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RAILROADS. NQV. 10, 187L 4Ul OOINO WÏBT. =======:=::=5 f_h _JL A. M. . M PW Z ' - Detroit, leave, 7 00 9 10 4 20 'm O. T. Jtinction, 7 15 9 25; i as ?$ H t Wayne Junction 7 48 9 50 5ls!,'tl Vfpallanti, 8 15 10 1S SO - I " B Ann Arbor, 8 35 10 -;J 6 12 1 S " t Delhi, 8 50 if 'lij Dexter, 19 00 6 5s"7"-Chelsea, ; 9 18 , 6 5J ' ;? - OrasoLake, 9 ,- - ?289oi Jackson, Lv., 10 20 w 00 8 00 9 u Albion, 1104 12 45 ,; _,ÏSU Marshall, 11 60 1 S0 „ __ „ j U Battle Creek, 12 20', 1 57 $?■ L__ „ „I Cialeaburg, 12 S5 L_J , {J i Kalamazoo, 1 13 2 384 00 f.;f, Lawton, 1 56 4 41 , 5 ' Decatur, 2 15 ! 5 ooi ! !!-■ Dowagiac, 2 41 5 Í0 i SK Nüea, 8 111 4 07 6 loi Í J'-Buehanan, IS 6 26 ÍS11 ThrceOaks 3 66' 4 43 7 04 ï !■- ■ NowBuffnlo, 4 13 4 56 7 51 Z 'ï Michigau City, 4 40 5 20 7 50 iu" Lake, i 23 i 59 8 35 ïu!l' Kcnsington, 6 M' 6 40 9 40Í ; Ubicuo, arrive, 7 061 T 25' 10 ïs! J {jj j OOIHO EA8T. 4"! 1 i 3 ÍN I í !_?__L_!.L_ i i A. M. i. M. p. M . ÏT" Chicago, leave, 5 00 1 8 30 3 50 sV;1 Kenmngton, 6 44; 9 12 4 35 2 !' Lakf, 6 40; 9 54 6 23 íJÍJ' Michigan City, 1 32 10 40 o -25 7,,! NewBuffalo, 7 56 11 00 6 51 __ ! Three Oaks, 8 09 1113 709 8 11J Buchanan, i 8 41 ' 7 60 ' Niles, Ot'lll 5J. 8 JO 8 55 T Dowagiac, 1 27 8 48 L Decatur, I 9 52 '■ 9 ]} , J Lawton, !lO 10'p. H.I 9 Sí! PM KnlamaüOO, 10 50 1 15110 lOt lüssT" (iiileshurjt, 11 12 : . _J1 Battle Creek, 11 47; 1 67 "S m ll ls i' p. h.I ta Marshall, V2 ib t W P '11 Tí Albion, 1 10 3 02 1 j Jackson, Lv., 111 3 45 ïalim,. Grasa Lnke, '2 45 ; SS 1! i Chelsea, ' 3 10 1 ïo . DextíT, 3 25 j 8 37 . ,, Delhi, I ?n - - s so . ■ AnnArbor, 3 52 4 55 9 P6 J i! T Ypailaiiti. 4 15 6 1" 27 WayneJunc, ! 4 4S 5 29 1( 00 ! tí. T. June, : 5 30 0 00) 10 45 J ■ Detroit, Ar., ; 6 45 6 15I !11 00 Ib') aundajs excepted. ISaturday and aunan,. cepted. tDaily. H.B. LKDYAKD, Gen'lSnpt.,DtMit H. C. Wextworth, Gen. Pass. Agt., Cbictgn Comer Maiu and Huroailnn DETEOIT, HILLSDALE&IKm ANA RA1LRÜAD. To take effect November 26th, 18:6. GOINO WKST. OOlluii 8IATIOS8. Maii. Exp.i 8TATIONB. Kip, J, A. M. P. H.j Ypsilnntl.... 8:20 7:30, Á' l.l Suline. 9:10 8:06 Bunkers M Bridgewater.. 9:35 8:27 Hillsdale ... Uaiiulursirr. 10:05 8:60 Manchester _ p. m. i Bridgewttter' i-u e Ulllsdíile 12.40 1U:48 : Baline 8:lí B Banken. ... 2:55 11:00 Ypeilanti..., 9 Trains run by Chicago time. To take eñect , Dcc. 10, 1876. W. F. PAKKER, Sup't, Yjstel GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. THE SHOKT LINT BICTWEEN DETEOII, BUFEALO, NEW Yflfii NIÁGARA FALLS, BOSTON PMlaflelíta, AND ALL EA8TERN CITIfX ''■I O '!"l;i lln-SIiorli! í.íupfr, #- í 7 Dntroit to Buffnlo anl 1'ointeEM. fA c Miles the shorteBt line from Danci SiFl O Niagura Falls and pointa Kast. Sure 'oimi'i tioiis at Siipenun Bridirc ;iinl Itnll ilu wilh tbc c Vork ('entrnl Ulldtrio itm i :i y s. The Track and r.quipmenl." 