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ITlcdicai pólice. fllÜKun.ío.M.:....!. u. I,.-, srivw-st1 Woíhieiiaw and (ho n-lj-iin!; (.vn:i.-s, nt llainaoimibíc pfa'yiiítfmn. woul.l .y. ihai nítei telinpniciiccd mecí.cine on the nnnciplcBM UKÍuTn íh.; -M ích..,l, A iwiod-'diiwe.toi (he il3t tro ycnyfl necordins" 10 ihe tewiül Ho„'„,. ... - (ïLuiUa riMttibte n.nn.h.r.J M,. -!u irt il.o new sétíóol of medicihe ; omI haJfííf couináréd iHú 8uccoss,f lie two sj.tcn.s "' móst safe. ccn:iin r.rtJ siiccoísfúl riiotliod oí cire. üiseasoe, Uiihcrto inciile, ate ño m { Atfectiona'of ihospine, !..'..). uicriis.'si.iM-: ■ terroraby .lio timcly ai)plitíatíon ol Iñunaopa.iiic MÏöJicamciits. . , ,, IViihohl rutlbr eísay, tho imtleraignc.l ivoyjd feíveU tú the-afflicioiltn s..y. on irialul rhere,,,, odies, wKotlwr UomBopalh.v ís wrhoi u Uamia to be or not. , , lio WDiiWalso stweilMt lio has jus reítirnéíl from New York and Ph.Wchihin -"li .■ uí K nJ,rtuieU5of MEDICA NlB.VvJR: porte.1 trótn Uiic, lo ih)pjncc. whwe he ivüi aaoiiJ t uil calis, and rimiisUuíedioameiua booUs, &c. .-.l the l9W. r:c.s rom ll.o clew and exclusive MtwiUba ho a g v n m ihe uu:ly „„'I -rcice oí IlbiiMuatl.x w é ?blo 10 givr saiiafactiah to dioso wlio iay fnvar m wh thcir patrunigc. Cotnjuuniqiir.nis, p : i n.l. from paticnisata distance, will rccclvè pcoiñpiatteniion. Tliise w!i- mny wi--!i ló pi ice ihetnsclvcs un ,J,.r I::.-? tre;itnrcnt Crr anv chronic (Useasc. nni olitain lo:J;nu# i-ulier al his house, or in uthoi DlaC03. at JOW irires. P TüOS. BLACKWOOp, M. D. [lüilKBöp-illlist. Y}i.-il-mii, 20ih Xov. 18-15 2i)-ly Varlwcil & Dixon, 1MPORTKRS AM) WHQLEJSALE DEAL1 1 ARDW AR e' AND CUTLER Y. UXo -1 CoJnr Blrrei. 2 dóora above Pcarl si IVciv Yrk. J. M. Wi;DWtl.L (JutMI.AM) t?. ÜIXON y & I) nro rcceïvin? a feil nul penoral as íortmcHt tfftagl'sh n.,.1 American [InnKynu-. tórtsistin? i.i part of Tublo afjd Packei Xoiloiy. a.cliors1 RazorPi Files, CMU, PW ir-ns an.l SnWs, American Buttsond Sereba. Xmcá Sho vds and Sp-idcs. Win. Kowland d MHI wdA-r Cut Sawa, Harris', Bloods'. Biuiis and fuylor's Scythes-whicfi are ortcnjd on tho -mosl fartlb!fl tonns lor pnsh or tix mödtli ScrcdiL Ñew York, Ecb. 6. c2- ' " ToWool ixvowcrs. WE be" lciivc io intorin onr Woul Growinp tncmio, liiot wc shatl be prepared ior iht purclijíe ol 100,000 ïbs. of a üoot! clean mCTchwtttabfé nriicle. as soon os thcLcasoii for frclüngciinuiiciH-ci. as we aritíonneaed wHh listern wol dealvra, wu ehai! be ablc to p;iy tlie liig'icst jpTu:o iKe K:is:em tnai kct will allbr.l. Ore.u comptóint was inndo a.-: scason droongSI the K.iíter Dealers and .M.u;ufaciarerS, in refereoce to tlic poor cori(I;tion pi Michigan Wool- roo'ch oí ít being in !d orde! d!id a considerable port un bcing miun. k 7. We would Iicrc üikc oceámtt o rcqucst tliat tbe utmost pains sliauJd Ie taken to have lïè sherp well waslu-d boforc shcaririir, that the Tag h'd.s be cut o!V. anti that cach Fluece lie carefully ticd up wuh proper wool twine. (cost IS- to'ó ets per 11). J hemp twine is ;!i: l si: it will f9 loiind greatly to ihsadvantajgè of Wool Gruw ers t. put lip tiicir wool in iliis nianneï. Un washcd wool is net merchani.ible, anil wil! bi rejeetcd by most ifnot all ot" the Wool buyers, i being dillïeult. io clean. J. HOLMES & Co. WooDWAKU AV! N' I . Laronds Ií!oek. Detroit, Marché, 1546. 2':7-ifWOOï.' WOOZ.'! CLOTH! CLOTH!! rpHE undersigned wonld inform ihc public JL thil they coniinue to manufacture FULLEO CLOTH AND FLANNELS, ut their mnnufactory, two anJ a half miles vees of Ann Arbor, otl the Huron Rivcr, near t'i Railtottd. TERMS. The pricc of manufqcturïng Whiio F'.nnncl wi.ll bc 20 cents, Fullcd Cloih 37? cents and Cussimere 44 cents per ynrd, or half the clotii ihi Wool will mnke. We will also exchange Cloth for AVuol on reasonable tcims. The colors will be gray, black or lirown. TheWool belongins to each individual will bt worked by iteíf when theie is enougb of om quality to makc 80 yards of oloih; when ihis isnot ihc cise. soveral pareéis of Ule same will bc worked togethcr, and the cloth divUeo among the several owners. Wool sent by Rail rond, marked S. W. Fostcr ifc Co., Ann Albor, with directions, will be atiende i to in the simt manneras if the owncr ívére to come wiih it.- The Wool will bc manulartured in turn ns M comes in, as near as m iv ba consistei.t -.vith the different qunlitics of Wool. We have been engagcd in this busiucss seye ral years, and from the vcry genernl s uisfaction ve have givcn to our numerous custoniers foi tho last two ycars, we are insneed to ask .t large share of patronage with confiiience thni wt shall meet the just expectaliona o customors. Letters should be addressed 10 S. W. Fostei &, Co., Sc'to. S. W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, April 6, 1846. 260-Iy "Sicam Fonndry." TUK undersined having bougbt the entirr interest of H. & ft. P:irtridgc and Geo. F Kent in the "Stenm Foundry," Ann Arbor. will manufacture all kinds of Castings ti order, nnd will bc happy to funiish any kind of Casting? to the old custorners ot Uarris, Partridge tfc Co.. H. &, R. P;irtrid?c. & Co., an-1 Partridge, Ken; & Co., and to all oihcrs wlio inay favor the.-ii with a cali. II. R. HARRTS. E. T. WILLIXMS. Ann Arbor, Dec. 26, 13 16. 2li-tf COUJYTY OUDEUST" THE highcstpricepaidincai-liby C F. Lewíp, Exchange Broker, opposite ihe Insurance Bank, Detroit, for orders on any of the counti!s in the State of Michigan; also for Stalt i-jcurities of all kinds and uncurrent funda Cali ' andsen. Dcc 1, 1845. 241-if CLOVER MACH IN ES . THRASHIXG MACHINES and Í3J1ptqTs made and sold by ihe6uhscnbers,at their Machine Shop. near the Pnper Mil!, Lowcr Tbwn, A..n Arborl KNAPP & HAVlLAND, Jan. 19, 1346. 