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Forty-fourth Congress

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Mr. Anthony, from the Oommittoe on l'ñnl ug, to which waa reforrod tho tüotion to print he depoñitious accompauyiní; tho communicaáon of the Hon. John Sherman, and others, to tho President in regard to Dio late elec-tion iu Louiaiana, roported in favor of printing all the depositiotiB. Mr. Saultbury, a merober of tho Comlnittoo on Printing, disBoutod from tho report of tho majoritv, and said lio could not give bis oonecut to publiishlng such mattor. Ho honeetly boliovod Ihat alí these ex parte tatémente shonld not bo distributed to tho public aa toatiMOBV. Mr. McDonald soid lie wan willin to plint all tlioteetimoLy on both sides bomog on tbe late cloction in South Carolina, LouiBiana and Florida. He sont to tlie Cloik's dcsk and ítad road the addrens of tbo Democratie Coinmittee " bieb. attended tlie eesaious of tho Iíotiuniiif; Board in New Orkaan, to the cfftct that the Tilden Elector had a majority of tho vot8 in Louisianx, and also frrm the preamble of the report made to the House ol' Representativos by a committee of that body on tho 23d day of febniary, 1875, in regard to electiona in that State. Mr. Sherman, in roply to 11 question of Mr. Merrinion, said thoro wore tkreeclaaaea of testimony preaentod with the comnmnication. First, oral testimony taken bofore the Iteturt1Ing Board, and tho proceedinga of the board ; sc-cond, h t : 1 1 1 mi i:ih of Suporvisors of Election 1 and aflidavita sworn to by them ; third, toatimony taken aocording to the laws of Louisiana on interrogatoriea and crose-interrpgatorieB. Mr. Eaton opposed the printing of tho documente because they were not brought here by sotion of tbe Sonate. Proper teatimony in regard to tue oketion in South Carolina, florida and TjOiHH.ana would be taken both by the Sonate and Houao of Kopresontativoa, and that ahould be printod, not thia partisan matter. Mr. Thurman said he did not ot'ject to the printing of thoao papers bocauao ho wantod to Buppreae the publication of any facta, but he did not want public opinión to bo forestalled by a premature publication of part of tho facto. If thia matter shculd bo delayed till all tho teatimouy waa fully produced, as it would be ahortly, he would uot object to the publiciition. Ho commented on the action of tho Louisiana Returnmg Board, and aaid thia waa the tbird time that board haa set aaide the will of that Stato. Now tho matter concerncd not tbc State of Louisiana alone, but the wholo republic, and he(Thurman)wautedtoacrutini ze the teatimony upon which tbis cx'raordiuary result bad been reachod by the board. If hia collca'gue (Sherman) had atated the acta of the Iteturning Board ao far as he knowa, then he (Sherman) had not aaid HivytMugin regard to the aecret Bosaiona of that board. The country wanted to know what the secret reeolutioiiB of that board were by which an apparent majority of T,000 for Tilden waa converted into a maj .rity of 3,000 for Hayea and Wheeltr. Tnis waa done in aecrecy, and the worst kind of aerecv. Tho vacascy in the board was nover lillcd, and the reaaon of thia waa that the board could not ag(ee upon a man. Not one of the 83,000 men in Louisiana who voted for Tilden could bo uamcd. Tbe vory thing on ite face ahowed a determined purpoae to do wrong. Had there been a Democrat on the board he could have sten what was done in secret. All the whitowdThing in the World cannot wipe out or bide the guilt. The majority in the Benato might make efforts to foreetall public opinión by diatributing this I teatimony, but it would go to the ccuntry atamped with the stigma of being a one-aided atatement. He protested against the publication of tho statements in tbe name of fairplay. He hoped they would be allowed to lay upen the table until the other eide ahonld be heard from; then print all. Mr. Morton said the Senate had a singular apectacle here in the denunoiation of the Beturning Board of Louiftiana for fraud, wbile at the same time resiatance waa made to laying before the country the evideuce upon which the action of that board wasbased. The Democratie Committee in New OrloanB was invited by tbe Republican committee to publish the teatimony taken by it, together with that taken by tho Republicana. But the