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State News Brevities

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To protect themselves agaiust thieves and tramps, Monroe has engaged two night policeraen. The niaiu building of the Greenville Ga 8 Light Company's works burned al 8 o'clock P M., January 4. No insurauce. The first auuual fair of the Saginaw Valloy Poultry Assouiation comulgúeos in Saginaw Jauury 30 and ends Febru ary 3d. The assooiation offers f 1,700 in premiums. The loases by tire in Butilo Greek for the year 1876 amount to only abou $25. It has been sevoral years siuct Battle Creek eseaped with 80 slight a Io88 as during the past year In 1875 the losses aruountod to $23,475. Contracta for 40,000 tons of ice, to be delivered at Cincinnati and Louisville have been taken by parties at Clrve land, who expect to harvust th e erop near the head of Detroit Rivor. Adrián is to have a chicken ahow whioh will last for three days, begin ning January 24. " Thia is no ordinarj hen oonvention," says the Tinuix, " bu wiü be a tírst-class poultry show, anc uudoubtodly the largest ovor huid in tho State." The annual reunión of tho Mexican War Veterans will be held at Grane Eapids on the lach inst. The 'Morton House has been selected as beadquar ters and aspleudid bauquet will be hele in the evening. S. I). (Jlay will deliver tho address of welcouie, and froai sixty to one hundred old war veterans who re to bo present will undoubtedly havo a pleasant and proiitable time. A little son of Mr. W. Wilson, of Flint, niet with a shocking and perhaps futal accident on the 2d inst. Mrs. Wilsou was melting a quautity of lard ia a largo kettle and just as she was litting it froni the stove the little fellow rau agaiust her and spüled the boiliug lard over his head. It rau down his face burning all the flesh off one side and destoying one oye, bo that if he lives he will be teiribly disfigured. An examination was held at Pontiac last week of' the candidates for the vacant oadetship at West Point. There wore seveuteen candidates, six of whom were rejoctod for physical dinability. Jasper D. Wooster, of Lansiug, Hged 21, six feet high, and a ïnember of Company H, was the winning inari. The Adrián Tomperance Reform Club, orgamzed by Dr. Reynolds, now has nearly four huudrod ineuibers and is daily increasing. Commodious rooms have been secured and fitted up and aio frequented ovonings by large numbers who heretofore visited saloons. Henry Soymour, one of the pioneer sottlers of Kent County, (lied January Hth, agod tifty five. Mr. Soymour had reoresented Kent County in both branches of the Legislatura in years past and was a man well and favorably kuown. Albert Sholdon and Joseph Siseo were out huuting in the townsbip of Elk, Siinilac county, last Saturday afternoon, and having decided to return home were climbing a fence, the two men beiug about twelve rods apart, when Sheldon's gun went off, and tho ball hit Siseo in the left oyo, passing through his head. He lived uutil Sunday uiorning. The stores owned J. D. Millis, Pontiac, and occupiod by Stout & Ingoldsby and M. F. Lfiroy, was burned on Mon day last. Loss trom $10,000 to $15,000. Insurance on Stout & Ingoldby's stock $.',000, Loioy's insurance not known. Üngin of fire unkuown. William F. Htiuson, of Constantine, waf knouUud down and robbod of somo $400 and an overcoat on Thursday evening whilo gomg trom the depot to his house. The fur trado of Buy City for this winter will probably amount to $10, 000. There are fur buyors thore who sell to agentts for Dotroit, Grand Rapids aud Eastern house. Loranger, agent for Buhl, Newland & Co., of Detroit, purehaspd about $2.000 worth of the buyers thcre during tho past week. Tho Huron County News sayslumbermen are only paying $2 per day for the bost teams in tuis county. Some teamstors have gone across the bay, where $3 is offered, but most think tho formor prico at home is botter than the highor one abroad. The Rev. J. C. Burkholder, of the Baptist Church, Ci'Utervillo, was thrown froin a sleigh last S'iturday, sustaining a sprain in thn left knee that will lay hun up for a few ilays, though he was carried to the church and seated in his chair, preached in the union services that are being held. The Mining Gazette pnblishes a tabulated statement of thi yields of the different mines of Lake Suporior during the year ending December 31, 187(, which shows that 11 miuoB produce 23,088 tous of copper.


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