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Board Of Supervisors--december Session

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Monday Mornin?, December 18, 1876. Board met pur.suant to adjourninent. Roll called. No quorum being present, the board adjourned uQtil past one o'clock P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Called to order by the chairman. Roll called, quorum present. Jourual of October 27th read and approved. On motion of Mr. Shurtleff, tlie report of the coruniittee on per diem allowance was amended by inserting the name of Mr. tiarper, supervisor of Lodi, and allowing him the amount due him for per diem allowance and mileage, amounting to $62.40. Mr. Wheeler moved that the board take up the petition in regard to the State road between the townships of Dexter and Lyndon. Curried. Mr. Whpeler moved the adoption of the minority report of the coinmitlee on said road. Mr. Yeckley moved that the parties interested who are present in person or by attorney, be invited to uiake such statements in reference to the matter as they desire. Carried. A fiber some explanations a yea and nay vote was taken as follows : Yeas- Ball, Kress, Tuomey, Yeckley and Young - 5. Nays - Batchelder, Berdan, Breining, Case, Coleman, Everett, (ialpin, G-regory,, Krapf, Ulcott, Pierce, Schuyler, Shurtleff, Shutts, Wheeler- 16. Lost. Mr. Coleman moved that the majority report of the cnmmittee be adopted, the yeas and nays being called as follows : Yeas - Batchelder, Berdan, Breining, Case, Coleman, Everett, Galpin, (iregory, Hatch, Krapf, Olcott, Peirce, Schuyler, Shurtleff, Shutts, Wheeler - 16. Nays - Ball, Kress, Tuomey, Yeckley and Young - 5. The motion was declared adopted. Mr. Kress moved that Mr. Duffy, one of the superintendent!) of the poor, be invited to explain the law in relation to a certain account allowed by this board for taking an insane person to Kalawazoo. Carried. On motion Mr. Kress was appointed to invite Mr. Duffy to appear bcfore the board for the purpose above named. Mr. Shurtleff moved that the cominittee on printing be instructed to ascertain from the publicHion offices of this city their price for printing eight hundred copies of' the proceedings of' this board in pamphlet form, and report to this board to morrow. Carried. Mr. Schuyler moved that the subject matter in relation to the insane person taken to Kalauiazoo be referred to the prosecuting attorney. Carried. Mr. Wheeler moved that the county treasurer be autlioriz;d to publish the liquor tax returns in the Argus and Courier, of the city of Ann Arbor. Carried. Mr. Yeckley moved that a comtnittee of three be appointed by the chairman to examine the bonds of the county officers. Carried. The chair appointed Messrs. Yeckley, Shurtleff and Tuomey as such committee. Mr. Kress moved that the matter of requiring bonds of the superintendents of' the poor be referred to the prosecuting attorney for nis opinión upon the question. Carried. Mr. Sutton moved that a committee of three be appointed to contèr with the superintendents of the poor in regard to the distribution of the insane persons from this county at Kalamazoo. Carried. The chair appointed Messrs. Sutton, Olcott and W heeler as such committee. On motion the board adjourned until to-morrow morning at half' past nine o'clock. Natuan PfiIRCE, Chairmau. December 19, 1876. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Cailod to order by tlie chairman. Roll called, quorum present. Journal of yesterday rad and approved. Mr. Yeckley, from the committee to examine bonds of county officers, made the following report: Your committee,' to whom was refwed the bonds of the several county officers, would respeetfully report that they have examined the bonds of the treasurer, county clerk and register in chaneery, and after due investigation find that the sureties in said bonds are good for the several atnounts for which they are bonded, and that the said bonds are in due form, and would recommend their acceptance by the board. On motion the report was accepted and adopted, and the bonds approved. W. IRV1NG YEOKLET, 8. W. SHÜRTLEFF, V. TUOMEY, Committee. The prosecuting attorney, to whom was referred the matter of Mr. Beal's bill, and also the matter in dispute between the city of Ypsilanti and Superior, made the following written report on Mr. Beal's bill, and also gave a verbal report on the Ypsilanti and Superior matter, which was that this board had no jurisdiction over it: To the Boiird of Supervieor of the county of Wauhtenaw. In the matter you have referred to me in relation to the claim of' Rice A. Beal against the county, on account of an amount, which he claims due him as being improperly deducted from a bill which had been pas sed upon by a former Board of Supervisors, and the amount allowed by the said former board was received and accepted by the said board. I atn of the opinión that a claim once presentad to the Board of Supervisors, and examined and passed upon by thein, and the amount allowed on the claims accepted by the claimant, that there is no legal liability longer existing against the county for the amount deducted from the claims. I am aiso of' the opinión that if any mistake is made by the former board as to satisfy this board that injustice has been done the claimant, and that the former board have not passed deliberately upon the claim, butoverlooked some part of it, that they have the power, if' thcy see fit to exercise it, to rectify it. R. E. FRAZER, Proeecutinj Attorney. Mr. Yeckley moved that the report of' the prosecuting attorney be adopted and entered upon the journal. Carried. Mr. Wheeler moved that tho committee to settle with the county offieers be instruoted to settle with the county treasurer on the 3üth day of this tnonth. Carried. Mr. Wheeler moved that the county clerk be instructed to destroy an order drawn in favor of V. E. Coveit for ninety cents, and draw an ordur payable to N. B. Covert, for $1.50. Carriod. Mr. Yeckley moved that Messrs. Ball and Berdan be added to the coniujitteee ot criminal claims. Carried. Mr. Young presented the following res olution : Resolved, That the superintendents of' the poor be and are hereby instructed to have the insane of Washtenaw county returned to the asylum of Washtenaw county as soon as they have been pronounced incurable by the authorities at Kalamazoo. Mr. Yeckley moved that tlie rusolution be laid on the table. Carried. On motion the board adjourned until half past one o'clock. AFTERNOON SESSION. Board met pursuant to adjouniment. Called to order by the chairuian. Roll called, quorum present. Mr. Case, from committee