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County Of Washtenaw

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SSESSIMIIEIsrT IROIjXj FOR THE FOR THE 1EAR 1876, üpon the Business of Maaufactiirii, Sellfoi, or Keepine For Sale, DISTILLED OR MALT LIQUORS. WASHTENAW COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE, I Ann Arbob, December 20th, 1870. f (OJII'I.KTK REPORT, Givlng the namea of Liqvfor Dealers, the araount of Tax, and Date of Payraent, for the year 1376, up to and includlng thls date. CITY OP ANN AKBOR-FIKST AND SECOND WAEDS. Name. Place of doing buainet. Kind of businett. Amount. Wten paid Binder, Heury bl 3 a r 4 e, No. 51 Retailing dlatilled and malt liquow...$150.00...June 23, 1876 Bluder, Charlea bl r 3 e, No. 6 Retailing malt liquors 40 00...June 16, 1876 Besluier & Brother bl 1 s r 8 e. Retailine diatilled and malt llquora... 160.0u...June 1, 1876 Brehm, Mra. Louiaa bl 4 r 3 w Manufact'g and selling malt llquors... 50.00...June 1, 1876 rake, Nathan bl 1 s r 5 e, No. S0 Retailing distilled and malt llquors... 150.00...June 23, 187b Donnolly, Joseph bl 1 s r 4 e, No. 11 Retailing distllled and malt liquors... 150.00...June 23, 1876 Fauth, Wllllam...... bl 2 s r 5 e. No. 20 Retailing malt liquors „. 4O.GO...June 23, 1876 Goetz, John bl 2 a r 4 e, No. 47 Retailing distilled and malt liquors... 150.00... June 22, 1876 iauKsterfer & 8on bl 2 r 3 e. Retailing diBtilled and malt llquore... 160.00...June 22, 1876 Heiuricn, John bl 1 s r 5 e Retailing malt liquors 4i).U0 June 21, 1876 Koen John _ bl 1 s r 4 e Uetatling malt liquors. 40.00...Jnne 3, 1873 Kenner, John bl 2 s r 5 e, No. 22 Betailing malt liquora 40.00...June 21, 1876 Lutz, Geo. 2 s r 3 e, No. 40 „.Retailing malt liquors 40.00...June 26, 1876 Rairèh, John bl 1 s r 5 e _ Retailing malt liquors 40.00...June 23, 1876 unzi, Christian bl 2 e r 4 e Retalllng malt liquors #JL-?ulie f, }LS Uerner.Mra. Frederick„bl 2 s r 4 e Ketailing malt iquors 20.00...June 24, 1876 chaible, GoUlieb bl 3 b r 8 e Retailing malt liquors 40.00...Jnne 23, 187b teeb Michael bl 2 s r 3 e Retatling malt liquors 40.00...Jnne 23, 1876 Walz Louis bl 2 s r 8 e, No. 50 Retailing diBtilled and malt liquors... 150.00...June 23, 1876 Wallace, William bl 1 s r 5 e. Ketailing malt liquure 40.00...J une 23, 1876 Vaidelich, Geo Adam. bl 8 s r 3 e Retailing malt liquors 40. 00. ..June 26. Ib76 loffíitetter, Jacob bl 2 s r 3 e_ Retailing distilled and malt llquors... 152.25... July 27, 1876 Wallace William.... bl 2 s r 4 e itetailing distilled liquors 66.0ü...Dec. 9, 1876 for six moni h,Kettner John bl 2 s r 5 e Eetailing diBtilled liquors 55.00. ..Nov. 1, 1876 ' for six monihs Mclntyre William bl 1 s r 4 e Retailing distilled and malt liquors... 150.00... June 23, 1876 ipttirh Frerierick bl 1 8 r 4 e Retailing distilled and malt liuuors... 150.00. ...June 21, 1876 i.uwi8, È. M '.' 1 s r 3 e Retailing distilled and malt liquors... lj6.00...Dec. 12, 1876 CITY OF ANN ARBOR-THIRD AND FOÜRTH WARDS. Ardner Georffe lot 8 b 7,Ormsby tfc Page's ' ■ " addition Retailing distilled and malt liquors... 150.00...June 20, 1876 ■fpiflfl Andrew lots 5, 6 and e lA of 8 bl 9. ' Page &Ormsby'8add.,Ketailing distilled and malt liquora... 