Demócrata were not willing to make public thoir caae as it waa before the board. They wanted to wait to get more toatimony, and thua make a caae wbich waa not before tho board. They thug confeaaed tbat thoy wero not satislied with their case, but wanted to make a new one. Thia free denunciation of the Roturning Board was unfair. if the board acted unfaiily )et the Demócrata bring forward their evideuce to that effect. He waa not afraid of testimony. The more tbe better. Mr. Thnrman eaid be did not know why the Democratie committee in New OrloanB declined to furniah their testimony to the Republican committee, but had he been a member oj the Democratie committee he would have refuaed to furuish the teatimony, and he thought tho conimittee acted fairly in refu8ing to furniah tho Republicana with their tcetimony. His colleague (Sherman] and comrades went to Now Orleana ai the request of the President. They did uot aak the Democratie committee to join them in making a report to tho President, but aakec that the Democratio taatimony be placed in their banda, that tbey (five llepnblican gentlemen) might mako up a verdict to send to the Preaident, whicu conatituted tbo Senator from Ohio (Slierman) and bis four associates in New Orleana tho sole judged in thia caae There nover waa a time in all the bistory o: thia nation when the lorms of governmont anc couatitntion were put to a eoverer teat than now, and evorythiug done by Congross ahouk set an examplo to tlie people of coolness. Mr. Morton aaid that all the ingenuity that could be brought to bear on the other side conld not change the dilemma in which the Demócrata were placed. When the Bepultlicau committee in New Orlcans offered to lay the whole testimony of both sidos beforo the coua try the Democrats declined to furnieh their sido, and when tho Republicana carne íorwarc to publish what they had, thoy were aaked by tho Demócrata not to do eo. Mr. Süerman defended tho action of tho committee with which he acted, and aaid the committee preeented every partiële of teatimony they could get. They triod to get it , on both sidea, but could not do so. He arguec tbat it waa on the teatimony now beforo tbe Senate (bat the decieioa of tho Beturniug Board waa made. Mr. Thurman said it wan upon one aido ol the caae that the Hoturning Board renderod ita decisión and roveraed a popular majority ol 7,000. Where waa the statute which authonzec the committee which viaitod New Orleans to report to the Preaident ? The membura of thal committee wero public oflicers. The President invited none but membora of bis own party to serve on tbe committ&e. The attempt to pat the garmont of office on thia thing wouic not do. Mr. Edmund8 said the third eection of tho second article of the contitution of the United States the President to transmit to Congreea from timo to time Information as to the eaffety of the Union. Ho was commanded to perform that duty, and Lound to oboy it. The President, to obtain information from one of the Statea of the Union, invito! certaiu .citizena to go thero to get sneu information, and after be had obtained it to comniunicate it to Congress, as ho believed it waa of a character to juaiify bim in trauemittiDg it to Congreea. He argued that it uever had, in tbe hiatory of the Government, boen unuaual to print information aent in by tbe Preaident. Mr. Bayard said it waB uüujI to print documenta aont to the Sánate by the Proaident, but these pap; rs wc-re not official, and did not pretend to be official. They wore not accompanied by any recommondati ju of the Prf sident calling for the action of Congress. Tho office of President of tho Uuited Statea no more connecttd him with the oketion in any State than the office of Senator connocted bim with aucb eliction. Thcrefcre the whole action cf the President in send ng a oommittco to New Orleaii waa nithout warrant of iaw. If tho two committee a in New Orleana had co-operated and deatroyod the partiaan foaturca, there would havo been a combinod acrutiuy cf tbe connt. and the country woultl havo had at least an attempt to agree upon the Iaw and tho facta. If there ehould be a delay until the teatimony of the other Bide was presented, so ths.t both might bo priuted and go out togothcr, hc would not object. Ho desired every fact made public in the Louisiana caae. In