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The Presidential Contest

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LOTJISIANA. New Orleans, La., Nov. 22.- Immediatoly after the meeting of the board, at 11:30 a. m., counsel of the Democratie Comniittco on Beturna flled a moticn for copies of protest?, conteste, ote, enterod on the lïepublican side. Tlio motion was taken under ad viacmeut. A protest against tho rulee adopted by the board was Oled by tho Democratie counsel. When the board went tnto executivo sesKion Gov. K. C. Wickliffe, elector-atlarge on the Democratie ticket, waa excluded from the room. President Wellssaidthat Gov, Wickliffe could only be present in case of a contest. Tho latter gave notice that he would filo a protest. Tho bowd went ihto executive eesion about noon, Ihe following-iiamwl gentlemen, cfimposing tho Democratie aud Bnpublicau Viaitiug Ckimmittocfl, remaining in the room : Democratio Oommittcc- Jlessrs. Palmer, 'lYumbulI, Julián, G. B. Hmith, and Bigler. Bepublican Committee - Meaurs. Bhermau, Kale, Stonghton, Gurfield and Kelley. Tho Clerk reported that returns from fourteeli parinhos had not vet boen rocoived. The following parinhis vere canvaesed to-day ín executivo session : 8t. Helena-Hayes. 520 ; TUden, 648 ; Packard, 310 ; iNicnoiB, coz. öt. mary - naves, il ; Tildt-n, 1.485 ; Puckard, 2,897 ; Nicho!, 1,455. Tensas- Hayes, 2 307 ; Tilden, 4C4 ; Psckard, 3,192; Nicbols. 486 Terrebouue--Haves, 1.972: Tilden, 1389; Packard. 1.S62 ; Nich'ols, 1. i.M. Washington- Hayea, 1C5 ; Tilden, 514 ; Pacliard, 1C3 Nichols, 529 : Vernnlion- Hayes, 277 ; Tilden, 9(2. New Orlfans, Not. 23. - At the meeting of the CanvaBsing Board to-day, on motion of Gen. Andeieon, the President of the boRrd in etructed the Secrotary to isBue orders to all Supervisors in tho city to file their returns immediately. The board completed tho caiivass of only three pariehes, as follows : Natchitoches- Tilden. 1,761 ; Hayes, 2,099 ; Union- Tilden, 1.493 ; Hayes, 94 ; lberville- Tilden, 057 ; Hayes, 2.297. At one poll in Natcbitoches the board threw out 542 votes for three Republican electorö, and 173 votes for three Di mocratio electora, on account of iufoimalitiee. Tlio Toto for tbe live Republican elf otors in Natchitochcs was 1,658. In Iberville the five llepublican electora receivod only 1.848 votes instead of 2,297, owing to the onnseion of names on the ballot. New Obleanb, Nov. 24. - The business before tbe Returning Board to-day consisted for the most part in hearing documenta, protesta, and aftidavite read, and was generally of an unimportaut oh&racter. A co unranication was reoeived from the newspaper correspondente in New Orleans, roquesuiig permission to be present at the Bession of the board, which was refused. The board thereafter went into executive seortoo. Returns from three contesto;! parishes - EaBt Baton Eouge. St. Tammany and Iberia - were taken up. East Baton Rouge bas eighteen polling-place, bnt the returns when opeued were from only seven. It Is twolve hours distant from New Orleans. lieturns frem that parish were not sent by mail. and were not üled with the Retnrnins; Board till Nov. 23. Mimy of the aftidavita charging intimidation were sworn to in New Orleans, somo of thom as late as Nov. 22. The total vote of the parish, as ascertained from the returns of the Commifaioners at the places, was 2 238 for Tilden, and 1.626 for Hayes. but the Supervisor of Rcgixtration, by consolidating the retnrns from only seven polling-p'aces. leaving out the other eleven, and omittirjg to send the original returns from the same, makes a return of ouly 1,101 votes for Tilden, and 1,427 for Hayes. Affidavits have beenfiled stating that th6 Supervisor in this parisb, and in every other parish in the State, is a Republican ; that returns from fourteen parishes are still missing ; that Beveral of the missing nituruB wore and had been iu the city of New Orleans for daya, in the hands of persons wbo were not Supervisors. After much diecuBsion, the returns of East Baton Rouge were laid aside. The only pariwh fiuished to-dáy was St. Martin, which gave Tilden 1,023 ; Haycs, 1,097, New Okleans. Nov. 25.