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Michigan Official

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The State Board of Cttiivassers concluded the canvass of the returns of the electoral vote on Saturday last, nnd declared the result. Iu ils compiled tables the oounties of Chippowa, Mackinac and Suhooloraft wore omitted - the returns not having been receivod. We hare tilli-d the blanks with the reported vote of the omitted counties 80 that the table inay be cousidered both complete aud correct. The footings show a majohty for Hayes over Tildón of 25,216, and over all of 15,307. Huyes Tilden Cooper Sniith Alcona, 165 1G2 Allegan, 4281 3169 274 Alpen, 629 88$ Autrim, 475 280 1 Baraga, 218 232 B.irry, 29Ü6 1902 6Ü3 9 Bay, 2408 2841 100 4 bunzie, 474 186 7 Berneu, 4188 3679 301 Branc.Ii, 3998 2370 466 6 Calhoun, 6167 3885 84 33 Cas, 2750 2336 173 Charlevoix, 411 205 Cheboygan, 2t)2 44ó Chippewu, 172 283 Clare, 272 236 Clinton, 3247 3074 27 2 Delta, 6U5 452 Eaton, 4010 2903 65 100 Einmttt, 31'2 426 8 Ueueeee, 6044 3736 7 16 Uladwin, 84 162 UU Traverso, 1000 330 3 1 (iratiot, 2150 1312 143 1 Hillsdule, 6109 2329 671 68 Houghton, 2266 14.Í9 Hurou, 1269 1036 10 Iugham, 40Ö8 3994 11 32 Ionio, 4308 32:50 68 40 lofioo, 467 369 2 Isabella, 1022 720 73 Isle Koyal, 12 44 ,l,i.:ksun, 4913 6255 47 67 Kalamazoo, 4496 3583 90 8 Kalkaska, 384 130 10 Kent, 7403 6H78 2065 3 Ko weena w, 735 414 Lake, 414 209 8 Lnpeer, 3Z29 2498 1 6 L'üUimw, 634 412 Leuuwee, 6540 5564 6 193 Livingston, 2735 2929 1 11 Mackiuau, 74 204 Macomb, 3012 3453 18 6 Maniste?, 896 811 76 2 Mamtou, 40 94 Marquette, 2308 1750 Masou, 933 680 54 Mecostn, 1342 926 101 Meiiominee, 393 357 MidluuU, 655 484 Misaaukee, 159 108 Mouroe, 3032 3893 23 1 Montcalm, 3106 2445 77 4 Muskegou, 2255 1511 163 2 Newaygo, 1315 801 235 40 Oaklmid, 5053 5313 51 Otíeana, 1365 699 29 Ojjcinaw, 101 87 Uiitohogan, 201 321 Osceola, 804 620 297 22 ütsego, 184 146 Ottawa, 3401 2620 70 PresquB Isle, 153 168 liobcornmuu, 64 184 Suginaw, 4182 4850 6 2 Samlac, 1896 1021 Sckuolcraft, 121 103 Shiawassee, 3191 2169 6 21 Öt. Clair, 4067 3710 113 8 St. Josejih, 3165 2490 748 Tiucola, 24t3 1284 145 Van Buren, 4046 2599 601 2 Washteuiiw, 4565 5117 8 23 Wayno, 12677 16075 1063 19 Wcxiord, 618 318 1 1 166,901 141,685 9060 767 There were 71 votes tor the " Anti-Secret Society" ticket, aud oue for the "Amuricau Alhance" ticket. Some days ago a World correspoudent discussed in a very able articlo the question of the iuelegibility of postuiusters to be appointed Preaidential electora, reachiug the conclusión that :ho ineleibility did not give the election to the opposition candidate, and al80 that no vacancy was created by the 'üilurt' to elect. The latter position is taken by other writers, the assuuiption juiíifí that an election must be made to an office before there can oucur a vicancy. Thia is not always so. If the office 3 a continuoue office, with a provisión For an incumbent to hold over uutil his 8uccessor is elected a failure to elect would loave no real vacancy, but if the crui of office expires at a certuin date a failure to elect will créate a vacancy at tbat certaiu date. The question ot low such vacancy shall be iilled is entirely another one and must be determiiii'i! by local or State laws. Tiie following letter, bearing date 3ept. 25, and addressed to the Supervisor of Assumption parish, Louisiana, s a sample of the letters sent froui the Kepublican headquarters in New Oreaus to the several parishes of the State It will bear a careful reading : Dkak Bib: It is well knowu to this