150.00...Jane 23, 1876 Nebel Frauz Corner Detroit and Catbarinestreeta Rctailitig malt liquors 40.00...June 24, 1876 Gwinner, Albrt ebt centre et lot 4 bl 2 n r 6 e, Retailing malt liquors 40.00... June 23, 1876 ilarkoii Geonre 22 ft front by7 rods deep lar ' veurB bl 2 n r 4 e „.Retailing distilled and malt liquors... 150.00...June 22, 1876 Kltson Charles No.20 North Main et Ketailing diBtilled and malt liquors... 150.00.. .June 12, 1876 iould'john M wÚoflot2bl2nr4e...RetaillngdUtilledand malt liquorB... 150.00.. .June 12, 1876 Campbell & Kberhardt..No. 10 Norlh Main at. Retailing distilled aud malt liquors... 150.00...June 23, 1876 lntm Fredericka 3 roda oñ' w e ollots 1 and Haas, X reaenura o r2 , 3 n r 4 e Retailing malt liqaors 40.00...June 23, 1876 Clair John Nortn side Aun street_...Retailiug dietilled and malt liquors... 151.60...July 11, 1876 lick' Jacob F f Bro..lots 1, 2 and 3. bl 8 Ormac ' by Page's addition ...Manufactaring maltliquors 60.00...Failed. Bischoff Gottlieb Bnchoz bik, Detroit at Hetaillag malt liquors. 40.00...ünpaid. )avido'n, M. 8 M. C. R. K. depot Rttailing malt liquors- for 8 montha, 26.67...UnpMd. ANN ARBOR CITY- FIFTH AND 8IXTH WARDS. Herz Augnst Fifth ward, No. 19 Retailing dlatilled and malt liquore... 50.00... Dec. 27, 1875 1 for 4 months r Flftbward -.- Mannfactnrtng malt liquora 100 00...,'une 22, 1876 ir', AninTt' Fifth ward Retailing distilled and malt liquors... 150.00...June 23, 1876 'dboltz, Gottlïeb.r.'.'.Fifth ward ....Retailing malt liquora 40.00...June 20, 1876 CITY OF YP8ILANTI- FIRST DISTRICT. ï.'ntpr Read South Bide Conerees st., maier a, menu Martin building Retailing distilled and malt llquors... 50.00...Feb. 16,1876 for 4 months Bortle Ephraim e s Huron st. Arcade bl... Retailing distilled and malt liquors... 150.00...Unpaid. nnftrri Patrick Junct. Huron and WaahLconaro, ruïne „gton etreets Retailing distilled and malt liquors... 150.00...June 15, 1876 Martin Joseoh Sontb side ConKres st.... Retailing distilled and malt liquors... 152.00...July 20,1876 Erkeria'h, Martin"! North êlde Congress st....Retailing uistilled and malt liquors... 162.00...July 20, 1876 Uihthemer, John "uiiding .fRetalUng distilled and malt Hqnors... 152.00...Jnly 20, 1876 Tmrkenbrod AueuBt North aide Congress st...Ketai!ing distilled and malt liquors... 153.00...Oct. 15,1876 iloorman Georee. ...East side Huron at Retailing distilled and malt liquora... 152.23...Aug. 3, 1876 "mini & Palme? Bast ide Huron et Retailing diBtilled and malt liquore... 152.20 ...July 20, 1876 1-twkinn Walter H n w corner Conereea and Hawitins, n r Washington etreets.... Retailing distilled and malt liquora... 156.00...Dec. 18. 1876 Simth, John Moo"rniaii b"5i".. .Bt-taHlng distilled and malt liquore... 150.00... üncollected lor want of property to levy on nnrion Tíenrv ......n w corner Washington banaon, nenrj pear, street9 Reteiline dletilled and malt llquors... 150.00...Failed. Grob Jacob Forest avenue Manulacturing malt liquors.. 50.00. ..ünpaid. AvAr William C .n e corner of Pearl and ajera, w ujiam v, Washington etreets Retailing malt liquore-for 8 montha, 26.66...ünpaid. YPSILANTI CITY- SECOND DISTRICT, rutlpr John M 4th ward, Follett Honae, Retailing distilled and malt liquors... 