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A RF.itious not occurred at Scranton, Pa., the other day, bctwoon tho Delaware, I.ackawanna and Western Iíailroad Company's mechanica on a Btrike and some oí their numuer who recently retnrned to work. Tho ligh,t ocrarred in tlio vicinity of tlie Bhopa a the men wero quittins work.' Bars of iron, stones, and otlior roiauiles were used, and eoveral were aeriously iujured. A bilí, to accord womon tho same privileges as men has bceu defoated in tho Vormont Zloneo of Represontativea- 111 to 46. The Grangere' encampment building at Elm Station. Pennsylvania railroad, & few milos írom I'liiladolphia, was totally dostroyed by fire last week. Lose, .80,006 insuranco, 50,000. THE WEST. Aboct 7,000 school children in Hilwankee, Wis., have recently been vaccinated. fcimallpox is apparently not worse than at tho time the last report was issuod, but tho deatha are still too large to be viowed with comfort. It ís now stated tliat negotiations have been about concluded bfctweon Johu H. lick, the trustees of tho Lick fund, and vanoua beneflciaries, which will reeult iu an amicablo aetUemont. The details have not vet been fully aettled drices f rom Gen. Crook indícate that he considera that the Indian war will soon be ended. Ho writes that he will prosecute the wintor campaign with energy, so that it wUl close before the scason ia too far advanced. Ile Bays that thore aro hardly any Iudians on tho war-path, except tho band under Crazy Ilorao, which is not very numeroiiH, aud about 2,000 Indiana who are estimated to be vet witb Sitting Buil. and supposod to havo gono north. Even should thee lattcr confront Gen. Crook, it is belioved tliat lo will have a sufticient forcé under him to contend succesafully with the hostiles. But the opinión prevaiia stronglv that Sitting Buil will not fight any more. and that the harassing he has been Bubjected to, and the losses he has suffered in the large numbers of followers who have deserted him, will cause him to fly northward. It is not believed that he or bis followers will come into the Agencien. It is feared that Gen. Crook'a command will expericnce similar and as gre&t suffering now as they did last year on the píalos. Titebe is oocaeion for general rejoicing at the oapture of tho villaius who attempted to rifle the tomb of Abraham Lincoln of ita precióos contenta, a few daya siDce. Thev were captured by the detectives at Chicago", last week. The aunual reporte of tho officera of tho Inter-State Industrial Exposition were made to Ü19 annual meeting of the stockholders, held at Chicago on the J9th inst. The Treasnrer'a report for the year ending Nov. 17, 1876. ehows as follows : Total receipts, $114,140.11 ; disbnrsemeuts. $105,535.27 ; leaviug a romaimlor of 8,004 84. The exposition of 1876 lastcd twenty-nine days, from 8ept 6 to Oct. 9. The number of exhibitors was 541. Tho whole number of admissiona was 217,189, not including exhibitors or employés who had aeason tickets. The araount acorumg from sales of tickets waa $CC,664 50. showing an average attendance of over 7.500 persons por dky During a performance at Mooro a Opera House, in Sacramento, Cal., on Saturday evening last, the floor save way, killin g seven and wounding about 100 spectators. wr. m ihmi'c won rMumuii over a largo livery atable ou Socond street, between K and L, and was formerly viaed a a 8tate armory. It bad receDtly been converted into a tbeatër by putting up agallery and a tier of boxee, making the hall capable of seating 1.000 pereons. Tho floor was unsupported exoept by the usual beams. The vaudeville troupe had engagod the theater, and, it being the opening of the establishment, the house was crowded. Soon after the performance commenced a sudden Binking of the floor was noticed, acconroaniod by tho cracking of beams, and directly the entire auditorium, carrying with it the stage and gallery, was precipitated into the stable beneatb. Many of the wounded taken from the runiB are in a crippled cendition, and a number tyiH probably dio. The trial of tho Younger brothers for the murder of Heywood, the heroic caahier of the Northfield, ïlinn., bank, was bogun the othe day at Faribault, and terminated