217 tf To portsincii. AGENEItALassortment of Casieel andLon Barrel Rifle, doublé and single tarrei Shot Guns, Pistola, Gun Locks, Game Bags. Shot Pouchc3, Pi wder Flasks. ibrsa'e by WM.R. NOYES, 248-1 y 70, Woodward Avenue, Detroit. TEMPERANCE HOUSE. PB. RIPLEY would sny to bis frienda and tbc Irienda of Tempen nee, thnt lie hn.= taken the Temperancc House, latcly kopt by Wm. G. Wheaion, wherc he would he glad to w-ait upon ihcm. Mny nnd Oais and ötabbling to nccommodate teams. Detroit, Janunry 1. IBiG. 245f Chattel ITfortgages, JÍJST printc' and for sale at thie office in anj qnnutiiy. Marcliál, ISItí.LEATHEuTlExITHER! .L.EATHER! 'VTILDRI'.D 6c 'CO,, N. iiïSj Jeflfërson Avenue, "EJdrèü's Ulock," Detroit, takc _L_i ílii-s tpior!uuiiy lo inforii) tKeir c'ustpnite'fsj and ttíe public generally, lliat ihey still cótitiiíéfe lo kocp on hand' a full assortmèii! o!" Spariíili S.'íe Li.ilicr, AW.i, Lus n! Pés, pjirrlcr1 Tool?, iS.c. ÍSI.iu-li.'iTcd do ll.'irse'níiil CoVtar l..c;nlicr, [Tciiilu'ck 'iunricd LFppcr Leailicn Cóïclèviin do Ok i. - Morocho ál-ins, Frcnch niuitii C'.il! 'K'iis. Scuj i!.) O.ik niul lieiutock InfiTiixl ! (; '" lí''"ln-r. Keniiit-k toifucd librncss áü BriiUo LónJlici-j Ucér mi Ii ni! ■!. q.,1 .. .. M " " ::. c .iiiti Colotcil Liningd, ; Tujj !..n!icr, Priuic'tl do Skhiiü-. rint.,ik!.:.ii :ifi'l Oliiu; Slioc Trini j Rosset iniiiíi-. rtnd Kil "í .'II kiiuls. Asthc Subscriben are now ir.r.iinfnciürii.g íliéir owh Loathor, they are preparcd to sol! ns Inw nsc:in be urcli;iscil n ibis inaikcí. Merel.nMts nnd manuu.cturers wül fiud it to their adyaritage to cali and examino. DÜr stock liefure ptfrcfrösmg fsbwh.Pre. CTTCash ana Lcalhcr c.xchangod fot Uviés and Skins. Detroit, Jnn.lpl6. 1 yThirty Thousaud Persoas ? 1 ASSV LLY in!l victima io (JuJti ího Üidtod States; Ifwse ol iheévU is , nemüy ove.U.oUed. A tíiorl dry c y!.: or i neglccted cold, is the pvecuisor. IJïcse aW iltRAMl uaiiHPWÍaoV. l';'n in ilie saleliccuc lever, and niulu sweait W.lgvfi niiJ d6al!l _ i ihe soe'ne. Would y..u lifta a UiM-.HÏ f()!( .H.. 1 VÜ. Ilcro it s. The expericace of inore im 20 yW in n.-ivaie prncuco has pn.vcl lts clhcy. nn-l .ncchs in.ruction to public n..uco? al.houyh tlusnow bcon ctiucJ Uu a tcw mon.lw . il a!e lias been uni.iccedeinc. ■-mi lssuccc yoná aucstion. L'.eu.-so n-.uch so. tfiot it W-dftJ li i ,„ i,o tl-,, oi.urst rciucily in uie woriü.lareii io ue uíc siu" l ïvw. ASTflM-A, no. that teiirM nnd rnnlady; vvblcli emlers lile buriher.iomu dtfrihg ta conúnurmee, 8 subd.ied without Jüticuliy by ihis grcal , 1 ,ml ihe sufiV.rcr s enabled by w ue i? "'lam I iiiict rtnöse; the shortncss.of .brcnih is I ?omr. the couuh is all.y.Hl. and .enkh :md v,-oi ake ihe place öf dcspootleney and suüenng. ur. 'ÜSer'8 Oi.OSAONÍAN, ,r Au: Bai.sam, ia the reme, y lwh ! 1!1( eurinjj the aböve c,nTb,n,, ; and , hba ,scd l.v thé first lAysfctons in thé eify, who delarc il to bc unrivailed, inpmuch os '1 does nol íisiurh the bbw-js in he lea.t l.y prVïdweing coster ihe above disensos mariul)ly shut up ïhc txr.vels, ihus rend.-ring it neecssary to resurt 10 purlaiivc medicine. . . llead ihe {uHpwipg cases, which have been relicved and cwc 1 vfiibin a foy weuks : DW1D ilF.NDtRSON, l.O Laiht streel, .ook a severe cold on ihe 4.h ilny ui July; and wasbiouaht very ld by a distre wrhich rcsu'jed in r.eqiunt Btwêke 61 froiu the lungs. Althou-h lic evay iWiiie in the shape of remedias whicli eould b foiind. yethe was nut bendiited. and by tho ttibti Q üJ Oc'ober was so much red weed bj i.ight swcais tbot hc despaired of lifc. One botile f F olgcr s Olosaoninn restored liim to her:!ili. GEORGK W. BURNETT. of Nevvjuk, JS. J., has suflbied under the cfTccis of a severo cold lor more lían a yenr. líe was .rcducc-d i. üy brink of the gtètt alnïoat, by his-coügli anti nichi svc;M3. He" eommenced raisin' blood m the ir.omh of Óctöber-lust. He coimnem-ed usjus the Olosaonian. and by il e micWk o! Nov mber ho was so for restored that he jéft for Pittsourijh with evciy prospect ül recoverin lus l.ealili. Mrs. BEtt, the wife ül Robcrt P. Bol.l, ol Morristown, N. J., was drcadf.iüy allhcicd with Asthma for many years. Her pbywcinns JinJ -lespaircd oí relicving her. One h.itilc of the ülosaonian ao fnr restored her that shc was ablc to gel out of her bed and dress heisetf. wlnch shc had not dono beforc in monthe, and ühe is now in a lair wny lo be reheved. Mr. V. LA HAN. 52 Pífce streef, was 60 bad with osihina that he had not slop in lus bed Un ten weeks, wben hc emnincnced the usc of thisreat renicdy. One bottle cnred him, and be has not had a return ol hia complaint now more ihan live muntbs. Mrs. McGANN. '20 Walker Bircet. wna fllsp cured of sevcie bsthuia ly the Olosaonian. and siaïes tlüJt siie never knuw medicine give sucb imniediato and pernuinent ïelief. GEORGK W. 1IAYS, ofihis city. was givcn up by his physician ns incurable', líis oréense was coneupmtion and when hp comTñenccd using the OIoiaonian. was so weak ihat hc couid not walk without being assistfd by a fiiend. iy stricl atientión hc w;is &o far restorcii in a few weeks as to be ible io pursue liis !)ii3in'S3. JAMES A. CROMUIF.. 1 ", 0 -tissan aircel ; J. J. Parsíílls, 11 TcHÏh' troet ; C. S. B( t) n. l'J Bleecker street ; James D.tvis. 58 Greenc s'.rcet : and Mis. Mallen. 9 Morton sücet ; have all efperienccd the goo'd efiects of (lie OLosaOñínn h cóugh öf long standing and'oir;ctlii lungs, aml pronounce it. wiih one uccoriT. to lo tl'C gremosi reiiif'd ar.d the nioht speedy and effccuial, that they have ever kpowYi. ' R-jadcr. are yon Biíflóring froni the nboyo disease ? Try tbis reinedy. Yon wijl, pc: haps. recret it. It triay arresr all thosedisigrecable 8yni)toms whieli sinke such terror t) the niind, and proíong yonr days. For sale at I0G Nassau et. one doT ahnve Arin, and at Mrs FJnys. 