150.00...June 23, 1876 rrr (We M Fourth ward Retailing distilled and malt liquors... 153.50...Oct. 10, 1876 Frrms & Broihé'r '.Fifth ward Retailing distilled and malt liquors... 152.20...July 20, 1876 h ,okïr Mra Jenny' Fifth ward Retailing distilled and malt liquors... 150.00...June 23, 1876 Wewre'ich Johi T ".'.'.Flfth ward Retailing malt liquors 40.55...July 20, 1876 Otto Georèe Fifth ward Retailing malt llquors 40.00...June 21, 1876 VfieMr AnniT'Z.Fifth ward - Retailiug malt liquore , 40.00...July 21', 1876 p,Sr!iiiC Fifth ward Manuiacturiug malt llqnora„ 100.00...June 23, 1876 Icri, Martl:::::::::Ffth Z?l:: aetaUlng malt Hqaora.. 2S.00...Dec 11.' 1876 aaeeasment for 7 montas.- Üncollected, 33 cents VILLAGE OF DEXTBR. Schlanderer Wm. F North side Main treet...Retailiug dlatilled and malt liquors... 63.40...June 29, 1876 for Tax of 1875 Wall Garrett South side Main street...Retalling dietilled and malt liquors... 150.00...June 23, 1876 Stibbin i Henry .North side Main street...Retaiiing malt liquors 40.00...June 26, 1876 Dolar, John North side Main street... Retailing distilled and malt liquors... 155.00...Oct. 10, 1876 V „ !,♦„' oeoré' South Blde Main street... Retailing diatilled and malt liquors... 15-2.25...Aug. 2, 1876 ries-er Frederick""7"!bouth side Main atreet... Retailing distilled and malt liquors... 152.25...Aug. 2, 1876 Sté'bbiñs Henry North aide Main street...fietailing distilled llquurs 9l.60...Sept. 18, 1876 for 10 months MoGninneBS James. Sonth ide Main etreet...Retallin(; malt liqnors 40.40...July 15,1876 McGuinness James South side Main street...Retaillng distilled liquora 64.12...Oct. 7, 1876 for 7 moHths Phalan Michael Foot of B slreet Retailing malt liquore 83.33...July 3,1876 Pha an' Michael" l-.Foot of B street. Retailing distillea liquors 45.84...Unpaid. ■. uo i, Af seased Dec. lat, 1876 Schlanderer, Wm. F North eide Main street...Retailing malt liquors 40.00...ünpaid. V1LLAGB OF MANCHESTER. Bradt. A Schuyler Exchange Place Retailing distilled and malt üquors... 35.84. ..May 8, 1876 ' for 3 monttis Gwinner Charlea Exchange Place.. Retailing malt liquors 40.00...June 23, 1876 Waltz John .Exchange Place Retailing distilled and malt liquore... 150.00...June 19, 1876 KlróhTesner'"wm ' Exchange Place Retailing distilled and malt liquors... 150.00...June 21, 1876 r 'hn Conrad ' " Exchange Place Retailing distilled and malt liquore... 150.00...June 23, 1876 San"èr Charles' Zfixchange Place Retailing malt liquors 40.00...Jnue 23, 1876 Tiaub 'Mra Catherine, Railroad street ReUiling malt liquors, 40.00...June 21, 1876 rad : 'A 8 ."........Exchange Place Retailing malt liquors 40.45...July 28, 1876 Kin-fesB 'Mi'chael ....Kxchange Place Retailing malt liquore 40.45...July 20, 1876 Dab 'Michael ...Z.Railroad street Retailing malt liquors 40.45...Jnly 26, 1876 Nanman Conrad Exchange Place Retatling diatilled and malt liquors... 152.80...Oct. , 1876 St one J .' L......7...... Main street Retailing distilled and malt liqiiois... 75.00...Oct. 30, 1876 1 for 6 months Roichert Robert Main atreet Retailing malt liquore 26.67. ..Sept. 17, 1876 for 8 montha VILLAGE OF SALINE. Armstrone John Vlllage of Saline Retailing diBtilled and malt liquora... 