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fêo3iE oxcitement haa beon caunod in New York by a high-toned cowhiding affnir, of whieh Jame Gordrn Bonnott, of the liew York ITerald, was the victim. It appears tliat Beunett was eugsgfid to be marricd the day after Chriglruas to Misa May, but failed to put in an appearance. A new arrangement Tva rosde, end the 3d of Jauuary fixed upon for the ceremony. Auain tbs grooni played traant. The family Hnd frifeds of Miss May were, of conrae, hifihly iullguaiit,and a bií brother of the bride - Fred May - starUd f rth to avengo the icsnlt. He found Bounott at the Union Club Hoiwo, on Fifth avemie. Without a word Msy drew a good-sizod cowhide and struok Beonet" three hharp blow in the face. drawing bier d at üoc!i Btroke. The two men clenched, but wt r eepsrate3 by membora of tho club. The affaii creatid an immense sensation in aocial circles Commodore Yandïrdilt, the railway Uiug, lias at laat euccmnbed to the king of terrora. He breathed his last at hiu roeidonce in Waehirgton pace, New York, at 11 o'clock a. m., on Tbuvsday, Jan. 4. Tho aged nullionaire reznaiued porfectlv conscions to the last moment of bis Hfe, and died almogt without a strugïle. For two daj-s it had been apparent to hia doctors tbat liis hours wire numbered, and that at most he could cnly Uve a few daya or a week. At i o'clock on the morning of bia deatb bis ooudition Vocame rapidly wcrse, and he exproxned a deaire to aee Kev. Dr. Defma, his apiriluil advieor. The latter arrived in a few miuutep, aiid Commodore Tanderbilt paid : "I tbink l urn nearly cvnc. Doctor." Dr. Deema prayed by the bfdsidc of the dying man, and then eonie nuniljTB of the f amily eang a few hymna n )ow tonoa. Tbe mupic aeemed to oothe tho eufferer. All bin family were eont for during tbe night, aod vhn he died tbey were bt-side his bed. Tiienewsof tbc Commodore'a death had little effect on the market, hi death ing been so long expected. It ia underatood tl)e bulk of this vast proporty ia to be kept together, and that provisión bas beon made for ïeiiivet-tmg tbe accruing interest on it in bis favorito Ht'cnrttíoe. The Coniuiodi re was nearly 83 years old. The late Commodore Vanderbilt waa buried on Sunday, Jan. 7. Rev. Dr. Deerns, bia spiritual adviser, condaoted the burial serv;c:s at tbe Churoh of the Strangers, after wbieh the remaina were intcrred in the family vault at New Dorp, Staten island E. W. Major was hanged at Concord, N. H., laat Friday for murdering Mb wife. The culprit died prótesting bis innoceuca. New Yobk papers ohroniole the death of Jira. Charlotte Egbert, a sister of Commodoro Vanderbilt, aged 88 years. THE WKSX. The stockholdora of ihe Northern Ohio Fair Association, of Cleveland, have deoided to hold no f air thia year. Hard times The Illinois State Farmers' Association will meet at Spriugfieldonthe 23d of Jpnuary Gen. CrookB oommand has rsturned to Lammie from its expedition againet the Indiaüs. The camp8i"n is ended for the winter. In tha United States Court, at Yankton, Dakota, last wees, John McCall, previonsly convicted of the morder of Wild Bill in the lilnok Hills last August, was Benttnoed bv Cbief Jnstico Shaunon to be hanged on Tlniisdi-y, Mirch 1. In the statement made to the court heclaimedhe waa so badly iutoxicated on tbo day of the murder as to be entirely uncciiscious of shooting auybody. The Independent in the Indiana State Senato affiliatod with the Demócrata in the organization of that body, and divided tbo offices with them. Tlie Houa, electcd all Eapublican officers by a vote of 54 to 44, A DisrATCH of the 6th, from Ashtabula, Ohib, says: "Tbere are nineteen bodies more or less compktely preaerved yet remaining unidentiñed ín the morgue at Ashtabula Forty persous, variously supposed to have been on the train, have beon aseertainod by the railway author.tits to be at homo safe. The dispute aa to the number of persons ou tho train is as far from settlement eb 6ver. The raiiroad oöicers are couvinced that the number cDuid not have been more thau 140, while the pas80Dgcrs a,re eure there could not have been less THE SOUTH. Goveenor-ElkctDrew, of Florida, has been iaduored iuto the gubernatorial chair, at TalJahassee, Gov. Stearns eunendering tbo oflice ■withont any contest. Gov. Drew delivered a