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The Record Of 1876

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0 good oíd year ! This nigut 6 your last, Ard must you go? With you Tve passod Borne days that bear revisión. For these l'd thank yoa, ere you make Your journey to the Stysian Lake, Or to the flelds Elysian. Long have you been our household gueet. To keep you we have trled our best.j You must not stay, ou tell us ; ííot e'en to introduce your heir, Who comes so fresh and debonair He needs must make you jealous. 1 heard your footsteps overhead To-night, and to myself I eaid: He's packing híe portmanteau, His book and statt, like Prospero', He'e buried in December'e snows, And finished his last canto. Your well-known hat and cloak still look The same upon their entry-book, And seem as if they grew here. But they ah ! me - will soon be gone, And we be sitting here alone To weieome in the New Year. The boots so of t put out at night Will vanish ere to-morrow's light Across the east is burning, Wheu morning comee, full well I know They '11 leave no footsteps in the snow, Of going or retucniiig. At twelve o'clock to-night Queen Mab Will take you in her spectral cab To catch the downward f ast train. Some of us will sit up with you And drink a garting cup or two - While I indite this last utrain. 0, good, old, wise, frost-headed Year, You'vc brought us health and etrength and cheer, Though sometimos care and sorrow. Each mom you gave us newer hope, That reached beyond the cloucty scope Of each unseen to-raorrow. We knew you when you were, f orsooth, No better than a stranger youth - A fast youth, some one muttered, When thinking how the days you gave, On ghostly horees to their grave Have galloped, flown and fluttered. But what is time, by nioon and stars Checked off in monthly calendars. To fairy kings like you here ? What aro the centuries that span The iach-wide spaces ruled by man ? Or what are Old and New Year ? You go to join the znillion years ; Ihe great veiled eky that never clears Bcfore our mortal seeing' Ihe shïxmded death - the evolving Jjfe - The growth, the myetery, the strife Of elemental being. We see in your abstracted eye The clouded flame of prophecy - Of time the immortal scorning. And yet the sympathetic sruüe Thatsays: " I f ain would stay awhile To bid your rhymes good morning." Ah ! no more rhymes for you and me, Old Year, shall we together see, For we to-night must sever. Qood-by old number Seventy-six ! 'Tis nearly time you took your drivo Into the dark forever! The train that stops for you will let A strauger out we never ruet, To take your place and station. With greetings glad and shouts of joy, They'll welcome him, while you, old boy, Depart with no ovation. Five minuteByet? But talk must end, On with your cloak and cap, old friend ! Too long I havo been prating. Your blet'sing now I We'll thlnk of you - Ah ! tüere's the clock ! Adieu, adieu - I see your cab is waiting. CHEONOLOG-Y OF 1876. JANUARY. 1. City Treaaurer Bork, of Buffalo, N. Y., diacovered to be a defaulter to the amount of $4')0 000. 4. Lord Lytton appointed Viceroy of ludia. 5. Reaaaembling of Congreas after the holiday recesa. 9. Raüway accident near Odessa, Buesia ; 70 persons killed and many maimed. 10. Exciting debate in Congrees on the bill granting aunesty to Jeff Davia ; the meaeure defeated. 14. L )wer house of Congreaa refuaed to paaa a universal amneety bill. 21. Firat hravy sriow-Btorm of the winter in the far West ; Union l'acific railroad blockaded. 23. Thirteen pereons killed by a railway ooilision at Huutingdon, Erjg. E. D. Winslow, ownor of the Boston News, and Treasurer of tlio Boston Post, baviug oommitted forgerie to the amount of f 250, 000, disappeared with his family. 26. Burglare rob the National Bank of Northampton. Maas., of f 700,000iaeccurities. Turee men hung by a mob at ( harleaton, W. Va. 27. The róbbory of $400,000 from a Chicago eaatward-bound expresa car was neatly prevented near Toledo, and the four robbers arrea ted. 31. Four outlaws hung by vigilante in Rooks county, Kan. A man named Simmons murderei, dissected, and his remains packed in a box, at Greenpoint, N. Y. : arrest of Victor Krfctz, the rnurderer. 'Speaker Kerr writes a letter deolaring that hia name ia not to be used in the Democratie National Convention. FEHRUABY. 