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Agricultural And Domestic

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BUEii Fosteb, of Muacatine, Iowa, in au address on the subject of tree-planting, names the following deciduons trees in the order of their value, for planting at the West, narnely - Etiropean larcli, black-walnut, white ash, and white willow. Latino Hens.- To get hens to lay have a warm room, feed potatoes with corn meal, bono meal, scraps of meat, oabbage-bead to piek at, onions, turnips, etc. Ohange the food occasionaJly, giving lime in water, egf? skells, erushed shells, bone, wlth ashes and road dust to roll in. Now por the Stumps. - Tbk Home and Farm says: Tlie easiest way to get rid of stumps of trees is to bore a hole in the top, say one or two inches, and eight inehes deep. Put in the hole from one to two onnces of aaltpeter, fill the hole with Water, and plug up tight. In the spring take ont the plug, ponr in a gilí of kerosene oil, and set fire to it. The stump pill burn entürely up, even to the smallest roots. Good horse judges understand the importante of the foot. It should be of medium uize, either extreme being suggestive of digease, It should be longer at the ground surf ace than broad, the heel neither very high nor rery low. Che outer surfaoe of the hoof should be smooth, the slant about fifty degree, md the frog large, elastic and healthyooking. The hvtter must never be ;ampered with. Nature knows how im)ortant this cushion is, and she will máke it juat as the animal needs. Fabmeks, raise more strawberries, set liem oat this spring, plant them six nchee apart, and in rows iour feet wide, lake the land rich. Set out f our or flre ows ten rods long. Put tüe shields on the two-horse plow, and tend them witb that. They are just as easily raised as corn. Ladies, u e your influenoe to have this matter attended to this spring, assist in setting out the plante if desired ; you are sure to win. The reason the _ farmer was so disconraged about rïising atrawborries was that he always planted them in beds, and the ground got foul with wesds and grass, and so hard and solid tnat we jnst gave it up ae a bad job. The Mame Farmer says : If one is on a tolerably good farm and is practising what is known as " mixed husbandry," a few eows, a few sheep, a pair of oxen, a horse, an orchard, a patch of corn, wheat, potatoes, etc, and is industricus and prudent, nothiüg in the future is surer than that he will not only get a living, but will be surrounded with the comforts and needed luxuries of life. Or, if he desires to try his hand at speoial f arming, he may promise himalf the same successin sheep husbandry, dairying, fruit-growing or stock-farming, ihough more capital, both in cash and brains, will be required in special farming than in mixed husbandry. Heading Down Trees. - Sometimeg a tree of weak, straggling growth in tüe orohard or nursery, is headed down early in spring with a view of renovating it and producing a healthy, compact head by a new growth f rom the lower part. This often has a good effect, providing the tree is strong enough io bear the shock of such severe discipline. If the tree is naturally of strong constitution and has only been cnecked in the growth by temporary causes, it is probable that the desired effect will be produced ; but, if the tree is constitutionally diseased, it will probably grow to the same size as before ciitting down, and then cease. A feeble stock in the nnrsery, if budded with a vigorons sort, wil often make a vigorous growth for sne or. two years - perhaps iintil sold after which, to the great disappointment of the purchaser, it is impossible to produce a further arowth. An experis(ock will not make a good tree without grafting, it will not with it" About the House. To re-fasten the loose handles of knivee and f orks, make a cement of common brick dust and resin melted toga ther. Toothaohe Cube.- For toothache proceeding from a hollow tooth, cotton saturated with a mixture of spirits of niter and powered alum will be found to afford relief. An stand was turned over npon a white tablecloth ; a servant threw over it a mixture of salt and pepper plentifuiiy, and all traces of it disappeared. Make a note of this. Keliïf fok Chapped Hands. - To three ounces of melted mutton tallow add one ounce of glycerine and two table-spoonfnls alcohol camphor, stirïing all slowly until it becomes a smooth eream. To Clean Silyerware. - Common whiting and alcohol is as good an article for the purpose as can be found, say an ounce of each, or the wtüting without the alcohol, used with a woelen rag, is very uice ; wet the silver before scouring. To Wash SilkHandkerchiefs- Wash them in cold rain water with a little curd soap, theu rinse in rain water (cold), slightly colored with stone blue, wring well, and stretch them out on a matties?, tacking them out tightly. To Wash White Striped Stockings. - Make a jelly, the night before it is wanted, of the best yellow soap ; wash the stockings iu warm water with a little salt in it, using the jelly instead of soap; rinse in clear water, also with a little salt in it ; wring as dry as possible, aud dry quickly. Polishino Tins. - Fjrst rub your tins with a d8inp cloth, then take dry flour and rnb it on with your handt", and afterward take an old newpaper and rub the flour off, and the tins will shine as well as if half an hour had been spent in rubbing them with brick-dust or powdcr, which f-poi's the hands. If onions are siiced and kept in a sick-room, thsy will absorb all the atmospheric poison. They shonld be changed every hour. In the room of a small pox patiënt they blister and decompose very rapidly, but will prevent the epread of the dieease. Their applioation has also proved effectual in the case of snake-bite. Teast and Home -Made Ex bad. - Boil one pound of good flour, a quarter of a pound of inoist sugar, and half an ounce of salt, in two gallons of water, for an hour. When nearly cold, bottle and cork it closely. It will be fit for use iu twenty-four hours, and one pint will mako eighteen pounds of bread. Staech.- Take one tablespoonful of starch, and put with it a tea-spoonful of clear prepared gum, add a lump of loaf stigar and a pinch of salt. Mix with cold water, stir til! smooth, add suflicient boiling water to make it clear, aud of the proper consiftency, and stir a wax candle round it once or twice. To Bemove MoiiD Stainsfbom Books Without Ikjüring the Paper. - Tk Scientiftn American givts thefollowiDg directions : "1. Wet with pure, cleau, water. 2. Soak in a dilute solution of Dleaching powder. 3. Pass tbrough water made sour to taste by muriatic acid. 4. Soak in pure water until all traces of acid are removed, and dry. It is not necessary to say that this operation requires careful manipulation. You may try, instead, exposing the moistened papor to the fumes of burmng sulphur which is a good bleaching agent, and then passing it through water and drying." =====;==. __- A bekb cask burst inToledo and kili j two mee.


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