speech, conciliatory in tonp. guiranteeing to the freedruen the cnioyment of ail thoir rights and privileges. A fibk at Benham, Fanuin eontty, Ttx., a few dajs ago, destroyed twelve bnainesa houaes, valued, with their oontents, at tlOO,000 Cougressman Schleicher, of Texao, hs receiyed a disptA from Brownsville, signed byanumberof meicbantj of that placo, icformmg him tUst Eevue;tiH, the Mexi.. au ofBcer in commana ut MaUmorae, wa8 breaking op-n the ttores of American et zens thexe, and contuesting their propeity, for tje allcged reason tatt tu t ix wh:cíi he had imposed of 3J per cent. had net been paid. The Damocratic Lsgislatnre of LouisiRns, eitting in St Tatriek's Hal], New Orleans, has paascd resolution declaring the eanvaas of the late clection by the WtllB Beturning Board nuil and void, and instructing the Jadiciary Oommittee to "prepare an act providing for a proper and legal canvass of the n turna of said election. '. . . .The Republican legislan r haa paüeed an act prohibiting the formation of müitary companies, other thau State militi, in the State Gov. Ktllogg haa reappointed John T. Ludeling Chief Jueticoof the Supremo Oourt for oight jeai. POUTIOAL. nos. WSLLIA.M A. Wheklek has been íntervitwed by a New York Herald corref-pondc-nt, by whoru he is made to speak thus : " It ia my firm conviotiou tliat Congroes can never bo constitnted a Natioual Canvaesing or Returning Board. Congress cannot go b3hind the returns, beyond the mere qneation of the roguUnty of the certificates. Understand me clearJy, for it ie a point on which I would uot like to be m'aunderstood. The Oongrees oannot investígate whother Louisiana lias gone for Tildón or Hayos. The action of the Koturning Board on this poiut ha been öual and conclusivo in Louisians. I do not believe that this dispute will be wholly an unmusod evil. I believe it ie going to teaoh tlie people the macbineiy of the Preaidontial eleotion, which they have never understood beíore, aji that it wUI bo the meana of avertiug such troublBBome strife in the futuro." The Repuiilicau meinbera of ihe Oeneral Ássembly of Iliinois met In caucus )aHt week, and wlopled a serie of reeoiutions dec'.ariiiE lüat Hayos and Wheelcr, Laviug botn tlecte 1 resident and Vico President, must be iuauguratcd At a cauoue of the liepcbüoan mcmbers of the Michigan Legislaturo, held on the ovening of the 3a inst., Senator Kerry was ro)imiuated for the Uuited btatea Senate by acclasaaticu ' by a nuanimouu riaüig vote. Me. J3iink bas boen re-olected to the United ütatoo Sonate from Maine, haviug receivod the unanimous vote of the llapubjican Legislative caucus. In Minnesota, Senator Windom has beon choaen to ba bis owu sucoossor. The Washington correspondent of the Chicago Times telegraphs that jonrnsl: "It is roxarded aa ctrtain that tho reporte of the Heríate and House CbmmiUces aeut to investígate tho oounting of the electoral votes ia the States of Louieiana aud Florida will couflict, and that tbty w.Il form no satiafactory basis upon vruiüh to adjuet tho pending diilicultics, and not a few Democratio Senators have lost a!l hope of aoy acceptable plau of counting the electoral vote beiug evolved by the conference eommitteo appomtcd für thiri .urpose. Tbe expíctation of many now is that the roports of the inveatigating committees wi.l involvo a protraoted debate upon the subject of countiiig the Prefiidential voto, and tliat the time for the performance of that act will arrive bofore any plan is i-erfected or at loost agreed upon." WASHINGTON. DüBiKo December thore was an increaeo in the public debt of upward of $3,600,000. Appended is the oflicial statement : Bix por cent, bonds 944.900,800 Five per cent bonds 712.320,460 iTotir and a half per cent boude 83,6OU,0O0 Total coin bond fl,00ü,821 2S0 Lawíul money debt $ 14.1)00.000 Maturcd debt r i ] ,834,860 Legal tendo rt s6, liO,64O Cf rutlcaics oi depesit . . . . 