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Agricultural And Domestic

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Wbo the melodies of mom can teil? The wild brook babbliflg down the mountain Bide ; The lowing berd ; the sheepfold'8 Biinple bcll ; The pipe of early shepherd dim depcried In the lone valley; ecboing far and wide The olamoroiiB born along the cliffs above ; ' The kollow unurmur of the ocean tide ; The hum of beep, the linnet'8 lay of love, And the f uil choir that wakes the nnivereal grove the cottage, cara at early pi'grim i arle ; Crowned with her pail tho tril ping nlilkmaid Bings ; The whistling plowman stalks afleid; and, hark! Down the rough slope the ponderoua wagon ring; Tbrough rustllng eorn the hare astonished springe; SIow tolla the villano cJock the drowsy botir ; The partridge bursts away On whirring wings ; Deep mouriiB the turtlo in Hequistered bower And Bhrill lark carola olear, fronl hpx arriaï tower. - Beattle. Arouml tlie Farm. Anï farmer eau build a wood-house, and tho saving in time and quality of wood will pay for the himber in one year. It is a convenient place to spend a-wet day, orbe protected fromthe storms of winter. - Iowa State Register. A CUnajman farmer missed a valuabí heifer, and, after several days' vmaTailing search, found that she had eaten her way thirty f eet into a strsw stack. öhe; had taken a winding courwe üseide t&e staok, hich acooinits for Bernothaving eaten her wery through.In feeding oSfen, it musí be remenbered that they are riïmiuating' animáis, and need to be fed differently from horses. Ha-ving a large stomaeh, au ox needs coarse food to fill it. A o, therefore, is not refreshed by feed of fine meal, buil is by one of ent hay m straw and meal mixed, andtJie noon feed for oxen should be of this kind. Grw ampie time for feeding and restatthw noon spell The Oardener s Chronicle relates a case of anorchardof apjiie&aad pears, plums and cherries, which -was plantod in heavy olay, trenched down to an iron pan onwhiob it rested. Fora few yeai the trees grew very Well, that is to sa f, as loag as their roots were near the aurfaoe and got the warmth of the summer' sun, bui as they advanced downward the growth beoame small, and foy dregrees less and less, ïül at ïast the tree ceased to grow, and nothing flour ished except gráy lichens, with Trhioh the branches soon became covered. A beoent writer has compiled ths following table of weights and measures for ready reference : A bale of einnamon weighs 92i pounds. A ceroort ol cochineal weighs 140 pousds A last of corn measures 80 bttshels. Diamond, 151J carats make 1 ounce, troy. A Germán mile measures 5,866 Englisb yards. A dicker of liides is 10 skins. A last of hides is 20 dickers. A dicker of gloves is 10 dozen. A gallon oí hattey is 12 pounds. Indigo, 3 mauds are 260 pounds. A pocket of hops is 150 to 200 weight. A cade of herrings is 500 fish. A craa of herrings is 37i gallons. To eemedt the fault in a horae -whicb carries tho tail on one side, a simple operation may be resorted to, whicb i neither painful nor injurious. It is to out through the skin, on the side of the tail to whieh it is desirous to draw it over, a few scores close together, removing the skin between two or three of the scores ; or, the skin may be firedl with a sharp-edged instrument, asá a few scores made close togetber upon the side required. Then a thick pad should be placed on the crupper, so as to forcé the tail into the proper position and keep it there until the skin on the side opposite to the pad is healed. After tfiat the tftii will keep its proper position. The mük of eows soon alter they have cal ved contains more bntter, and is mucta more easily chnrned than it is afterward, About five months after ealving the milk undergoes a change, and the cream is not only less in quantity, but the btltter giobules are smaller. The reason wby milk froths in churns is that when it sotlra alcohol is formed by the decomposition of the sugar of milk, and this causes the milk, when shaken or beateD, to foam or frotli. If this froth existe to a iarge extent, butter wil! not come, and the milk is useless for churning purposes. The longer a cow is milked after ealving the less is the yield of btltter, and the less nourishment is there contained in her milk. - Land and Water. In the spring, move back the soü and gravel, roll the walks nicely. and they - look as clear and fresh as if new. Before finishing the walks, clip the edgings so as to have them oüly six or eight inchea high. Treated in this way, the top of the edging is sometimos slightly frosted, but no more is injured than is desirable to cut off in clipping. I have practised this method, says a correspondent in the Practical Farmer, and naveseea others do the same for two score years, and have never seen a failure with it. Por dividing walks from beds, both in the kitchen and fiower garden, no other edging is as good or as lasting as this. It should never be allowed to grow more than ten inches high, and six inches high and thick is better. When over a f oot high and thick, it looks clumsy, injures the crops near it, takes up too much room, and injures the appearanee of both walks and beds. About the House. A mece of charcoal boiled in the water with "high " nieat or fowls will render it or them quite sweet. A piece of charcoal or powdered charcoal should be kept in every larder. Hams, after being smoked, may be kept for any length of time packed in powdered charcoal. Oatmeal Griddle Cakes.- One pint of oatmeal mush, one pint of flour, two egga, piece of butter size of an egg, one and a half pints of sour milk or buttermilk, one teaspoonful of soda. Beat well and add the soda dissolved in a littie boiling water jnst before frying. Gingeb Cake. - One and one-half pounds of flour, three f ourths of butter, one pint of molasses and ñve tablespoonfuls of ginger; rub the butter ar.d sugar together; then roll them out very thiu and cut them into rounds, place them on tin sheets and bake them well, and thev will keep good a year. Children's Pudding.- Cut up a loaf of stale bread the day before ít is required, put to soak in a pan of cold water; when going to mix, squeeze the water through a colander; put the bread n a pan, with two ounces of suet chopped ine, two tablespoonfuls cf flour, some jrated ginger, a little mixed spice; beat well up with a fork; mix half a pound of treacle (not goldea sirup) ■with a ittle warm milk, then stir altogether, and boíl three hours in cloth, basin or mold. This will make a Jorge pudding, much iiked by ohildren; it is cheap and wholesome. Old Engmsh Pltim Pudding. - Take of raisins well stoned, currants thoroughly washed, one pound each ; chop a pound of suet very finely and mix with them, add a quarter of a pound of flour, or bread very flnely crumbled, three ounces of sugar, one ovmce of grated lemon peel, a blade of mace, half a small nutmeg, one teaspoonful of ginger, half a dozen eggs, well beaten ; work it well together, pat it into a cloth, tieitürmly, allowing room to swell, and boil not less than seven hours. It should not be suffered to stop boiling. " üïpsy" writes to the Country Gentleman: "Ourhired man would think it queer if the boss told him to pitüh hay with a ecythe, and yet he will sit at the table with his abused boss and pitch ' meat and taters ' with his knife ajl through the meal-time, to the imminent dauger of cutting his ' tater trap ' largey and longer. When will the average ' farm haud ' learn tliat knives -were made to out with, and forks or spoons to conyey food to the inouth with, and that to draw liis knife from his lips and cut but-' ter or bread ïrom the common supply fílate is a procecdinj; tüat decent peoplè ought not to tolérate "


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