- The Returning Board met at 11:30. Present for tko Republicana, Messrs. Stonshton, Van Allen, Wilcox. KeÜey and Harker. For the Demócrata, Meesrs. Palmer, Trumbull, G. B. Smith, Bigler and Julián. After the readiDg of the minutes, the filing of a requost on the part of the Demócrata for representaron on the board, and a number of unimportant motions, the board weut into executive session. They then annonnced the following votes, as compiled from Consolidated statements: De Soto- Haves, 898; Tilden 1,308. Ouachita- Haves, 793; Tilden, 1,809. Lincoln- Hayns, 331: Tilden, 1.064. East Feliciana- Hajes. ; Tilden, 1,737. West Feliciana- EayeB.778; Tilden1,249. Richland- Hayes, 277; Tilden, 970. Caddo- Bayes, 2.687;"Tilden, 1,654. Habine- Hayes, 23; Tilden, 9P6. The votes of these parisbes were not canvassed, thero bein coníests fixed for a hearing next week. WLej the returns frem the pariuhes marked conto?ted were opened, the Democratie counsel wc re allowed tp be present. The returns fiom DcSoto parish were brought in and oontaiund iu one packaga sealed with wax. When tlio seals were broken by members of the board there were fouad inside the Consolidated votes of the Commia&ioners. statements and tallysheets. Attached to the returna were. a large number of pro osts and afiidavits. The Secretary of the buard said the package had been received on the 18th inst., and was entered in hiB receipt-book. and tho returns, he said, had come by mail. In the courae of inspection it was diseovereS that one of the prótesis of the Supervisor charging general intimidation waa dated Nov. 25, and sworn to in this city befure the Coiumwííioner of the Circuit Court. When called upon to explain how a protest datcd on tho 25th inst. (today) cnuld get into a sealed registered package received by mail on the 18th Hint., the Secretary said he htd rccoived two paokages. After some delay another package was produced, and found to coutain a Consolidated statement of votf s and Commissioners' returns, but no protests or affidavits. New Okleans, Nov. 27.- The Returning Board met at 11 a. m. All tbe members were preent, and a large crowd in thn lobby. air. Mcuiom, couneol for tne Democratie camiiates, iiled a request, which wat granted, that the ballot-boxea of Eat Baton Buiüjo be sent for, in order tbat the taJly-shoets and s'ateinentu of votes eealed npmfour of the boxsa could be obtained and ttie vote oounted. In executive neeeion the board examined the returna of the following pariahes and wards, viz. : Bienville, West Baton Rouge, Boeier, Caldweli, Carrol], Clayborn, JoffereoD, Morehouse, RapidOB, Red River. 8t. Laundry, Wc-bBter, Wenn, and the First. Second, Fourth, Fiftb, Sixth, beventh, Eighth, Nintl', Tenth, Eleveiith, Tbirteenth, Fifteentb, and Seventeenth wards, pariah of Orleaus. TheBe returns were examined and laid over for future action, there being proteste and contesta in each case. In the Seventh ward of Orleans parish the Supervisor threw out the vote of oue of the polis, where there was a ínajority of 173 for Tilden electora, on the grouud that the vote had not been counted and returnod witbiu twenty-four hom af ter the close of the election. SOUTH CAnOLHiJk. Columbia, 8. O., Nov. 22.- The Board of State Canvasftora yeBterday made a report to the Supremo Court Btatiug the persons who had received tho bigbeet iiumber of votes for tbo offices for which they were candidates, Appended to the report of resulta was the memorandum of the board Btatiug that in their opinión certain irregularities which affected eome of the Republican candidatos hotüd be correctod, and also that the vote of Laurens and Edgfleld counties, wüich gave larpte Demccratio mpjorities, should be excluded on account of frauda and intimidations. This moruiDg tbc court made an order commanding the board to issno certiticates of election to all the persous who were shown by the report of the board to havo received the higheet number of votes for membere of tho Legislatnre, including the countioo of Edgfield and Lanrens. The court aleo to-day took up the caso of the electora and iasned a rule on the board to show cause why they should not correct the atatcmeutfi of the County Canvaabers by tho precinct returns in tlieir posseeaion. Pending thf se proceedings of the court, however, the board beid a session and ixHiicd a certifícate to all the members of tho Logislaturc except for Laurens and Edgfield counties, thua secumiK a majority of the Legislalure to the Ropublican yide and the defeat of Hamptou and the election of Chamberlain. he board aleo Ksuecl certificates of election to the Hayes and Wheelor electora and to all the Republican Stato ticket. The board theu adjoumed eino die. This action of tho board haa creatod muoh excitement, but the citizenu are determined to rely on tbo courts and exhauwt all legal means f redress. Coiajmijia, Nov. 23.