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A New Yobk dispatch saya : " It is rumorcd that a compromiso has been effceted, nndor whioh the ring magnates, and notably Twood aud weonoy, are to refumi to the city of New York quite a largo amouut of money, aud to roooivo in rotura immunicy from proeecntion. T'ocd wiil very hooii be releasod, and Sweenoy will return (rom Europa. The compromiso is thought to inclade Conuolly alao." Joshua F. Bailey, who in 18C9 fled from tho country as a dof aulter in bis accounts wilh tho GOTernmont, 88 the Infernal Revenue Collector of the Thirty-aecond (New York) district, has retunicd mado good his deficit, and has roceivod from tho l'renidcnt a full pardon. The Brooklyn Fire Marshal has fully inveatigated tho circtmstanccs attonding the recent thoatrlcal horror, Ho llnds that thero was a lack of proper preoautions againet firo and no disciplino among tho cmployen. The meann or exit from tho gallcry wore not good enougu in caso of iiro and panic. and he believes that had tho audienco ,boon notifiod when the nre wh flrst diBeovered by the Mago hands they oould have got ont of the building safely. He thinks that the request of tho actors to tho people to sit down, howevor well meaut, was vory dieastroua both to andionco and actors. He ooocludos with arecommendation that all publ-e buildings, cchoole, ohurohee, hospital, and tUeaters be thoroughly overhanled at onco. The four childron of Mr. and Mra. Ames MoGowan, of Round Top, P., wererecontly burned to death. The Iiouho caught fire in the absence of tho p'irent?, and was redneed to ashes. The chitdren, tho ojdest 'J and the i yonngííst 8 vears, were ss'oep at the time, and wore completely o nsnmed by the flames The Charter Oak L f e Inai nance Company of Hartford bas purchased f3 000,000 wortb of real eat-te in Broadway, Wall, and Broad etreets, New Ynk Ex-Gov. William Cozzens.of Rhode Inland, died at Newporf last week, of typhoid fiver contracted at tho (ïentenniRl. Gen. WilliamF. Bartlett, of Maseachuaotts, ie dead. THE WKSX. Chicago elevatoiB as per official figures, contain 2,955,070 bushels of whoat ; 261,869 bushels of oom; 452,763 bushela of oate ; 83.459 bnshels of rye, and 1.114 429 bnahelsof barley, making a grand total of 4.087,090 bushels, against 2 948 767 bushela at this period last year. . . . Stvcral ateumboats were dpRtroyed by tbo tireaking of an ice-gorgo at St Louis, last wrok. The loi-e is etitimated at $200 000. Binóle mou aro being committed to the workhouse daily at Detroit, Mich., on their own reqncat, as vagrants, bei g out of employment, and prof orring that course to begging or panpeiiscn. A most Bccsepsful and daring robbery was perpet rated at Somerset, Perry connty, Ohio, one night laat week. The banking-houso of William M. Ream was entored by four maxked mon, nd ovar $10,000 stoltn. Ream and bis wife, who lived over the bank, were bouud and gaggod hy tho robbers, tlie farmer being firac compellf d. at the point c f a piutol, to open the bank vanlc. News haa reached Choyenne of a terrible maüsacre perpetrated in the Big Horu country, aa follows: "Rocontlya party of twenty-aix minors atarted for the Big Hom cooDtry, and none hare beon seen alive Bince. Mr. John Blieron, who is perfectly reliable, says that weeks ago a company of whito men wero attacked by a band of Sioux, uuppoeed by the trail to have been a verv large band, aud it is believed on the firet voiley the minere fled to the brush, which tho Indiana fired aud Uien killed their victime. The bodies of eigbtoen or twenty men have been identiüod, and among them wore Rübart Anderaon, James Lyaight, David Davis. and two men namod 8pencer and Cook -the latter a blacksmith. Those men are well known in the Black Hilla." A NEW and mort ingeniously-oxecuted conntorftit silver 50-cont pieco has been discovered io eirciilatiou In Chicago. It is made of a combination of metala very nearly of the eame Bpecific gravity as silver, finithed perfectly, and triple-silver-plsLt'.d so that by the eye and the hand it is bevond dettctian. It eren has a good