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THE OLD RELIABLE Fire Insurance E NCY OF C. H. MILLEN. HOME OF NEW YORK, Capital and Surplus, $,000,000. CONTINENTAL OF N. Y., Capital and Surplus, $3,000,000. NZAGAHA OF 1T. T., Cash Assels, $1,500,000. GIRARD OF Phil adelphia., Cash Assets, $1,000,000. OHIE1TT of Hartford Cash Assets, $800,000. Policies issued at as low ratea as in any respousible Company. C. H. MILLEN, No. 4 Sonf Ji Mam Street, Ann Arbor. IF YOU WANT A GO 00 OVËRCOAT AND WANT TO BUY IT CHEAP, 00 TO WM. WAGNER'S For He is Selling Overcoais at Cost. IP TOUE BOY WANTS A BOX OF COLLARS BEND HIM TO WM. WAGNER'S FOIt THEEE HE CAN OET THE BEST FOR TUK LEAST MONKY. IP YOU WANT AGOODSUIT MADE TO ORDER, go to WM. WAGNER'S 1 South Main Sr. Ann Arbob. ITotice. TUK Annual moeting of the Stocicholdera of the Kim Nittional Bank of Ann Arbor, wíl! bu eld at their Buuking House on Tuesday the niuth ay of Jauuary, 187í. Polla for electiou will be pen bet ween 10 and 12 o'clock a. m. By order of the Board. J. W. KKIGHT, Cashier. Ann Arbor, December 6, 1876. EXAMINE THE JOB LOTS IN SUITS AND OVERCOATS a.t Tía: e (JLÜÍH1M IIIIISÜ! TRICES TOO LOW TO TALK ABOUT. Gloves and Mittens OP ALL STYLES. A. L. NOBLE. , A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR EARNED ! NEW GOODS ! And prices LOWER THiN EVER. I have purchased in New York. for cash, and I ara now duily receivintï one of the largest and most select stock of (iroceriee iu Wnshli n;iv County, consisüng oí a iull and well selected LINE OF TEAS, All of tho new orop - including Riiiiponden, lui pei iitl, ï uun; II - ons, II ; suns, Japan, Oolonga, I, (.'ouuruii, ipii !ioii-n. und 'l'waukays, Togetherwith a full line ofCOFFEES, consistïnK of tliH follovring brand: MUCHA, OLD ÜÖV'T JAVA, MAKACA1ISO, L AGITA Y RE, SANTOS Hnd KIO, both rousted und round ; a full ind well solucted xtock of SUCAR3, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Toftether with everything in the line cf Pure Spicas.Canned fruits. and Vegetables. We have a full and complete liue of BOOTS & SHOES, IIAÏS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hosiery. Also, a choice saortment of Ludin' and Gentlemen' Culi ud exuniine Üoods and Pricea and we will indure sntisfaction. KDWAI1D DUFFY. Muynards Block," cor. Main and Ann streeta Ann Arbor, Micb. ■yHif?het cash price puid for all farm RAILROADS. MÍCHiWTIktiuL Iíaiii;,,, NOV. !0, 1ST6. A)' QOlNO WJIiT. ====5sssJ ■ KI i.r BTATIONB. S o, ■- , ; Xl-OI i A. M. A. M p u ' Detroit, leave, I 7 00 910 4w?ai O. T. Junction, T 15 9 25 JS ÜS Wayne Junctiou 7 4 9 50 Sla so !