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ST. NICHOLAS. The third volume of this incomparable Magazine is now complutt'd. "With itH eiorht huodred ruynl octavo pagea, and its six hundred illuatratlons, its tplendid seríala, ita dhorter atoriei, poema, and sketches, etc etc, in its benut i lul liindinir ut red and gold, it is the must apleudid gittbook for boys and pirla ever issued from the prcas. l'rice,l ; m iull gilt, $. " 8t. NicholfiB is full of the choicest things. The publicatiou in, in all ïvspects, ihu best ol na kind. We haye never yet aeen a number that was not surpróingly good.M- 77ie Churchman, Haitford, Oonn. 8T. NICIIOLAK FOK 1877, Whicli opeus with November, 1877, begina A short and very entertaininjr aerial i rom the Frenen, " The Kingdoin of the Greedy," a atory ndnpted to the Thanksgiving Season. Another aeriul, of absorblng interest to boys, " UIS OW MASTER," By J. T. Trowbridge, author of the " Jack Hazard Stories, beginsfnthe ClillIhTUAS UOLIDAY NüMBER. Duriug the year th&ie will be interestinï papera for boys, by Williara Cullen Bryant, ohu Q. Whittier, Thomas UughtH, Wilüaiu llewitt. Dr. Holland, Georso MucDonald, Sanford B. Mum, Frank R. Stockton, and other. Thero will be utories, Bketches, and poema, of special interett to irirU, by Harriot PreHCOtt Spoftoid, Siisim (JoolidRo, Sarah Winter Kellogg, Elizabetb ötuart I'help, Lonisa Alcott, Lucretia P. Hale,, Celia Thaxter, Mary Mapei Dodge, and many others. There will be aUo " TWELVE SKY PÍCTURES," By Pbopf.sbok Proctob, the Astronomer, With map, showing " The Stars of Eaoh Month,' whioh will be likely to surpas in interest any serie on popular science recently given to the public. Amusement and Instruction, with Fun and Frolie. and Wit and WiBdoui, will be miagled as heretofore, and 8t. Nicholas will contiDue to delight the young and give pleasure to the old. The Loudun Literary World says: 11 There is no magnzine for the young that can be said to equal this choice production of Sobibnkk's pross. All the articles, whether in prose or rhyme, are throbbing with vitality. The Uterature imd artistie üluatrations are both su perb." The London Daily Nrwt ssys : " We wieh we could poiut out its equal in our own periódica literaturc." Subscription price, $3 a year. The three boun( volumes and a Bubscription for thu year, only $12 Subscribe with the nearest newudealer, or sene money in check, or P, O. money order, or in regie tered leltir, to SCHIBNER & CO., 743 Broadwaj, N. T. SCKIBNËR'a MONTHLT An Uurlralcd Illustrated Magazine. When Scribner issued ita famoua Hidaumraer Holiday number in July, a triondly eritic said of it ' We aro not sure but that Bobibneu haa touche high-water mark. We do not see what worlds are left to it to conquer. But the publiahera do noi considcr that they have reached the ultima thule o: excellence - they believe " there are other worlds to conquer, and they propoBe to oonquer them." The prospectus for the aew volume givee tue ti tles of more than iifty papers (inoatly illuatruted, by writers of the higheat merit. Uuder the hcud o' " F0RE1GN TRAVEL," we have a " A Winter on the Nile, by Gen. McClellan ; M Saunterings about Constantinople,' by Charlea Dudley Warner; " Out of My Wiudow at Moscow," by Kugene Schuyler; "Au American in Turkiütan," eic. Three atrial atories aro announced : NICHOLAS MINTÜRN," By Db. Holland, the Editor, whoae atory of ' 8everoaka,f