quite suddenly uní nnexpectcdly by the entering of plea of guilty by each of the three prisoners They were therefore promptly sontenced to ïmpnaonment for life in the Penitentiair a Stillwater. ' THE SOUTH. The engineers on the Oeorgis railroad, be longing to the Brotherhood of Locomotivo En gineers, struck for higher wages one day Iately. Thirteen freight and two pussenge" traius were out on the road at the time. The buaineas portion of Magnolia, N. C. waa deatroyed by lire, one night last week Nineteen buildings, including the railroai depot, telegraph and expresa offices, with their ooutents were burned. The firo ia supposed to liave been meendiary. WASHINGTON. A meeting of the oreditors of ex-Gov. Shepherd was held Iately. Ninoty per cent. of the oreditors were present, and unanimously agreec to extend for a period of five years their aev eral claims. Mr. Shepherd has tnrnod over al bis property to tho Hon. George Taylor, II. K Willard, and Samuel Cross, as truatues, for tho benefit of his crcditors, hut with the agree mont that ho is to have the management of the reahzation of his assets. The detailed state ment ol lus affairs uhowed an excess of abou ?500,000 of aaseta over liabilities. His frieuds coufidontly anticípate that he will be able to settle up his affairs long before the expiratioi of the time granted... .The Congreasiona House Coramittee on Appropriationa will mee on the 22d of November to preparo tho billa for the next year. Col. Stevens, the clerk o tho committee, bas been at work a month or inoro, and has them nearly all in form, and he thinks tho committeo will have at least threa bilis ready for preeentation by the time the House meets, The following statement, says a special to tho New York Evenirvj Post, taken from the books of tho l'ostoflice Department, shows the rooeiptfl and expenditures for the fiscal vear onding June 80, 1876, and will form the basis of the annual report of the Postroaster Gen Receipts from all sources $28 844 197 50 Increaec over laet vear .... IBWm'i Kxpeuditnresof til kinds....".] SM 487 S Dfcrcane from last year ' '347'sÜ 8" Exoop of . xpenditnres overreceipts.! 4 619'90 U( Inoras of CïprncllturcB for previous '■""■"' _yearwan 6 172 usm Nearly the eutiro receipts of tho de'partmen are denve-d from the salo of stampa. ptampe cnvolopos, and postal cards, the recoipta from these sources being $20.879 512 10 Among tho items of expenditure the followmg were the principal ones, viz.: Inland transportation Í14 741! R4"ï w CompenBation of Vostmwterii'.'.'.'.'.'.'. MnWÏ Clerks for postoffloe S tóo'rao n Lcttor-carricro "' i' aan' mí' m KaiiwayderkB. ...::.;:;:";;:; ïSroï' Manufacture of stampcd envclopcs ' ' poeUl usrdB and wrappcm 80,Bin.86 Foreigumail transportatlon 229 1M 21 $12Bor00Onae frm monov-order business was In Ihe caso of Admiral Porter and others, of tho North Atlantic squadron, against the rams Texas and Beaufort, and ten other Confedérate veesolB, in which $1,500,000 was claimed a decreo was ïsauod last week in tho District t.ourt at Washington, declaring tlmt for want of proof the captors are entitïed to but oneha f of the proceeds of the priz, nd that the foar"?2 000 WaS 'f55'52')' and t!' BeaU" GENERAL. Trk trial of tho claim of Admiral Porter and Iho North Atlantic squadron for prize-money, growing out of tho capture of Iliohmonrt, was wS conti: be'To Jndge Humphries in ZwL About 1.500,000 is involved in the controversy.. . .Tho stoamer Moche belonjiinK to a line of steamera runDg between Havana and Porto Itico, wa sf ized by a Bombar of tho pa-sengers, and the Captain and other ofticera killed. They thon pSt tho rest of the passongors on shore at Hornero Key, Cuba, and put to sea. Tuk Western Wholesale Drug Association bat! a called matting at 8t. Lonis, rccently, at which business of interest only to the mtmberé was trannacted. A bauquet was given by the local membjrs at the Linuell Holol. Thk Mothodist Epincopal Minsionary CommiUea last week mado tho following appropriations:, Jtpn, Í15.0C0; Arizona, $2,000: contingent fnnd, $25,000; incidental expenses, fAOOP-, oflice exponaos, $14,000; and for dissemmating missionary information, f20,000. TiiKcleaiiugsof tho Chicago bsnks for