on printing, made the following report; The Aun Arbor Priuting and Publishing Company wil! print the proceedings of the board in pamphlet fbrm, similar to those for the yuar 1875, and bind and deliver eight hundred copies of seventy tvvo pages each, for the sum of $94, and fbrcach (bun additional, should the pamphlet exeted seventy-two pages, $10. To the SupeiTisors: I will make eight hundred copies of the proceedings of the board in jiamphlet form for $90 for seventy-two pages, and for each fbrm of eight pages additional, $10 each form. R. A. Beai,. Mr. Wheeler moved that the report be accepted and spread upon the journal. Carried. Mr. Yeckly moved that ihe printing of' the eiglu h...dred copies of the procoedings of this board in painphlet form be -lel to R. A. Beal. Carried. Mr. Yeekley, from theeotnmittee to consider the question of a new court house, made a report whiuh, on motion of Mr. Sutton, was aocepted : To the Honorable Board of Supervisors ot' Washtenaw Coumy : Your oommittee, who were appointed to confer with a cuinmittee appointed by the common euuncil of' the city oí Ano Arbor, to considír the qaestion of buildiog a new court house in said city for the county of Washtenaw. do hereby respect fully subuiit to your consideration the followiug preamble and resolutions : Wueueas, The present court house of Washtenaw county having beeome by age and use dilapidated, inconvenient, uncouifortable, unhealthy and unsaf'e for ue ; Wheiíeas, The records and documenta of the several county offieers, especially those of the office of' the register of deeds, are now exposed and liable at any time to be removed by theft or destroyed by fire, complicating the title of the real estáte of the county, to replace which in f uil would be u'tterly imponible, and to replace in part by abstracts would probably cost the county more than the expense of building a new court house with offices and fire proof vaults attached; Whereas, The covnpiled laws (page 225, section 446) explicitly dudare that each organized county shall, at its own proper expense, provide a suitable court house, and a suitable and suffioient jail, and fire proof offices, and all other necessary public building, and keep the same in good repair ; Whereas, The city of Ann Arbor has generously voted to dónate $20,000 in addition to its proportionate tax to the county for the purpose of building a new court house, upon the condition that the county furnish $40,000 for the same purpose ; Wuekeas, the levying of the said $40,000, payable in five annual installments with interest, would not exceed the trifling sum of eight cents annually on each one hundred dollars of the present assessed valuation of the taxable property of said county ; therefore Resolved, By the Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw. county, that the public interest and safety, and permanent preservation of the important records and documents of the several county offices demand the early erection of a new court house with fire proof vaults attached to the office of county clerk, register of deods, judge of probate and county treasuror. Resolved, That for the erection of said new court house and offices, the sum of f'orty thousand dollars is hereby appropnated, subject to the approval of the electors of the county of Washtenaw, and that the said $40,000 shall be raised by loan on the bonds of the county of Washtenaw, payable within five years from the first day ot'February, 1877, payable in five annual installments of eight thousand dollars, at a rate of' interest not to exceed eight per cent. per annum, payable annually on the first day of'February. Resolved, That if a majority of the elec tors of' said county voting on said loan shall authorize the same, it shall be the duty of the Board of Supervisors of said county to make the loan as above provided, and to order from year to year the levying and collecting a tax suffieient to pay the several installments thereof as they may become due with interest. Resolved, That the question of authorising said loan of $40,000 for the erection of' a new court house be submitted to the electors of the county of Washtenaw at the spring election, held on the first Monday of April, 1877, and that the county elerk of said countv pe and is horeby authorized to furnish the inspectors of election of the several townships and wards of said county with proper ballots, and said inspectors shall provide ballot boxes for the reception of ballots for or against said loan, and those electors voting for said loan shall have printed or written on their ballots the words " For the loan," and those electors voting against said loan shall have printed or written on their ballots the words "Against the loan ;" and that due canvass and return shall be made of such vote, as required by section 485, compiled laws of' of 1871. Resolved, That a building committee, consisting of five members, be elected by this board, who shall proceed immediately, in case theelectors of Washteniw county shall vote for said loan of $40,000, to adopt such plans and specifications for a new court house as they may deern best, provided the cost of said new court house shall not exceed the sum of $40,000 to the county of' Washtenaw, exclusive of the $20,000 donated by the city of' Ann Arbor; and said committee shall, before they commence the erection of' said house, secure to the county the $20,000 donated by the city of Ann Arbor; and said committee shall have power, ajid are hereby authorized, to advertUe for, receive and accept proposals for building said court house, and in all things pertaining thereto, act for and in behalf' of the Board of Supervisors. Resolved, That the eounty clerk and cbairman of the Board of' Supervisors, are hereby instructed, in case the electors of the county shall vote for said loan of' $40,000, to issue the bonds of the county from time to time for such amounts as the building committee shall deern necessary and proper for the construction of said court house, provided that under no circumstanees shall the bonds issued exceed the sum of $40,000, nor in any way conflict with the condition expresscd in the second resolution abnve. Resolved, That the sheriff of Washtenaw county shall give notice to the electors of the county of the submission of the question of authori'.ing said loan, as required by sections 484 aqd 486 of the compiled laws of 1871, and said notice shall include the preceding resolutions. W IRVING YECKLEY, (Ko. s. WHBELSR, l'ATHICK TUOMKY, 8. W.öbUHTLKl'F, Ooiutnitteo. (Coutluued next week.)


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Michigan Argus