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Orange Jacobs, Republican

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elocted delégate to Congres from Washington ïerritory by 250 inajority, jubI uiissed being a native of Michigan, his father removing to Sturgis, St. Josepl County, whon he was a three-year old He was oducated in the " Wesleyan Sein inary," Albion, and went to Oregou in 1852, and thence to Washington Terri tory. Alexander H. Stephens arrived at Washington on the 24th uit. - Friday last, with his health go far restored that ho expects to bo able to attend to his duties as a member of the House. It is hoped that his presenee will aid in keeping the breaks on a few Southern fire-eaters like Ben Hill, whose uttorances give their section a bud name, This is the legend which the Detroit Tribune now daily inscribes over its rg ular news from the South " The newg agenta of the Associatec Press are, with but few exceptions Demócrata of the ' white line ' stripe This füct should be borne in mind in reading the report from that section.' Let the Tribunen readers roll it like a sweet morsel under their tongues. Don't fail to read (see fourth page the letter of 'Prof. Sumner, of Yale Collego, giving the result of his personal observations in New Orleans. lts statements and conclusions cannot fail to open the eyes of conservativo thinking men, of men who are not so blinded by patisunship that they glory in frauds that li'iid in the direction of their desires. A COLORED man was hung at Cave Cily, Kentucky, on Fiiday night last, by a band of colored men, in the presenee and in despite of the tears and entreaties of his wife and fa in il y. Offense : voting the Democratie ticket. And this is a specimen of the inthuidatiou threatened all through the South to prevent colored men from voting ugaiust the Republicana. The seco.vd session of tbe Fortyfourth Cougress will coiumcnce ou Monday next. The first business in the House will be the election of a Speaker ; and after that will come articles of impeachment Hgainst Judge Bond, and if President Grant don't keep his soldiers away from State-houses and their bony fingere from the throats of lcgislators he muy fitid articles of impeachment preferred against him on which even a Kepublican Senate canuot fail to convict. The Kepublicans fiud certain evidence of intimidation and fraud in the fact that Louisiana has given a large Democratio majority wheu (with the aid of that Rturuiug Board) it went Eepublican two and four yeajs ago. Jesso: but then, how about Massachusetts? Didu't that State elect a Democratie Governor one year ago, and now isn't even an Adams chiseled out of an election by ballot box stutfing, rnpeating, and driving Democratie voters from the polls ? We pause for a reply. Tuf. resiaence of Wade Hampton, near Columbia, S..C, was burned on Friday night last, - the work of ttn incendiary. And this is the way the law abiding citizens of South Carolino pioposc to puuish men for being Demo crats. Itisjust about as legitímate as the action of Judge Boud, or of the President in nending troop to aid the canvassing Board in securing a Republican Legislature, with a view to prevent Gen. Hampton froin being duclared Uovernor. For the benefit ot those Republicans who conldn't possibly see how a certifícate and protest bearmg date New Or leans, Nuv. 20, could get inside of a senled jmckajie inniled at a piint several hundn-d miles away on the 14th, and filed bs reeeived on the 18th, we will eu(jrgept that it was the woik of spirits. Peihups they coiild get Slade hahtancor pustd out of J. ui. (hm jitil loug enougb to explain to them just how it was done. Judge Bond has the sanie authority to issue h writ in heb al f of Slade that lie hnd in behalf of ihose South Carolina Oiinvasscrs coimiiitted by ttie SupTiiie Court for conteuipt, but perhups, it might not be as potent "over there." This D J. M. Jowett, who signs himselt " Secretmy,'' was at the time a United St:ites Comiuissiuiier, and his order muy be supp Btd to rt fl-ct the opiuions and deHireb of lus superiors. It i a new duoiip itiou for United State.-, ofiiuers to eng'.iTH in, and exhi!its an interterenue in lucal elections Bever be fore known in tbe history of this uoun try, and one which ualinot be tolurated if the liberties of the people are to be preservud. We regret (f) to say that the Supervisor of Iti-gistratiou of Assinnptiun p-irih lüiled to luiiig the Repuhli can vote up to th figure mimed, the Republieau vote being but 1,692 and the Republiean majprity but 12. His huad probably rolls in the Retuming Board's waste basket. GlVEX " judicial " as w 11 as mini terial powers : that Louisiana Remming Board. And yet it is not only compooed of bitter partisans, but its memberg include oue government officeholder whose lease of office depends ou the election of Hay es, and another whose own election to a Stale office is to be " judicially " decided by himbèlf. Is n't this a violation of all judicial rules, - one of the first nud best of which prohibits a man from being a judge in his owu case? As well expeet an houest and correct verdict from a judge who is also party in a suit, or from a jury of which plaintiff or dufendant, with colleagues whose several f a tes depend on the decisión, constitute the whole or a m ijor portion. The "judicial" powers exercisod by such i board are a burlesque and a fraud. Tbey are rather discretionary than "judicial," the discretion cousisting in the power - not riyht - to do just as the board pleaRes, law or no law, justly or unjustly, right or wrong.


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