1. A man named Wilder, at Lyndon, Vt., murdera hia wife, father and mother, and then hai-gs himself. Fifteen of tho whiaky ring at Indianapolia Bsntenced to prison fcr terms of from six montha to three yêars. William McKee, principal proprietor of the iit, Louis iflobe-Democrat, oonvicted of conspiracy to defraud the Government. 2. A stage line opened frota Cheyenne to the Black Hills. Lower house of Congress refused to paaa the one term Prcaidential anendment to the eontitution. 3. CoJlisry explosión in Belginm ; over 200 minere killed, uen. Sherman writes a letter, eaying he will not be a candidate lor President, and fxpresaing a preference for Gov. Hayes, of Ohio. C'. The Sultan of Tarkey accepta Count Andrassy's scheme for settling the Herzegovinian difliculty. JefE. Davis writes a long letter, rcphing to Mr. Blaine, dieclaiming that ernelties to priaoners wero authorized by him, deprecating the obataclea opposed to the progresa of reconciliatiou, intimating that he doen not desire amuesty for bimeelf, and chsrging impostm-e and barbarity upon the Federal authoritiea. A fearful panic occarred at Bobinson Opera House, Cinoinnati ; 10 people were killed and many more iujured. 8. Opening of the trial, at St. Louia, of Gbn. Babcjck, Military Sccretary to Pieaident Grant, for conspiraoy to defraud the Government in connection with the whieky ring. Great fire ia Broadway, N. Y. : loss, 2,500,000. 10, National Bank of Commeroe, of New London, Ct , robbed of $21,000 ; the teller aubsequently oonfesaes to the burglury aud restores the money. 12. Exploaion of lire damp in a ooal-mine at Pittslon. Pa ; 4 minors killed aud a numDer wounded. Depotsition of President Grant in the Babcock case taken at Washington, Chief Jmtice Waite adminiatering tko oath. 14. Tho Sultan of Tnrköy uignod tho decree granting the Andraesy rei orms ín theinsurgent provincea. 17. Collision betwe6n the steamera Strathclyde and Franconia in the Eaplisli channel ; tue Straitholyde eunk, and 31 Uves lost. 18. The Oongregational Adviaory Council, to investígate tho Beeoher scandal, couvenes iu Plymouth Church, Brookiyu. The Maiiie Legíh] ature abolishes hanging. 22. Indiana Republioaii State Convention nominates G. 8. Orth for Governor and instruds for Gov. Morton for President. Wiaoonein Bepubliean Convention indorsea Blaine for Proaidont. 23. Tbe Connectiout Demócrata nomínate Gov. Charles R. Ingersoll aud all the State offioers for election. 24. The trial of Gen. Orville E. Baboock, Military Becretary of President Grant, on a charge of conspiracy to defraud the Government brought to a cloee át St. Louis, the jury rendering a verdict of "not gnílty." 28. Nows that Don Carlos, the Spanish pretender, has fled to Flanee ; virtual end of the Carliet war. Conneeticut Republiean State Oonvontion ; H. C. Bobinson nominated for Governor. Destructivo tornadoes at 8t Charles, Mo.T and Pnneeton. Ind. many honses bJown down, and several persons killed and crippled. SlAKL'il. 2. Bevelation of corruption in the War Department at WashiDgton ; Secretary Belkuap tenders hia resignation ; resolutions of impeaehment preseuted against him in the Houee of Bepresentatives and unanimously adopted ; intense excitement at Washington and elsewhbre ; Becretary Borie, of the navy, appointed ttmporary Becretary of War. 3. A committee of the House appears in the Senate at Washington, and formally impeache Mr. Belknap for high crimes and miadeineanors. A life-boat crew of 15 drowuêd on the North Carolina coast while trying to save tüe crew of an Itaiian bark. 4. Arrival in London of Don Carlos, the Spanish pretender. 5. The Sultan of Turkey offers amneaty to the Herzegovinians, Caleb P. Marsh, the witnees against the late Secretary Bolknap, flees to Canada. 6. The President ncmmate Richard Henry Dana. Jr., of Maesachutietts, Minister to Eugland, vice Gen. Schenck, resigned. The portfolio of the War Office offered to Senator Lot M. Morriil, of Maine, who declines. 7. Burning of the Home for Aged People at Brooklyn, N. Y.; aome 20 of the aged inicate perish in the flamea. Eleven persona killed and seven or eight wounded by a train falling through a bridge across a branch of the 8henandoab river, on tbe Baltimore and Ohio railroad. Nows of a famine in the Weotmanna islands, near Iceland ; 500 people said to be starving to death. Judge Alphonso Taft, of Ohio, appointed Secretary of War. The Committee of the House on Expenditurea in the I War Department subpoanaed by the District Coört of" Washington to produce the papers and evidence against Gen. Bslknap, which they deciined to do. Exciting partiaan debate in the House, in which the Demócrata and Kepubiicans charged upon each the reaponsibility for the flight of the witnesa Marsh, whose abaence blocks the iinpesehment trial. 