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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. DONALD MACI.EAN, M. D., Puysician and Surgeon. Office and residence, 71 Huron street, Aun Arbor. Office hours f rom 8 to 9 a. m. and f roin 2 to 3 p. m. T17" J. HERDÏIAN, M. D., Physician and SurVV . geon. Office, Southwest corner Main and Huron streets. Kesidesce, 48 South State street. Office hours from 10 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 4 p. m. LE. MCFAKL.AND, Surgical and Mechan. ical Dentist, corner of Main and Huron streets (Jackson's old stand.) Great pains taken in uil operatioiiB entrueted to niy care Prices to snit the times. All work warranted. Teeth extracted nitbout pain. Office hours : 8 to 12 a. in.; 1 to 6 p. m.; 7 to 8:30 p. m. ■ TT7" H. JACKSON, Dentist. Office corner of W Main and Washington streete, over Bach & Abel's store, Ann Arbor, Mich. Aneethetics adminisierptiif required. EUGENE K. FRIIEAÜFF, Attorney at Law, Notary Pubhc, and Commiesioner of Deeds ior Penneylvania. Consultation in the Germán or InRlish lauguage. Oüice, IliJl's Opera-House, Ann Arbor, Mich. ECLAKK, Justice of the Peace, Notary Puba lic and Conveyaucer. Will loan money for thers ou real estáte security. Office over No. 8 Buron street, Ann Arbor, Micb. -TirlNKS & WOEDES, 20 South Main street, Yy Anu Arbor, Mich., wholesale and retail deallersia Dry Qoods, Carpets and Groceries. MACK & SCHMID, dealers in Dry Gooda, Grocerieis, Crockery, etc., No. 54 South Main itreet. BACH & ABEIj, dealers in Dry Goode, Groceries, etc., No. 2ö South Main street, Ann Arbor, JlicU. -11TM. WAGNEB, dealer in Ready-Made Clothyy iug, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, TrunkB, CarpctBags, etc, 21 South Main street. JFKEDEKICK SCHAKBEKLÊ, teacher of . the PIANO, VIOLIN AND GUITAB. Eeeidence Boutheast corner Main and Liberty etreets, Ann Arbor, Mich. NOAH W. CHEEVEB, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offire in Probate Office, Ann Arbor, Mich. JEYERYBODY SAYS TE-AT REVENAUCH IS THE Boss Photographer of Ann Arbor. 28 East Euron Street, up-stairs. WINBJLOW BROS. 32 East Huron Street, 1EALEB8 I1T PICTURE FRAMES, BRACKETS ASD m VIOLO STHOtíS. J. H. NICKELS, Dealer m FRE8H & SALT ME ATS, Hams, Sansages, Lairi, etc, STATE STREET, OPPOSITE NORTHWEST CORNER OF UNIVERSdY CAMPUS. Orders promptly fllled. Farmers having meats (o seU should give him a cali. 1568-yl THE ANN AEBOE SAVINGS BANK -A-nn Arbor, Michigan. lieceives deposita of One Dollar and upwards and allows Five per cent. interest on all deposita remaraiug three months or longer. KTEBEST COMPOUNDED SEMI-ANNTTALLY. Also, buje and sells U. S. Bonds, Gold, Silverand Interest Coupons, and New York, Detroit and Chicago Exchange. Also sells Sight Drafts on Great Britaiu, Ireland, Geroiany, or any other part of the European Continent. This Bank ia organized under the General Bank ing Uw of this Stite. The stockholders are indiflually liable to the amount of their stock, and toe whole capital is security for deposito-ra, while tith Banks of issue the capital is invested (or the Mcurity of bill-holdere. This fact makes this Institution a very safe deposit of moneys. Married Women can deposit subject to their oim drafts only. Money to Loan on Approved Securitles. I Pieectors- K. A. Beal, C. Mack, W. D. Harrimn, W. Deubel, W. W. Winea, D. Hiscock w B Smitb. ' ' OFFICEES : C Mack, Prest. w. W. Wines, Vice-Pres't. C. E. Hiscook, Cashier. W. A, L0VEJ0Y, Tobacconist ! DEALS IN FIXE-CUT AND SMOKING Tobáceos, ÖNUFF, PIPES, &c„ At No. 7 East Huron-st., Next to the Express Office, ANN ARBOR, - - - MICHIGAN EBERBACH & SON, tafflts ië Pnarmacists, 12 South Main St., Ketpiou hand a large and well selected stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUPFS, ARTISTS' & WAÏ FLOWER MATERIALS Toilet Articles, Trusses, Btc. pURE WINES AND LIQUORS. SlasswL'J Apparatus, Bobemian Chemical Ph ; ' Porcsls ware, Pure Keagents, etc. ,1 h„,'C, Pre8criPUons carefully prepared at JSU


Old News
Michigan Argus