For The Signal Of Liberty

Mn. T. Fostk n,- I haveread with much caro and nttention tin prodiiciion oà Mr. Treadwell in ihe last Signu louching tho subject of ihe "other intercsts " His argumentó have notconvinced me of error, but have had the effect to atrengthen me n the positions sinted in our Circular. Mr. Trendwell anya: " Whenever the fictif ious issues between the two great political part es of our country have been Ãkely to fai] in maintaining party identity- i has invariubly and successfully been done upon the "one idea" of mulual party hatred. - This is emphatically so at tho present ime. The VVhig leaiiers for instance, ïavo for some time most studiously been nstilling into their party not arguments - nor principie, but the "one idea" of hatred to the Liberty party. I have alluded to these few instanecsout of hundreds Ibat might be adduced- os illustrative morely of tho almost omnipotent power of tho close adherence of almost anylione idea whether it bo good-brtd-ov in diflirent. For instance, tho single dea of Annexntion was the theme cf the Democrats in thecampaign of 1844 - the entire reverse of this was the theme of tlie northr.rn whigs in the samecampaign. Tile truth is, the human mind cannot adhere with much power to more itÃafl one leading controlling idea at a time. Sajacious politicians, wJiether truc patriots ar mere demagoguges, know this and act iccordinely."Whni is t lio pojtïón of t!ie two leading pnr nes of our cotmiry wii h renard to the "other in teresti 1" Hnve they r-ot deÃined their prsiton' Wosi cerlninly: evcry. mnn whq votes wiih rLhei f these pnriiej dons it witb n view lo flie coursr ( polioy Mie pony is to pnrsue slioultf it succeed The preUminnrie-s have bren sctiled. and n coursc ifnction agreed upon in al) imporianis matter' of f gisjntjon, isnd tlu-y only to gelect c wjiich-wurd, a "'one jdea," and on ihey push ili virt i v. Whnt does victory imply ? Tbe out. â nos' cen.Tiily. ihc creed adoptcd with iez:ird tp Biink?. Tarjfls, the ditrihtuion oTtho proecc-dï ("the Public LaAda, &,c &c. Let t bc undersiorvl, for insinncc, the Whigi i)pvo bu; '-uno itle.T," ;mJ limi mitml pdrïy, Iiatrc.-l," unil li?t thèm nmkonn effori lo I o omo tlio doiniii.üii parjy of tbenntion npon this rnlfyifjg 'païai, and iet them not only ñogÃect; but ih:o'."Ultj rcfusa to mke grot.nd on n'nv otlier que-stion, and vii;it would bü their succees ! - Le. roh'snn nnnver. But lot it bc undcreiood lint the success of the party, undertho w.ituh-word. "mutual pirli ha trui," would ba bul the suceoss of nl! the ';othor mierest. '' in which American citizens are inter.esled, nnd well might thoy hopo to s:cceed. On the "singlo iden of Anne.xntion." the Dcm oc.-nts cotild not hnve come itito power in '44. This; to be .-urr wnsUieir ws'tch-word- this the thenie of their eloquence nnd to triuniph wns to lrin into power n pirty who woId cnriy into ;ill iho m ni i fien à ion 8 f góyérnmeni the vie-.v.s (â iitritnincf! !y Ãir partij on nli the legiti - mnte subjects of lerislatLoib The idea thnt Wliigs or Dcmocrnts ever did )r over bnp succeed on a 'Single iden," ? fnll?:c-ioiig in tlio extreme :- tlint ihey ever wül, in ïot heüovcd. Not a mnn in all their riiflfcs ndmits for n monent thnt he has hut ;one iden," but contenió bit tiio Bütfcess of his pnrty is but to secure all lint is vnlunblö in legisl-.iion. IIow is it with the Jherty Party? "It h.-is cen ploddingon wjih its '-onc iden," cqlllng ir new recruiia to HgJit n comnion foc. uintil in tny opiriion, ás n ''oñc ÃJea" party, it bas ncnrly or luim lenchcd itszenith. Whnl is to i2 done ? à nnswer, let ihc pnrty nke rigiit groind on tho most important topicsbat now interest American citizens. Let t tnkegronnd in favor of Kq;ml Politic-il. nd Civil Rjjrit;.-_n tf'iorough retorm of tlie Julicinry sysiftm- iho election of all N;iiionnl and Stnte oiiirere: tbércductióri of Snlniies- the erndnal rcduciion of the Army and Nnvy-the Tarff- lbo ïfduction o' the Post Office t.ix. &c. dl hended iitb the one grand and clevatcd ppsirion, O" Tuit Anoi.i'nov of Si.avkiÃv j as ns lilying poau- its wnich-word- ils .öl)ir 8tnr, ind it woúÃd nt once tfccupy i poViÃuJn to beenned by nli the lovers of equnl and e.nct justice, ind wouliibring to its rescue thoiisinds wl o are ïonestand well dispose., but who, nevertheleps. aniibt soe and feel thnt t is their duty to sacri; ico or pass by all th.nt is valunble in "othei inerestt," lor :he sole purposo of abolishing luverv. I have yet to Icr.Vn thnt Liberty men ennnot á well a?ree on these points as the menibers ol 'th'ér pnrties- or tbnt nn individual now nctins viib the party would Icavc in conacqiience of tlie iroposcd enlai-genicnt of iis plutform. The followinj,' truly sublime pnragmph from be letter of H. Hai.i.ock Es(i. of Detroit, in be lest Ãïgnoi, lyloubt not breathes the seniment and fcelinu of every rèal friend of tbr lave.VI r. Hallock siys : "In conduclon ihcn, let me siy.T gr nuonnd forerer, umi) it's peculiar Hc:iven-born work is nccomplished, fot the Liiierty 1'aiitv. 1 go lor it icilli or icitltot't an addition of Principies - próvl ilino' such addition, sliuuld it be mndo. involvos nothing thnt I regard as iti itselt morally wrong l go tor it hut ou!y na the i.ast fiói'k of' tbc sufl'enng Slavk, iiut as the only door of ilclivernnce tor our guüiy land Irom thnt Hcnven-dnring oin of oppression, wluch, if penniited lo rernain. will aa cert.-iinly consign us na a Nntion to in eorly nnd dishonored grave, nnd canse na tobe numbered with pnst EmpÃrea which' have cruinl!ed undcr the nccumulnted weiiiht of llii'ir opprciÃsions, ns there isa Jusr Gou rii Hkaven ! " On the othcr hnnd, 1 knoy of n:nny who. should üio proposed nlternlwn tnke place, would nt once opérate with the frienda of freeduni. I am nnxions the discussion nhould go iorwÃfc forjust in proportion as it procoeds, are couveris to iho principie of enlnrgomcnt multiplie'd. Yuuru for the opiiossed,