- To-day the court isaued un order reconvening the Board of Oanvassore. It ia not expected the Board will obey the ordr-i'. Considerable excitement is reportel throughoul the State, but tlioro has beun no demonstration of violenco. Tho action of the 1! ard of State CanvaHdure is conBidered tiual by the Republicana, while the Demócrata hold it has no effect, becuntio tho whole (juestion wpb in the hauda of the JSnpreme Court, and the board is guilty of contirapt. They cxpresH a determinaron to continae tho content in the courta aiid bring mMtcm to a concliinion thcro. h-nut, '.ñ(,t the Dfmccratio counsel aerveu a vrit oí niandnEQiiB isf-nfid yosterday by the conit on tho fcfiiciala composing the board. Tho Supreuce O'ouit will meet to-morrow to hear the return of tLe board. H. W. Purvia, Artjntant and Inspector Oeniral, and member of tho Board of Canvassers, java he haa resigned J.'irí rice. Coi.ümbia, S. C, Nov. 24.- Thb Stato Sujreme Court has icwued a ru to tlm Sint" f vassers and their counsel, D. T. Corbin, to show canse why they sltould uot be attached in violating a writ of probibition issued on tho 17tb hist. , and iaauing certifícate! in defiance of the oourt. The court oonvened at 4 p. m., in responso to Hifi rulo issued at the morñing soshíoh. United States District Attoruey Corbin, counsel for the boar.l, utrodneed an atlidavit, afking for furtber time. The ourt stated tliat if lio would indícate the line of their defenm: or assure the conrt tl'at they would obey its mandamua, furtlier timo would bo graiitcd. He would not do this. and tho reqaest was rofused. The counsel for the relators were inBtructed to draw the order, but, as a recitation of all tho proceediugs was rcquired aa a proface to the order to commit the board for contempt, thoy rcluested üntil to-morrow morning to file ït. i'he conrt said tbat they hoped the board would in the morniug obey it mandato and purgo tho contempt. If they do not thoy will be eomnoitted to jail. The counsel for reUtora then moved that a peremptory mandamus it sue to 13 . E. Pavne. rtecretary of State, to ifnue oertiflotes to all members of the Genoral Asaeiubly, including the eouutics of Edgefleld nnd Laurens, in aonortlance with tho ordor of the court of Wednesday4 session. Associate Juetice Willard said that the relators ought uot to pray this at thi state of the proceeamgp, as mr. l'ayno was now m contcmpt, and the court had no aeurance that be would ob'-y, abehad disobeyed their mandatofllreftdyj intiniating tliat thecounse-1 ouglit, theivfore, to await the rcsult of tlio tule before movipg tbia order. Columbia. 8. C., Nov. 25.- The State Supremo Court has juet entered a jndgtnent of $1,500 fine each and cotnmitmelit of all the Board of Canvassers to jail until releaaed by ordor of the court. United States District Attorney Corbin, counsel for the Stato Board of Canvaseera, disclaimed any intoi.tion of contempt, and asked until Monelay to satisfy the court. It was grsnted. The court is now occupied with argumenta on the electoral vot. The Supreme Court this afternoon took the order under advinement requiring the Board of State Canvausera to mak a compariBon of the returns of the covmty canvassen aud returns of tho preoinct managers In the cases of the Presidencial electors, and will givo decisión ïlonday. The court deeüned to ÍB8U6 an order givin certifícate to members of the Legislatur from Edgofield and Laurens couniies, refusec by tho board, but slated that such member coald obtain a copy of the recoid from th Clerk of the Court, whieh would bo equivalen to a certifícate. The five memborB of tii Board of Canvassera. who were co! structivei arrestod this morning, roporteü at tbo ja tbis