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- Tliere are 4'J students iu the Homeopa thic Medical College,- 25 more thuu las year. - The diarourse in üniversity Huil on Sun day uexi, al 3 o'c.ook v. ïi., will le áveu by Prof Morris. _-A canal to the river and a wind-mill tliat is how water ia now supplied for tlie use of thu gas-worka. The business raen who advertise in the Argus are the nieu who have goods to seü an( ffitut your custom. - A. L. Noble has a uew advertisement in the Akous, and outside of his ad. he Bays that lie san suit auy man or boy to a auit. _ Watch the advertiaing columns of the Aiiaus and you will know where to buy youi household aupplies and holiday gooda. - Franz Nebel has been required by Justice jlcMahon to contribute S16 to the city treasury,- for ksepnig a saloon without a liconse. - Prof. Wilder, of Cornell, commenced a three mouths' course of lectures on phyaioloy, in the Medical Department of the Univer,ity on Monday. _- Miss Kate Louise Kellogg, daughter of jjrs. A E. Kellogg, formerly a resident of thia city, was married on the evenin? of the 29th uit., at. Denver, Colorado, to Mr. Charles Y McClure. . - The Boston Philharmonic Club, favoritos o this city, appear iu University Hall on Saturday evenmg, Dec. 16,-!-in the Students' Lecture Association course. They will be sure to iret a good house. _ Two drinking fountains have been placed m the lower cross hall of the new University building, frora which students can draw supplies of fiue' spring water, - if that is the beverage students want. Friday last Justice McMahon ticketed a tramp named Edwin Perry to the Detroit House ot Correction for six mouths. It was just the home the fellow wanted : he had a hsnkering to learn the trade ot chair-bottomiug- A new musical association has been organiied iu this city, with the followiug offlcera: President, W. B. Ferris ; President, Miss Jenme Pease ; Secretary and Treasnrer, B. W. Corwin ; Musical Director, Prof. Eiy. -Miss Montford, an elderly lady with charitable incliuations, is making a collection of paintings, chromos, and engravings, which she s getting framed and proposes to hang in the wards oí the uewUuiversity Hospital. It is a generous work. - The City Marshal dispensed in aid of the poor during November: In First ward, $29.32 ; in Second ward, $36.46 ; in Third ward, f22.35 ; in Fourth ward, $51.31 ; in Fifth ward, $40.09; in Sixth ward, Ï18.60. Total, $198.13. - The Augusta Dirgon and "Beek Selact Comjnmy" dissölved in Detroit, and so Macbeth and London Assurauce were uot brought out betore Aun Arbor audieuces last Monöayand Tuesday eveniuga. Financial stress aud dramatic apathy. - Prof. A. Wiuchell, formerly of the Univprsity, has been in town for a iew days. He "goos West" on a lecture tour. His wife and daughter carae with him &nd are occupying, ioran indefinito time, their former residence on Jiorth University avenue. -That court house loan, tax, and douation electlon, held on Tuesday was uot a very spirited aiïair. But 353 tax-payers put in an appearance, of whom 327 voted yes and 26 ao. And uow we shall see what the supervisors and tax-payers oi the couuty will do about it. -The young lady aud gentleman who occupied a seat iu St. Audrew's Church a Sundy ot iwo ago, and who rewarded the courtesy of a lady sitting in the seat before them bcarrying off the hymn book she handed Ihem, will confer a tavor by returning the same. - Capt. Huson mnkes a claim on the City Council for $1,000 in paymeut for injuries received in tipping over into that ditch or canal cut along Miiler avenue. Aldermau Besimer, Page, üardner, and the City Attorney are charged with investigatiug the law and the facts. - At tlie Ladies' Centennial Bazar of St' Thomas' Church that gold headed cane was disposed of on Wednesday evening, over 6,000 votes being polled at 10 ceuts each- the cane bringiog over f600. Jeremiah Coughlin was the lucky man- having received over 1,700 votes, - The report of the City Marshal for the month of November shows the following arresta: for using obscene langu age, 3; for assault and battery, 2 ; for vagrancy, 1 ; for benig drunk and "disorderly, 4 ; for keeping a house of prostitutiou, 1 ; for resisting an officer, 1. Total, 12. - The Courier says that it wou't accept the f20 offered tor the publication ol the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors, because that amount is uot a fair compensation for the job, and that next year it won't publish the proctedings for uothing. That was the decisión we came to this year. - Our neighbor of the Courier, vexed and wearied by the struggles aud trials of both law and politics, has, we are pleased to see, turned his attention to religión, and iu his laBt issue announces a series of Sunday appoiutments, flanked by preparatory Saturday and supplementary Monday morning meetings. - The meeting of the County Pioneera' Society held at Dexter on Tuesday was an interestiiig one. Ainoug the papers read was a biographioal sketch of Orange Bisdon, recently deceased, by Wm. M. G-regory, and a Bketch ef Mrs. Mark Norris, prepared by Kev. G. P, Tindall and read by