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Forty-fourth Congress

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Tuesday, Jan. 2. - Señóte. - A number of billa and petitions were presented and referred to nppropriate coininitte8, and kí ter a very brief Bession the Sonate adjourned for want of a quorum. House. - Not iu eesBion. Wednesday, Jan. 8.- Senate.- The bilí of Mr. Wright dcclaring the trno Intont aud nieaning of the Uuiou Pacific railroad acts wan taken up and debated at length. . . .Mr. Morton, f rom the Oomïnittee on Privileges and Electior.s, submittod a report that William M. Turner, manager of the WeBtern Union Telegraph office at Jacksonville, Ore., had refused to amvwer certain questiona put to hlm, on the ground that he could not divulge the business of the company ; also, a reeolution declaring that Turner is in duty bound to answer questioDB, and cannot refuBe to do eo by virtue of hÍB ofñcial coimcction with tho company. Ordercd priuted. Hotine. - Mr. Barnes, the manager of the Western Union Tclegraph Company, at New Orloans, was brought before the bar by the Sergeant-at-Arms, and was given until Friday niglit to make auswer to the charge of contempt. . Mr. PbillipB (Kan.) introducid a bilí extending the time to pre-emptors on public landa, and for the appraiaement of certain lande. Referred. Mr. Wildon offered a resolution requcsting tho Committee on RailroadB to report wuether it is expedient to pro vide for the appointment of a jSational Board of Engineeru to supervise tbe condition of inter-State railroada, so far as E.iftty to travelers is concerned. Referre4 Mr. Knott, Chairman of ihe Judiciary Committee, preeented the report of the committee on the adruisttion of Jaine II. Belford as Representativo from Colorado, with areBolutiondeclariDgCoiorado to be a State in tho Union aud that Belford sbould be admitted. Mr. Hurd presented a minority report, wbich recommends the passage of an act by Congríes admitting Colorado. The reporta wero recommittod . . . . Mr. Hunter introduced a bilí for the elcction of Federal offleors and to prevent, f rund In elections Referred Tho Speaker appointed Mr. McDill on he committee on righta, dutiOB, and privileges of the House in couuting the electoral vote, in place of Monroe, excused. Adjourned. Thurbday, Jau. 4. - Senate. - Mr. Wright callcd up the bill recently introducid by hini to establish a court for thn trial of conteeted electiona in the office of Pretident and Vice President of Lho United States, for the purpose of having it referrcd, and apoke in favor of hifi propoeition. Mr. Kernan also spoke npon the question, combatting thö viewa of Mr. Wright .... Mr. Conklinp presented a petition of bankers, nierchauts, and other business meu of New York city in favor of an amicable ncttleinent of the Presidential conteet. In preeenting tho petition, Mr. Conkling made an appeal to vhe samo ? ff eet. He eaid : " In laying this petition before the Henate. it may not ue amisB to add an avowal of my sympathy with ita appcal for ordtrly, lawful, nnd patriotic acüon. In executing tho constitution in any instaure, and e&pecially instanco ao grave aa the one referred to, partisan feeling as a guide and rule of action can rightfully have no place. Obedience to law, obflervauce of the conntitution, and maintonance of truth ie not a party queation or proccediug. It is bevend party acd above party. Partios may contend, and I bolieve it ia wholeBome in a free Qovernment that parties Bhould contcud over measurea and candidate?, but when the conce&t has bpen submitted to tho ballotbox, tho final arbitrament of popular contesta known in our system, the only duty, the only lawful proceeding connected with it, which remains is to ilnd tho honost and true rosult, to declare it, bow to it, and stand by it. That ia the duty of the hour. It resta on the two houses of Congress; it reets on the üation ; it reste on ovory citizen of the republic." House. - Mr. Willis introduoed a bill providing for the repeal of all tazeg on the capital and depoeits of State and nntional banka and banking