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In April, 1875, Judge Cooley, of thi city, wrote and publisued in the South ern Law lieziew an able artiole on " Th Legal Aspects of the Louisiaua Ques tion," froni which we quote a sontenc or two. " When, therefore, Gen. DeTrobriand's so liii'is, with muskets and bnyonets, forced thos mem bera f rom the house, they vrer guilty o hh Mgh-handed an outrage upan free institu t lens, und as glaring an mvaaion of ropresen tutive privileges, as wa8 Charles I-, when wit 11 kii torco he attemptort the arrest ot the tiv niiTiibiTs of Parliameut whose course diapleas ed him. Those who commend the one ac ahouïd be prepared to join in reversinj th comlemuation which iim.í sinee the publi opinión ot Great Britain and Amorica paasec upou the othor." And again : 11 It is plain, therefore, that the Coustitutio of tho United States lumishes no justifícatio whatovor to the procüodings of the militar torce which broke up a Legislature and led In of Is uicinhi-rs from tlie hatl, as a King o Englanii, two Denturies and a half a#o, bazan ed nis hcad in doing: kazarded, and justi lost." In no more fitting or ntronger lan gutige can we censure or condenm tb action of President Grant and his mili tury subordinates in interfering wit und controlliug the organization of th South Carolina Legislature oti TuCKcia; A file of federal eoldiers was stationec in the capitol and protected and aidec the niiiiiona of Gov. Chamborliiin in ex cluding trom the House nine member presenting tho certifícate of the Su preme Court that they had been electec The Mmith Carolina Hpuse numbora 12 memberH, and G4 Dcmocrats havin been elected it was necessary to exclud a number of them in order to give th Republicauti the orgnniz vtion. And th illegal and unconstitutional job wa exucuted by the soldiers of Gon. Ruger tioting under tbe orders of Presiden Grant. Yerily, the President has haz arded his (official) head and hazarding ouglit to lote it. The Republican memberB, 55 negroe and 4 white men, 4 less tban a constitu tional quorum, proceeded to organiza House, notified the Senate and Govern or, and oalled upun the Secretary o State i'or the votes or returns for Gov ornor and Lientenaut Governor, pre liuinary to meeting tbe Seuate in join couvention to canvass the same. On Republ can member refused to partici pate and a second has sinct; deserte'! hi issociates, and Wednesday the rum] body was uuable to drum up a quorum. The Deuioorat, reiufurced by i wo Republicana, or 66 in all, hare organizud THE House, and such is the posilion at this writing - Thursday foieuoon. - For the inforination of any Republicana who may questioo the right o the South Carolina Supreuie Court to interftsre with the canvaasers and require them to certify to the election o: the EJgefield and Laurens inenibera, we may say that a 8t. Louis court of inferior juriadictiou has juat heard a oase similar, aud has ordered a certifícate of elbction giveu to a Republican canrtidate for Congress. Notie but a bitter partisan, iguoraut of all law, will dispute the jurisdiction exerciaed by the South Carolina Court or the correotneas of its decisión. - Lateat reporta say that the Rump House haa iucreased its ineinberahip by seating five Republican meinbers from Bitriiwell county, the Deniocrats haviug the cauvasaer's certifícate and there being no claim of couteat before the board. What next f THE State Board of Cenvassers have tabulated the votes polled in the several Congressioual districts of the State aa follows : First District- For Williiirra, Dam., 14,471-2,054 Duffield, Rep., 12.417 Ruetile, G. B., 1,736 Othern, 32 Total, 28,646 Second District - For Robison, üem., 17.024 Willits, Ri-p., 19,211-2,193 Grangei, G. B., 506 Halbaway, Prob., 199 Others, ' 29 Total, 36,969 Third District- For Livenuore, Dein., 17.223 McGowan, Rep., 19.878-2,655 Thomas, G. B , 1,024 Wooduiausee, Prob , 218 Scatteniig, 8 Total, 38,351 Fourth DUtrict - For Chainberlnin, Dem., 16,330 Knightley, Rep., 18,716-2,386 Scattering, 6 Total, 35,052 Fijth DUtriet - For H irris, D.-tu., 18,546 Stooe, Rep., 21,908-3,362 Scatturing, 50 Total. 40,504 Sitth Dixtrict- For Durand, Dera., 21.615 Brewer, Rep., 23,356-1,741 Suattenug, 2 Total, 44973 Seventk üixtrict - For Chadwick, Dem., 13,127 Conger, Rep., 15.818-2,691 Whiting, G. B., 199 Scatt!riïjg, 9 Total, 29,153 iïighth District - For Potter, Dem., 15,350 Ellsworth, Rep., 15,838-488 Scattering, 13 Total, 31,201 Ninth District- For Kilbourne, Dom., 12 223 Hubbell, Rep., 17,805-5,582 Scatteiing, 5 Total, 30,033 The Louisiana Returning Board is making liaste glowly but surely in the ounting out procesa. Every step leads n that dirt'ction, and to-day all testimony and coutests close - according to notice given Wednesday. It will then go into secret seíaion, figure up, decide ïow many paiishes must be thrown out o give the State to Hayea, and out they will go. That's all. - The Florida Board have gono hrough the returns and find " on tboir ace " a niajority for the Hayea electora rom 38 to 46. But the Demoorat8 prove cross fraud in Alachua county, increasng the Rupublican majority 219 votes, ud a falae return from Baker county, hanging a Democratie niajority of 94 o a Republican majority of 41. No final decisión by the board announced.


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