Aligator Oil

-It iins latà lv iiLf'iicovcieci Hint ari altgat (ir is as valuhhTë in hÃs Vay asa spernnceti vha]p. Their oil issaid to ho lx;: er tor lamps than even whrffl? oil, mul a Lood sized animal wil) yield a barrel and a half. A war upon the race will doubtless bc commenced ibrlliVvitb. The Circok I triareis al ConI.-.niinpie has a revcniio of a'Sut L000,000 a year tVom the donatioris of pilprrims o the Moly S&pölchrb, and malÃes the Grctot I'atriarrb, wbilo ho holds his oilice, Hpcidedlv tin; ricbest man Ãs tfll r'he world. It is important {o all invalids fo know that castor oil may . talccn minpled with nr'nñge oicÃe - n liule-sug'ar ndded to the jl(f;è, iftbc ornngR be not ripn nd swetit. Tlt difiere nee béUveen thia" nd t'ho ofher mo les of taking thta valir 'ble mródicine 13 surprisFng