gave the highest Batiafaction to the readers of the Monthly. Another aerial, " His Inheritance," by Miss Trafton, will begin on the completion of " That Laas o'Lowries," by Hodgson Burnett. Mrs. Burnett's story, begun in August, has a pathos and dramatic power whioh have bsen a surprise to the publio. . ' There is to be a series of original and exquiaitely illustrated pupem on Popular Science," by Mrs. Herrick, each paper complete in itbelf, There are to be, from various pons, papera on " HUME LIFE AND TRAVEL. Also, practical suggestions aa to town and country life, village improvements, etc, by well-known specialists. Mr. Barnard'a articles on various industries of Great Britain include the hitory of some experimente in Co-operation," " A öcottisb Loaf Factory," m the November number, and 'Toad Lane, Kochaale," in December. Other papera are, The British Workingman's Home," "A Natir-nipf Shopkeepers," " Hu'peuoy a week for the Child," etc. A richly illustrated series will be given on ' American Sports by Flood and Field," by various writers, aud each on a different theme. The subject of " Honsehold aud Home Docoration " will have a prominent piace, whilst the lateat production of American humorista will appear irom month to month, The list of shorter storiee, biographical and other sketchos, etc., ia a long one. The editorial department will continue to employ the ablest pena both at home and abroad. fhere will be a series of letters on literary matter, from London, by Mr. Weltord. FífCeen ilüuths for $4. Scbibnkb for December, now ready, which containa the opening chapters of M Nicholas MinLurn," will be read with eager curiosüy and interest. Perhaps no more readable number of thia magazine has yet been issued, The three numberB of Bckibneb for August, September, and October, coutaining the opening chapters of "That Lasa oLowrie'ö,'f will db given to every new subscriber (who requeata it), and wboae subscription begint with the present volume, i. t, with the November number. Subacription price, (4 a year - 35 cents a number, Special ternas on bound volumes. Subacribe with the nearest bookscller, or aend check or P. O inoney order to tíCRIBNER & Co„ 743 Broadway, N. Y. TFIE SUN, 1877. KEW YORK. 1877. The different editions of the Sun during the next year will be the same as during the year that haa just passed. The daily edition will on wek daya be a Bheet of four pages, and on Bundays be a sheet of oight pages, or 56 bro&d columus ; whilo the weekly edition will be a sheet of eight papes of the uarae dimensión and character that are already familiar to our friends. The í$vn will continue to be the strenuoua advo cate of reform and retrenchment, and of the substitutfonof atatesmanship, wisdom, and integrity for hollow pretense, imbecility, and fraud in the administración of public affaire. It will contend for the government of the people by the puople and for the peoplft, aa opposed to government ly frauds in the ballot-box aud in the counting of votes, enforced by military violence. It will endeavor to supply ita readers- a body not far from a miltion ol soul - with the moat carelul, complete and trustworthy accounts of current events and will employ lor this purpose a numeroua and curefully aelected stull' oi reporters and corníspondenta. lts reporta from Washington, eapeciully, will be full, accurate, and fearless ; and it will doubtlesa continue to deserve and enjoy the ha tred of thoae who thrive by plundering the treaeury or by uaurping what the law does not give them, while it will endeavor to merit the confidence of the public by defending the rights of the poople agajast the encrouchments of uujustified power. TLe price of the daily Sun will be 5o cents a month or Stí.