01 iue liFí WESTEKS are ppriecl, and ít is maDSfted r, aview to the SAFETY and COMF0 l'atrons. TOURI8TS AND PLEASURE SEEKEE Should bear in mind that the GREAT WÍSTSi. Railway ís tüc ÜUurU-st and most Cooíür Route between Detroit, Suspension Btidjl a Bu líalo, aLd ia the only line whicli criwsís iw nion Bridge in luU view of the fftlla. For information and tickets via thuptfu' route apply to G. W. KHARPLESÍ. Agent M. C. R. lt., Anti Arbor 16 f Ui la U WM J' bosoD'11 marreluiu pivi ure, ii.imiKüíW1 B ot 011e ui' - :i itMI HttfW tlie masnlfieent trnrpc I-u: rd ' WATK'1' GLE.X ."the uiori piurPWjueHiwJ t1 1eautiiul ■■: run. sitios m Nortli I faitlitull rejiii -"ütn in Waters' ftnoitf p! '. bmi sucet ■.uil rfproduced alter flvemotitwwff oupstudy arm rk tor pi cm i-m is tor tl ■■ plciorjftl oftior ïürk. Thi: Illi'stratkd vrn ' Each picture haf been perf) cted by il flJ pressioü in uil coiors, 2_'iL i'kkt, and ■';' elifrhtlv r-i!:iri-. from theRIzeol the F4,Tliey co'pynghted atui ocurvd fi'f ''" F une ol tliis paper au piviniums, and n" ! does now or ever wiU fxisi for secunog ttiem. The lllustratftl Weekiy is a lanre nehl-r ? pure, lustructivt, and aimiNini;; jjortiaj and ppiieil currfiit evpnts; Ijiston'-nl. i '"■'■' .' usffiil snliiccts; tui] and fieiiuii. rnMtsnan politie!- polnpaiike to all seci.s aml (.artiJaMKs I'ahtoN. contrihutinff ediif-r, anu ■?L■■ best cnntrihtitors. inchidtnc t)r. Kuiler V Henri Broi ne, Hhs A.el'i, HowüTtl PtultvSr'B Knox, "WHÏsinlrliïiin." Jennie Juiif. John g"S EJear Faf-tt. Bionsoo llouard, etc, etc.-wr' L. SfAKKS, Editor . , Tliis paper has attainod th1argst drm,, one among; tu" lïlutrll jounials 01 tkis" wli icli is t lic l"st próof of ita mi-rit. .,- "It iar xceeds l!arM-r's or Lentie'i ín iJraïtiliiy."- -Jenetf City üaqld. (l#w "A Tery clfverly edited paper."- SpiritCf1 "One of the most fascinatinp wpoHes f] tlie country."' - ItuliaruipoUs Journal. j "Itisalarge and Iiaudsoine shet't."- ft" crivt. ,j. " It ia truly a model literary nd fWi paper."- Charleston (S. C.) A'-ws. . , f1"TliPlnducemetitRoirered are fully cam1 Tli? Indrimdrnt. A". i'. 1V, "Oneoftlie uèst m its claw "-A". r(JHl SüBSORiPTioa PBfci JKUt.oo per yw?A?"Sp two ahnre-imined Cbroinoji. wtikli -1". VLuT'ifá post [iaid to aoy addressior 5 cents aduJtioosanu parely covers tliecotuf postale. Send $.125 at once and secure tliesc ceirJjj witli it copy every week for a yearoj a betoiJJU tr;ited, pure, iustructive, aoü enterruDiüS11" A nrilTO Wantod in trtfíÍ nllklV I O scrip! innsfor the rac iu! oewgpaptt published. Evcry exixriencea every uneniployed person desii-ousof st'CBnyïj ableand lurrative occupntion should woc jti for circulair fflvine complete and conTinciM i, 1 liculars, or, better tlian that, as you re,r-rt. 1 take liold anvhnv. sejid $.W lor tlieconipW, I tix. whldi is all that is required to iur S"ÍT and save the time consuined in correspow' i Erery dav:s üelay is wortb íully tlie coaK" "" ■ outfit. Addres, Chas. Clucas & Co., Publis i U Warren St.,New ïork, J Or 112 Uonroo Bt, Chicago, m FOR SALE! riff ülone 1 nu-. Water Lime, l land l'litwt.r, êc Flastcrinff "' er at ray Lime Kiln or at my shop. FARMERS. WOOD AVANÏ Id exchange for Saddles, Harneas, Tru eVmt Bag, Horse BlankeU. Whipi u Mittens, etc., at my harnesa ahop. j. W& Bricïlpr Si {OFFER FOR SALE my Brict 3',V Huron and Fourth o l ' ■ Z otel. ThU is one oí the most oes' wif B locations in the city, and will be '' i 6iK 1.-.Í18 JOHSJ-- VT7ISH TO SELL. AiroodSteam BuwMill and tj "" Timber land at ïlooreville. December Tth, 1B76. ,rt.R Ai 1612w6 D. CBAMEBX yiSITlNO CARDS-NEW STïH AT THE AROU8 OFFICE


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Michigan Argus