last week foot upa total of $21, 120,033.00, being about ia, 170, 000 leas Uian for the eorrespondiiiii week of last year. Muixins and Hugbef, tho two mon arreated in Chicago recontly on the charge of attempting to deapoil the tomb of Abraham Lincoluof 'Jí pr?iuU8 contenta, wero iudicted by a apecial Jrand Jury of Saogamon county for two ser arato crimes- attemptd larceny and conspiracy -and each was committed in default of bail n thesnm of 11,000. POUTICAL. NüwKODiniUOT advices report sever&l shipwrecks with lom of crew?. A brig drifted into Crow harbor. Fortuno bay, with four of the crow doad and laehod to the riKging Chicago olevatora contaiu 2,812,742 biiahels of wheat ; 746,741 bushels of corn ; 430,9G2 buehelfl of oats; 173.474 bushels of ryo, and 967 3fiG buahela of barley, makini; a grand total of 5,140.285 biiBhole," against 2,555,290 buahela at thia period last year. Tdk Legislature of Colorado haB elected two United StaUa Senators - Hon. J. B. Chaffeeand Hon. A. M. Teller. Thoy are both RopnblicaiiH. The offioial oanvaas of tlio vote in Ohio for President has boon concluded, and it ia found that Hajen' plurality ovor Tilden in that State wua 7,516. It was decidod by the Louisiana Iïeturniug Board to admit five repreaontatives of each party aa speetatora of ita procoedings, and also to allow oonteatanta to be repreaentcc by counsel at auch timee aa the Board Bhould dcsiguate for boaring argumenta upondiaputefl queations. Aaimilar provisión asto publicity to made in Bonth Carolina, the Canvaaaing Board having voted to allow a committee of DcmocraU and Republicana tobo present.... Completo returns from all the oonnUea of 111inoia give Hayea a majority over Tilden of 17.40G. The total voto of Ohio at the November tiou was 659, 757, divided aa f ollowa f or President: Hayes, 330,098; Tilden. 323,183; Cooper (Independent), 3,057; Smith (Prohibition), 1 636 ; Walker (Anti-Seoret Society), 76; Hsyes over Tilden, 7.516 The majority for Tilden in Maryland is officially reported at 19,79'J The official majority for Hayes in Illinois is reported at 18.613 Tlie Returning lioard of the State of Louisiana met, in pursnance of law. on the 17th ingt., at New Orinan, for the purpose of canvassing the vote of that State at the recent eleotion. The only business trangacted was the reception of a. plea on the part of the Democratie candidates against the constitutionality of tho acts of tho board, and tho forwarding of a communication to the Tisiting gentlemen of both partie?, requeating the appointment of committees to be present at the count. In response to this communication the Democrats appointeJ the following to remain here and be present to witness the connting of the votes by the Beturning Board : John M. Palmer, Illinois ; Lyman Trumbull, Illinois ; WUIiam Bigler, Pennpylvania ; Oeorge B. Smith, Wiecoasin ; P. H. Watoon, Ohio. The couut for President stood, Nov. 21, as shown in tho tablo below, with Lonisiana, 8 votes, and Florida, 4 votes, to be returnod : POK TILDEN. Staten. Voten. Staten. Voten. Alábanla 10 New JerBey 9 Ark:iu.-;is 6 New York 35 Counecticnt 6 North Carolina 10 Dclaware 8 Tennessee 12 Georgia 1] Texas 8 Indiana 15 Virginia 11 Kentuck? 12 Weet Virglni s Marvland 8j Mitslnaippi 8 Total 184 Miasonri 15 FOR HAYKS. States. rotes. States. Vate. California 6 ríew Hampshiro S Colorado ñ Ohio 22 Illinois 21 Oregon 3 Inwa 11 Pennnylvania 29 Ki)Bas SRhodeleland i Maine 7 Verinont ' 5 MaFmachusetts 13 Wisconflin 10 Michigan 11 Souln Carolina 7 Minnesota 5 Nebraska t Total 173 Novada 3 Total electoral vote ,.369 Ncceapary to a cholee 185 Viroinia's majority for Tilden is 44,244. The majority in Alabama for the Tilden nd Hendricks electora is 34.383. FORMÓN. Gen. Maiitinez Campos, now commanding the Spanish troopa in Cuba, haa issued a proclamation intonded to test the loyalty of persona who have deacrted f rom that army and joined the insurgente. Tho proclamation gives such men until Dec. 31 to return and take their oíd places in the Bpanish army, failing in which they are threatened with death by the bullot in case they are captured thereaftcr Tho Czar has ordered the mobilization of the Ruasian army. A circular of Prince Gortechakoff, the