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- A big snow storcu.yesterday. - A. Shively, of N. Y., was in the city yesterday, f uil of business as usuul. _ R. A. Beal, of the Courier, is a prominent „leiuber of the Third house at Lansmg. - Wendell Phillips is oöe of the latest tuüents' Leoture Assooiation engagements. - The Ypsilauti Commercial records the ■y'ew Year's yifts receivod by a few favored 01)88-The Snnth Whitney Concert Oonipany Bppears before the Students' Lecture Associatiou uext Tuesday eveniug. This being the " Week oí Prayer" unión services have been held each afteruoou, and jeparate services each evening. - Kev. Kobert Collyer discoursed upon "Clear Grit" beiore the Students' Lecture Association on Wednesday evening. - "If you are hard up for meat, take youi gun and go qut and snoot a rabbit. They are plenty."' So says the Manchester Enterprise. - Assistant Professor Edward L. Walter, of the University, has recently been made Doctor of Philosophy by the University oí Leipsic. - Prof. Tyler will give the discourse in University Hall on Sunday afteruoou next, at 3 o'clock. Subject : The Ciiuie of Pontius Pílate. - 10 deg. below zero : that was the record of our thermometer at 7 o'clock Tuesday morniug. We didn't hanker after ice-cream tor breakfast. - Senator Burleigh and Representative Sawyer spent a day or two with their constituents duriug the reces, but returned to tausiug on Tuesday. - The liabilities of Luke Coyle, whose asngnment was noticed last week, are put at J,800, oí which amount $3,800 is secured by araortgage on his store. - There was a slight Jauuary thaw on Saturday last, but it ouly damaged the sleighing a little, which damages were f ully repaired by aaother fall of snow Sunday night. -Anthony Gallagher, au old gentleman residing at Hudson, in the town of Dexter, dropped dead on Saturday last, while harnessiog his horaes preparatory to going to chuch. Heart disease. -Frank L. Felch, son of Gov. Felch, of this city, who graduated in the Literary Department of the University in June last, left for California on Wednesday : in search of his fortuue. The Univeruity boys on the Pacific coast will give him a hearty welcome. -This evening J. F. H. Hamson, of Detroit, ybois highly spoken of as an elocutiouist, ill give dramatic readiugs in Union 8chool Hall, mider the auspices of the Alpha Sigma Society, of which society he was formerly a member and president. Admission : members ol the school, 15 cents ; others, 25 cents. - About 250 mineral specimens from the Upper Península, exhibited at the Centennial, have been received at the University. A model section of an iron bridge, constructed by Kellogg aud Morris, of Athens, Pa., and exhibited at the Centennial, has been presented to the engineering department of the University. - The annual meeting of the First National Bank of tlns city was held on Tuesday and the old board of directors ie-elected as follows: Ebenezer Wells, Philip Back, Hiram Arnold, David Heuning, Chauncey H, Millen, James Clemeuts, Johnson W. Knight, John Henley, and Charles Tripp. - The annual meeting of the Washtenaw Mutual Insurauce Co. was held on Wednesday and the following directors elected: H. M. Mowry, Allen Crittenden, John J. Hobison, E. A. JVordman, and Newton Sheldou. The 'wrd organized by electing Allen Crittenden, Praident, and N B wton Sheldou, Secretary and tasurer. - Lady lawyers are inoro industrious and time-saving than their male brethren. Our reporter Baw one busy with her knitting in the Circuit Court room on Tuesday, serene and nndisturbed by the eloquence of counsel in a pending criminal case,- a case too in which one of her own sex was beiug tried by a male jury, male lawyers, and a male court. -James Hulburt, whose druuken fit and attack upou his father was noticed in the AeGUS of last week, was arraigned before Justice McMahon on Mouday, on a charge of being drunk and disordesly, plead guilty, and in default of ÏÖ00 bail to keep the peace for a year vas billeted for the same length oí time to the Detroit House of Correotion. - lt costs just about $100 a day to run the Circuit Court for this couuty. The suit of Iraver vs. Webb (slander) tried last week occupied three f uil day's time oí tho court, and the jury was locked up from Saturday morning ontil 10 o'clock Sunday morning. Verdict for plaiutiff, f48. Cost to county, over Ï400. Couuty gets back, jury fees, $3. And many other cases tried are just about as profitable to the couuty. - Both the Sentinel and Commercial " pitch info" certain business men of our neighboring city ior giving their printing to runners of Detroit and Chicago houses. Tlns city is not exeropt Irom the same class of business men, but it is useless to growl at thern. They are always glad of " puft's " from local papers and not at all modest or backward about beggiug them, but there is no getting their orders for letter heads, note heads, and commercial printing generally, on less. than first cost of stock must be charged and the work thrown in. The venerable Alexis Caswell, D. D., LL. D. i-president of Brown University, with which institution he had been connected for nearly half a century, died at his home in Providonce, B. I., on Monday morning lost, aged 78 years, Br. Uaswoll graduated from Browu in 1822 ; from 1828 to 1850 he was professor of mathematica and natural philosophy theroin ; from 1850 to 1864 professor of mathematics aud astronomy ; and from 1868 to 1872 pr sident. He was once professor of lauguages in Columhaollege, Washington ; was one of the fouSlers oi the National Aoademy of Sciences 'lid in 1865 published " A Meinoir of John ïarstow." Dr. Caswell was the father of Mrs. Augell, of this city, wiie of President Angelí, "i the Universuy. Mrs. Angelí started for "rovidence on Saturday afternoon, in response to a telegram, but did not reach her destinaron until after her father's deith. Dr. AnSeU leït for Provideuce on Mouday afternoou. Two or three years ao Dr. Caswell visited his daugtiter here, spending some time, and durUlg his stay preached in the Baptist Church. ïhat valuable little animal, the Michigan Alnuxnac, is on our table. lts astronomical alculations are by Prof. Watson, and its political, statistical, and other matter has been "npiled by Chas. K. Baokus, ot the Tribune. lts contents include electiou statistics, lists oí State, Judicial, and County Otricers, of the Legislatura, oí the Forty-fourth and Forty"fth Congresses, postorKces in the State, newsHper published ui the Ötate ; terms of United States and State Courts ; Cabmet, Judicia ui Diplomatic otficers of the United States', snJ much other information conveuient to ave uuder your hand. Every olfioial, business man, and politician should have it. Price 16 cents. We invite atteution to the prospectus of the New York World, to be fouud in auother column. The World recently magnified its pages, 6gtheued its columus, and carne out in a uew 1ress. It is now one of the handsomest dai"68 in the country, and it is safe to say one ot 6 ablest. lts editorials are always scholarly, aud lts news col umus shows a liberal and wide. aake management, We commeud the "orld to all Aaoua readers in want of a New 'ork Journal, - daily, semi-weekly, or weekly.


Old News
Michigan Argus