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- Thanksgiviug : next Thursday. - Now is the time to aiivertiae for the holliday trade. -The Circuit Court adjourned sine die on Friday evening last. - Towuship Treasurers should order tiieir tax receipts at the Aboüs office. - John J. Robison had 2,1598 votes in Hillsdale couuty, 70 more votes thau Tilden had. -Prof. D'Ooge will give the next Suuday attemoou discourse in University Hall, at 3 o'clock. - John J Robisou, assignee, is dispetising a 1U per cent dividend to the creditora of Einerbou Aimabil. -Mr. and Mis. John W. Cowan, of Sharon, celebrated their silver wedding auniversary on the evening of the 13th inst. - That flag which flies over the Vourier ofjjce is uuderstood to procïaim, " Sawyer is elected :" that, and nothiug more. -Miss Susie H. Welles, youngest daughter oí the late Henry W. Weiles, of this city, died at her residence in Chicago on the 21st mat. - P. T. Cook, of the Chronicle editorial board has resigued, and his l-ad pencil has been passed over to F. H. Kiuiball, class of 77. The greenbackers of Hillsdale County gave Bradley F. Granger, of this city we presume, 506 votes as their candidato for Congress. -The Union Thanksgiviug service will be beid at the Congregational Church on Thursday next at 11 o'clock. Pieaching by Rev. Mr. Pope. - It seems to us that the dedication of a 3trip oï land on the southeru border of the c'ty, between Main and State streets, to slaughter houses, is unwise. - Ovving to the death oí a daughter Rev. Robert Collyer failed to ñil his engagement beiore the Students' Lecture Association on Friday evening last. - It the weather oï the last fortuight is to coutiuue iudeiiuitely it would be well for the Commou Couucil to direct the cleauing of the crosfings of the principal streets. - The Dexter Leader and Chelsea Herald are exhibiting to their readers ttie pretty girls oi those two rival villages : over whieh the aforesaid girls must feel much elated. - A large uuuiber of subscribers are indebted for the current year. As our financial aeeessities are great, iiumediate paymeutis requestod,- and must be imiilëd upon. Don't wuit íor a personal cali. -The ürst term ot the public schools of this city, for the curreut year, will close on Weduesday .next. Atter eatmg turkey and " sich " teachers and pupi Is will resume work ou Monday, December 4. -On application. of plaintiff, and by order of Judge Huntingtou, the Douglas-Bel libel suit lias been transferred to Calhoun Uounty. The next term of the Calhoun circuit is bet down tor Monday, December 4. - The Mrs. Marble who was the prime cause and promoting spirit of tlm recent promiscuous fiht and resulting murder in Meridian, Ingham County, formerly resided at or uear Saliue in tliis county. She was theu Mrs. Foedick. - This is how the Ypsilanti Commercial tuuts lts hom over the electiou oí Euierick : " Thrice blessed Ypsilanti ! Two Coinniissiuiieis for us, and uary oue tor our sister city." Juat liku all boys, " pleased with a rattle and ückled with a straw." - Charles Holhday, a resident of the Fifth ward oí this city, died ou the 17th iust, from a blow received ou the head some days beiore by a tidliug tree. The accident occurred in Salem, wliere he was eugaged in chopping wood. -The Commou Councii has puased a uew slaughter-house ordinance. The last effort cunlines slaughteT-housed to the northwest comer of the city, and to a narrow strip on tbo soutlieru limits between State and Main streets, uo slaughtor -house to be within thirty rods of any public street. - Au error was made in the last AköüS, - iiithe vote given in the i'iith ward of Ypsilanti for Mr. Henderson, caudidate for Represeutative. Our table gave him 'l'l'l votes; he ï'i'ixived 232 ; and Allen's majority in the district is Hl iustead of 91. Let the future political historian take notice. - In the suit brought by the Wardens and Vestiymen ot St. Andrew's Church againat Fauuy E. and Erastus Thatcher, involving the iiüe to the Mra. Muudy property on State street, a decisión wa8 made by Judge Huntiugtuu ou Friday last, in favor of the Church. Xutice of appeal was given. - The Alpha Sigma Society of the High School givt) a " Public " in the hall of the cential school building on Tuesday evening next. 'i'lie exercises will consist of au oration, essay, d.-clamation, recitation, discussiou, reading ot Üie society paper, and muslo. The frieuds of the school will be furuished a pleaaant eveürng's entertainment. - A testimonial concert it to be given to Misa Pauliue Wideumanu this eveniug at the pera House. Of the charicter of the rnusic it is 3uth'cielit to say that the concert will be uuder the direction of Prof. Frieze, and that "ie ladies and gentlemen assisting iuclude some of our best musicians, both vocal and instrumental. The prograiunie is certamly an attractive one. -The ladies of St. Tuomas' Church open a Uenteunial Bazar in Hangsterfer's Hall ou the veniug of the 30tb inst., contiuuing the same ou the evemngs of December i, 6, and ü. A 'ai'ge uumber of beautiful and valuable artices will be ou sale. A new feature will be a C'mtest for a gold headed caue, Messrs. Jas. E. Tttrtle, Je.remiah Coughlin, Jolin V. Shaken, ul Morgan O'iirien being the oandidates. 10 '■'■ïits is the pnce of the electivo franchise. - Next Mondiiy evening Miss Helen Potter who has won au enviabie reputation by her readings, recitations, and personations of distiiiguishod speakois, lucturer.s, and actora, will typearat L'niversity Hall in tha regular course f the Students' Lecture Aasociatiou. Miss Potter is credited with a voice ot remarkablu Jinpass and power, directed by a cultivated 'i'ste, and buth her recitat'.ous and persouations we everywhere popular. She is said to do to the Mie John B. Ouugh, Anna Dickinson, Fredk. McCabe, Charlotte Cushman, Riston, Mrs. Scott Süldous, Olive Logan, Mrs. Liver"lore, and other well knowu personages, -in 'h'esa, teature, voice, aml manuer. A rare entertainnieut is offared our citizeus. Dupeez & Bexedict's New Orleans Min steels. - It is almost umiecessary to reinind our readers that the above Champion Troupe are announced to appear at the Opera House Monday evennif,', Nov. 27. The Troupe is too thoroughly known and highly appreoiated to need coiuinent froni the press. This is the oldest and best organized traveling troupe on the American continent and their entertainroenls are unnvaled. Tíiey introduce a new syitem for sellmg secured sents. Theii popular prioes ot admiseion are 50 and 35 cents. No extra charge for reserved seata ii bought before the day the concert is to take place. Reserved seat tickets sold six days in advance at 50 oents each. On the day and evening of the entertainment reserved sea tickets vrill be 25 cents extra as usual. Secure your reserved seat tickets in advance and avoid the extra charge. Seats now on sale at Douglas fc Co. 's Bookstore. A New Coübt House. - At a meeting of the Common Council held on Monday evening last, the Mayor was instructed to cali a taxpayers' meeting to be held on Tuesday, December 5, to consider and vote for or againat a proposition to raise and appropriate $20,000 in aid of the construction of a new Court House, It is proposed to borrow the saine on the bonds of the city drawing not to exceed 8 per cent. nterest, Ï2,000 of the principal to be paid annually. It is understood that ïf this appropriation and donation is made the Supervisors at the coming adjourned session, to be held December 18, will provide for subinitting a proposition at the April election to raise $40,000 by oau and tax, with the promise to aid activeiy n getting their several towns to ratify the )IopusltÍOU.


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