139 Fülron st.. Brooklyn. Agenisfor ÁnnArbor. V. S. &S. W. Muy. nnrd; E. Sampson, Ypsilanti; I). C. WhiJwood, Dexter; Piekford & Cr-iiï. S;dine: Smiih fe Tyrol. Clinton; H. Bp.vcr, MiochO5t,cr; i'. F'mlick &Co., Plyraoxuiï; D. Grcgory and A. rininf. Vorthville. cl 1 !-Gino FRATHKRS and PAPER IIANGINíítí mny bo found at all times at the Mimi v i i ti Stork, Deinit. W. A. RAYMOND. Dec. 25. r. 211- Om DISSECTEÖ MAPS - An instructie e'and amu6ing artic'n for tlie yonnir. for - il atl pêrrY'S bookstoub. Dcc. 23. 24btl.1. IIÜLMF.S & CO., YJIOLK8ALE AND RKT.UL DKALKRS IN ' STA f '.LU AM) I'JMÏ Dit Y GO O DS, ' Sïry GroccïïfiSi Carpcliiig, ' mui pstpcr gfanghtzs, :Yo. 03 Woodwcifd Avenue, LarneiVs Bloc!;, Detroit. } idi.M!. .V ïo York. ? s h: iii.ri. Detroit. { WE (J ke t!.i inciii.' : iJ infoj u ing ur fri ;i:,, i iiüiuincrs throujfliuut t lic Sta Ie, hal . ,■ st'ill i'.ursümg the véti ici.or ofVni . ertdëtfvdring fo dó butific'se Upen litr , an! iiuiionible '.. We would i!m) li'ii,;,t Dur pcknuwlediucu'.a for ü.o patronage ex tondêd to ::.-!, y uur s. and wou ld bcy leavê to cnll rhc nii ntioti of the public lo n voiy uell i-o'cuic'l ::f.oiii)if!.i ot stasonoblè Gtfids, wlnoli aio oiïi-ii ii ai ulmlcí-.ilc or K-Uiil il vciy pripes Oiir Inciliiics f"i ji.K'li.aeiiig Qoü.ds aro uhsiii pasecd fy ai. y concern iri ïl.c Sinic - One ol' lijm. Mr. J. flulnjes resides n the .-ny of New Yirk, and fn-.m lus long expciiriico in 'ihc JuUbing linde in tliat ciiy. dih! Irom hU ihovoii!) k!ii7v.!i(!p.r ui' lln: iv.aiKt!. lic is enn b!cd '.o avtiil hiiiifciir uf tlic nucnons aii.i any dccUiie in prices. VëJsp parchase lïom.thi hnpórlefs, Monufac-aiier's Agen's. imil ftóiii lic üoiionè, t'' ii:c ;.n -;!;: .'C, the snire ns N. Y. .lubltcis puiclinsc. llius s;;vin il:eir pruiiis.- Willi tiic.-c fnciüiits wc cm sïloly say ihat om Comisare soUJ im for i!:o évideoce of vvhicli i we invite ilu: aUention uf ihc ublic loom stock. 'i We hoM lo ilie gicat cr.rdina! pTJncípTtí of t':c irrctttist gnod to Ah'è i ■ Julcniiwbcr." so if you v;:i.uu buy Goodö chorp. nnd liuy a twrgt. 'jri.ui t'lij 'or a l' l viovtsy yi us n ui.-il. Üir sfuck '' is as ëxfènsivé ns any in ine cily, nnd we nrc coüsmnilv rccctving ncw and frttli Goods from New York. 5O,00ö Ijs. IVool. "W'intud. ili'oatiove quinüi;1 olgood mrchant[Mv Wm.l !or wliich ilie iiighcst inarkct price will bc i;.iiiJ. HOLMES j& CO. Dernoif, 1?4'. ' 'JI-1-íI ' Iflanhntfnn Store. Cuincr u Jrff i áíiL Atante áuti Baiká strret] DttrQÏL BF. surc and viii ibc Maiilipuan Siore whcn a t uinl.niy purclu.öut. 'Il.e ye (i'!s Nvliicb yuu will tind líiere are öxcélli ni io quality and reo sonable in rice. Wc Ifnve Gootl Heavy Sijeeünjgs, Alapncns, Drilln . Merinos, Titkings. Musí i n Dclaincs, Cnslniicioj, and wliiic Tlanncls, Cólicos, netr?, Lace Vcüs. ruilCioth?, (iicm Barrcuo, ;Le?, Gloves, Vcbíii:---. l!..i-.iy, Bryaícloihíi, G nghim, Sliawla. {libbonê, Lincri Can.biic íidkís, Laces, A-c. .c. árc CaiMug, Cotion Yain. Wicking. WUÍtp por pot Worj. Colorea do. do., Sijjiw Tickjng, BléncÜcd Cottoi-s oí all qualiiics. Fine uiiblcach cd Codons. Barred Miü-lms. íife. árc. Al?.). FEATHERS m'id PAPER IÍANGNGS. Bordöflifg. Wiii'Juw i'pcr. Firc board papers, Travelmg I'a.-kets. Fira' r,,:e TEA and COFFF.K, &r. &c. An'l oilicr artic'cs tun nunierbus to fneniion. F.irmcis cannct i'uil oi lindin i lie Manliattan Store a dwntble place tö do tlleir trr.ding. iN pains will be 6iarcd in w,-i'uiiig on ciif-tomcrs and all nrè íuviicd t" i-nll and examine ur goods beforc rhaKíríg their puichasis. Wltile ve me Cönfidèni rtlfli all lio examine onr stock vi!l !uy, yet ve will takc no uiVcrice, if n ler thowin" our goods, uconlí choose to nade clsc-vhore W. A. HAYMONU. Detroit. Dec 2"), 1345. 2 I !- Oin W II O L E S A L E & U E T A I L. A. M'FAIiREy, SOÖKSELLER AND STATIQHER. SMART'S BLÜCK, 137 jnn-iüous AVKNUE, uktroit. KEF.l'S constnqtly for soi.en coniplete as-sortmi-iu of Mi.sccll.uinous. Suhoól and Classical l'ooks. fütt' r and Cpp Pópcr", pláin and rul ed, Qniitsï Seailng Wax, Cúilory. Wraplinsí l'aiior, EfintMlg l'ap r. of all -zus; aiu 15'.)ok. fíewjsnn.(l Cannieier h}k,&fyafopQ kinds, BLANK BOOK.S. full nh'tl hall bb.ind, ofév. 1 cry vaiií-ty of IíuIídl', BTeñíórarinufri Books. &c To MiwcháOtHj Tcacbcrs, uní! otliurg. buyiiu ■ i n ((Miniities, a laro disconnl made. Subbuih Öchoufund Biblc Society Dcpositor 'J47-tf W HOK VER wishes lo l)tiy ilieir goods tí good advnnmge. piñal íu't ihínjt ol niakinf their pujchnses tul (hoy hav'è lookcd over tlu i coodí and riiicts at íhe Mvmhtt Stokí: Detroit. W. A. IUYMOM). D.c. 25. I84r. 244- (jm_ '. wTLÍ7lAÍTa K. NOYES, .TU, ; DEALER IN FOREIGN ANO OOMESTIC Hardware and Cutiery, Gln99, Carpcntera, Coopcr'.s nnd Black smitli's T00I3. Aleo, Maniifactnrcr of Coppcr 1 Tin Warc. No. 715, Woodward Aven fe, Dcr.i t. g-ta-ly , ff Kofl of Eastcrn Noils, jüst rccc I )" and t'or snln !v , WILLIAM R. NOYES, Jr. 7fi, Woodward Avctiuc, Detroit. Dec. 1 2, 1844. -'-ON HAK AttAJN! J=rtLi rIllK Sultscrilinrhnsju! ""v -- réueiVcd; (nul is cbn jfX'T '!MjLstniiily rrcciying.) froiii p J5KSÍ New Yoikfiii elegant ai d ïf uJl3ü! wt" 8C'ecte(l nsïortmcnt Jewelry, Cloefcs, Watchcs, Are fee. whfèh lic inieiida 10 séll as no ;is m imy ilier t-!iil)lisliiiifnt ilu's M(le oi Bufliilo for rctuhj [iiij onltj ;imMin whicll may bc round ihulollow i)': :i L'pod iir-.Kuimicni ui C,uU Kuiler Uings. Gold Brcns! pins, (Jii:inl C'luiins anii Ki-V8. SiImt Spiiyns, Gerninji Silwr Ten ánl Túülc SpQOiB (firfri (iiüiliiy.) Siivfer and Gcrmnn do Sugar Tqngs. snverSfllV.Mostnrdmid Qreani spuuhj Itnitcr Kiiivcs, Silvor Pencil GqEt'8, Silcr nad Gointuon TluiuMcs, Silver Fpcciaclcs, Gornmn nuti Stci-1 do. (;i'L'üle., Cloilics. Muir