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South Carolina "fixed."

South Carolina "fixed." image
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Coi.umbia, November 22. - The Biard of State Canvassers yesterday made a report to the Supreme Court stating the persons vho had received the highost nunibor of votes fnr the offices for wbieh tbey were candidates. Appended to the report of the results was a memorandum of the board stal ing thal in their opinión cortain irregularities which afïocted somo of the Republican candidates should be oorrected, and also that the vote of Laurens and ElgeGold countios, which gave lorgo Deinocratio majonties, should be excludeti on account of i'rauds and ititimidation. This morniug the court made an oidor commauding the board to issue certificates of electiou to all the persons who were shown by the report of the board to have recoived tho highest number of votes for members oí the Legislature, including the couuties of Edgotield tnd Laurens. Tho court also to-day took up the case of the electors and issued a rule for the board to show causo why they uhould not correct the statements of the county canvassers by the preciuct returns in their possession. Pending these proceedings of the court, however, the board held a sot-sion and issued certifioates to all the members of the Legislature except for Laurens and Edgufiuld countias, thus securing a majority of the Legislature to the llapublican side and the dofeat ol Hampton and the election of Chamberlain. The board also issued certifieates of election to the Hayes and Wheeler electors and to all the Kopublioan State ticket. The board then ailjourned sine die. This action of the bourd has created much excitemout, but the uitizens are determinad to ïely on the courts and to exbaust all lug:tl nnvtns of redress.


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