25.00...March 10,1876 For 2 montha. Whitini? Frank Villaee of Saline Retailing distilled acd malt Hquor8...150 00...June 23, 1876 Armatronff John Village or Saline Retailing disiilled and malt liquora...l50.00...Jnne 22. 1876 Welnett Daniel ""....Villaee of Saline Retailing malt liquors 20.00...June 23,1876 Schaffer John!';! Village of Saline ReUiling distilled aud malt liquors... 62.50...Dec. 19, 1876 For 5 monthe VILLAGE OF CHELSEA. Gulde Andrew .„...Villsee of Chelaea. Retailing malt liquors 40.00...June 22,1876 MrNaroara Frank .Village of Chelsea Retailing distilled and malt liquors.... 150.00...Jnne 26, 1876 Bisel J B" Village of Chelsea Ketailing malt liquora 40.00...Jnne 20, 187 fJirhu'rh' Frè'd' Village of Chelsea Retailing malt liquors 40.00...Jnne 20, 187 Kein Chris "".'!'.!!.'..'.'. Village of Chelsea Retailing distilled and malt liquors. ...151.25... July 10, 187 vi,r '„„ Mrtin Villaire of Chelsea. Retailing distilled and malt livuors.... 152.25. ..Aug. 2, 187 Duncer 'jidward "'..'.... Vlllale ol ChelBea Retailing distilled and malt liquora 140.00...Oct. 9, 187 ' ' For 11 montha TOWNSHIP OF BRIDGEWATER. Gi thard Henry Brideewater Station Rutailing distilled and malt liquors... 150.00. ..June 26, 187 Koernlg' Charles River Raisin, sec. 20 Retailing malt liquors 40.40...Aug. , 187 Hauke William River Raiiin, sec. 20 Retailiryz malt liquora 31.66.. .Ang. 5,187 ' For 9i months Hanke William River Raisin, sec. 20 Retailing diBtilled liquore 45.80...Dec. 19, 187 Kense Heury "...".' River Raisin, aec. 20 ReUiling maltliquors 40.00... Failed. TOWNSHIP OF FREEDOM. Tut? Jacub e w y. of n eH ec. 22 Retailing malt liquors 40.00...June 16, 187 V eie Charle!-'" .!!-.. 4,n c U.n w Ü sec. 32. Retailing malt liquors 40.00...July Ï9, 187 Benerle, William 8 wcor.wi s w 4,eec.22..Retailing malt liquors 40.Oo-.Oct. lo, 187 TOWNSHIP OF LODI. Schalble, John B sec. 36 Retailing malt liquors 40.00 Blum Hhilip sec. 13. Retailing malt liquore 40.00...Dec. 10, 187 TOWNSHIP OF SCIO. Roueer Frederick sec. 25 Retailing malt liquora 40.00...June 17, 187 Weimer, Michael sec. 31 Retaillng malt liquora 40.00...Juue 23, 187 TOWNSHIP OF YORK. Holt Anaon A - Village of Mllan Retailin distilled and malt liquors... 62.50.. Feb. 5, 187 ' For5montus Brown Gilbert M Mooreville Retailing distilled and malt llquors... 150.00...Jnne 24, 187 Horton' Isaac Village of Milan Retailine malt liquors 40.00... Jnne 28, 187 McLanáhan, Wm. W...Village of Milan Retailing diBtilled aud malt liquors... l52.00...July 21), 187 TOWNSUIP OF NORTHFIELD. Walsh Wm and J n w cor. 8 w i eec. 20 Retailing malt liqaors 40.00...Jnly 3,187 Smith 'üelos F Whitmore Lake Ueteiling malt liquors 4!.O0...Dec. 14, 187 Traine'r John Wh'itmore Lake Retal! ing malt liquors 40.23. ..Aug. 30, 187 Murray, Franklh' Whitmore Lake. Retailiug malt liquors 4i.23...Dec. 20, 187 TOWNSHIP OF MANCHESTER. Preat, Obadiah e etde s e Hii w Ü 8ec.ll..Manufaclaring malt liquora 50.80...July 6, 187 TOWNSHIP OF LIMA. Lendanr, George eec. 29. _ - Retailing malt liquors 42.00...Dec. 1, 1866 I hereby certify the bove to be correct, as shown by the reporta on file in this office. STJEPHEN KV I IU II I M, County Treasurer.


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