mul Tooili Hinslics, Jnihcr Hruahca, Kiizoisnnd Pocke) Kuivfs, Fine Slicn'ra añil tícissorp, Knivcs nnl P'orkp. Britiaimia 'JV:i Polsand Castorp. Fine 1 itul do Brilinltia mid Bron Candlcsiicks, Sliiivinir ln.csand Sonpp, Cli jimnn's Brsi Itazor Strop, Cidfnnd Mercero I VViillóis. Silk nml ('ntioii piirsce, Vjólins and I5ows. Viofiri wnd Busa Viol Srringp, Fluicr, Files.' Ciarionefa. Accordeons Mrio Sépir, IVns mul Twcizcis. Pen coséis. Siiófran) IVikacco li.ixcs. Iv.ny Dréíisiñg STrde ai d D.ncka-i 1 Pockoi (Jornia, N'-'1N cases. Stc'c'.toq?, W'.iicr PaintF, Ty a grenj varíciy of Doils. n hwrt :lio grènlost v.uu'iy of mys cv. i brutigh.l l? Mats nonkel. Fniicy work boxrs, clu1jlreiVs ien selía. Coloañe Unir Oils. Hniullin Salla. Court Plas'or. Tea B0U3. Tlii-rinoinciciP. GtTiiinn Pipes, Clnldron's Woik Bnskots, Sirtes mid IVnciU. Wond Pcncils. HRASS ANO WOOI) CI.OCKS. Ac. in fiicl tri most tvov iliing lo picoso the fpnesy. Lndjes and Gentlemen, f 1 1 ond examino dr yoursdvcs. Cincks. Vaic'ios mul .l;wclry rvpnïrcd and wnrniUftd on sjiori noiico. .Shop at liis old stand! onuoÈttc II. Dèdier'e brïck Sn-ro. CALVLV HLISS. N. B- Cash pftid Tor old Gold .t íáilvcr. Aun Aitor. Nov. Oili, 18)5. 237-1 y Select Schooi. MISS J. B. Smitii. nssisted by Misa S. FiKi.r, nnnounccs to il-.c pulilic ihat blic i? lr?narcd, io rcceive young latücs i ato In r .-rliool in ijic b8omcni room of tho Epid:opul Ühurch. khms. - Kor qnarirr of 12 weckt;, for Eirglrsli hr.iiiclifis f'roin .■-. id .?'; French and Lalin carli :'. ixira if i usucü togcihtr wiih -lic blnglisli .-"iiidics. or sepaiaiflv, S" cacli. Tlic suhoöi wi'l be furnisliod wiili a Tliüosopliical appniaius: nnd ócrnsibyal Icciures gíveri on tlieumi Sein c ?. Ma". IIuhhwiH J2ÍV0 nsiniciinii !o all who desirp i', u Musie, Drawïhg, Pninting and 1 dlework. Miss Sinith reors to Oio follpjying gonUwnpn: Professors W illiairs. Ten '"rook, ;nid ' i'on nf'tb'e Univeisiiy: Kcv. VV. 8. Curtís, ll'ev. ! Mr. Simons, Rev. C. C Tnylor. I Ion. E: Mun ' dr, VVtr. S, M.iyntir'! Ffq. Anti Arhr. April ?Ö. H G. 2Cgtf j CAN7TBEBËAÏ ! i THE subscribcis woulJ irnrin the Public, that thoy continue to supply the Siatc ol Michigan with L, B. WALKER'S PATENT 811 UT mllÊCMHVJESi. 'Vl'.c Ui.rgM iiutiifitis o! these Machines that hnvc heen solTl. hfi'd tlic stendtly increa'sii'fg deinahd fot tlicin. is ilic best evidente ol ihcir real valué, and oi'ihcir estimation with ihose who have be cióme famili; r wiih tlicir nicjits. W.'.i.kK't'h Snuit Machine isjüpcrior to otlier in üic Ii'IIovmuh particular?: 1. As it co'mhirics the Bcafhtg. Stovrmg. and lUoninir Principies, it clcans the sniiiiticsl ot groin iiHlicbrsi mnnner, rúiainjng a!l ihelVic tion of the whca'. aml discharging the smul and dustns f;ist as etopnrnièd-jrbm the vvheai. 2. It is ghnpic. u construriioii, and is thercforo Iiab'.o lo bccor.-.e dcrangcd.ainl costs itóSfi lor repairs.. 3. Il runa very Hgltt, and is pcrfccily secure Irom fi re. 1. It isas durable as any oihcr Machino ut aso. 5. It costs consiflorably I.kss ihm other kinds. These tnipoitant points o' difleroncc Invc giv en iliis Machine the prefcrencc wiih those who liave fniily tiied it. Aïnoog n laii;o nuniberof Gentlemen in the Miliing Business who migln bcnanird, ilie lollowing have uscd the Machine, an I ceit;;ied to tlicir cxcelkncy and sujicnoiity : 11. IS'. Howaimp. Ponliac, Wich. E. F. Cook. RochesK-r. do E. B. Dankohth, Mason.. do JVI. !'. FciMi, Uianeh. do II. II. Comstdck-. C'imsiork. do Helei críete inny also l)C h.ul 10 , John CacüKj Aubnrn, Mich. V. Rvoy, do do I). C Vitr.t. VM). Rock, do John JPnirs, Monroc, do II. Doupman, do do A. BfcACH, Wntcrloo. do (ito. Kt.TciiL'M. Marbhall, do N. IjMf.Mvw, Onklnnd, do All orders for Machines will bo promptly nttendcd to. Addrcss E. O. &. A. CR1TTRNTON. Ann Aibor. (I.ower Town) VVitóH' Co. Mich; Au?. 24, ÏH-I'v 22G-ly "Crockery at Wholesale." FHEDKRICK WETM0I1H. has coñtfánily un hand, the largest stuck in the West of C 'rocker 'ij 'j China, Glcfsswarc, Looking Glasscs and Piales, Britannia Wnre Trais, Lamps and Wiclcing-, Plu led Ware, China Toys, 4-c. &. ]ïs stock ncludes all the varieties of Crockery and China, froin the fincst China üiniicr and Tea Setts to the ninsr common and low priced wure - from the richest cut glasa to the plaincst glnss ware. Hritnnnia Castois ofcvcry kind. Britannia Tea Sotts, Colfcc Pots, Tcu Pots, Lainps. Candlcsticks, &c. Solar Laiid Lam i s of evcry doscrïilion from the most costly cut Pai lor Lamp to the cheajiest Store lamp. All the íibovc anieles are importcd hy himscli direcily from the manufacturera and will le so!d at Wholesale, nslow ns at any YVholesalo llouse,. expenses Irom scaboaid added only. A üboral discount veii for casli. Merchante and oihers are invitcd to cali and examino the abovc ariivUs at the oíd stand, No. '25, Jefl'erson Avenue (Eldied's liloek.) Detroit. _________ 2--y ü Chancery- First Circuit Bctween Daniel Oaklty Coinp'ainant. and Edward Everest, ftlasv Everest, Muria Everest. Hó'eñ Everest, Edward 11. Evimat. Jacob ' Kenp Mary Ann Everest and MnnnidKcnny Adtninistralor, and Eliz&betb Everest Adininistrntrx of Edwnrd Everest decensed. IN and by virtue of a dccieeof this Court mude in thií causo I hall sell at public auction at the Com t lloimc. in tho villngo of - Ann Arbur in the county of' Washtcnnw, on tiic d dixteenth doy of Juno nextat ono o'eloek in ihe ;. nffenioón of said day the following dfceerrbed - preinises. all thnt eertain piece or parcel of land :. sitúate in ilie Village of Ann Ardor in the Coun tv of Washtcnaw and ötnie of MicbigJn, bounded and described as (ollovvs. to wil: bcing part ol ■. lol nmnber threc in Blotk number ono south of Huron street. in rango number four; biginning - at a poin'on Huron street seventy-nine fct five o and a half inches from the corner of Main street g oud Huron streef, and running thence southerly e parallel wíth Main streel, eight rode, ihenco eost .r!y parallel wiih Huron 6treet fifty-two fect six anda half inches, ihence northcrljr pnr!i!l(;l with Main street eíght rods to Hurón street and ihence wcsterly on Huron street fifty-two fcet eix and a Í half inches to the place of beginning- also lots lifteen and ëfx'.