the poaition in which the Senate was now placed, there must be no Bbuñling, but every Senator must stand upon the rock of the Iaw and iruth. Regular 1'rooeeUing. Tüesday, Dec. 5. - Senate. - Morton aubmittod a joint reBolution, propoaiuKan ainendment to the constitution of the Uuited Statea to provide for the election of Frefiident and Vice President by a direct vote of tho people, which was read and laid on the table imtil the uppolntment of the conimitteeB, and will then be referred to tho Committee on Privileges and Elcctions. In stibmitting the reeolution, Morton said it was identieul with the proposition reported by Committee on Privileges and ElectionR two years ago A. bill was introduced to establish the Territory of tho Black Hills. ËdmundB zsoved to tako up the resolution Bubmitted yeeterday, ordering an intiuiry into tho late cleclion ie variotis Hoxithern StateB. The uotion, after a Iour debate, was agreed to by a strict party vote Merrimon intro(liirod a bilí to alter the time for holding olcctious for l'reaident and Vice President and countinj; tho vote in the Klectorul OoUego. Ordercd prlnted, and to bc Toferred lo the Committee ou 1'rivilegcH and ElectioiïB when appointed. It provideR that tho ltpvised StatutcB Rhall l)e axuended so that the eleetion for President and Vico Prceideiit Bhall be held in October, and the Electoral College shall meet iu the Jiinnary followiDg. House. - The Houee proceedlngs were dnJI and spiritless. A reeolution was adopted aseigRlng 8turday. Dec, 16, for tbe presentaron f snitaUp resolutluDs on tbo dea'b uf the lie Speaker Kerr, ... TLe Siieak.r then anuou.iitMrttbn PrMiidont'B annual Message which was theroupon read bf the Ckrk....On inottonof Wood (N. Y.),tho MCBBago and accompanyiug documenta wero ordered printed forthwith in pamphlet form, and wero refcrrcd to the Gominittco of the Whoie on tho State of the Union The Speaker airoounccd tho following select comniittees: On Louislana - Mesara. Morrison, Jenka, McMahon, Lyndo, lilackburn, Meado, House, Phclps, New, Hors, Townsend (Pa.), Danford, Hurlbut (111.), Crapo and Joyce. On Florida - Messru. Tbompson, Do Bolt, Walling, Hopkina, Garfiold and Dunnell. Ou tho South Carolina commlttee tho name of Cochrane was subetituted for that of Stengor, excused on account of illnesa in his f amily. Wkdkesday, Deo. 6.- Señale- Mr. Withera calUcl np his rosolution requesting tho Presidont to' tho Henate under what aUthorlty anti for what nurpöse troops we re sent to Petersburg, Va.. on the dfty of the recent election. Aftor a Irtng debato, parücipated in by Messrs. Withere, Thurnian, Morton, tedmundp and Lo gan, the resolutitfn wfts adoptcd in a sliiíhtiy modiflcd forin The Chair laid befnro tho Senate a froin tho President oi tlie United Statt-H inclosing the report of Senator Sherman and other inenibcrsi of thö comhiiltee which visitcd New Orleans. toftether wilh ftcconipanyiiig testimony In regard to tllö recent election in Louisiana, and moved that it bc printed and 1 ie on the table, . A lengthy debate f olLowttd, tho Dcxnpcratïe Senators objectlng to printiiig the conimunication cf the committec and the accompanyinf affidavitB. . . . Edniunds tnoved to take up the joint rodoliition of which he gave notice ycsterday, propoBing an aincndincnt to tho constitution of tho United States in relation to counting tho electoral vote. Morrinion objected, and read the 2lat joint rule, requiring tbat bilis, resriutíons, etc., not acted upon at the close of the lïrst seaaion of a Congress shall b taken up and actcd upon at tbc boginning of the secOnd kcksíou, ïib f no adjourninent had taken place. Ho raised the point of order that aH tho joint rules were in foKM imflulshed business froni tho last BOBsion ehould bc taken up The Ch&ir Overruled the point of order, and tïecided that the. joint rules ven not in f orce .... Merrimon appealed f rom the decisión of the Chair, ftnd proceeded to addrese the Senate, uut soon yielded for a motion to a3Journ, BDd the Scnatc adjourned. IJvmtc- The Speaker Ittid beforc the House a Message from the President transmitting a letter accompanicd by tho testimony addressed to him by Hon. John Snerman and other distinguished citizens in regard to the canvaas of the voto for olectors in Louisiana. Tho Speaker, af ter a review of the rule on the