8. The Judicisry Committ6e of the House, at I Washington, report that. owing to the absonoe of the witness Marsh, it would be impracticable to proceed with the impeachment trial of Belknap, and ask that they be allowed to take furtber teetimony ; after an exciting and intensely partisan debate, the request was granted by a strictly party voto. Belknap arraigned in the Pólice Court át Washington, and held to bail in f25,000 to answtr to a criminal charge of bribery. The United States Senate decido the three years' contest of P. B. S. Pinchback for a seat in that body as Senator from Louisiana, by the adoption óf a resolution declaring that he has no claim to the seat. 14. New Hampshire electiou; Gov. Cbeney and the entire Ropublican ticket elected, and a Bepubliean niajority aecured in the Legislature. 15. Ssvere storm in England and on the continent; numerous shipwrecks and many lives lost. 17. Destructivo fire in Springfield, III.; lees, $170,000. Great snow-storm in Scotland, causing an embargo on travel. 19. Heaviest anow-stonn of the winter in the Western and Sauthern States; 14 deep at Caire, and 10 inciies at Mtmphis. Hon. K, C. Sshenck, late Minister to England, haviog reaigned, arrivés at New Yoi k on his honieward journey. 22. Caleb P. Marsh, having Veen promised immuuity from prosecution, returns to Wash - ington to teetify against ex Secretary Belknap. Democratie Siate Convention of Pennsylvania meets at Lancaster. Bepublican Convention of New York meets at Syracuse. 23. Seven men killed and 8 men wounded by a boiler explosión at Laramie City, Wyo. Ter. 24. Great atorma and floods in the Eastern States ; proper ty loss in New Eugland estimatedat $1.000,000. 28. Intellig6nce of tho foundering of the steamer Jowad in the Arabian sea, by wLich 500 pilgrims w:re drowned. 29 Republiean State conventions ín PennsyJvania, Ohio, and Indiana. 30. The dam of the water reservoir at Worceáter, Mass., breaks, precipitatuig a vaat vohuxe of water into the valloy below, causmg an enormoua destrnction of property. 30. Anieles of impeachment presonted in the House of Rapresentativea at Washington against W. W. Belknap, late Secretary of War, charging him witn high crimes and miedemeanors. 31. A large uumber of city officials indioted and arrestcd in St. Louis, for bribery and p; rjury. Gov. Ames, of Minsissippi, resigna his office to escepe impeachment. APKIL. 2. Mataraoras captured by the Mexican revolutionists. 3. The House of Bepresentatives unanimoualy adopt the articlea of impeachment against Belknap, and appoint managers to conduct the trial. Connecticut State election resulta in a victory for the Democrsts. 4. The nomination of Bichard H. Dana, Jr., to be Minister to Eogland. rejected by the United States Benate. The Senate orgauizesas a court of impeaebment for the trial of W. W. Belknap ; acciiced summoned to appear April 17. 5. Four powcjer magazines at Salt LakeCity blow up, aending a shower of rocka into the city, killing four people. and doing great damage to property. Iltiode Ialand election - success of the Bepublican ticket. 13. Geu. John McDonald and W. O. Avery, convicted membera of the St. Louis whisky riDg, sentenced to the Missouri penitentiary. MAT. 4. Gen. Belknap indicted by the grand jury at Washington, for receiving bribea while Sacretary of War. 6. DeatrucHve tornadoes visit Chicago and otlier WeRtern pointa ; hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of property destroyed, and severa] peopte killed. 7. Twonty thousand charges of "rend-rock powder"exploded on Jersey City Heights, iamaging mauy buildings, and causing a ahock wbich was feit over an extensive area. Ar. ival at, Washington of Dom Pedro, Empsror of Brazii. 8. Anna Dickinson makea her debut on the dramatic stage at the Globe Theater, Boston. Liberal Republican National Committee mettin New York city, and iseue a cali for a National Convention at Philadelphia. 10. The Centennial Exhibition forrcally opeued at Philadelphia in the presenco of 300.000 people. 14. The imperial powers adopt a paoific policy at the Berlin Cotforence. 15. The Liberáis hold a national conference in New York city, to diecues the political situation, and issue an address to the country. lö. William H. Barnum elected Uaited States Senator from Connecticut. The Sultan of Zanzíbar enters into a treatyabolishing slavery in his dominions. 