31,uon,0OO Fractional currüiicy 28 S48 206 Coin certifleatoa 47, 280,000 Total without Interest 47U,74K,7"2 _ Total debt $2,187,404,803 Total Interoat 42,618,157 OmIi Ín Treasury : Oofn S96,S17,418 Corre-icy 9,483,800 Special deposita held for redemptioD of certificateB of depoeit 3!,0í0,000 ïotallu Treasury 137,001,278 Dobt lew caah in thaTreasnry $2,089,130 099 Jucroaaeof rtebt during December 3,e5 142 Decresee aluce June 30, 1876 6 618 103 Bonds ssoed V tho Faclflo KaUway ' Oompanles, intf rest payable ín lavlxil nioney : Principal outstamllng 64 23 512 Interest accrued aud not yet paid i ':íh 705 Iuterest paid by the United States 32 080 218 Interest repaid by tranuportation of mails, eto 7,''01,507 Balance of interest paid by Cnlted States 38,075,710 PBE8IWJNT Gbant ha again been iBterviewecJ y tho irreproBüiblo newepaper correspondent, to whom, if tho report of tho oonveraation is to o beliovecl, lie freoly and unreeervodly unolded hia views upon tho politica! situation. 'he President expressed tHo belief that South 3iroliKa and Florida had fairly chosen the ler-ubliean electora, nd that Chamberlain was he legal Governor of the firat-named State, n regard to Louisiana he said that "men rom that fitrAo had told him bat the action of tho Eeturning Board was inal and without appea!. There bad always jeen tronblo in that State from frand, and it was a fact that its eloctortl vote had uot been coautod sitioe 1800." Speaking of the general BitnatioD, he did not think there hai) been a fair eleotion, euelt as .hoy bave in New England, iu auy Southern State exoept, perhaps, Delaware. Upon the subject of tho Proeidentiat question in Congrefis, Grant aald that the exiuting difference between the two bousoss, it appearcd to him, wonld not be disposod of by tho oxpiration of hia term, at which time all power vested in him would coaeo. To hie miud law and precedouts gave tho ueiít oí the Sonate the power to opon and couut tho vote; but procedeuta also established the vight of eithor hovmeto object to tbO counting of the electoral vote of the Statos, tbe firBt of which occurred in 1817, in the caee of Indiana. It was declared not logally atluv.tted into tbe Uniou. The vote, howevcr, was counted. He auticipated objtction to ths count of eeveral States in Febiuary, and obeorved that when this thing was beguu it vra hard to gay whore it would end. It was poesiblo tbat the tioa up to the 4th ol March would bo occupi d with the eottlcment of thi questiou. If not settli1, he h of tl'o opinión thar,. undex' the act of 1872, tbo Preaident pro tem. of the 8enat would becoms aoting Preaidont, and wonid i;e eworn in as euch. He thoucht no embarraaeinent would foliow tbo Bwenring in of au acting I'riïBident. ïhe latter could promptly conveno tho Forty-fifth Congres for such busineás as he might aee fit to bring to it attention. In the ñew ConproBí the que1 ion of the Presidential election raij;ht becomo a aubject of consideration, and it might be doterjnined to hold au election omlicr than the time rogularly provided in the act. of 1872, which would uow be on tho Tuesday af ter the first llwnday in November. Cougrosp, he thoupht. might Bee fit to fix upr.n a date for holding an election in Jxinfc, whioh could readily be dono, nnd hold the inauguration on the Fourth of July, which would inore promptly dmpose of tho exceptional atato of affaire incident to the interregnum. E. A. Cronin, tho Oregon Democratie eleetcr, teptified bofore the Seuato Committeo on PrivUegee and Eleetions tliat he "had not made any amtiigcniouta with any pernon or peraoDs whereby tlie electoral certificate were to be handed to him by the Sscretary of State. He waa convineftd ho was lanfully appointed to replace Dr. Watts, and ho put tho Certificaten in hia pocket becanae ho was afraid they woald be taken from hiai by Odell and othera. He had roíused to come to Washington as meaaenger of the Electoral College unlesB he ehould recoive Í3.000 for expenses, and the money was furnishod him. It was raiaed, he auppcaed. by subscripliun atnouf? Oregon Demócrata." Charlea G. Fiaher, conricted of abstrscüng papera, haa ben tried in the Washington Criminal Court, and sentenoed to eleven nionths' imprisonmoLt at labor in the common jail. lïis father waa at one time a Representativo from Delaware in Congreae, and aubeeiiuontly Judge, and theu District Attorney. It was while the son waa Asaiötant District Attorney that he atole the papera from the Ckrk'a oííico, for which he baa boou triod and convicted. To devise a letter-stamp that cannot be uafely washed ia a problem that Tuird Asst. PostmfiBter Gen. Barbc-r haa been etudying Homo time. ÏIo haa fiaally decided to chango