óO a year, post puid, or with the Öunday edition $T.TO a year. The Sunday edition alone, eight pages. % 1 .20 a year, post paid. The Wkkkly Son. eight pages of 66 broad coliiliims, willbefurnisheddurinff the year 1877 at the rute ot SI 't year, poat paid, The beneñt of this large reduction from the previoup rate ior the Weekly can be enjoy ed by individual 8ubcriberH without the neceaaity of rnaking up clubs. At the saine time if any of .our friends deireto aid in extending our circulafion, we shull be gratoful to thtm, and every auch perHon who aendi us tnn or more aubscribers from one place will be entitled to one copy of our pap-r for himaelf without charge. At one dollar a year, postagepnid, the expenaes of paper and printing are barely prepaid; and, considering the size of the nhuet and the quality of ita contenta, we are conftdent the people will conalder the Weeklt tiüN the cheapest oewspaper publiahed in the World, and we trust also oue of the very best. Addresa, THE SUN, New York City, Y. Estáte of Patrick Welsh. STATE OP MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw, &s. At a seaBion of the Probate Court for the county of Washtenuw, holden at the Probate Ottice in the city ol Ann Arbor, on Friday, the twenty-fourth day of November, in the year one thous and eight hundred and seventy six. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Patrick Welsh, deceaaed. John Olancy, cxecutor of said eatate, comeB into court and representa that he is now prepared to render hls account aa huüIi executor. Thereupon it is ordured, that Saturday, the 23d day of December at ten ofclock in the forenoon, be ihmiioiI lor examining nul allowing auch account, aniVthat the deviseea, legatecB andtieirs at law of said deceaeed and all other peraon interes ted in aaid estáte, are required to appeur at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in suid county and show sause if any there be, why the sjiidacount fthould not be allowed : And it i forthex ordered that said executor give notie to the perrons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of Baid account and the hearing thercof, by cauaing a copy of this order to be publiahed in the Michigan Argus, & newepaper priuteU and ehculating in aaid county, two sucïessive weeka previuus to said day of hearing. (Atruecopy.) NOAH W CHEEVEU, 161&W8 " Jndire of Probate. Commissioner8 Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahtenaw, ss. The underaigned having been ap pointed by the Probfite Court for said county, Jomrnisflionera to recoeive, examine and adjust all cltiiins and demanda ot all peraonn against the e tate of John G Metzger, late of eaid county, deceaaed, hereby give notice that six months from date are illoweu, by order of aaid Probate Court, 'or creditora to present their claims agninat the eatate of suid deneased, and that thcy will meet at Am reaidence of Michael Stierle, in the town of Saline, in said county, on the 3d day of February and on the 6tn day of May iiext, at ten o'clock A. M of each of aaid days, to receive, examine and adjunt auid claims. Dated, November 6th, A. D. 1876. 