17. Bix of the culprits concerned in the murder oí the Germán and Frenen Consuls rang at Salónica, Turkey. Democratie Convention of Ohio nominates Gov. Allen for President. National Groenback Convention met at Icdiunapolis and nominated Peter Cooper for President and Senator Booth for Vice President. J8. A steamcr exploded at Evaneville, Iud.. kilhng uine men, and wounding a number of otheiB. Presbyterian General Aeeembly met in Brooklyn, N. Y. 22. The President appoints Edwards Pierrepont Minister to England, Alphonso Taft Attorney General, and J. Douald Cameron Seoretary of War. 25. The President issues a proclamation advising a general celebration of the 4th of July. 26. The terme of the Berlin Conference made public, showing that important coccessions were required frora Turkoy. Execution of Piper, the Boston belfry murderer. 29 Lawreuce Harney teatiñed before a committeeof Congress that he had paid Speaker Keir f450 for an army eonimisfion ; the latter denied it uuder oath. Tho Unitod Ötatea Senate, after two weeks' debate, in secret session decidel that it bad jurisdiction in the Belknap iuopeachment. Briek competition between the railroads resulte in a marked reduction in passenger faros between the Est aud West. Dethronement of the Bultan of Turkey. 30. A üre in Quebcc destroyed 700 hoasea. JUNE. 1. A sensation produced at Washington by the testimony of James Mulhgan, before the Judiciary Comtnittee, regarding the Hon. James G. Blaino. A. company of forty-nine men from Cincionati reputei to havo been njaaeacreil by Indiana in the Black HUls. 4. Abdul Aziz, tho dnposed Sultan of Turkey, committod yuíMdo. 6. Eeoapo of Fenian priaoners from Australia in au American whale-ehip. 7. Exciting debate in Congresa betweeD Meesrs. Blaino and Knott. 11. Mr. Blaine prostrated V.y sunstroke a he waa entering a church in Washington. 12. Heavy flooda in Eiatc-rn Switzorland ; groat Jamage done. 15. Wi.'islow. tlie Boston forger, released in London. An Illinoia jury declares Mrs. Abraïiom Lincoln reetored to reaeon. 17. The National Republican Convention at Cincinnti nominated Clov. II. B. Hayes, of Ohio, for President on the seventh baliot, and Wm. A. Wheeler, of New Yo. k, for Vice President on the flrst. Two Cabinet Ministers killed and one wounded in Coustantinople, by Haasin, an insubordínate oflicer, who was afterward hanged. 18. The town of St. Johns, Can., nearly deetroyed by fire. 19. A fire at Athena, on the Hudeon river, deatroyed 400,000 worth of property. 23, ISewa received of a fiíht between Gen. Orook'a cominaiid and the Sioux ludían . on June 17, in whioh nearly 100 of the latter were killed, with a loas to the expedition of 9 dead and 21 wounded. 25. Seventeen personB killed and 37 injurei byarailroad accident near Cervia, Spain. 28. Gov. Samuel J. Tilden nominated at St. Louis as the Democratie candidato for President of the United Statea. ;jul,y. 3. Beginning of hoatüities between Servia and Turkey ; troops of the former croes tho Turkish frontier, and several aharp engsg6lQOIit.8 OCOUT. 4. Independence day was celebrated with unusual spirit throughout the country. 5. Two hundred and thirty Uves lost by the wreek of the Lieut. Gen. Kroeaen, a Duteh ateamer, in the Straits of Sonda. Three persona killed and 29 buildings destroved by a tornado in Burlington, Iowa. 6. News received of the defeat of Ouster's forcea by Sitting Buil at the battle of the Little Big Horn. and the massacre of the General and otber leading officera, with 250 enlisted men. 9. A band of masked men robbed a railroad passenger train in Missotiri. 10. The propeller St. Clair burned on Lake Superior, destroying twenty-geven live. 11. Postmaster General Jewell removed by the President. 14. Twenty-one persons killed and sixty wounded by an explosión on the Britiah ironclad Thunderer. 20. The vacht Mohawk oapaized off Stapleton, Staten 'island, New York harbor, drowning William T. Garner, his wife, her brother, Froat Thorne, Misa Adele Hunter, and Peter Sullivan, a cabin boy. 24. Over 256,000 barrels of petroleum deatroyed iu the oil regioua by lightning. AUfaUST. 2. Godlove S. Orth declines the nomination aa Governor of Indiana by tbe Repnblicaua. Samuel F. Cary nominated for Vice President by the National Couneil of the Greenback Darty. 7. Colorado is proclaimed tobe a State. The SentO discharged Mr. Belknap for lack of jurisaiction; the vote for conviction was 35 to 25, not two-thirds for convietion. 