ring, only a HUle dulier than that of the genuino coin. aud ia possible of detcotion in that way by prsctieod eara. The fact of its light weii(ht can a'so be detected by the aca!e. For general dia'ribntion it is a most dangeroua work of art. Be on yoor guard They pack more hoge in Chicago uow than in all the other largo Western citien combiued. O?er a million have ajroady been tjlaughterod iince the opening of the eaaou. THiS SOUTH. A TEiiKiBLE explosión of a boücr in a eawmill iB reported from Texarkana, a town near Red river, on the Texas aud Arkansaa line. Nine men were killet], named Chauncey Beach, James May, W. White, Nicholas Boeenburg, Ed. ariffin, Oeorge Green, Tip Stewart, Geort-e Jackson, and Fred Williama. Two colorc'd meu, named Custer and Johnson, wero daugerouely wounded. The Conimitteo of the National House of RepreiienUtives to investígate the recent electioü in Louisiana met ar.d organized in New Orleans, on tbo 12th of December. A commnnicaüoii signed by all the members of tlio IioturniDg Board was preaented to the committee deuying tlje autliority of the House of Rgprenentaüve to rtview the decisión of the Returning Biard until thoy had delivercd their docinueut to the General Asaembly. Tbey lio protented against the attnipt of tho House of RepresentAtives of the Uuited ftites to obtain and review documoutsintluir ixweeHsion, andclaimtd tbat as individúala thfy con!d not, under tho conttantion and lawsöf tic Stutc, Burrendertheai. Thfy atated furiher that they would have copits of all documenta made for the committee if the commitUe would provide t!ie necoasary memiB ; that the State Legielature had made no apprpriation for them, and they could not, tïu relore, furnieh copioa untea the commiUeo fuinished the fuuds. These copies, they aid, would ba made as S"on au they wore tlirougli with tho dccumcLtH, provided the fuuda wore furoished. When tho commauication had baen rtad tho Chairman instructcd the Sergeant Arms to notify the memberê of the Keiurning Board that their p.esonce would be expoctod at 11 s.m. on Wednesday. m obsdience to ordtra of the Speaker of the Houbo of Bepresentativea of the United Statte. J. Madison Wells, Chairman of the Louisiana Meturniug Board, was before tho House Inveatigating Committee at New Orleana, on tho 13tb. He informed tho committee that ho was willing thoy shoulJ have aetws toalldocumonta in poesession of the board, providtd tbey would furnieh tho clerical assiatance nece1ary to do tho work ; at the saine time ho uhould decline to anawer any quontions regaidiug bi act ion au a member of said baard, for the ïeason that he denied tho rigiit of the commit'ee to interrógate liim on the subject Whereat Mr. Mornson, Chairman of tho committeo, announced that he sliould not pre the matter, and Mr. Wells withdrew The counsel for tho Bepublicaus addreseed a communication to the oommittee complaining that personal inclignitica had been offered to aome of their witneesea at the hotel whore tho committee were siUing, and afking "thar. freeacceas and uuitable accommcnla ion be afïorded to the counsel repreaentiiig the RepubUcan party in the invesiigation, aud also that the witueaaes aubpenaed by the committee may be able to roach the committte-room witbont paesing throuRh a crowd of hostilo and difcorderly peraona, and that whon uuder exammation before the committeo they be protectod againut insulta and tbreats." A Cojuümbia (S. C.) diapatch of the 14th aaye : 'Tho inauguration of Hampton took place in front of Carolina Hall this afternoon. The equare in front of the hall was donsely packed wlth persona of both race, and the houBOtops wero covered with e pectatora. At 3:30 p. m. Hampton was eecorted to a stand amid demonatrations of griat enthusiasm. Members of the General Aesembly occupied a space immediately surrounding the atand, with the crowd in the rear. Hampton deliverod an address, at the close of which the oath of oflico was adminiatercd. The c liair in which he was seated was then wrapped in the naliousl colora, and he was borne on the ahonlders of a dozen men to his