1608 SAi ER' Componer. viMjmRlSTiíia duu# rt the Scwing Machines THE SHTGER, ÏTE W DOMESTTC, And tb.O HO WE, And severa] good Second-Hand Machines at the SEWINü MACHINE OFFICE, Auu Albor. Alag Needies for all Machines The very best tbat are made, and altachinents and parts for aearlj all inathiii. . S1NGER MACHINES Rspaired bctter then: tlian anywhove else in Ijnertoa. Ifyour machine don't wort woll, tnule t for one that does, or have I repaired. All niaehines sold on easy payuieuts at the office. S.'.oikI door cutlt of l'osl Ilifiri', Alm Arbor, Jlicb. (18M) 1. I,. ;ltli:i-I., A líen l. FOR SALE I Mmir I mi-, U uut lime, Cleveland l'lmti'r, iV l'lilsUTiny; Huir, either at my LinLe Kiln or it my shop. , J. VOLLAKD. FARMERS. WOOD WANTED Id exchange for Saddles, Hnrnos, Trunks, Travelinii Uuif. Home Blankets, Whips, Ciloves and tlitteastetc., at my harneas nhop. J. VOLLAJiD. lOOOmO ETnsr a. iidrw. compae Capital, - - $3,000,000. Assets Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.98. Losses Faid in 55 Tears, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all LiabilitieB, including Re-Insurance Reserve, $4,735,092.86. Nnt Surplus over Liabilities, including Kc-liisuranco and Ctipital Stook, $1,735,092.86. V. MACK, Agent, Ann Arbor. ÜARM FOK SALE ! Hy instructions of Catherlne E. James wc offer for sale the Pat riek Cavuiiaiih farm of eighty ICrea more orless, i Northfield? ïïho Wants a (Jood Bargaln ? Ann Arbor, August 25, 1876. tS86m8 BEAKES CUTCHE0N. WELLIfVii ikmms FOR SA IK. O _____ Alargeand very well uullt bnek house y with two or inore lo: s. Two largu franied houses. Also a good si. Vi bhek house and frume ; and & small frame house on a good lot, intendcd for Adding front. For sale on fair tercas and a reasonable credit. Alsoother buildings, lots, and property. !tIOi;V VAMi:i-.Si rnany wibhing to horroto money apply to me that I can readily obtainfor lenders good satiafactory inveatments trii per cent. interest. E. W. MORÜAN. Ann Arbor, Jan. 3 t 188. 1664 tflSITlNG CARDS- NEW BTYLE8 AT THE ARGU8 OFFICE, RAILROADS. ïlCIlittAÜ "CÉMKA L { AI l.üo „ NOV. 26, 1876 Al)l OPIMO WI8T. =====; ■j ft jij Detroit, leave, j 7 0(i I4O 'M'irïi) O.T. Junction, ' 7 15 9 55 4 L ' JJ II Waynu Junction 7 57 [u ai 5 10 ' -" 1' Ypailanti, H 84 10 U 5 60 ■ Si " Ann Arbor, 8 50 11 02 ■ fi !) ó '' belhl, 9 00 c 31 " " Dexter, II 80 ! 6 :8 "iTL "" Chelsea, t 4; . g 5s - QraasLake, lu U7 7 2b J -- F. M ' " - Tackson, Lv., ' Hl 45 1 ü 20 8 Ofl a ..I' Albion, 11 36 1 14 j .,J 1 Marshall, 12 26 1 .S5 3 I ■ 1, ... Buttle Creek, 12 55 2 22 f Oaiesburg. 1 33 Z7. ijïj " Kalnniazoo, 2 IX) S Ou 4 1111 !ö f - Lawton. t 37 4 41 Decatur, 2 56 5 00 '- " Dowa?iac, S 23 5 ga " " Nile, 8 66. 4 51 G 10 lut? lhiehunan, : 4 08 ; 6 L'S ThrceUaks ! 4 40 5 35 7 04 "" New Huffiilo, I 5 OU 6 48 7 21! j ' Michigan City, 5 SO 6 16 ; 50 j k " Luke, 6 14 7 03 8 35 1 ■ ! ' Keonington, : 7 15 7 45 9 40 ! ' Chicago, arrive, ; 8 00 8 Su 10 25 OPIMO EA8T. jr_ ü_l !jj A.M. A. M. 1. M. 1 U I Chicogo, loave, 5 00 8 30 4 00 5 15 V Keosington, 6 45, 9 12 4 45 t i' Lake, 6 40. 9 54 5 30 . ( '. Michigan City, 7 :2 10 40 6 30 NewBuffalo, 7 56 1100 0 55 -_ü. Thie Oaks, 8 09 11 13 7 W) ü ,.' P. M. Buchanan, i 8 41 1 7 60 rf Niles, 9 0"lll5S 8 20j 8 Dowagiac, 9 27 8 48 . , Decatur, 9 52 9 15: ! ! Lawton, 10 10 9 jó Kalamazoo, 10 50 1 16 10 10 10 K'Ti GaleBburtf, 11 12 1 33 Battle Crcek, 1147 2(0 L M 11 M 11 p. m. f B Marshall, 12 45' 2 40 P 1135 i, Albion, 1 14 3 02 na , A.M. A.