subjict, decidod that the paper in quesi ; .i i was in tho nature of Information and a step toward correct legislation, and that therefore it muet be read. The Clerk thereupon proceeded with ■ the reading of the paper. When H was nniehed. Mr. Wood, of New York, rose and ex i ressed surprise at such a Message having been sent by the President. He regard e.d it as most extraordinary and unprecedented, btit remarked that tuis was a marvelous and extraordiuary time. The exceptiou which ho (Wood) took to it was that the President ehould havo tranBinitted in such an unauthorized way an unauthorized document of a mero partisan and ex-parfe character, and bis flrst impulse had been to move that the conimunication be retnrned to the President. He sfaould slmply move that the Message of the President and the accompanying documents be laid on the table. [AppUvuso] Hoar aaíd that hÍB side of the House desired to debate the subject. The motiony however, was undebatablc, and it was adoptcd- yeas, 1Í3; navs, 99; a party vote. Thübsday, Deo. 7.- Senate.- The Souate indulged in another long political debate on the proposition to print the Presidentas special Message and the accompanying report of the Republican Tisiting Commitlee to Louisiana. Mr. Thurman led the debate on tho Pomocratic side, and was anBwered by Messrs. Morton and Sherman. It was flnally dcckled, 40 to 13, to print all the depositions accompanying the report. . . . Mr. Mitchell, of Oregon, offert d a resoluüon that the Committce on Privileges and Elections be inBtructed to investígate the facto attending the action of the Goveraor and Secretarj of Stato of Oregon In givIng a certifícate of election to ono of the Tilden electoral candidates. . . .Mr. Howe, of Wisconein, introduced a bilí to restrain unauthorized persons from aseuming to act rb f lectors for Prc&ident and Vice President Mr. Paddock introduced a bilí for the free distribution of public documenta printed or ordered to be printed. .. Mr. Cameron introduced a bilí concerning commerce and navigation, and the regulation of steam vessela and sailing veesfis. Ilouse. - Mr. McCrary, of Iowa, introduced a joint resolution providing for the appointment of a cominittee of flve mombers and five Senators to decide upon some rules govemiug the counting of the electoral vote, 80 as to prevent any trouble. The reBOlution was ref erred to the Judiciary Cominitteo .... Tho Pension bill was reported to the House. It appropriatce abont $29,000,000; or aome $,2.000,000 less than last jear. . . . Frye prescntetl a protest of the Colorado Legislaturo against the refnsal of the House to admit to his seat the inember-elect from that State. Kef erred Wood (N. Y.) aeked leave to offer a resolution calling on tbe President for copies of all orders aud directions emanating from him, or from any of the executive departments of the Government, to auy military or civil offtcer with regard to pervJccs of the army in Virginia, South Carolina, Louisiana and Florida. Kasson objected. Fiiiday, Deo. 8. - Señale. - Edmunda moved to take up the joint resolution proposing an amendment to the conetitution of the United States in repard to the couut of the electoral voto by the Suprcme Court. Mcirimon objected, and read the Ijlst joint rule, providing that unfinished business left over from ono seesion shall not be taken up for action until the lapso of six days of the beginning of the subsequont seBBion, Ho made a point of order that under that rulo the joint resolution could not be considerad now, The Chair (Ferry) overruled the point, and announced that the joint rulea were not in force. Merrimon appealed from tho decisión of the Chair. After considerable discussion the Chair was sustained, only four votes being recorded in tho negativo, namely : Maxey, Merrimon, Wüjte, With(?rs - all of tkein Southern Senators. House. - The House paesed Mr. Hewitfs resolution calling upon the President for Information reharding the use of troops in the Pouthern States Baker (Ind.) introduced a bill proposing an amendment to the contititution, forbidding tho assumption or payment of any claims for oss or damagc growing out of the loss or destruction of property ' during the late rebcllion .... The Pension Appropriation bill waa passé d.... Wood (N. Y.) called up ni.s resolution calling on tho President for