■ tfpsilanti, B 15 10 17 550 'i' AnnArbor, I 8 3510 85 t, 8', Delhi, I 8 50' 8,j ''.. Dexter, ü 00 - ' g .ju ' - ; v Cholnea, ■ 9 18' . : 6 5 5 a- Graas Lake, , 9 4; 7 ÏN p. M : '"k, Jackson.Lv., 10 30}2 00 g 00 t Albion, J11O4 12 45 ': Marshull, !ll 60 130„-' ' p. k. p,5g 1 10 : BattleCreck, 12 20 1 M T1 ! L, Ualesburg, 12 95 ' ' 't 1 HmJ Kalamazoo, 1 15' 2 38 4 oó rM Lawton, - 166 i 4 41 iS'! Decutur, 2 15 4 110 , W Dowaifiac, 2 41 5 26 ,' Niles, :i 11 4 07 6 10 }" buchanan, 3 25 6 28 Thrve Oaks 1 3 66 4 43 7 04. "v, New Huffalo, ' 4 13 !4 55 7 21 ■ Michigau Clly, 4 40 5 20 7 5o S"Lake, 5 23 5 69 S S5 .: Kcpsinfïton, 6 20 6 4U 9 40 ühioago, arrive, i 7 05 J 2510 25 QOIMQ EA8T. i l -i i _L_JL_L J ,a.m. a. m.'p. m. rr ('hicago, leave, 6 00 8 30 3 50 Keüuiugton, & 46; 9 12 4 35 . : ' La!;e, I 6 40Í 9 54 6 23 [ Michigan City, ' 7 32 10 40! 6 -5, NewBuffalo, 7 6611 00Í 6 51 Tliriic Oaka, 5 ui) 11 13 7 (18, Buohanan, 8 41 7 60 ' Niles, 01' 'U S5 8 20 7" Dowagiac, a 27 8 48 -L;Decatur, ! 9 52 1 9 15, ' Lawton, 10 10p. h.1 9 5 ,':i Kulamazoo, Í10 50; 1 15. 10 10) in J T Oalesburff, 11 12 I , '-1 Bttttle C'reek, U 47 1 57 4 i 111 P.M. = ' Marshall, 12 45. 2 40 7 11(lv Albion, 1 10! 8 02 I !_T Jackson.Lv., ' 2 15' 45 A? i lï UraasLake, 2 45 7 53 li il ' Chebea, 3 lu 8ïi- _: Uexter, ' 3 25 83; Detti, 3 37 . s m __ ' AnnArbor, 3 52 4 56 9 (.j j ,1 7 Ypsilanti. 4 15j 5 10, . 9 2J i Wayne June, 4 43 5 29 U-OOJa. ö. T. June, 5 SO 6 OO! 10 45 íií Detroit, Ar., I 5 tó 6 16 UOOilj "Sunday excepted. :8aturday aod Snili, oepted. tDaily. H.B. LKDYARD, Gen'l Sunt De H. O. Wkntwouth, Gen. Pasa. Agt., CÜr Comer Main and IIumíSr DETEOIT, HILLSDALE&Í ANA EA1LROAD. To take effect December 31t, 18J6, GO1NÜ WEST. OOUOB stations. Frght. Mai.. statioks. Fiii A. M. P. M. Ypsilanti.... 7:00 6:00 1 '■l aline 7:67 6:S5 ; Bankare j. Undgewater.. t:30 6:65 j Hillsdale t " Manchester. 9:10 7:18 Manchester' la '. HUW. 12.35 M9:l, SWatet g. Bankers. ... 12:55 9:30 YpBÍlanti.. Mi Traina run by Chicago time. To take efíect , Dec. 31, 1876 W. F. PARKER, Sup't, Tilc greaTYestei RAIL WAY. THE SHORT LINT BETWEEN DEW" BUFEALO, NEW YORí NIÁGARA FALLS, B0S1I PMlallBlïliij, AND Al.L EASTERN CITIE8. I (i .Mll-IvSHu-SIiortrsI l.ini-lr. A if Detroit to Bulfalo an 1 1'oÍDts En 83P A C: Miles the shortest line from Dan:; &JT1 O Niágara Palla and points tjtst. Sure Coiinectiong at Sinpfmi and Buffiilo wilb the i-h York i 'nitral miü i.ri. Hailways, The Truck and Equipmenla of ttie GEL' WEBTEHN ara perleet, and lt is inntiaired Ai a view to the SAFKTY ttufi C05II PatronB. T0ÜRIST8 AND PLEASURE SEEKtS Should hear in mind the GREAT WBSTH! Hüilway 19 the 8hortat and most Comfcrtil Route between Detroit, Suspensión Bridpu Buüalo, aud is the only line whicli crosaes Sop Miun Bridge in juli vicrv of the falla. For information and tickets via thispoftk route apply to O. W. BHARPLESS. Agent M. C. Ii. K., Ana Arbotïü I " OI,D KE5TTVCKY HOMÏ," H J'iinsoiis marvelOws pictuic, Un'.CKKiTiSI'í W ül ouc ol' Americii'.s g]c:iti'st hiilms thp mncnifWi.t calleil WATKW öLt.,M ihe most pi'-tureiue: Teautiii;l i Njituri-' curu-.'