Ï Jackaon, I-v., 2 20 3 451 7 15 12 (1 Oras Laket 2 45 7 -1 1 Chelsea, S 10 10 , Dexter, 3 U 8 '5 ' Delhi, 8 37 8 40 ' Ann Arbor, 3 52 4 55 I 8 63 2 10 Ypsilanti, 4 15 5 10 i 9 20 2 2! I, Wayne June., 4 43 5 29 [ 9 67 ■ ;■ ■ O. T. June, 6 30;6 00 110 45 3 a) :' Detroit.Ar., I 5 4fi' 6 ls! 11 00 335.; Sundays excepted. ISaturday and Sundír pted. tDaily. H. B. LEDYARD, Gen'l Supt., Deinn H. C. Wentwobth, (ien. Pana. Agt., Chicago. _ Comer Main aud HuruoStitn DETROIT, HILLSDALE&lÑül. ANA RA1LHOAD. To take effect November 26th, 1816. QOING WEST. GOIKO laj, TATIOK8. Mai.. Exp.l 8TATIOM8. Llp. V A. M. P. M. Detroit, dep... 7:00 6:05 ., YpsUanti.... 8:36 7:30 Bunkers 3-30 , aliñe 9:25 8:06 Hillsdale . . . 8:50 !t Tíridgewater.. 9:50 8:27 Manchester.. 6:3; M Manchester. 10:20 8:50 BridgcwaUr ;;io tt p. M. i Online ?:4f . Hillüdale 12:55 10:48 Ypsilnnti.. 8 J Bunkers 1:15 11:00 Detroit 11: ti Trains run by Chicago time. To take efiect , April 1(, 1876. W. F. PAKKER, Sup't, Ypsiluí. AWARDÈD The First Preii AT THE CENTENNIAL SEPT., lS7fi, Ovcr Tiioiisanils f Competitonl 1 - EEfív TH CRflfH II The most beautiful Btove, and the best of all ü Coal atovea made. This stove can be foundin1 in the followin houses in Ann Arbor: A'F? Felch, Dor Kellogg, tf. W. Shai plens, }■ Uangeterfer, James Jones, E. Curtís, K. M. R . ardson, Piof. E. Jonea, Mrs. J. West, Pi : Kose, Mrs. Loomis, Dr. Hnllock, R. A. üeal. W Pomeroy, 8. T. utis, C. M. Cadwell, B. Vnfli. , Mus Lydia Smith. A. Koys, II. McDonuld, Whitebead, Charle S. Miilen, J. C. Watt, n Borg, Prof. M. C. Tyler, ilrs. J. A. 1'olhiB' O. Bank8, W. D. Harriman, J. L. Hmleigl". '; W. Cropsoy, Mrs. Ilubbaru, Qeorite HI Qeorge Granville, Mrs. Chambers, OeorgeWul Zera Pulcifer, and Rinsey & Senbolt. KSTYou will also find a f all assortment off lor and Cook Stoves tor Wood, at L. C. RISDON 31 South Main ntreet, Ann Arbor. A DOLLAR SAVED 18 A DOLLAR EARNED ! O - - - NEW GOODS! And prlces LOWKR THAX KVER. I have p nrchased in New York, for ciisi. "j I ara now daily receivinu ono of thu '. most select stocks of Uroosnos in v. County, consiating of a iull and well seleíteo LIN5 OF TEAS, All of the new erop - including Guupowdcra, Impei i;ils, ïouiiï1"' muis, II) -.011-, J:iims. '" . luuttu, (uiiküus, '"' Twankayii, Together with a full line of COFFEK8, !j'í ing of the following branJs: MOCHA, J"-:. GOV'T JAVA, M AHACAIBO, L A I A TOS and KIO, both roasted and ground and veil selected stock of SUGARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Toffether with everythincr in the DevUc'haVti Spices, Cuniied fruit niid Vegetables. "efl full and complete iiae of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hosiery. Aleo, achoice nssortment of Di andGenlleiuen'8 l'nderwear. Cali and e Uouds and Prices and we wlll insurc natiai11 KDWARD DUFFÏ. 11 Maynard's cor.llain and AJJ". KTHiKhest oash price puid i"' " produce. "sO ' Dr. Ö. S. FITCÏÏ OF 714 liroiuMvny, ' v Author of Six Lectures on tho Pi1've,"t1'Seaie. Cure of Conaumption, Astlima, Hoart v )(jcl, may be conêulted at Finney's Hotfll, vea ' 'j, ol porsonally or by letter. He treatu all ("■ flS male and femalea of all agna. ?"}?' '„„ti ■entfree, Consultationa tree. Dr. KiW" . allow generonity in charges. Hia fam '" wjy ins bad owu. May, 1876. 188W


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Michigan Argus