copies of the inatrnctions sent to, and the reports received from the military officers in the isouth amce August.. . .LcMoyne (IU.) offered the following resolution : " Whereas, öerious differences of opinión may arise between members of the two houaes of Congrees as to their jurisdiction and powcra in joint ses8ion in counting the electoral vote, and the quostions involvcd being questions of law, "ReS'lved, That the Senate be requeeted to appoiut a committec to act with a coiximittee of fivo to be appoiuted by the Spcaaer of tho House in presenting to the Supreme Court auch qaestiona as oither of said comniittrca may deern important in this crisis, and asking tlio membera of tho Supreme Court to give Congresa an opinión thereon." Mondat, Dec. 11.- Senate.- Edmunds called up his proposed amendmont to the constitution, providing that tbe Supreme Court ehailopen and count tho electoral votes. Morton signiñed hia opposition to thia amendment, resarding it as daugerous. Tho matter was discnaBed at longth by i'reliughuysen, Edmunda, Merrimon, and Morton .... Merrimon gave notico of an amendment he would offer so as to make any Justice of the Supremo Court ineligible to appointment to any office under tho Unitod States, and also ineligible tobe olected President er Vice President until the expiration of four years next aftsr he ahall have ceased to be bucIï Justice. Ordered printed Bayard offered a resolution calling upon the Attorney General for a statement of the number of Deputy United States Marabals employed tbroughont the country at the rf oent election. Laid over. . . . Shensan prrsented a petition from Gen. Joseph E. Johnton, asking the removal of hie political dlsabilüies. liefened A bill appropriating $2ü,U00 to defray the expeüees of the Southern Invcstigaling Committees was pasred. ...Bogy, of Missouri, pre f ent ed tho report oí the Democratie committee which attended the sessions of the Ixmisiana Keturning Board, and moved that it be printed. Objection was made by eeveral Senators on the Ilepubllcan eide, on the ground f hat the paper was not adOrcssed to the Señale, and to print it would bo a violation of tho rules. After debate, ít waa decided that Messrs. Uogy, Stovcnaon and McDonald should prepare a memorial, makfng the paper a jiart thereof, and it could then be printed.... Mitchell, of Oreeon, from tho Committee on Privileges and Electiona, reported favorably on the resolution authorizing an inveatigation as to the eligibility cf Watts, the Oregon elector.... Cameron (Wia.) introducod a bill to provitie for the redemption of greenbacks. Howta, - The Speaker announcod the appointment of Clymer, of Pennsylvania, to üll a vacaney in the Committee on Appropriations, caused by Kandall retiring. The Chairmanehip of the committoe remullí with Holman. Under the cali of States for tho iutroductton of bilis, thoir reading in full was requlrcd by the Republicana, bo as to consumo the inorning hour, and leave no time for a cali of tho States for rcaolutione. . . . Tho following new bilis were introduced: By Eamce, reducing letter post ugo to two cents ; by Cox, to regúlate the. compensa tion of Ietter-carriera; by Cannon, to proinote commerce and cheaper railroad transportaron betwucu the Atlantic soaboard and the West, by chartering the American Midland Itaitway Ctmpany ; by Glover, for the proteotion . 1 )i ; States ngalnst domestic violecee, . . . Mr. Banning asked unanimoTia conaent to offer a regolution recitiug the euloginm pansed on J, Madison Wells, of the. Louisiana Returning 13oardT in tho report of Senator Sherman and others to the President, and reqm sting the President tí) f uniiHb from the War Dopartmect copies oí all report, orders, corresponden ce, etc., connected with tho reiüoval of Wells from the (tovernorship of Louisiana by Gen. Sheridan in 1867. Lost- yeaa 111, naya 81- not two-tiiirds ín the aftirmativc . . . . Spencer moved to sliepend the rules and adopt a resolution instructIng tbe Judiciary Committee to in]uire vrhftt intiiuidatïoa liaB be n practiced on Government employés during the late cle.ction to compel such employés to coutribute to the election fund of any political partv, and what leginlation ia needed to abate the evll. Lost- yeas, 184 ; noyn, 74, not twothirds.


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