hotel." A dacohieb of ex-Secretary Bristow was seriously, if not f atally, injuredbya niuaway accident in Louisvillc, a few days ago A fi re at LittleBocti, Ark, last weck, destroyod (160,000 worth of property in the business pai't of tho city. Hoavy firea are also reported at Bolívar, Tenn., loss $200,000, and Blaokvillo, Barnwelleounty, S. C, ioas í 40, 000. WASHINGTON. Mk. Windoji, of Minnesota, has introduced ia the Seuate a vory important bill for tho reliof of settlora on the publio lands. It authorizea bomostead or pre-omption aettlers on any public landa; er pro-einption acttlera of Indinn riarrvatione, whero tho cro]) were deetroved or s v rc-ly injnred by graf Hlioppera in the year 1870. to leavo and ba absent from aaid landa until tho lst of next Jnly, or, if the grasahoppem reappear ntxt year, to a like deatruction or injury of the erop, to remaiu away until JTuly, 1878, without imparing their riguts, homt steal er ire-ompnon, if they afterw&rdg resume and perfeot their nettlemcnt. The bill alaoixpr.Hsiy extecdn thfir time for making nnal p;oof and payment frr one year after the exjiration of abnence abovo contomplatd. and i furthermore provides that all the propoecd i righta and privileges aboye stated aüaü apply . to aud inelnde Bottlera ander tho Timber-culture act of Match, 1873. The House Committoo oñ Poetofticoa and Post-roads haa substantially agreed to rocommend a formal non-concnnence in th3 Senate amendmenta to tbo route bill of laat aossion, whicb provide for the reatoi ation of the f mail Herviré and the revival of the f ranking privilege... The ConsnlatSimtigagodeCubA, who aniutd Twoed in gettiufi away from hia purgue), bas boon reraovod by tho President. The President haa jiominatod Weden O'Noal for United States Marshal for the District of Kentucky, and John R. G. Pitkin for tho District of ïiouifliana ; Alex. M. Blair for Collector of Internal Kevonue for the District of Kansas, and Ollver G. Bosbyshell for Commifsioner of the Mint, in place of Snowdon, who is appoiutód Postmaster at Pbiladelphia. A Washington telegram statos that the President, in reply to an invitatiou extended him by a ltepublican to visit VirgiDia after hia term of oüice expires, said that ho would bo glad to do ao, but tbat he intenda to leavo for Havana, Cuba, in March, aud, after spendiug a few weeks there, eail for Kurope, to romain for Home timo. .. .There waa aii oncountor with knivcs fow ovcuinga ago, at ono of the Washington hotels, botwoon Col. John V. Fairfax, who waa Chief of Staff to Oen. Lcmgstreet, and Fianois M. Schell, ono of tho doorkeopers of the Honso. The trouble arono from the fact that Schell ordored Fairfsx off tlie Hoor of the House. Fairfax, hU pbyaiciau aaye, was very serioualy cut. Scholl'a wouuda wore comparatively lijjht, Four hukdred employés of the bureau of engraving and printing were discharged last week, nearly one-half of the forco of the entire bureau. About two-thirda of tho unfortunate victima were women, man; of them being prees Rirls The Naval Commisaion haa repor' ed in favf r of abandonïng the naval estabÍU' in'.-ntH at New London, New Orleana, aud BruüRwick, Ga. Tue President of the Sánate has adopted the followiug new form of receipt for electoral votes aa delivered by the meöaengor : VlCE PByBIDENT'M CHAMBKR, SENATK Oï' THK Unitet Sta-j kh. Washington, D. C, , 1870.- Rcccivrrl of , he claiiuitiR to be a lncsseDgtT to delivcr the name, a st-aleJ package pur-ponina to contain a certifícate of the vote (iven for I'riRidcnt uud Vico Presidoat of the United States ty tho electora of the State of , alleging to havo been clectod Nov. 7, 187G. (digucd) T. W. Febbt, President pro tem. United States Senate. OENLKAL. The mcmbers of the theatrical fratornity in nearly all the cities of the country are giving beneflta for the sufferers by the Brookljn calamity. Bland'b Silver bill, which paesed the lower houee of Congress iaat week, próvidos that silver dollars of the weigbt of 412) grains ehall be coined, and hall bc a legal tender for all debte, public and private, except wbere payment