11. The grasshoppers appeared inlargenumbera in Nebraaka. 15. Both houses of Congress adjournod sine die. 19. Six Feniana, who eecaped from penal servitude in Australia, arrived at New York ín the whaliDg bark Catalpa. 28. The Sarvians defeated the Turks with heavy loas. 31. Saltan Murad V. depoeed becanse of his mental infirmities; Abdul Hamid proclaimed hls successor. SEPTEMBEK. 3. A dostructive fire desolated St. Hyacinthe, Canada. 11. Forty Servían cowards wer3 shot. 15. The Centennial trophy preseuted to the American Rifle Toam, at Gilmore'a Gardens, New York, in the presence of a large number of spectator. 16. An armistice for ten dys agreed to by Turkey and Servia. Gen. Crook's expeditiou destroyed an ludían village, killed 14 Indiana, and captured a large lot of stores. 28. Pennsylvania day drew 250,000 people to the Exhibition. Snow feil in the Catskills. OCIOBER. 4. A grandson of Pre3ident Harriaon, in Kentucky, attaoked and fatally woundoil a younsr lady who rejected hiui. 9. A lire in Cleveland deatroyod property valued at several hucdrod thousand dollars. 11. By the burning of tho bteamboat Sonthern Belle, at Baton Bouge, La., ten livea were lost. 16. A Eussian national loan of $204,000,000 resolved upon. 17. A fire at Louiaville destroyed property va'.ued at upward of S600,000. NOVEMIÍER. I. The Dutch niíritime canal fonnally opeDed. 5. Fout hundred lodgea of Clieyennea aurdored to Gen. Milea. 7. Au uiieucoesBful attempt made at Springñeld, IU., to steal the remaina of Abraham Lincoln. 9. News received of a great cyclone and tidal wave in India ; 250,000 lives lost. 10. The Centennial Exposition formally closed by President Grant. II. The Emperor of Kuesia made an important speech at Moecow, declaring in effect that he will declare war in caee Turkey refusea the guáranteos he will demand. 22. In Mexico, Chief Justi se Iglesias reyolted wd declared himself provitioual President. Tüe time of the Bouth Carolina cauvasaers being up, they adjourned sine die, firet decluring the State for Bayes and the Eepub'ican State ticket, and a Kepubliean majority in the Legielature. 25 Arrival of Wm. M. Tweed, who is returned to hia old quartera in Lucllow atreet The South Carolina canvasaera aent to jail for contempt of court. 27. The Florida canvaeaera organized acd invited Northern gentleman to be preaent at their meetings. The imprisoned South Carolina cauvassers liberated from jail by the United States Court. 28. The Ddmocrats and Eepublicans of the lower house of the South Carolina Legislatura each organized as a separate body ; the fonner were exciuded frem tlie átate House by State officers. supportsd by troops. One of Gen. Crook's officers captured an Indian village of 100 lodgea. 30. Thanksgiving day generally observed with great heartineaa all over the countiy. DECEMBER. 1. A fire at New Orleana destroyed over 100 housea, with a total loo between $300. 000 and f400,000. 2. Two membera of the Kepublicau Heuee in South Carolina joined the Democratie organization ; the rival houses remained in joint session for 36 hours. 4. Congrees met for the second aession ; Samuel J. Rjadall, of Pennaylvania, choaen Spoaker of the House of liepresentatives, vice Hon. M. C. Kerr, deceaeed. 5. Awfnl calamity in Bro; klyn, N. Y. ; the principal theater of the city üte,troyed by fire, and 300 of the aiidlence psrished in the fl&iccs; intense cxeitement cvtr the terrible cataatropho. 6. The Electoral Colleges met in thfc sevtral States and cast their votea for President ; much excitcment throughout the country. The remains of Bsron de Palm oremated at Washington, Pa. The President sent a message to CoDgress contalning a letter from Senator 8herman and others on tho election in Louisiana. 7. News from Mexico that the capital has been captured by the revoiutioniets. 9. Buiial in Brooklyn of 100 unrecognized and friendless victimi of the theater disaster. 10. Intelligence from Mexico that President Lerdo aDd his Cabinet had been made pnsonera by Gen. Dinz's forces, and that Gen. Escolxido had been shot. 13. Indiana Demccrats held a conaultation and isBued an addreBS calling for maas meetiuga. Au j m in the river at St. Louis dostroyod steamboat property alued at S200,000. 14. Wade Hampton sworn in as Governor of Sonth Girolina, thus giving the State a duality of Governorti. Great fires at Bolívar, Tenn., and Little Rock, Ark.; louaea $200,000 and $150,000, respeotively.


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