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The Lost Found

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rested in this city Friday night by Offioera King and Britton charged with stealing & horse and sleigb load of wool, belonging to a farmer uamed Isaiah Kelsey, of York, Washtenaw County, was returned to that place Saturday afternoon in company with an officer. He had sóld the wool at Wayne and invested the procoeds in a new fluit of clothes, and when arrested had spent but three dollars. The horse and sleigh were also discovered at Wayne.- Free Fre. The sucoess of the really pleasant Christmas entertainment of the City Mission Sunday School was due in a great part to the generosity of our good friends of the city in giving so freely of proviBions and mouey, and the officers and teachers desire thus publicly to ex. press their thanks for this alinost uuexceptional and hearty response to our requests. It would be pleasant -and encouraging to see some of our good people up in Good Templar' Hall, our place of meeting, some Sund&y afUrnoon. Myron D. Sullivan, of Brighton, who haa een tried and found guilty of assault with ntent to commit rape on three little girls, has teen released on suspended sentence. We uppose this was doue at the earnest request of ur citizens that he might provide for his wife and children who are in deftitute oircumstanes. - Detroit Post item. And our private opinión, publicly expressed, 8, that the citizens of Brighton had better provide tor the support of Sullivan's family at heir own expense. He evidently is n't a man o run at large. The State Public Sohool at Coldwater will ask the Legislatura for an appropriation of f 90,000, of which $66,000 will be for current expenses for the next two years ; $8,000 for building engine-house, etc; and $6,000 for deficit in construction account. Jonathan Butterworth, who lately died at Cold water, aged 83 years, was a native of Lancashire county, England, and for hirty years and over a resident of that oity. He was the fatber of Captain ibenezer Butterworth, the brave and 'allant officer who was in the First legimeut Michigan Infantry, and was killed in the first battle of Buil Eun in he opening of the war of the Eebelion. One hundred and seventeen bound volumes, histories and reports of the various State institutions, religiouí denominations, school, colleges, press and ecret orders of Michigan, sent br this Hate to the Centennial exhibition at 'hiladelphia, have been deposited with he State Librarian at Lansing. The Adrián people are so infatuatad with croquet that they have rented a ïall and constructed two playing ;rounds, warmed and under shelter.


Old News
Michigan Argus