of gold coin ia roquired by law. ThU weigiit of -íL'} grama is the mino as that of the old legaJ ilver dollar which was a full leal tender f er eighty yeara. Tue great railroad war betweeu Vondorbilt, of the New York Central, on the one side, and Garrett and Scptt, of the Baltimore and Ohio and Peunaylvania roade, on the other, bas been brought to a close by the Burrender of the ñrat-uanied. and freight rutes between the East and West havo again shot npward Several merchante from the interior of Mexico atrived at New Orleans laat week. and they coufirm the news of the capture of Lerdo, tho death of Escobedo, and the capture of the City of Mexico by Gen. Diaz. Iglesias, from Leon, orderod to hold the City of Mexico ad proclaim the Preaideucy of Iglca'aa, which Diaz declined todo uniese hocould name four membera of the Cabinet. This was refueed by Iglesiaa, when Diaz proclaimed hinisclf provisional President, and the revolution now continúes betwe6n these rival pretender, who are prepariug for new struggle. Beten cars of eilkworm eggs, valued at $3,000,000, h&ve just been shipped from San Francisco for Europe, via New York. They came from China and Japan Tho dweiling of R. Mclunea, of Hui on county, Out., burried one night laat week. Four children perished in the ñames. Mclnnes waa aeverely burned wbile attempting to rescue thom. FOUTIOAIi. Hok. Henkï M. Teixkr has been elected United Htates Senator from Colorado for sïx yeare. Pbince (Democrat) was eleotcd Mayor of Boaton, Masa., last week, by 2, Hl majyrity eyor Bradlee (Citizens') and Butterfield (Prohibitionist) Gov. Hayea was aeronaded at Dayton, -Obio. last week, and made a brief speech. Referring to the politioal complications, he sai'l : "In the exeitemeut tbat hag prevailed b6fore and eince the eketion, people of urdcut temperament have said and duue tbinge that are indiscroet, but, as the ejecitemeut aubsidce, we begin to return to our better wisdom and judgment. I havo too mueh fsith in the saving commou-pense of the American pcoplo to think they dosire to eoo in their country a Mexic&nizcd Governmcint. Whatevor may bo the result at which the lawful authorities arrive, yon and I will quietly budmit, and I have Bufh'cient respect and oonfldenoo in the great msjority of the opposite party to believe that tbey wiil do the samo. I was glad to see in a parer thia evonine an rticle frouithe Londou Times reapecting the condition of this country. Sucli a mate of affaire, it aaid. could not occur anywhere elae in the world. The eutire area of the country waa agitated by tue uncertain itsae of the poiitical cobfVct, and yet n(jt one shot fired, not one man kil.'ed, no breachei of the pface." Tuf. National Democratie Committee haa iaaued the foliow ng addrt sa : Rooms of National Demcbatic Committeií,) Washington, Dcc. 13, 1876. f To the Pcoplc of the United States : The National Dtiaocratlc Cominlltcoaimounce as the resiilt of the Premdential elcction held on tho 7th of November, the dection of Samuel t. l'lldcn, of New York, as President, and Thomas A. Hendrickn, of Indiana, eb Vicc President of the United States. We congratúlate you on ihis victory for reform. It now ouly remains for t!ie two houaee of Oougres, in tbe performance of their duty on tho Recond ttedneeday in Felruary next, to givo effect to the will of the peoplotbus rxprcBBed in a conetitutional modo by a majority of tbe electoral votes, and condrmed by a majority of all tho HIalee, as well as by an overwhelmiyg majority of all tho pf oplc of the United States. By order 'of the Exccutive Committeo. Aijbam S. IIrwitt, Chairmau. FnKDKTticit O. PiüNCK, Secretary. The followiug responso to the above ha been issuod by the JBepublican National Commiltec : Washington, Dcc. 13, 1876. To the Peoplo : An addiess has to-night been issued ly the Democratie Cottiniittee. It is the last desperate atlempt to prop a fal ing cause. Gov. Haven has been fairly eleetcd by a clear majority of thn elecíoral voto, ïhorc is no lndication that any rtebt-mlnded Citizen bas a doubt as to the reaiut. The atldrei-s oí the