èen in block number four south of Huron street in ranfiC four occording to the recorded plat of the sald Villnce. GEO. DANFORTH, Mast er in Chuncery. Jor Sc Potitkr, Bol. for compl't. Ann Arbor, April 3). I84G. 262-7w l] T1R0AD CLOTHS, Cassimercs, Vesting, -XJ Satinotts, Gents. Crovats. &c. &c. cheap at the Mami.vttav Stork, Detroit. W. A. RAYM0ND. Dcc. 26, 1845. 844- $mTTiIIE procfdiiig iiinc is giyjcn to repreeoni X ;1il' Insensible l'i r.-jiiraiion. It is ilio qrc cvm 'ii.-iiion foï the inipuiitics tff lbo body. Ii -II bfi nöticet] th.-u n ihuk clo.udy mist is&tics Irom ;i!l pui nis ui the surfuco, wliicli indicntes itini ilu-s .cipu;ilion !luL uninirif.ipKdly wlion t re in lit.-ilih. bul rpóees ylién we nïe siok. Ll'o cannot l.c BUSlninéd wiili-.ut it. il s ihiuwn ol) fro'm ihe lili! m.l btliérijuiecs öfihé body. and disposes iy tlus .,ns. f ncirly uil ilio i;uptiriiica uitliin ws. 'Ilio bJooc!. lr ihis móniii only. W0k8 ilicll pure. Thé I tppitrge oí Scripturéis, "in liic JJKmxI is ;lc Ufc,7 II il ever hccoir.ës imjiiirr. t liiny b'e.trnced dirCcily lo tno slonpngc of ihc Inscn.-i'jlc ['orspipiftOiV. Il nevcr rcinircs any iiilornnl inedicincsto clenngö i. ;is it ilsviiys pin liis ittelf ly Is ou n lic:il nndflCliori. .-nul llirows oll" ;i'l ilio ülVcmliny linmo's. ilnuiicli iho Insensible Perspirayon. 'J'lins wc ffee ;ll iliai is nrcessftry wlir.n ilic blbód is si-ignan!, or inifcied. is to opi'n ilic pores, imd it ielioVcs ii'UTroin uil inipniily insl.inily. lik o'wn hooi and viüilnv are siillicient. wiiliout om kiTlicle of ii'idicine. ezeept t in i lie pqref upon the Muiree. Tliaa vv.c j?.c íIiü tollv ol takin:: po mnch in'ernal rernédics. All iVraoiitionors, liowi-ver, din cl ihoir cíIjiis tu u-store lliu Inscnsililc per?piration, luit il to he not alw.iys tliC pn.p r onc. 'J'lic Tliorhjpsontnti. for insta nco. átenme, tho Ilydropnilusi slnonds nsin wel l'l ui!;eis. llio I l-iimipaili stdeulsoul inlinitissiniali, ihe All(i.iilrsi likx'ds :mi1 dosèsibs vvitli morcury,nnd ilio Idustcring Quack gorges us witli pi!s, ns. pi lis. To givr 8Ó mö idea ofihoninnunt of the Inson siblal'erf-p'iration, wowil! smielhnt thö Iriarhptl Dr. J.cwi nliurU. and ti;c gréiit Bdcrhaavc, ascertnfnéd t lint (Tvo--e5gliili8öf dl we réceívó into-ton och, pnsscd olí' ly iliis means. Iü othoi vvordV. if we tal and urlnk ;;lit ponntls p'cr doy. ' wc i -v: cunto five poiinds of it by i tic Insensible l'cisir;itioi. Tliis is umie olhcr tlian i lio used up partidos the lílooil, .U1.1 o.tlíer:juie8.givÍBg4Íñco4o thc ■ ni w ;iml ikí-Ii orles. To check this. thcreloie. ia to letain iii tlie sysicm íiv -oLhilis of ill ihe n n!( ui 1 1 : a i c r ihnt nature jjchinpiid shóuld !oav the body. Andevin whori ibis ís tbecnse, iho bljod is ol' so :ictivc a principio, lliát ( determinist' oso pnilicles lo ilic ski, whore tlicy rmín Bcnbs, pimples, ulc?r?. nnd'oilisr spots. Hy a sudden iimikskíoii liom lical lo Oíd, tluu)H'saie stoppcd. tlic pcrpitaroi censes, ani discnse begins Ql once lo dtwh.pi it.sell. I lonco, a BtOfprtge of this ílow of ilic juices, originales so niiiny coníplniiHB. It is By stopping the pores. 'lint overwin Im.mankind wiih congbs, evih, and ooiis-uinptiwns. Ni.nérteiuhs oi ihc wurld die fio ni diso;s-s induced by a s'.oppace oí ilie Insensible Pcrspira non. It s cnsily soen. thercfoic, how ncccísiry is thè ílow f iliis subílé humor to the Biirloco. lo prwrve hcalth. It cannot 1C sioppcd; it e;innol llueven chocked, without indncm disea-o. Lct nio ask now. every eamlid niind. wliat eonrsc sccr:s the most íensonalile to puisni'. tt1 una ton the poros, nficr lliey nio close! í Wunld yon gívc pbypíc tóiinêfop the poros? Or ivoúíd yon ñppl) soinetlimtí that wotild do ihis upon ihe íurfíio-. wheio the clogying nciuaüy is?f Wnuld nol lilis fie coininon sunse? And y;t I kiioVy ot no physician who maUcs any éxtewiál .".ppüeaiion io L-Ile;i it. The reason I nssign s. that no mcdidíñfl vvithin their knowlcdge. s of lóiug it. Uiider thrte circiimsianet1!'. 1 pros nt to pliysicians. and to al! othon, a prcparation tliai ha iliís power ïïi ite fullcsi (íxtent. It is McAL ISTERS AU. UEgLING OÍNTMENT, or the IVOlU.irS SAÍAll! h has power to rob'orê poiJ-piralion on (he fect, on the hemd, nrt)tind oíd sores, upon iho chcí-t. in short, upun ..nypartol t lio body, wheihcr drseasod or severt !y. Ii hns ]iower to cause ;i!l oztnrai seres, serofulou8hühior8, skin disefB, poisonoua wotwiíls. loditcharge their putr.d nintler, and tiltil lua'.ihcnt. It ís n remedy that swceps oíl" the wholc catalogue of eiitaneons disorders, and restores the entile cutido to rshcnlihy liincnons. It is a remedy that foibids ihe nocessity of so tnany and deletciioii3 dntg8 tikcn iir.o tiie stomneh. It is a rcniedy lliát neither éjeliensi 'riveá incoriVenienec. or is daiííierous to tlie íiteí iiu k 1 1 preserves and defénds tlie snrface froin al! deranaement bt Ö Itfñclirths while it Icoeps opin iho ch.'iniH Is for tlu: blood to voiil ail its i'iinurities and dispose of all its uscless partieles The snrface ís the outlet of flvc-cii liths of tlu bütí nnd used up tnaitcr wuhin It is nerecil wih inillions of openings to. relieve tl. e inlcstinest. Stoj) up these pores, and dpaln kntícM nt your door. It is righily terrned Allílealmcr. lor ihere is scnrccly a discase. cx-enial or iniernal, tliat it will not beiu íi'. 