Fire In Rochester

â A mosltive conÃfo'grarjon occurred this morning in the buildings on the corner of Buflalo and State Strèëjs, owned by John Burns. The fire was iirs! discovpred in the billiard room ol" Gen. Y. Rail, next êa'st of the office of the Democf:, nbout 15 minutes bcfore twelve o'clock. For nearly nn hotir, the tiro was supposod to be subdóëd, hut was only smolhered, it beitig out of the reach of the firemen,, when it burst soddènly out of the roof, and notwjihstanding the iloorà of water which was jioured upon the building, in an instant the whole block, from the Arcade on BufTalo .Heet, to' Hamihon's bnok-store on state slreet, was enveloped in flnmes. The third story of the correr building. was occupifxl by StroDg & Dawson, of the Daily Democnn. iMost of the type and cases were removed. The pfesses and o(he? iixtures were deslrovcd. Insured for $2,000, ivfiich wil] 'probably nearly or quiie cover the loss. John jBurns, bwnor of tlió building, was ifistïrëd about vfjOO, whic!) wilà probably covor the lósff.
Accidents - Fire
Strong & Dawson
Old News
Signal of Liberty
John Burns
George W. Hall