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- A little snow every rtay or so keeps th ileighing A L. -- The new county ofticera eutered on dut ou Momlay laat. - The several departments of the Uuíversi ty coramence operations on Tuesday nest. - The public schoola of thia city rusum tbeir daily work on Mouday next., Jauuary 8. - D. S Millen & Co., of this city, tuanufac ture a soap wnli superior erasive and cleauin qualities. - Cien. Torn Thumb and suite hoid a leve at the Upera Houae this aíteruoon and auothe in the eveuiug. - Ex-Sheriff Fleming was voted for by th Democratie Senators on Weduesday, for Ser geant-at-Arms. - Prof. C. E. Greene, of the University, is announced as assistant editor of the Chicago Engineering News. - At the late aession f the Regents of the University the salary of the librarían was raised írora f 1,500 to 11,800. - J udge Cheever has removed hia office from the Court House to his old quarters on the East side oí the Square. - Hon. L. D. Norria, of Grand Eapids, has been in town this week, - attendiug upon the sessions of the Circuit Court. - Frank Emenck proposes to celébrate hls electiou as Circuit Court Commisaiouer by takiiig up his resideoce in this city. - W.H. Mclntyre bas removed his grocery jtock to the Devany store, No. 10 Huron stteet - a few doors east oí his old place oï business. - The Adrián Press says that Bev. E. J. Fish, of that city, is soou to marry an Aun Arbor lady,- if rumor is a truth-teller. Who is she '{ - C. H. Millen & Son advertise in this week's Akgus their annual " low down " aale, aud a rare opportuuity is offered good goods buyers. Go in aiid see them. - Six per cent : that is the amouut of the semi-annual dividend which the First National Bank of this city cominenced paying to its stockholders ou Tuesday last. - Joe T. Jacobs ia making a specialty ot Scotch woolen shirts and rtrawers- just the tliiug for such winter weather as the weather clerk is reeling off. See his ad. - The Circuit Court opened Tuesday. The ftrst jury case was called on on Wednissday: Lizzie Traver va. Nathan Webb, slander, and was continued during yeaterday. - Iu the Circuit Court, on Weduesday, John Carr plead guilty to a charge of larceny (the York horse and wool-stealer), and Ellie Harrie guilty to a charge of Jarceny from a atore. - By order of the Board of Rogents the School of Pharmacy is no longer au attachment or anuex to the Department of Science, Literature, and the Arts, but a separate school. - We hear that a?rangements are being made by the Odd Fellows of Dexter i'or the establishment, in that village, of au encam - ment of the patnarchal branch of their ordei. - Is it too much to ask of every subscnber to the ABGU8 to aid in extending lts circulation for 1877. A word spoken to a non-subcriber is all that is necessary to get his name and the ïl 50. - A youug lady of thia city was recently iutroduced to a gentiemau (a studeut) named Moody, and imniediately disclosed the channel iu which her thoughts were running by addiesaiug him as " Mr. Sankey." - The Common Council made a short sesaion and a hasty adjournment on Tuesday evening, and didn't reach action on Aid. Besimer's resolution recommending a repeal of the saloon license clauae in the charter. - Grovernors Bagley and Crosswell spent a day or two last week iu " Jooking up " the 4e University. Their impressions may oubtless be discovered by reading the message of the one and the inaugural address ot the other. - By order of Judge Huntingtou a new book case haa beeu purchased and put into the Court Houte, and by another order the compiled and session laws and the Michigan Reports will be placed in tbe case for the use of the court. - Luke Coyle, grocer doing business for many years on the north side of the square made an assignment on Wednesday evening to Edward Duffy, i'or the benefit of hia creditors. Amount of assets or liabilities not yet made public. - lhe Register is responsible for the statement that Dr. Haileek recently deceased in this city never was absent frotn home but two nights during a married üfe ol 37 years unless with patiënte, and that he was never inside of & railroad car. - - Sheriff Case has made the following appointments : Under-Sheriff, Michael Fleming ; deputies, W. H. Mclntyre, of this city ; V. H. Potter, of Dexter ; and Jas. Hudler, of