Russian Premier, to Raasian rcpresentativea abroad, cxplainiDg tliis meaaure, saya : "The Czar does not wiah war, and will, if poBsiblo, avoid it. líe is, however, dfttormined that tho principies of justice which have beenccognized as neceasary by the whole of Europe shall be carried out in 'Turkojr under ctticacioiiH guáranteos." A Reüter telegram from Conatantinople saya: "AU the powers are slated to bain accord respecting the conference which ig expected to commence its sitting at the end of November. The Porte haa made some objection, but its adhesión appears cortain, England having made urgent repreeentations.". . . .The British steamer City of Manchester, from Liverpool for Calcutta, wse sunk off Akayah, India, recently. All hands, except the Captain and titeward, are eupposed to bo loat The arroy which Ruesia will mobilizo forthwith, or ae rapidly rs the state of the weather will permit. is stated to couaiet of 195,202 infantry, 26,788 cavalry, and 624 rifled cannon. It ia also roported that Rnssia will not wait nntil April for her next year's contingent of 200,000 men, but will cali tltem out at onco. A Hambubo, Germany, dispatchsays that the Public Prosecutor of that city has instituted procoedings against Ferdinand Keyn, late mastfr of the Oermau steamer Franconia, for manslaughtor, in running down tne British steamer Strathclyde, and causing tho death of a number of persons through culpable nogligence. Capt. Keyn was convicted in Eugland for the pame offenso, but on appeal his Bentence was quashed for want of jurisdiction. A Reuter telegram from Caicutta states that later accounts eay that 215,000 pereons perished during the cyclone which paased through Eastern Bongal on the 31st of October. The Government U taking activo steps for the relief of the distreseed population of that district The Extraordinary Grand Council of Turkoy resolved, on tbe 17th, to accept tho conference. It is stated that Midhat Pacha and Sanfet Paaba will be the Turkish Plenipotentiaries. A Calcutta dispatch of Nov. 20 gives the following account of tho great tidal wave of Oct. 31: "Throo large a'audfi, namely, Hattiah, Bundeey and Dakhan Hhahabazhare, and numeroua smaller islands mcluded in Backergunge, Nookholly and Chittagong, wéro entirely submerged by tho etorm-wave of Oet. 31, as was alüo the mainland for five or aix miles. These isíards aro all in or near the eatuary of the River Megua. The largest, Dakhan Shahabazhare, waa 500 equare miles in extent. It had a population of about 240.0(10. Hattiah and Sundoop, togethtr, hadabout 100,000 population. Up to about 11 oclock on the uight of the Slat there were no signa of darjger, but before midnight a wave awept over the country to the deptü, in many placea, of twonty feet, surprieiug the people in their beds. Dense groves of oocoanut aud palm trees arouud the villages enabled many to save themeolves by olimbing among tho branches. Some took refuge on the topa of their houaes, but the wator burat tho houses ammder, and ewept thcm out to sea. öome were carried tbus aorots tho chauuel, ten miles, to the Chittagong district, but the vast majority were nover heard of again. Tho country ia p6rfect!y flat, and alrnoït evory one perished who f ailod to roach the trees. There is scarcely a honsehold on the inlands, and on the adjaceut coast, bat lost many members. Tho cattle are all drowned, tne boats are swept away, and the mcans of communication with the other distriete are destrojed. There U much diatresa among tho amvivorn, which the Government is relieving. The (tmernment Gazette says that wherever the stormwave passed it is believed that not a third of the population survived. Tho islands havo baroly onefourth of their former inltabitants. The stencil from the putrifyiug bodies is insufferable, and a general outbreak of the cholera is oxpected. A correspondent eays that tina fear is happily not yet realizad, except in Nooktiolly, where the diaease has appoarcd." TheEnglish atcamer Windaor Castle haa beeu lost near Cape Towu, África. PasseDgers and crew savpd Her Majeaty's gunboat Lapwing ia roported lost in the groat galo near Chafoo, China. No lives Jost.


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