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Facts. - D. B. DeLand & Co.'s Chemical ''laleratus is the Best Saleratus. Chemical baleratus is better than Soda. Chemical Salratus has 16 ouuces in a paper, while soma rands have not. Chemical Saleratus is cheapr to use than Baking Powder. Miss Katie J. Eogers will reccive a few pupils in .lawingand painting. Studio No. 7, División St., Corner of Ann. Important. Haring purchased the stock of Dry Goods fornerly kuown as the Maynard stock, 1 shall cloae hem out, without regard to cot, to the highest idder. Sales every afternoon and eveüing Priate sales during the forenooa. Ladies are particlarly invited to cali ín the moruing and examine be stock, as great inducemeuts will be offered durug the next two weeks. Come early and secure tie bargains. All grades best prints 4 and 5 cents er yard. 1615 A. S. ELSWORTH. Special Notice. Rinsey & Seabolt take pleasure in informing heir custouiers and the public generally that they re now occupying their new store (on the old ocation) with increased facilities for business. They propose to make a specialty of Teas, having rranged for stocks with one of the largest Tea Houses, and will also keep a choice line of Family (iroceries. Flour of the best milis and brands at meal, corn meal, íeed, fruits and vegetables n season Cash buyers will find it for their inerest to give theni a cali. Germán and French lessous given by Herman "kueauff. Addregs P. O. Lock Box No. 7, Aun Arbor. 1613w3 IJSEFUL HOLIDAY GOODS. Hack & Scnmid offer a fresh naortment of clioice Mik, Dress Ooods, Sïauls, Qui 1 ts. Spreads, Silk Handkerchieft, Tien, Gloves, etc, at prices wliii'.Ii cnuiiat fail to meet lic demamds of tbe times. Wonderfnl Succes. It is reported that Boschee's Gkkmak Sybup ïas, since its introduction in the United States, reached the immense sale of 40,000 dozen bottles )er year. Over 6,000 druggists have ordered this medicine direct from the Factory, at Woodbury, N. J., and not one hes reported a single failure, but every letter speaks oí its astonishing success n curing severe Coughs, Colds settled on the Breast, Consumplion. or any disease of the Throat and Lungs. We advise any person who has any jredisposition to weak Lungs, to go to their Drug ists, Eberbach i. Co., and get this Medicine, or inquire aboüt it. Regular size, 75 cents ; Sample Bottles, 10 cents. Two doses will relieve any case, Don't neglect your cough. The " Iron Xrail," A spicy sketch descriptive of a trip over the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Raüroad, the beauties, scenery and pleasure resorts of the Rocky Mountains, by " Nym Crinkle," the musical and dramatic critic of the New York World, sent free on application, together with the San Juan Ouide, maps and time tables of this new and popular route from Kansas City and Atchinson to Pueblo, and all points in Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and the San Juan Mines. The finest line of Pullman sleepers on the continent between the Missouri River and the Rocky Mountains without change. Special round trip tourists' tickets from the Mississippi River to Denver at $60, good to stop off at all points. Address, T. J. ANDERSON, Gen. Passenger Agent, Topeka, Kansas.


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