committhe trum the exainination uf the ceusus ot .875, ihat the Republiciin vote in your p:insh a 2,200, arid the Kepublican mujority is 900. Y.iu ai e expectd to register and vote the uil sirenüth ot' the Rfpuhlican party iu your üirisU. Your recoguitiun of the uext State ViLiintii-it i -ii i ui will depend upon your doing rour ful) duty in the premiaes, and you will not be huid to tuve done yuur lull duty unlesa the Bepullican registraron iu your pa is), reaclirs 2.2UU, and the Kepublicuu vote is at east 2.1U0. AU ocal candiilatcs and committees are dircctod to iiiil yiui lo the utmost in obtaioiug Mis teanit, üinl every facility ia aml will be iffmed you ; but you must obtain the resulu ca led lo Within wilhout fail. Once obtaiiuul, rour raooicoitïuii will be ampie and generouu. Yeiy rcspecttuliy, your oielient servant, D j. il. Jbwktt, Secretary. If John Kelly is made comptrnller of New fork city, Twetnl will have come back just iu une to ■! Tanimany Hall in oontrol of that boniuizii, tlie city trei-sury, once more.- Detroit 'ost of Tuesday. The same edition of the Vost takes the ■piut" out of that " if," a telegraphio dispatch ttiinouucing that Mayor Wicklüin had noniiiiated Jas. S. Thayer to be Comptroller. It is too bad to cheat Celly and make game of Tweed in he same breath. Cau't our cotempo ary relieve its feelings by charging hut some " white line Democratie " official is Associate Press agent iu New York. The New York Evening Post is not ntirely correct iu this statement: The rigid rule excluding clergymen 'rom Girard College in Philadelphia seems to have been relaxed during the )eriod of the Centennial Exhibition, as no questions were asked of strangers." .int 'riiifi the gate house we were asked his question, ' Are yon a clergyman '(" and we personally heard it repeated a number of times, with the occasional variation, " Any clergymen in yonr arty 't" And othors have detailed to U9 the same experienco. The Post bould bc a little more carefnl. T-wo years ago the Sixth district of bis State gave a handsome Democratie raajority - and secured the able services f Geo. H. Durand in the House. This rear tho couuties composiug that disrict were " bull-dozel " by the "henchlen of Zack Chandler and Steve Bingiam and the result is the election of ne Brewer to misrepresent the disrict. And the State Board of Canvassra, " loil " Bepublicans, all entered ever a protest ftgaitist. the fraud and ntrage, but umi ■ haate to sanotion oth. And this in Michigan instoad of in Louisiana. The official rote of this Congrensioual district is announced as follows : RoblWil- Granpon. litH. ger. Hilllsdale, 2,398 6,142 A(K5 Lriüw-o, 6,666 6,641 Monroe, 3,877 3,060 Washtenaw, 5,183 4,47 Total 17,024 19,211 Mnjority, 2,187 Hathaway, prohibition oandidate had 199 votes in Lenawee county ; Nowc-niiili, 2 in Lenawee oounty ; and Mr. Scattering got, 1 in Lenawee, 2 in Monroe and 27 in Washtenaw, the last nained belonging, all or nearly all, to Hnthfiway. The total vote of the district is 36,969, boing 7,715 in excoss of the vote polled for Governor in 1874. A reBpectable increase. Can't the defeated candidato miso a cry of fraudulent votes and stufFed ballot-boxes : that is the way largo Doinocratio gaine and majorities are accouuted for elsewhere. Tweed has made the Bepublioan countenance look sorry and the Bepubhoaa heart grow sick by assuring a reporter tbat he has nothing to reveal about Tilden. " Of all the sad words of tongue or pen, The aoddest are these, - it raight have been."


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