The Second Daily Newspaper In The World

ment of the circulation and business of the London Times, which is the most influcntial journal in Europe, and one having the largest circulation, reaching twentyone thousand daily. As immense as Ihis edition apffparr, there are iwo instances in the United States which exceed it - the New York Sun and the Public Ledger of Philadelphia. The firsl of these has a circulation of over thirty thousand; the Public Ledger, as we learn'frcm a statement sworn to before an Alderman, has a circulation averaging twenty-four thousand three hundred and tv.cnty-six daily, which makes it the second daily newspapor in point of circulation in the world. The aggregate number of copies of the Public Ledger printed wifhin the month past, is six hundred and fifty six" thousand, eight hundred and eight, considerablv over half a million per month," and nearly eight millions in a year! ! The Revue des Deux Mondes, contáins a remarkable disquisition on the question of Foundling Hospital;?, and a particular description of the hospital of Paris. This institution received, from 1310 to 1835, ninety-six thousand four hundred and fiftecn infants, presumid Ão be natura}, and six thotisand se ven hundred and seventy four prosumed to be legitÃmate. The annual oontribution to it from capital averages fivo thbusifcd. A religious attendant in the Paris Hospice, Sister Guillot, served. fifty-two _veai-s, and received and nursed three hundred and sixty-thousand infants. This Ã3 the most extensiva nursing that we ever heaÃd pL
Old News
Signal of Liberty
Sister Guillot