Humble Life

-There is Iki ppÃne.s inhumble lile - wha can doubt ir? Tlie man ulio ovrns but a few acres of land and raises an nbnmtonee to sup'pïy ilio necéssary want of bis faw} - can a.-k lor no moro, h' ïio is satisfied w'ith liis condition- and iberë are ihousands so situated wïjo are- no man is moro happy. No political tnoveinent áisturÃj's liis ró;iose - no speeuïntión mnnio chases thn calm BerénVty from liis mind- noschjsrns in the churcti llirow sjiüdows bencath liis golden s!y. Qis familv is the woPÃÃj lo l)im: bis i.;ft!e lot is all his cnro. Wlio sighs nol lor 5ucb a lÃCe oi' calmncss and screnity ? Amhl (,e cares and anxieijes of business, u lm would nof c.vdiange his prospecls and hohors Por Ãné repose of birn who is contonlcd and hoppv on bis "pot of ground, fjlr from lbo uoi.-n and busllCjP' ci!y life? It' ibere is o siiuntion congenial to tbo Irue spirit of man ind ihe growth oà virtue, it' is amid tbo reioicincs of nature - in iIir wlm i'Mira.
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