Chelsea. Edward Warren has been appoiuted turnkey at the jail. - Hou. Andrew Robison, of Sharon, while going through the atable of his son John J., on Christmaa day, was kicked by a horse and had two nbs broken. Uncle Andrew said he didu't care so much lor the ribs, but he didn't rehsh being kioked by a Democratie horse. - The following persous were elected officers of Washtenaw Lodge No. 9, I. O. O. F., on Friday evening last: X. B. Covert, N. G.; Dr. 0. George, V. G.; W. W. Nichols, Secretary; Geo. Grenville, Treasurer; M. Staebler, S.; D. Cramer and C. J. Gardner, Representativea to Grand Lodge. - A committee of the Begeuts has been charged with an investigation into the feasikility and coat of heating all the University tuildings from one central boiler house ; also with an inquiry into the cost of erecting gas Works, and mauufacturing gas íor use in the several Uuiversity buildings. - James Hulburt, sou of Win. Hulburt, ot 'his city, went home intoxicated on Tuesday Teniiig, attempted to rob his father's desk, and being iriterfered with severely cut his father with a razor and injured his mother and sister. Neighbors were called in, who succeeded in binding him after a desperate struggle, and he was given in charge of an officer who escorted him to jail. His examinatioa is set down íornext Monday. - Bro. Wyukup has caught the Abgus in a mistake in fixing the almanac date ior the beginning of Winter as Dec. 1. His stook ot almanacs say Dec. 21 at 5 o'clock 42 minutes A. i K. We shall appeal to the almanac makers lor a revisión, - for we are inclined to believe that in this latitude winter ordinarily begins (in earnest if not in name) several weeks before the sun enters Caprisorn. The ffictions of the alinanac don't exactly agree with the facts. - The Ypsilanti Commercial threatens opposition to a new Court House, - just because the Supervisors gave Beal instead of Pattison the job of printing the proceedings of the board in pamphlet form. And twenty-two of the tweuty-h've offendiiig Supervisors don't live in Aun Arbor, which seems to be the innocent subject of the Commercial's spite. Isn't Pat. making faces at somebody's sister 't - The stockholders of and depositors in the Arm Arbor Savmgs Bank have reason to congratúlate themselves on the favorable showiug made by the statement published in another column. The managers of the bank have taken every raeans to secure their depositors: careful loans on real estáte and other securities, with double-burglar prooi' safe and a private night-w-Uchman for the protection of the balance in bank. Deposits in the savings department get 5 per cent. compound interest; combining daily and uightly increase with the afe-keeping of their fuuds. - The model of the lleda and Calumet stamp mili, which on its arrival was set up in the lower hall of the central building, has been removed to the laboratory building. ïhi beautiful and costly model was built tor exhtbitiou at the (Jentenuial, and was presented to the UniTersity by Presjdent Agassiz of the Heola and Calumet Compauy. The real mili ot which it is au exact miuiature is the largest stamp mili in the world. - Dr. N. S. Halleck. for the last two years a resident of this city, and prior to that lor ueurly forty years a resident of Whitmore Lake, died on Saturday afternoon last, while sitting in his chair examining some business papers. His wifu had been absent from tlie room but a few minutos and wheu she returnec found him dead, pencil in one hand and boo in the other, Mr. Hal leek was born in Madiaon County, N. Y., in July, 1806, and had chereloi e passed his seveutieth birthday. Down Comes Gas.- The public will welcome the announcement that the Ann Albor Gas Company has reduced the pnce of gas for the six fall and winter months - October to March inclusive - to 30 cents per hundred feet, beginning with the flrst day of January inst. lt is nnderstood that several other gas companies in the State have made thv same reduction. The animal meeting of Forest Hill Cemetery Company of this city was held at the office of the Clerk on Tuesday aftsrnoon last. The attendance of lot owners was very small. The following oñicers wore re-elected : President - J. Austin Scott. Olepk - George GrenviJle. Treasurer - Emanuel Maun. Trustees -John M. Wheeler, S. H. Qouglas. Sexton - Lewis C. Riadon.