the color of the oniiuary three-eent ttümp from green to ied, aa the latter cnlor ie moro (al; blurred and rendered impusaible of rostoration. The medaüiou head of Washington wil] bo rotained, standing in white relief upon the red background of the atamp The grand total of internal reveuue receipta for ftix montha eudiug Dec 30, waa ■i57,935.605 Tjo President haa addresscd a li ttcr to the Washington Board of Pólice Commiísioners requeat ing the immediato reëigiiation of its mouibcrs. Gov. GnoiLR, of Oregon, in his teetimoDV before the Sonate Committee on lrivilogea and Elections, etated that. in giving a certitícate to Orouin aa an elector, he acted in conforuiity with the constitution and the best legal anthority ho could proenre. He reccived a lettor from JuJgo Hoadley, of Cincinuati, in which íuur authontics rolatmg to cases of ineligibility of persons to office were cited. It was a three page letter, and was recoivcd at the Excculive olüoo ahont a week before tho wiiness rendorcd bis decisiou in the oase of Watts. He receivod a telegram froni ex-Senator Gwin, atatiug that covtaiti prominent legal gentlemen thought Watts incligible, and ne wanted to know by what time the question had to be settled. Abram S. Hcwitt, of New York, sent witnees a commnnication in wh'cu two decisiona in Indiana, oue in Maryiand, and one in Pennsylvania woro citod as being applicable in Watt' c se. Matiton Marble, of New York, telegrapbed witness cslling atteution to Watts case, and witness answered that ho then had the case undor considiiation. Tile House Ccmmittoe on Naval Affnird has prepared a bilí authoriziug the íc rmition of a commision to inquire and report as to the future naval policy of the Uuited States, investígate the whcle status oí tho uavy, and deviso snch legiMation as raay be neceseary to bring it np to the higheet efficiency oor sistent with a wino ecouoray. . . .The sum "of $12 000, belonging to the Illinois National Bank of Chicago, recently stolen from the Treasury Department, lias been rostored, tho p;rdon who committed tho toceny havmg relurned it to the Treasurer throui-'h a ihird party. Ie in fnrther stated that tbo guilty p rson. foarful of detection, resorted to tbis ineans of restoring t)ie stolen funde, in the hope of bcing eavod from public exposure, and that no person connected with the detective service had any thing to do with its recovory The President, in bis Isst regular Suuday talk with t.o Associatod Press agent, ï-t reported as expressinp himself, anent Louitiana affaire, eubstantially a9 foilows : "Ido not," he said, "propose to interiore with tho PackardNicholls imbroglio. I have nothing before me to juf-tify action in the way of the roeognition of either Governor, and, therofore, cannot do so, panicnlarly as a committeo of tach House of Conyress is now engaged in icvestigatmg all the facts of thu lata election, inciudiug the contesta of tbe tivo Guvomors and two LoKiülatures, boüi claiming to bo legalJy eleoted. Under these cirouii stances, to recoKnize one er ttie other w itild bo hardly juwtifiable, and I have ho iuformtd Ouv. Keiljgg." l'ho President further said that thoDem jcratic State oranizatiou has the sympathy of snch portion of tbe peoplo of that State as have the requisito meaos to gi.e sustenance to it, and tibtr Govornor 8Dd Loginlat nru would bo racognized by them evou if thore were not hslf eo manj as there are now iu the Democroiio party in Louisiaua. Tlie President ropeated that ii'o woold not interfiro by reiognizing either Government ontij tbo content sbotild be setUed through the Congres:-ional iorestigatioo noiv in progrfs. but lie sliould co;.a:der it to ba Li daty to keep the peaco if occasion req-.iirc-d, and prevent bloodshed pending tho puüticJ complioations. GENIS KAL. At a meeting of the railroad passenger agents, held ra Now York, a few days ago, the following advance in passenger ratos was determined on by the trunk liues ; New York to Cltveland, Í8 to$ll; Toltdo, $10 to 13.50; üttroit. $10 to ilü; Chicago, $13 to $18; Sc. Louis, $17 to 23: Iudianapolia, 412 to 817; Lonisville, 5sl5to$20; C;nc:unati, 11 to 16. As r.4U as eau be aecortained to a cfrtainty, at Itaat seventy-iive persons wtro killod by the Ashtabula railway disaster. The general inipreseion of th se competent to jn!go places the figuro highor than this. Appetdad ia the liet, as furnished by the roilroad authorities : Number of passeügers on the traiD, 328 ; numbor of employés on the train, 19 ; totul, 147. Rescued paesengers. 