iiiBütutions.. ..8everal bilis wrre taken up and referred Mr. Clymer, from the Committe on Approjiriations, reported the Military Academy Appropriatiou bil], It appropriates $265.161. .SIr. Duuham, from the Committee on Expenditures in tho Department of J hrwcc. reportad a bill ílxing the compensation of United 8tateB Attorneys. Mr. Goortin, from the. Oommittoo on Public Lands, reported back the bill relative to the prooi required in homestcad entrtcs, with tho öeuaie's amendm(-nts. Concurred in. . ,,Mr, Kidder, of Daio-a, frora the same committee. reported back the bill givilig parties contetant time to enter lasds undr the Pre-emption Homestead, or Timber-culturo acts, after contest Bhali have beeu flnally decided. Paaaed Tlie bill granting pensious to certain eoUHers and saüors of the Mexican, Florida, aud Blackhawk wars, and certain widows of deceased Rolflit-rs and Bailors of the same, waa passod. It allowa a pension of íp8 a nionth to all who aerved daya iu the Mexicau war, or thirty days in the Florida or Ii arkhawk wara, and to thoir enrviving widows nnnjarried.... Tho House then went into committoe of the whole, Mr. Willis, of New York, in the chair, oa the Consular and Diplomatic Appropriation bill, appropriating $1,17,1 85 Mr. Ihrockmorton apked leave to offer a resolutiou instructing the Committee tm Military Affaire to inquire into the present strength, lofation, and ocenpation of the army, tho foroe on the frontier, iu the Southern Statef, and in Washington : why troopB wcre ordered to Washington, the nature of tho orders, by whonj made, the purpose, etc, with leave to end for persons and papers. Several objections were made on the Bepubbcan Bide, aud the Uouse adjouraod. Feiday, Jan. 5. - t'enate.- Tboreaolution submitted by the Concmiltee on Privilege and KlectionB dec:arín that Turner, the tclegraph operator at JackeonviJle, Or,, is in duty bound to answer certain queetious, was called up, and, after a Iciïgthy uiscuesion, a voto was taken, which reBQlted yea?, 'á'á; nays, 3. No quorum voting. the Beuato adjourned till the 8th. Bov&e.-Qn motion of Mr. Atkina (Tenn.) the Báñate amendments t') tho bill making appropriations for the payment of in valid aud other peneions wero concurred in Tbe Sorgeant-at-Arms was directed to retain Mr. Barnes ín cUBtody....The Hftu-o luen went into t-ommitteo of the whole on tho Contingency DeÖciency bill, Mr. HasbinB (N. Y.) in tho chair. After abuut two hours epent over tho Dcücieocy bill, tho committeo roBe and the bill was paused. ÖATüiïpAY, Jan. 6.- Senate,- Not in eeealen. Uouae.- Mr. Douglaas, Chairman of the Freedman' Bank Committee, reported a WH authorizing the lïatjk Commissiontre, ín property sold tinder forecIoBure, to secure the debt of the bank, and to se)l the same at publio or private eale, when it íb for the intereBt of the bank io do bo, and alo modifyiug thoir former action.... The House went into comraittec of the whole on tha Consular and Diplomatic Appropriation bill. The flrst paragrapbs being those luking appropriations for the salades of Ministers. Mr. Holman offered an urnen dm ent flxing Ihe fotlowing ratts of salaries for Ministers : Gn-at Britaln, Frano, Germany, and RnPHia, $15,0)0, now $17.500; Bpain, Austria, Italy, brazil, Mexico, Japau, China, $t0,000, now $12,000; Chili and Pi-rn as at preeent ; Belgium, Netherianda, Swoden and Norway, Turky, Venezuoïa, Ifawaüan Ialanda, and Argentinc Bepublic, $S,000, now $7,600 ; Guatemala, Costa Rica, Honduras, Salvador and Nicaragua (one miaaion), $8 000, now $!0,000; M ir istor aud Coneul General to Hayti and Liberia, each ?4,000, now $7,500 and $,0C0. Mr. Mönroo opioi;od the amondment as one cfl'ereü iu the cUrli and without any reaeona to m .rum it. Mr. ilniman advocated tho amndment, and Baidthat the wholo eyttem onght to be abolifihtul, and ho bcüeved that it would disappear ín a vcrjr sbort timp. In overy ene of the enlightened tiatious of the world, the fflees of Minister and Arabaa?ailor we re now raere sinecuroa t few bilis of local import wre pasaed.


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