1 have üse'J it fo: the last fouitciti years, for all dUícnaca of th chfst. constimpúon, liver, nvojyfng ihe utniosi donger and responsüiiliiy. and I fleclnre bolox[lea ven and man. iluit nol in one pingle cnae bat it friiled to !en fr, whèn the patiënt Wa'a vi;hin tlie rcaeb of mortal fñoáns. I have liad pliysieians. Icarncd in tlio profession; 1 luwe had ininisiers of the Gospel, Judgeson the Bencll. Aldermen and Lmivyers. gen tienden of the hi'rhest erudición and miiltiiudcs ol th(í ])oor, uso ii :i every varieíy of Wny, añd therc has been but ono voiee, onc united. unfíer sal voice, saying, ;McAlister} your Üinlnieiit ít good!" CONíU.WI'TION'. It can hardly be credited that a salve can have any ed'ect upon tlie lunas, seated ns tlioy ar( within ihc B.vsteni. Bat we soy once for all, 'hai this Ointnient will each ihc lunge quieker thnn any medicine that can he given infernal f y. Thus ií' placed upon thc ehest. it penetrales dircetly t the Itings. separatí'8 tlie poisonous párpeles thn are eonsuming (lioin, and oxpola ilicín from tlu systeni. I nced not eay that it is cuiingpereonsof Con siui ption eoiriiuially. althongh we are Ifild I i.' loolishness. I care not whnt a said. so long at I can cure sevcnil thoiisaud persons ytarly. nin achk. This Salve has cured persons of the Tic a 1 Achí of 12 year6 standing, and who liad t regular!) every weel;, so (lint voniitiiig ol on took place. Ücafncss und Ear Achc are helped with tbc like success. os also Agüe in i lie Fute. coi. n fkkt. Consmnption, Livor Cómploiní, pains ín (Ík chest or side. folling of the hair. oneor the oihei always necomnanicu cold fect. Il is a sitie sigt oí diseuse iu thc systeni to have cold l'eet. The Salve wül restó ro thc Insensible Perapiration and ihus cure every caso. I n Serofula, Ery8pclpa and Salí fllieum, nni , oihcr disensos of this iinlure, no inicrnal remedy , has yet been discovered líint is so ú'ood. Th .Tine may bc said of Bronchitis (nincy, Foro Throat, Piles, Spinal Diseaócti, liroken or Sorc Urenst, &c. And as for thc Chcst Diseasep. s:ich ne Asthin, Pain, Ojfiprcssion n'nd the likc, it is the inost wonderful antidote in ihc World. For Liver Ccmplnint it is cqunlly efficac.lou: for Burns il has not haeitscqual in the World; : nlso, Excrescnccs of every kind. such as Warts. [ Tumor?. Pimples, &c, it makes elcan woik o) tlietn all. 5onr r.YES. The inflnmmation and diseasc always liesback of the hall of the pye in the socket. FIcncc the virtue of any medicine must reach thc fc.-u ol the inflamation or it will do littlc good. The Salve, if rubbed on tlie temples, will penétrate . dircetly into the socket. Thc pores will bo open ed, a proper perspirotion will becrcated and the i discase will soo pass oíFto the surlace. riMri.ES OS TIIE FACE, FRF.CIO.F.S, TA.V, MASCUÍ.INK SKIN, (;R)Ss M'ÜKAíK. Its ílist aciioa itto axoel nll humor. It wil,nol cense drnAiir.g till lïio ïttco fi tïeè frrtm nny maller ihai m.iy !' I'mIjv'I nnclii ilii: ekiri nnd (VoquobiJy breñkiug om [ó ilic sliríacc, It Uien When is noihiñg bitf grdsshi ss, ríi i!u!I surlacr, t !?iiis to aoílQnoiul softon u'aiil i lio frUin bcconies assmofth nnd ('i-lii-nio ia a diild's. It ÍHroxvs a frèshhoss hrid hhiflnng color upú.n líieJfjqy "hile, triinspamii skm. líia'l is pórfec.ijy enclmnting. Sonic iiuic.= ni cagó óf FréckÍ?S ii wiil first sthrt óut tlíosc ifjnt líuVo lajn hulden iijk! eccn Imi ihloin. L'ur sito thc Salvo (lid ;ill yvill süoii díanppear. WOWiS. Ii'pnronts Unevv liow (hlñl inost nicd'cinop were lo clnlilicii i.ikcn iinv.iidlv. tlu y wonld lo slow id riisort i" líiciii. Esjíécinlly 'ii.'crcurÍJíl loíbñl ." i' illcil "itKxIionieí] li'v.i'ii;;o," pills, S.c. Thc iruili s. no míe mi foll, inv:n;i!ily, wlicn wonus nio i!CM.'iit. New lot uu: sry lo pVirentiJi ili.n iIiím Sulvo s ill nlwiys ic-ll I' a rliilil liaí worniH. li w iíl diivr t:voi y voxiige oí' ihcm nwiiv- 'Ilii.-; b n .-:iii)o ;ni(l s:ilc cure. Tliorc is probnhly no iiicdicinj on llio face of ilieritnli ni:oco so BUFcand so safe in tliu c inilsion oí svoiirs. It wonld No cniíd. nay wjckcd, to trivo intcrn;il. (lni'il'tltil ntrdicir.os, so lonjas a Iiarrnltss, o.1':mki! oree coúld be hiíd:. l.MI.KT. Alihonsh I hnve said nbout it ns n lmir issinrmivo, yci I wtl! s!;di il nninsí i he WoVJd! They uwy bring íluir Oils fiír nñij nt';ir. ;hh! mine will restore ilic ! air uvu pases to ihuir t;no. ui [) sríRF.s, muí: i -iricATioxs. ui.i j:i;s. ktc. 'Vh-xí sunifl f-?)ics ;ifc mi ouilet to ilic imuint'ící of t!i svsiciii. is beefttisc iliey cptui.ot prse Tr iliroiiL'h tlio nniu ul clin n hels of lite Jnsonsri- )lo IN-r-pir.-iiiiHi'. II siiicli sores me liealod up. ilio inpiintios must hnve soipe oiher ouilet. or ii wíl I émlnngor lifo. 'J'liiy ii ilie rciiion wKy it is uiipolitic to uso ilic cómnvon SIvo of thc doy íñ snel) cuse?. Fór lliey linvo no powcr to open ulier nvénues, to lot uti' ihií rtiorbtj matter, nnd ilio conppcjiie.nctig.áre ilwavs fatal. -This Salvo will i.luays provide fbr tncli cnicrgcncitB. 