly to tho scène, afld Wie combined efiorts of a dozen officers werO neocssary to stop the outgoing Chinese. The work was accomplished by knocking Severa). Cflleatials about, and the remainder, reaUzing thnt the danger in the theater, whaever it -ffas, híj disappeared, feil back on the crowd and checked their f rantic companions. By this time Capt. Douglas, with a dozen more policemen, arrived with large crowds of white men, who, hearing the alarm, had runued to the spot. The railing of (he stairway Icading from the gallery to the lower floor had given way, and several of the frightened men hail fallen down, only to be crushed under foot by their equally tewor-stricken companions. The tide havlög lem checked, the officers raised the prostrated door and removed the dead and dying from beneath it. Some were stone dead, while all under it were more or lesa injured. Nineteen were conveyed to the street dead, and seven others who were rapidly dying. The bodies were ranged along the sidewalk. The entrance to the theater, a hall about forty feet in iength by some twelve in width, occupied on one ido by a couple of Chineso fruit vonders, was cleared a way, and tho pacicstricken audience allowed to pass out. The news of the accident spread like wildflre, and over a thousand Chineso, men and women, from all paris of Chinatown, thronged to the scène, and the .sidewalk, the ontire Iength of Jackson street, betwo:n Kearney and Dupont, was completely lined with half-nude Colestials, gaziug with blanched faces at oach body aa it was carried out into the Street. Uno stalwart Chinaman, weighing about 170 pounds, was breught out and laid upon the walk, his ciothes toro aud his lacerated by the many feet that had trampled rolentlessly over him. His face was black with suffocation, and the crimson fluid ] was running in a stream from his noso and ears. Life had not yet left him, j bnt in hia dying agonies he writhed and crawled about the pavement, swinging dis bare arms in the air, and shrieking for tho relief that could not come. At I the right of the doorway, and at the foot of the four or live steps from tho Í theater door to the floor of the hallway, I ia a stairway deseending into a dark alley. Several of the foremost Chinese of the crowd that wore crushed under the falling door had boen precipitated down these stairs, and two were brought np with broken limbs.. One was placed at the front entrance in a sitting posture against a box of fruit, and the other, a young man of high degree, was taken into Yn Hum Choy's - the manager of the theater's - office. A few moments later Dr. Stivers, the City and County Physician, arrived and examined him. As the unfortunate fellow lay upon a lo bench covered with matting at one side of the room, he was turning over and over and groaning in agony. As the doctor feit his limbs to nscertain the nature of his injuries, lie yelled, " Oh, j no, no; me no hurt," as if feariug that iiis excraciating agoniea were to be increased. The other man, somewnat older, who had beon placed near the doorway, sat in stolid silence, hia pale face, nnder tho flickering raya of a jet, recording the most excruciating sullering. About fif teen minnte8 was consumed xn the passage of tho crowd of Cüinese from the theater, and the acting of the play by the company was continued until the laat deputation had departed, when the actors and actresses rushed in a body to the doorway to discover what had transpirecl, indulgicg in many guttural exclamatione of terror at the long line of dead bodies placed npon the pavement. With niuch trouble the crowds wh'ch liad assombled upoa Jackson street were driven by tho pólice up to Dapont street, whero an unsuccessiful eflbrt was made to disperse thein. Nineteen of j the twenty-eight taken from the hallway and removed to the street were found to ye dead. Dr. Stivers examined severd who botrayod no outward signs of inury, and said they soemed to have be n sufiocated to death. Eight or ten bore marks of violenco, sover.d bleeding at the nose aud ears, the crimson stream running across the walk into the gnttrr, while the faces of threo or four others turned upward in the iight were black nd discolorod. Several of tuose taki n : 'rom under the door lived a few 1 ments after boing removed, their agen zng shrieks filling the a:r and exeitiug Jie lamentations of adjucent Chiaeso who witnessed the writhiugcoutorüous. One CWnaman, who broke frintiolly ttirniib the lino of policemen and passed oner( the dying men, threw up his atms Jj yelled in horror at the agonies of ) countrymon. As soon as the bofe! were taken from the hallway, and tL wounded who could walk liad been k into adjoining houses, the Coroner 1 Motiüod, and the dead bodie taken to tho morgue. Lore Letters ritten by iro5). Tho ovidence in tb? Edward8-Keattf bretich-of-promise snit, v'úch lias bèej stimnlating the prurient curi j.'ñty of Sj, Francisco, inclnded a great miYlote letters. On one occasion tho defen ant was so nnreasonably amiable as to write " My darling Emily: Iwould giveaili have on eartb and all of my future tobt with you one half-hotir." Although bj aeemed to be in a mood to moibj, time and eternity in consideratiou ol half-hour, she read the letter, seized pen and ecolded him for being n " (. constant lunar " - whatever that may %_ When tho defendant reeeived this sive the defendant wae watching stock market with anxious interest, auj he had no time for romanee. In other words, he was long of stock and short ei sentiment. So he instracted nis cashie to answer tho letter. It was done in tij wisei"Mr. Keating directe me toay that they Ste who teil us lovn can dielove is in(eíí'iTettiWe, bnt with life other passions Öf, Jjove's holj fla f ore ver burnoth; f ro"i fetaven it came,b heaven it returneth. hopes to i you aftor the spring rise." The sprijj rise in stocks waa what the" buojsq proiy meant. Hnw the ('ars fetopped. ïlio following incident occurred leu Brookfleld, Mass., a few days ago. ir old lady was going to Stamford to tísü a daughter, anti took her eeat in ík cara for tho first time in her life. Dm. ing the ride the car ín which Bhs mi seated was thrown dowa an embankmea and demoüshed. Crawling out fMj. benoath the debris, she spied a rasta was held down in a sitting posture b; his leffs being fastenett. " Js this Sííoford?" ho anxiously inqnired. Tl man was from Boston. He was in ooasiderable pain, bnt he did not lose gigt; of the fact that he was from Bosten, he aid : " No, this is a catastroplie,' "Oh," ejacnlated the old lady, " tlien I hadn't oughter got off hero."-ft change. The dying of animáis is now quite i common branch of the dyer's art, fkroe time ago a ÍYench womaD, of the kkd ttwt choose notoriety, drove in P: four gray borses dyed a bri]lia magenta. A dbovk of 30,000 hoïued cattle w recently driven from TeXM to Kanse, by 700 drivera. The outfit lose ks 800,000, and the herd brought 520,091


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Michigan Argus