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THE DETROIT TRIBUNE FOK 1STI. THE UEPRKSENTATIVE Michigan Newspapor. Establislicd : Tlie Weckly in 1829, The Daily In 1835. TUK TRIBUNE wfll give its rnergies and its inftueuoe lii febis crisis to st n advooachig BëpirMlruii principios, iiixl upholdtng the Kcpublicau organization in ;i juat, fariy-abiatug aud self-respectinji iiiaintaiiance of its rlghts, seeing in that aiiection the path plainly niarked out by patriotie dutv, It wiU strlve to glve a bruad and intelligent view of politica! affaïra, and will place before its readers tlie most complete nul thé eártlest tnforin;iliun obiainable trom all aulhoritative SOUffiflB, We intoml thai its regular dailyand woekly comjji mlinni of politica] mtélligence, shail foe of the lulli-si ín point of scopp and tteth&tt in point of tinii?. in short, Xbls Tkiiíini;'.s readers will be tept fully aoreast witli the eVer indvlng curren t of' e rente. Ah 10 GENERAL Ni;WS in all its varioua departmeots, ,we propose to furnisb a variety that sliiill nii'i't all neeaa and tastcs, and make THE TKiBl'NlC ii wf.'lcoino visitor in evei-y oflico, countIngroom, workshop and maimlaotory, and a cluuily-wclcorae frlcnd al eVery ftreside. Our coJlectloii of MICHIGAN NEWS bf a Urge corps oï paid covreepondenta, by moaas of telegraph and mail, we i n ■..■in i aball rema; M alltogethdr unriTalled. Our AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMÍENT wiii continue to cuiíipli-icly oUtfltTip al) utluTs, and fono a lV;iturO wtjrili niiiny times lts to tlu im-ui A;i icultural i o te resta of the State. Our MARKKT KËPORTS will be, :is tbfly always liavc been, prcpared witli tbc most conecientious care and pflánstakiug, so tliat thev m:iy Ihj ïelk'd on ;is gÍTing the latcst and moat truthful account of the movementa and prlcee bf al) tlie great staples oef toado In which thepeopleof our State are intürested. Our LITEKAKY columns will contain the bent storlea anti cholees t p'H-tiis that eau hv LloaiHd in a very wide range i seloctions, while ouj minor items will cover erery vartety of tupie, amusiug, iustructive and sugestive, v Bta'ali aim to malte THE PETROIT TRIBI si. l (Ui L877mora complete in all its flepartmt'iits, and more valual'k: In lts contenta, than ever befbre, and thus to continue to win to it an eyergrovlng eonatituency of steady and attacln-d supportera and iVn-nds, to whuae wants and vishMit shall be our pleasure to minislrr. TERM3 0F THE TRIBUNE. Dailv, per year, poatage paid by us Si'i fiO For nix montbs, postage ]mid by u.i r :n For three montos, postage paid by us 2 üo Trï-Wki:ki.y, (containing all the news oi' two dailirs and a splendld paper whcre soniethiu moro than a wt-i kly and U-n tbaii a ilaily is (U'sired; per year, postage paid by us $JJ 50 Tki-wkkkly, for sla montbs, postage paid by us 2 65 Fot iliree months, ppstage paid by us, 1 93 Wi.KKi.v, in Bpleodtdelgbl page paper, haviiiff eight columns mtire of roarting matter ecery vHtei: than any uther jmpr in Detroit) per year, pöatage paid tv us 2 00 Wkkki.y, In clubs of ten or more, postagc paid by us T (ïO For commlsston to agent, or othor Information add roos the öfBce; Direct til orders and lettert! to Tin-: xitimvi:, l4trít, Tïicli. LTotico. rpTIR Annunl meeting of the Stoekholders of 1 the First National Bank of Ann Arbor will be held at their Banking House on Tuenday the tiintli day of Jauuary, 1877. Polls for electloa will bc open betweon 10 and 12 o'clock a. m. By order of th Board. J. V. KNIGHT, Cibir. Ann Arbor, Dictmbir 6, 18"6. PEOPLE WILL BUY WHERE THEY GAN SET THE BEST and the Most for the Money. Those bargains I got when EAST, week before last, are going off rapidly. One would have thought so if they had seen the crowd that visited my store Saturday, the 2d inst. As a general thing, merchants complained of dullness in trade that day on account of the storm and cold, but this did not prevent a great rush for CHEAP Clothing at the One-Price Store. Get one of those cheap overcoats, for men, youths, boys and children, before they are all sold. The stock of Gloves is daily growing baautifully less. Then "pitch in" while they last, J. T. JACOBS THE One-Price Clothier, BANK BLOCK, ANN ARBOR. Sewing Machines THE SINGEE, JTE W DOMESTIC, And tilO HOWS, And vrnl gnfl Becnqd-Hnnd Machino at the SEWINlj MACHINE OFFItiE, Anu Albor. Alw Needies for all Machines The very best that arè made, and attachraénta and parta for m-arly all maelitne. S1NGER MACHINES Rspairftd botter tbprc than anywhore elsc in Aiii.riia. If your machine don't work wcll. Inde il i'nr rjn,. tlmt'ducs, r liavc t repaired. AU machines sold on eaay payineuts at the ofiice. Sccond door cast of Post Of fice, Ami Irliur, 'li. 11. (I.V.r,, I. I.. ;lilM;i.l., Agent. IN8ERANGB) COHPANT. Capital, - - $3,000,000. Assots Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.98. Lo8ses Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, including ' Re-Insurance Reserve, $4,735,092.86. Net Surplus over Liabilities, including Re-Insurance and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. MACK, Agent, AnnArbor. j 1 ) A daj at home. Aantt wntd. Outfit Jpléand termilr. TBUE CO., Augmt, M


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Michigan Argus