1iskam:s ov ciu-Duj-.N. llow niany tlionsaiids are tC'.cpl oíí ly riVinp inioni.'l nipdicinos. wlion ti r young bodiep and tender frnmcs are unublu lo benr up ngAinsl ihcm? NV'liole nrmies are lints sent to tlieír :;:;ivcs iiieicly IV 111 pcnuiiif; inlo ilieir wenk stimiaclis powerl'ul diiiüs ond pnysictil It !s tó sutil) tliat 1 h e All-I Icfihii: Oniui tul enders 8f safe, pleasant, and n miio Slích cnsc;i ns Croup. Cli'otic, Cholera Infanttiin, Worins, and ;dl Sinmiior 'omplaintf. by which so niany chilÍró"n (Fio. the Oimiiuni will rcn!i c so spoedily and sun h iliat n phsifian will. rxjver lx.1 needed. loflíots! tlirou;;hout all tliis huid, we no'w .olciuiily ;;iid í.u-rtdly dnclaic to vuil iliat ilie Allí iêfiling Oíntin rjj w ,11 save your cltildron IVoiti a 11 r.,i ly i .se il ymibvill it. Wc nrc nut rrnw aciurited ny lire CIS' Urüil O Id gJTÍn; bilt knowini ?is W.C do lll"l iriiftt !"iiu'S dI and cliildrtwi die oarly: tvhich is siippoucd to l)o inevitublb nnd iinpcssi)!o tn prevent, we holil up uur warniiu vpicc, ind declare in i!io l;iee ol ilic vhulc voi In'. CIHLDKEN NFEI) iOT DIE M011E Tl! Ais' ÖTiiÉRSü Bilt it is from the wnril ef proper nounsl-mcni and t hc constant driigging they yndfrgo jyjiióh mowa v'icm down aajjrcrank iass l'uJls befóre th5 scvili'e. Moihors! wc repent ngaln. and if tlioy w.crc iIh1 !:isi wu.Js we èverMo uiiór, nnd I co ut se past the róoch "f '"11 inicrmr. we ivónld -ay. 'M.M-thr All-lk-aling Uuumciit foi sickucs iinipng cliüdicn." KIÍIÜ'M ITISM. ít removes iïlrriósi ininicdiatHy tlic iiiflamnliun nnJ welling, when ihc )iii o) coiirst ceates. FF.VJ B9. fn cn?es of fover. iln' dillicnliy ics in iln pores lieibg lóeked np. ..i llïhl tlic ñu a n.iui ".tip:rtiii cniinot puts pfti 11 ilic !c;ist tnólsture íquld lc stnricíl, the ciiüis ii páised and the liinm'i over. Tlic Ali-Jkalmg Oiüiincii! wil n ;ill c.iM1. 'i fcvers ;ilmni inscunly uulock ihv -'u and bring fori'h tlic persplrntion. IMlt t.K ( DMI'I AlNI S. Ihftnrnoi'ion of the kulnoys, of ilio wnd. nn! Isfalliilg down. wenkiiOïS. md irri'tul.uiiy; in sliort, all [hbso (jiiliculljes whiJi me l'ir(]iuni wj(h (eiun)es, find roady njnl normaflcui niel. Wb have hnil bgéd lii'diës toll us tlicy could nol live six iiijHiihs wiihi'iit it. fm to femóles nBout lobécupic nioilurt:. il iicii lei öoihc weeks mirócedont to tlicir ccntinciiiíftit. veiy few o( 'ibi'se [vi i ïis and co:n nisiciiis hi( h iiicnd il uni ;ii (hal eriod will bc feit. Tliisfací óuglit lo be knówn iliu woild over. s ' m.m iir, vn. Vc have o.iirod Cft?es (btti pclünlly d fien ovrryiliiny known.ns welt ns iho aliiliiy pf fiffceti i)ï iv.cniv dictois. One nxnn luid us hc hhd speni $501) on bis cliildifn yithoiii nhy I ecfii. wlicn a few boxes of ilic Oininienl curcd iliein. (OU. VS. Ti-kjiIc nccil ncver bc tio iblcd wiili ilium if ilicy wjll uso ii. Ás n FAMILY MF.EUCIXK. nn nuin cüm mensure ii? valué. So loiiji os tlie slnrs roll alom: over Uo. Heavchs - s.) Imiir jis man iri'ads tlie ciirili. iubject io uil ilie infii mitics of i!ullesli - so long os diseasc .n[ aiekness is l-.iur, n - jiist so nns; wtjl ihis Oiiitmeni um] hnd esttcmeil. When tn'in cpnses frörri ofFYIïeeftrih. ihcii iliudcmand v.ill censo, and notëiül ilicn. To nllay all cppréhensiöria on nccouni oí tïv ingredients. in ios?essin;r8Úch powctl'ul proporties, we will stntc tlnil it is eonposed of soino yl ilie niosi comnion and Imrrrtlefls herls in r;siencc TUrrc is np inercury init. asean le jech Froin i 'ti e fnci ihni itiioets not injure lite nkínone )íirt:cle. wltile il will pnss lliroiijli and pfiysic the boweis. 3AMFS AIcALISTKil & CO. 1C8 Souili hum. . Vork. Solc proprietor of' tlic abüve Medicine, t'c wlioni it 1 1 coniiiHinicatii)iis nnist !u addressed (post aid). l'rice 'ió cents and f;0 cents. ID'CAUTFOX..;-!) As ihc ÁH-Henlrog Ointmcnt iias been irrrally coiinierfciied, we liave fj: ven iliis caution to il:i' pubhe. iliat 'mo Ointiiioin will be genuino unláss the ñames of James MeAlisier. or .lanic McAlisicr &. Go., are wriueji wiih a pon upen every la'nl." TIn; fuTiel is a siecl engrnving, wiih tlie fiure öf "liiEcnsiblo rcr?i)iratio]r' on ihc face. Now wc hefeliy offer a rcwanlof $500. (6 bi paid in cuiivu-iiuii. in ony of the eon.siiinied courts ol' ihc United Slafcs, ol' any individua! counierfcitiiiL' o':r nnmc and Oinlnient. iMAViN'AUD'S. Ann Aibor. WlucsoJo Agènie; Sniiih & Tyrol.l, Qlinton: Keiclium S: Siniih, Tei-uii'Heh: I). C. Whitwöod, Dc.ucr; II. I)i)wr. Malicliesier; .John Owen ifc Co., Detroit; Hannan &, Couk. B:ooklyn. Dec. 18, lb-15. " M - Iy And Stoves of all kinds. The öubscriber vvoutd cali the attention ol tbc public to Woolson's Hot Air Cooldng STOVE Whicli hc cati confldenily recomnirnd ns beiny dceidudly superior to any Cooking Stcvc in nsc. For simpiidiy m opeintion - economy in fuel, and lor unequullcd 13akl( and Hoasting (junliity, H is n n rival led, The nuw anti important improvcnicni introduced in iis eonstiuciion bcing sneh ns to instirc great (ulvantèges over nll othcr kinds ol Cooking Stoves. WILUAMR. NOYES, Jr. 70 Woodwurd Avciuui. Dc:roit. Dee. Vi, 1ÖI5. 42 SABBAïJI SCIIOOr. BOOJKS Sor aulo ui I'KJlllY'S ÜOOKSTORK. Doe. 23. yil-ifBOOKS! BÓOKSM Ai Icrrys Ittook Store' Vcxt door Edit of the V. York Quap Store TlJlyul,scriborhn8ju8t opened nnd is now rcady to wil ihe mo?i oxicnaJveaworiii.öS? BOQKS, BLAAK BOOKS and STATION. .veroHbrcüu„feckcon8,(ao of ncnrlv évery vjïriciv in ua ; o CoUaneotw, llol.giuus nnd Clossical Bookï NUILES nnd TESTAAIËnTs ' flat Co,,, Leer, French I cTr!'lL & Coyri?, '''issue, Qnrd Back. EnvelopeS JO knus of „o-o „-„er wi.h . uil nssort'nS'bf Steel , 'cns. Qu.lls, WaftfBi Black, Bine, Red nnd Ink; Sand, l„kslnnd8. Folder, Peó fiolder , 8fainto Motto Seals. Gold B„d Silvcr Wafcis. In.l.a Rubber, Pcncüsand Points A 1 'l'V'nTn'pl' volrelÍCS Of VisitinK Cnril8 clegnnco iih econnn.y. Ue laB on l,nnd a Mm seleciion of Books sui.ablo für Fn.nily, School District ;md Townahïp UBRARIES. Jt will notbépofsiblo 10 name all hc nrticles in lus me: fcufiice ii (o S),y; tmt ht8 nssoriMPM is general and clicaper fhan Svae ever beforo óftered in tbia viüngc. Ho luis nikte a-rnngonienta n New torfc wlucli will entibio Iiini ai nll times lo obiain anylliing in hisüne direct New York nt sW O"; l.y Expren. Jt will be n ]„r fe ciliiies for accümotlnting liiscusfomers wtíh ríeles nol on liruid s bevond precedent, and he ís rendy and WHTing lo do every lliing rensonable fo rn;ike lus esinlili.Imient tuch an onc ns nn cn!i:'lni ucil ;ind dteceroing cömmnphy ruqmre, nml bo hópes tü merit ;i simio nfpótrunnpe. Persons uithing nnynrtide in bis line will do wc II t cali bclore niicliüsin clccwhcre. If yon forget iIki ploro; ehquirc for Perru's Bonkftaj-t, Ann Aibor. Upper Villayo- 2d door Enst of Main Micet, on II ui uu bti cel. WM. R. PERilY. Dt'fcinhe-, 1-ÍJ5. SICKNKSS IN CIIII.DKF.N. AM) ilip' Buffcring wliioh iTiéj underpn Aom ■UDü.v.