63 ; rescued employés, 'J ; total, 72. Died iuce, pasaengorB, 3 ; died since, 6mployes, 1 ; total, 4. Names of kuown retened, 72 ; lost, 70 ; unacconnted for, 5 ; total, 147. The horrors of Ashtabula do not appsar to be fully revealed. Tho invoutigation shows a startling disoropaucy betvroen the eetimates of passengere and cf railroad oflicials as to tbe number of peopïe on tho train. Somo pasfiengrs plaoo it as botween 200 and 300, whilo the railroad mon, who onght to be tho better jaclges, fix the numbor at less than 150. Auother reelation ia that passengere were robbed. It i stated that $7,000 waa taken from one corpno, and that living men strngglirg away from the wrucu were met by thievea and forcod to give up their valuablos. The inqueat in the Ashtabiili horror domonstrates the faet tbat stubboruneej or crimii:al negloct tn the part of persona high in authority at tbe raiiroad station proventod tho saving of tiie bodie.4 in a reoogiz;ible oondition, if the net poseí blo naviug of hfe. The town flre departmont, with a scrviceable team ertgine, were on the spot and nnxioiu to throw water npon tho burning train, but were preveuted from eo doiug by ordfrrf from persons whorn ttey suppoacd bad the right to give them. Tuk eteamship L'Ainericiue, from Havre to Now York, went ashore at Scabright, N. J., on tho morning of the 7th inst. Threo seamen lost their livcs while going ashore for help. The romainder of the crew and all tho passengors, numberiug ome 200 people, wero rescued by the !ife-svving station men. FUUEIOM. Latí: Panama advicea, roceived by htcamer at New York, f urnish an interesting batch of i intelligence from Central and South America : Ex-PreBident Guardia, of Costa liiea, ia about to vieit Guatemala and Salvador for the purposo of lodnolng those ' statea to unite with Costa Itica in t!ie wnr against Nioaragua. President Herrara, of Costa Rica, by doeree, has abolishcd tho liberty of the prese, and placed every prmting offioe in the country onder tlio direct control of the authoritiea. Another battle bas oecnired between the Htate cf Cunea and the repnblic of Colombia. The Libera! claim a victory, but loat boiuo prominent ofticers. Tbc losa of each side in tho previouely reported battle of Oarrapot was : Liberal, "COO killed and 1.300 woundcd; Coneorvativee, 300 killed and 700 woundod. Of tho wounded at least 500 will die. Mr. Moreno, the Dntcb Consul, Senor Angustin Velez and t no othcr persons have been assassinated at Carthagena. The aasassins were arrested. The firgt rilway accident in Donmark, involvinp: losa of life, ha just oconrred between Horeeus and Aarhuus. The train, convejing a hundred laborera to cloar the snow blockade, ran off the track. Nine persons wero killed and thirty-seveu hurt. The injured suffered greatly f rom cold and the delay In reooiving assist&noe. A Lokdoh lii-.pstch Baya there is etrong feeliug of aympathy among tho English peoplo, aud partioularly among tbe aristocracy, for the Twrka. At a meoting held at the Duke of Sutherlnnd's town honae $25,000 were raised for the relief of the TurkiBh aoldiers in the Balkans. The Dnke of Portland gave $5,000. Efforts are being made íq Ireland to revive the ancieut pastinie of faloonry. Subpcriptions are solicited to establiah a club. This is not intended to interfere iu any way with the anoient l'ish Hawker'a Olub, of Pilla lañe, Dublin. Late advicos frotn tho City of Mexico state that who'.e brigades and rogimwiU of Iglesias' aimy havo pronounood for Diaz, but the latter haa not yet darod to attack Iglesias, be being Htrongly posted with 15,000 men at Biloa. The States of Jiilifco, Ztcatecaa, Durango, San Luis Potosi. aud Nuevelou have prononncet for Diaz. Oen. Méndez, who was appoint( Rpgent for Diaz, to act during hia absence, bas istsuod a convocatoria for the eleotion of Presi dent, Cbief Juatice, and membars of Congres on Jan. 28. Oens. Mejia and Iglesias are bot exclnded as candidates or oledor; also a members of the Lerdo and Juartz Governments.


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Michigan Argus