-itu's in Nor: i '■ falthiully ivpn-siir-.! in Waters' fjiinous :■■ betü siK-ces-luilv rt-piodui:eil aitirtivemuDttjiw!1ousstudv jiml u.i-k fpr premin ma lor the(tni"" pictorial oi N-w Vink, Thk Illtstratki '■ Each picture ha? Ih-pu perfoctoC by 27 dlft" pressions in oil coiors, sízí; 24 fkkt, and I elifrlitly renccil iruin tbubite ui Die -f trnaL pji5 Tiiey are c(.yri{rhtJ vm M-cmvd for " use ot tliis paju-r as premiums, and nn tl does imw or wur wlU exist iur stourtog tlirnt ThellluRtrattHlWeekly Ir a larye eiRlit-p pure, instructiva and umusinsi; portDtyioi! "f1: and itencll current events; hitinca!, lious1 UKt'ful suii.iects; fun and tlction. L'DstctariUil' political- ning al ike to ai) uects and pani ,„ Jamks Partox, contrlbotlDff editor, ndWJ? best coinritiuLurs inctudintr Dr. KuIIít WalW.J"? llfnri Browne.WajtAdeler, Horard riui.&'i-ii' Knox, " WalRiiifrham.'' Jeitulc June, Joliii Bratí" Kdgar Fawcett. BionaoiJ iiuward, etc, etc-"1' L. .Varkíí. Editor. _„. This paper has attalne) the largtst circv!&z, one amunif the llliutrated iouruala of tbts e which is the best proof ofits merit. "It far exceeds Harpor's or Lesüe's la ■iB ability.'- Jersey City UrraifX. . M "A very cleverly edited paper."- Spirit tfw "One of the most fascinatinR weeklie putí1 the country.'- Imttanapotis Journal. Itisa large and haadsome bhttt"- Brn erlpt. _ " It fa truly a model Ilterary and fwnlv " paper."- charleston (S. r.) A'euu. . .-. "TheinducementsofTered are fully cairwJ cThe Independent, N. Y. " One of tlie best oí its daas "- JK 1. CM. LT5 Scbscriptios Pkick CI.OO ja-r yoar, iw'rSTi two above-uamed Cbromoe, whU-U wlll be j Instpaid to any addresafor 25 cents additioo!1 suiu hnrely cover the cost of postage. .u Nend $3 25 at once and secure these fTn!55 with h copy every week for a year of a beautiWVPJ" truted, pure, Ínbtructive,audeiitt;riuiDng.iewifr11 A ft CUTO Wantid ln "eryc'tí 13 El I N I N 'Ke '" Union tottMf nUbll I VI -ript fortliemoagS mi uewspuper published. Evitv exiriencuíL... every unemployed iierson desirous cf Mcuni -"" alueand lucrativo occupatiim pliould end fliflV circulartí eivinp complete and convinctng íf' 1 ticulars, or, better than that. as you ai " '.' I take hold anvhow, senil $4.00 for tbe compWWJ I llt, which is all that la required to Insure W&L I aml save the time cousunu'il ln convnpoMltg I Every dav'a delay is worth lully tiiecortw1" I outfit. Address, Chas, Olucas & Co,, Publishers, I 14 Warren St.,New York, a Or 112 Honro St., Chicago, f HVSCRANGB GOMP Jl Capital, - - $3.000,X Assets Jan 1, 1 S 7C, $6,792,649.93. Losses Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71Surplus over all Liabilities, incluí Re-Insurance Keserve, $4,735,092.36Net Surplus over Liabilities, incla" Be-Iusuranca and Capital Stoc. $1,735,092.36. C. MACK, Asent, AdoAi SEXD 25c. toG.P, C0.v'jtí 9 for pamphlet of 100 paifea, contiunins (ï,- 3000 newspapers, aad eatunute ahosiaK1vertiaing. ___-. 1()Ala; at home. Agenti ?'fJ1lt, ' 9 1 and termí ír8. TEUE 4 00.. AUKU'


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