evening, where they are now conftuee Thcir name are : F. L. Cardoza, Tressurer T. C. Dunn, Comptroller ; Gen. William Stone Attorney Goneral ; H. E. Payno, Secretary o State, and H. W. Purria, ex-Adjatant and In spector General, comprising tho Board of Can vassere. The followirjg was sent from Washington o the 26th : Washington, Nov. 26. To Gen. Thomas H. Ruger or Col. H. M. Black Columbia, 8. O.: The foUowing has been received from the PrcB telt: Exeoütive Mansion, Nov. 20. The Hou. J. D. Gameren. Secretary of War: fint: D. H. Chamberlain ia now Governorof th State of South Carolina beyond any controversy, and romaina fo untü a new Governo shall bo dnly and legally inaugurated. l'i dor th constltntion the Government has bce called pon to a1d, with the military an naval forces of tho United States, to niaintaln a re publican Government in the State againtt r'sis anee too formidable to be overeóme by the Sta authorlties. You are directed, therefore, to su tain Gov. Chamberlain in bis autbority against d mestic violeiice until otherwise directed, U. S. Gbant. ín oheyíng these ln&tructionp, you will advis with the Govemor, and dispose your troops ín suc manner ac may be deemed best in order to carr out the spirit of the above order of the Presiden Acknowledge receipt. J. D. Camfbok, Secretary of War. Colümbia, S. C, Nov. 27.- Tho followin dispatch, signed by Senator Gordon, o Georgia, Senator Johnson, of Virginia, Gen Wado Hamptcn, neveral Circuit Judgea, largo nnmbor of State Senators, Represent tivea, whito and colered, and many othe prominent citizens of this State, bas just bee gent: To tho President of the United States : SVe, tho undersicfnod, vieitors from a dintanc and a committee of the Democratie members-elee of the South Carolina Legislatura, and Democrat Exeöntivea Committe,and citizens, having just ee by the Associated Press a dispatch that Gov. Cham berlain has applied for TJnited States troops to l placed under Iris orders at the assembling of th Legielature to-morrow, send this our solemn pr test against tho troops being placed under com mand of Gov. Chamberlain. We have no objectio to the preBence of troope, and wlll co-opcrate wit them ín presorving the peace, but we protee against the use of the United States army in con trolling the organization ot" the Legislatura au enforcing the inauguration of Gov. Cliainberlaii who has beon f eated by the white and coloree voters at the ballot-box. There is not the remóles danger of a disturbance of the peace by the Demo crats. If it occurg, it will be at the inpligation o: Gov. Cbamberlaiu, whoso partisans have take the only lives lost in the late exciting omvas in this State. Not one drop of blood lias bee fihed in any polttical disturbanco excei;t Republicans. It is ltterally true that the Uernocrats received their greatest majorities "m th counties where tho United States Boldier were stationed. What pretense, ther fore, ís there for Gov. Chamberlain's demaitd fo troops to keep the peace. We refer for confirma tion of these statements to the commaader of th Uniteil States foreen at this place and elsewhere I tho 8tate. On application for writs of babeas corpu the Board of State Canvassera were breugh this moriiiDg into tho Unitod States dren Court, Judges Bood and Bryanprtsidirg. Th board wtre in enstody of the State officers who, through counsel, aeked for time t make return to tha application for the writs The court siguified that time would be grantec aud that the prisoners would bo held in th custody of the court pending the return. The application was beeed on the grouud that the board were dischargirg the duties of app .ii t - ing Pres.dontial electors when the Sapremo Court of the State interfered. On a eubaoqueut motion of counsel, time was granted until Wednesday at 10 o'clock, to make a return, pending wbich the board was placed in charge of the United States Marshal. Tho members are now at large, but accompanied by Deputy Marshals. Tne D mecratic counsel and Democratie State Executive Committee telographed this afternoou to Cbief Jnstioo Waite, reque-t ng bis attendauce at the Unitod State Circuit Court on Wednesday, when the habsas corpua caso of the State Board of Canvassers will be heard. Buth partiea are in caucus to-night. The Stato Supreme Court to day contmued the cate of coatempt against United States District Attornoy Corbin, counsel forthe board, until to-morrow. The counsel for the Sheriff of 1Í chlaud county, who had the canvassers in custody, stated to the Suprema Court that members of tho board had been taken from him by babean corpas, and was ordered to file copies of the papers in court to-morrow. Gen. liuger arrived here to-night from Tallahassce. FLORIDA. Tallahassee, Nov. 28.