L. Davis. The ladies of Uexter ''set up " a bountiful dinner. - Uolden Kule Lodge F. & A. M. held a regular election on Thursday evening of last week, and the following officers are certified to Ijy the Returning Board: W. M., Jay Eoath; S. W., Chas. M. Jones; J. W., Nelson K-yer ; Treasurer, Charles Spoor ; Secretary Zachary Roath ; S. D., Wm. VV. Nichols ; j' D., Weorge Handy ; Tyler, Johu W. Johnston! - Dr. Burt Q. Wilder, who has receutiy accepted the position of professor oi physiology in the medical depavtment of the University, will give a public lecture next Saturday evenmg, under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Soientiüc Association, in the lower room of the Medical College. "Amphioxus, the Lowest Vertébrate." - Dowu at Fremont, Uhio, (that is where üov. Hayes lives), a colorod maa named Wm. frater, formarly a resident of this city, was tilled by two ürermans on the 26th uit. (Sun. doy), in a quarrel about religious subjects. He was brought to this ctty for burial. If Fremont was only located down in Louisiana what a capital chance it would affoid for au " mtiniidatiou " story. - The publication of the proceedings of the Board ot Supervisors m pamphlet form- an Winecessary and useless job aud wholly unwarranted by law- was awarded to the pnb'isher of the Ypsilanti Commercial, but having taken the "sober secoud thought " he declineï 'o lose any mouey in tulfilling his contract, '-a.ys there was a misuuderstandiug : which meanB that he has discovered that he didn't know how to figure. Two uew ordinancos were adopted by the Cominon Council on 'Monday evening : oue a"iending the ordinance relative to hack or omnibus dnvers, so as to prohibit public run"ers for hotels, also proeibitmg drivers of lcka aud omnibu&es solicitiug passengers at 'he depot except at their respective carriages ; tl'e secoud to prohibit any and all persons, eeit raüroad employés f rom getting off from 'ailroad traina in inotion. - The second oí the parlor readings of th Ladies' Library Association will be given by Prof. Adams, at the residence of Dr. Douglas ou Tuusiluy eveuiug uezt, commeiicing at o'clock. Subject -The House of Commous Admission teu cents. These readings are to be given fortnightly during the wiater, iu place of the usual social meetings of the As siation. A largo attendance of gontlemen, a wel! as ladies, is hoped for. - The Lecture anJ Chronich Associatioiis o the University are huving a " little onploas antnes8," the rates ot advertising beiug the boue of cóutention. In the absence of a returning board with "judicial" powera, Ie us aak, cau't the city constabulary force be called out, supported by Conipany A. ; aiu that faiiing to settle the hash let us have 8 corporal's guard ordered up trom Fort Wayne What is the use ot a standing army ïf the President oau't order the officers and privates to act as judges in all interual differences, - yes, both as judges and executioners. We are indcbted to James Vick, Rochester's well known florist, for the ñrst number of his Floral Guide tor 1877. It is a beautiful paniphlet, both in illustrations and print, and ful of welcome hints both to the florist and gardonor. 25 ceuts a y nar. Demorest's IUustrated Monthly is, without doubt, the standard fashion journal of the country, and is, besides, a monthly of no mean Iiterary ability. The publisher offers an attractive premium list, choice oil chromos, boots, toys, patterns, etc. f3 a year. W, Jennings Demorest, New York. With the Aeguh, ohoice of premium lucluded, $3.60. The Detroit Evening News has got itself into a handsomo new dress, and lts several departments are chock fuü of spicy items of news, local, State, and general : most or all of them pilfered from lts " country exchanges,'' which are asked iu return to pay doublé price for the paper in advertisiug. We can't exactJy consent to this, - that is unless the News will guarantee better press work on our copy. For the accommodation of our subscribers we will club the Arous for 1877 with the following periodical8 and papers at the prices named, the cash to accompany the order in every instance : Atlantic Mouthly and Aeous, $4 75 Scnbner's " " " 4 75 Harper's Magazine " " 4 75 St. Nicholas " " 3 95 odey's Lady's Book " ' 3 80 Demore3t's Monthly " " 3 60 The Nursery " " 2 65 Including premium. We have the annual catalogue of the State Agncultural College for 1876, giving a sketch of organization, liarnos of faculty, course ot atudy, lists of studeuts in the several classes, calendáis for 1876 and 1877, etc. The summary showa the following atteudance for the year: Resident graduates, 5; Seniors, 18; 'uuiors, 16 ; Sophomores, 45 ; Freshmen, 70 ; Special, 10. Total, 164. A trieunial catalogue s appeuded from which we learu that the colege has graduated 124 students,- its first graduating class going out iu 1861. Of these graduates, 42 are farmers, 7 fruit cultunsts, 4 engineers, 1 a mechauic, 2 machinists, 1 an apiarist, druggists, 11 professors and instructois in agricultural colleges, 13 teachers, 3 students in pecial science, and the others are miscellaneously soattered.


Old News
Michigan Argus