-," ol't ii tend to a tainl tcrnniintion, wlnlc ibe c:,rsK is ncver spfjfcctcd. Oireiuic breaili. pitkiii il ibe nose. giinding the tcoth cluriny slrep. stmiing in slcèjp wiih fritht nnd scro.-iiiiini,'. iri.iibl.-someconpli. and ft verihlntcss, ai e niüüiiji .sou. e ot ibe Prominent Sijvij toms oï ibe pnscncc of woiiiis. A tiniely nee of SUKfl.MA.N'S WORM LOZENGES Will iiiinicdiücly remove nll these unploiirnni fyni)ton:s. and reatóte to perfect lieiiltK. Sjre-ï Icnnjluei Siipiiiorol' ibe Cinbolic Wnli Orphan Asylum Uva ndded her tcaliniony in their (aror, 10 Jic ibous: ï wJiifh hovo hcTorc. SI o ï-;.it ili.-it flicre are over 100 cliiidri'ii in Mío Asyjum, nnd ijml ibey liaVo been in the habit of nsiiiL' Shernian's l.oi-nes. and sho has nlvráys found (hun to Ie aiiendi d wilb tbc nioït l'eneti11 il cflèi t.. TIh'v hdve Uvvr, proved to bo inlullibie iü over JüO. 000 cases. CONSUMPTfOJV, luilinrzi. C'.jUübs, Gol ds. Whonginjj CoJ;, 'l'::hii' .-s ol ilic l.imgsoi Clii;-! may bt cuieil. Krv. Dárinf Arnfióhy was vciy low Irom Con-iui!piii.'n. .!ou;:ilian Hi.vaid, thü rt%lrl-rat( il lejnperanco leciurer, was rednetjd io i Tip vernèpi the grffvt'-by níigíng-blüotí. Kev. Mr. DuiVbaK Ql it w Yoik, thi' licv. IWr. De ForeH. Kvanehst in ilic Wctttorn part of ibis state. Ut-v. öriuis'i::!! StiTCier. of Boston, the wiie of Owniiim Dilili'c. Fs-q. in 'ouravia. and liundieds ol oih OiSj hnve Ln.e ïtlicvcd and emed by a proper i:i' (Tl SIJi:UMA.S COCGI1 LOZFNGFS. And nu nKdjcific has evei bi'eji inore ptlrtm.-di n ihc relief jol iIiopo disensesi nr nhicli ran bc rcrütnmeinied wiib inore coi fi .'mee. Tbry i Iny all itthing or irrii.nion, n mier t)iei-onpfi c.tey, proi! o.'e èJpcictOrWH'n', rrniovc Hip couee, and piuduce ibt most happy and l:istin ( (ticte. ni:,i)Acm:. PálpftáiiOn of tbe JTenrf, Lowness of Ppiriis, Soa sii kno-.. Dcspondi nc-', Fainincfs Clmlic Sp; sms. Cramps of tiro Stoiuach. Stihuncx or I!. wol Coniplaitns. aleo nll ibe disirrssinp snploirs nfiéirig Ircin lico liing, or n higlif of disijirtion liro quiclvly and cntirely ie)iv(j} by iitfinj; SIIEKMAN'S CAMPI1OR I.(ZFNGFP. 'lluy-ci rpi ctiily nnd relieve in . 'try filnrt spaceof lime, yiviiig loneand vior lo the sysicm. nndcnahlcn person nsii-g tbem to unilcrRO yeai mental oí bodily fatigue; UHEUAIATISM, Wenk r?r;rl. priin and woakncis in t!ic Brcnst. liai-k . l,iinb.'. and pal Is ol' lbo l-ody are spCMÜIv and rllccliiiilly rtJuvrd by SRERMANS FOOR MAiWS PLÁSTEK, wÍ.k-Ii r.-sonly I2j cents, and i y wiibin ibe lenchof nll: So g reilt bas bccou o ilie repntafion oí tliia nrticlc that one millinn will not brein to siipply il e animal domrnd. Il 18 acknow l (Ijjed tubo ilie' bcstslrciiiiibening Plnsier in tliCM'orld. BÈVAIE OF JMPÖSltlÓN. Dr. Slifi'rinöirs l"or Man's PI..s:er hfs nnme vyitfa liirec'i. p's (ffintcd on ibe back of the Piaster, and a HZj'ftic sin t'cj.IJ ot ilic Docier's wriiten nameunder tbc ditecTibós. Nync otliers ore niniiiic. or inïte relied on. Dr Shernion'a Wnrenóúéc g Ko. lo(i Ni.csau at. New York. W. Si & J. W. MÁYNAKD, Agenta (or Ann A;!h)i-, 2-jiCheap Hardware Stcre. TU 10 Siiljfcn!)cr tïkes ilns metliod o inform his old enstonicis and ilic public gcncinljy ili.u lic siill conti niiei 10 keep q largqanu gencrul isiortmciii of Fofcigri imd Domestic HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c. Also. Spihé. Wroiiizlit. Cut nnd Horu Shoe ails, Glpes, SheQt Jion, Hoop Iron, Sheet amJ I5;ir Lèad, Zyne, Hiight and Anca Ja AVire. Molasses Gntèsnnd Füs-seiis, Mili SawsCrósa ('ut Svs, Hand and Wood Sawa, Bnck tnd Kcy Mulo Sa'wé, Afivlts, Vici1?, Be!lúwg,Ai!zrs,'Cpap 'i'tí 'looi., Diuwmg Knh'CS, S)'iku Sliavt-3, i';i) Uoioif, Cnsi Slcel Augurs, Connno Awínrs, Augur Bills, flollów Aiiyuis. Steel nnd [ron Squares, Grimnd Plaaier, Water Lime, íúiiui Sienes, l'oliish.Cüliiri.n mul Slignr KcltlcS, Culilc, Log. Trace and H hl ter Cliains, iironi), llnml and Narrow A.vcs, Spirit and Plinnb Levchji logctlicr wiili n go n crol ngsortnioni of llolIcw W;uc, wliicli will le sold low for Cash or Mppiovcd credit at J3. Jcll'crson Avemio. Eldrétl'a Block; It. MARVIN. Dètroitj J;m. Hiili. I.SI(!. 2-18-1 y KOOTAII) SIIOÏ-, AT WHOLESALE. A. C. M'GÜAW & CO., WflpiRSAXE AD RHTAIL PAI,KK8 rN BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER AND FINDINGS, Conur uf Jrjj'crson and Woodwaid Jlvcnucs, Detroit. AC. M'GRAW & CO. would rcepcctfully itifonn tlic Mcrchnms of Michigan, ihnt ihay havo oponed a YVIJOLESAI.K liOOT AND SHOE STOIIF-. i ilic rooms over thoir Reíail Store, Siñárt'e Coinrr. Th'cir Iohk ncquqJDtoncc wiili llio Slioc luisinces. and ilio kinds iI'h1ioch (bat iro needcd in tliis Hmte. will enal)!c l hem to furnish ïnorcliants wilh such flioea ns thoy nead, on beller tcims tlmn Micy can luy in tho New Yoik niarktt. as all tlieir goüdí aro Itought trom fust Immls, and particular altiintion is p.ud to the séleciioti of sizes. Detroit, lti-16. lv Straycd, F ROM the Suliscriuerson Thursday, tho23d of April, 1846: two hreeycar3 o!d Colts, viz: one bln'ck roan horse Colt, and onu liglitgrey in'irc. wiili n picco ol rope lied aroiind her neckWfion Bhe left had a scar on tho right Toro shoulcl' er. VVhoever ill give Information wherc may be iound slmll bo renaonally rowardfid. F. O. e A; ClUTTENTOiV. Ann Albor, April 2'J, 1Ö1G. 5iC3-tf