Democratie Committec is n impudtnt and audacious atteiapt to prejudice and pervert public iudgmcut. Uajcs and Whecler are elecled, and tho will of tho Americau people will bc carred out and maiutained. z. Chandler, Chairraan National Committce. TnE proliminary meeting of the conference at Conetantinople promises woll for a harmeniona aettlement of the vexed Easiern problem. KepreBentatives of the different powere havo had little difficully in agroeing urjon the torma to be applied to Sorvia and Herzegovina. The following pointe have been du-cided upon : Montenegro is to be granted a considerable territorial addition, and tb bOQüdary of Sorvia is to be rectiflod, by which that province will alao gain territory. The IHukish army will be rrqmred to withíiraw from Servia, and the armistice will be prolonged for a term aiifficiont to covei the time consumad in the nogotiations. Vali-aeaiso, South America, was recently visited by a disastrous conflagration. The llamea raged for tweuty-four hours, and a great number of valuable buildings were deutrsyed A Cunatantinople diupatch eaya : "Tno absence of the Porte'8 repreaentative from the preliminary conferezco createe an unfavorablo improssjon. The fact that Kusia, an interested party, ia permittod to sit in jadgment on the questions at iaaue is commented on in Turkish circIcH." A Vienna diapatch says the Grand Duke Nicholas, of Ituesia, has asked for a reserve force of 100,000 men. Their mobilization bas already commenccd at St. Petersburg and JIoscow. It ia eaid if Iiusaian troopa, as expectod, enter Bonmania ahortly, the movement will not be aceompanied by a doclaration of war od i'urkoy. A Berlín diapatch of the 18th saya : "News received from the conf ei ence at CoimUn tinnple in high poiitical quartora bere mainteins tbat a Rusaian-Turkish war is inevitab'e. Russifl has uot yet couipieted htr prei arations, and will endeavor to protraet the er nference uutil hor nouthern army i concentra ted. Privato telegrama from St Petersburg aho atate that Rugia io unalterably determined to meet immediately the grievances wbich have boen already indulgcd too long for Eiuope&n peace, but BUe will not enter the field until she foels able to mako au irrosiutiblo aaianlt." Constautinoplo dispatches auuourjce tbat the l'lenipotentiaricö have terminated tho labors of the proliminary conforeiice. Aftor making some mutual coucesttions, they came to an mi' deratanding, and referred to' their reepective Oovernments for dolinitc intructioiw. AU questious, eapecially tbat of occupaiion, have been examined, but nothincr is vet dotermiued. ....The Panama Slar and Herald of a reoout date says : " A gleat battle ha takon place in Garrapata. The tronchos of the revolntiouists wero takor by onr forcea, commanded by Om, Aconta and Camargo. An armiütice of three daya waa askd for by the rebela to bury 2,000 dead of both eide A Caloutta telegram ays the accounts of the fumino reooivod f rom Marran aro worno than those from Bonibay. Largo numboru of atarviug peoplo uro flocking into Madras Tlio Khedive of Egypt is going to discharge all bis American omcc-rn. Cuablbs Bbent, tho Louisvílle (Ky.) forgor, bas been snrreudered by Great Hrituin to tho Unitod States authoritios Ministor Ouahing has arrived at Madrid Another colliery oxplosion, rosulting in the death of two or three score of minera, bas occurred in Walen Mueh irritation has alo been causod in Paris by a ilispatch frora Prinoe Biomarok, in wbiob he severely cenanres tho Fronoli Government on account of the wrong dono to Gorman commerco by tho Frencb export duties on iron. Tlii action of the Germán Ohanoellor, coupled witb the annonncement of the troaty mtb Snaiu, is rcgarded as an evidouce of unfriendly feelings on bis part, and of a deairo, perhaps, to tost just bow f ar be migbt push Frauco without pro? king rosietBnce, so tliat bc may know exRctly what ho may cxpect in tbo evont of war in tho Kast The cabio report a railway Rmash-np in IJelginra, rcñnlting in the dealh of i eight pasaongore.


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