- The court beforo which the caee of injnnction against the Gotornor and mandamus against the Rtturning Board was to be tried met tbis morning. The Governor presentcd through counsel an affidavit, in which he stated that ho had never made up bis mind to canvass the vote, and has not stated to any 0119 that he had done so ; that even up to the present writing he bad not decided bo waa empowered to canvass the votes. The Democrntio counsel, disregarding this Rfüdiivit, argued tbat the Govereor had no right to canvass the electoral vote, but tbat Buch right reeided iu the Canvaseing Board, aud f urtl er that tho court did not havo jurisdiction over the Governor ia reetrainiug him fiom doing what bo was empowered by law to do, but in restraining him from performing an act he had no rigbt to perform under the law. Gen. Barlow replied on bebalf of the Governor, and denicd the junsdiotion of the court. He eaid that an injunction istmed against tho Govoruor by a Judge on tbe bench wculd have no more effect than if it was issned by a private individual. He abjured the Judge to careiully cousider the risk be ran iu iseuing a writ of injunction tbat could not bo enforced by any legitímate procedure if tbe Governor was detormined to reaist it. Gen. Bariow did not enter into the merits of the case at all, but merely stood upon tho lack of jnrisdiction of the court. At the close of lus argument the court odjourned. Tallahassbe, Nov. 24.- Tho argument in tbo injunction and mandamuB caaes were continued to-tlay before Judge White. Mr. Solkrs and Judge Beddle, of Philadelphia, in speeches, and G:v. Brown, of Georgia, by writton argument, appeared for the Demócrata, and Gen. Barlow and Judge Emmoua for tbe Republicana. The eourt adjourned without rendering a decisión. Tam.aiiasseh, Noy. 25. - The Board of Canvaaserb rocetvtd notification tbis morning from the Kccrotary of State, whoisex-ofücio a mombar of tbe board, and chaiged with calling it togetber, that thoy miüt meet at 12 o'clock noon Monday, to canvaej tbe vote of the State. Tlio Judge h::8 notyetdecieled the injunction and mandamitH casca now pending belore him. Tbe boaid will idiait a committee of iive from each of thcpolitical partiesand tbo Chairmon of tbe two State Cormittees to its sesöions. The official return are all in. Tbe result will barelly bo rpached bofore the 6tb of December, wben, by law of the United States, tlectors' certificaten muet'be issued. Tallabasskk, Nov. 27. - The Canvassing Baard met to-day in the office of tho Hecretiry of State, Mr. JIcLin iu the chir. A protostwas tiloil bythe Republican electora against Attorney General Cocke's fitting as a mfinber of tho Loard, on tbe ground that he li ei virtually decided aDd given a decisión prior tei tho aei rubling oí the bo -rd, in that he hu tdegrapbed tbat tbe Democrats bad oerutinl.v carriod the Htate, and tha the Republicana could not clieat them out of it. Mr. Gocke stated that lio bad sent the disjatoh in reply to a friend iu Baltimore, who hai isked hiu opinión, and who had furniabed it to ie newspapere. He rtspectfuUy Bubmitted mt the dispatch and the opinión tberein conained did not disqualify ))im for Bittíng as a member of the board. The protest was ontered, and the Board proeeded with the regular Muineen. Mr. Cowgill moved tliat Gov. Stearns and on. Bninnan, commanding the troops at this oiut, be adailtted to the HenmoiiH of tbe boud. Mr. Cocke ntnendcd by adding tbe name of Mr. G. F. Drew. The amendmont was aooeptod. The board then went into private eeasioD, and adopted rulos fot ití goVetument. The boord then agreed to adroit eix gentlemt-n frotn abroad aud bix'local politicians from ench side. Adjourned till to-morrow, 10 o'clook.


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