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The Governors And The University

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The abstract of Gov. Bagley's niessage published in last week's ARGUS was very full, yet two paragraphs conoerning the University and ita wantH were omitted, whioh we hore give : "The Board of Regeuta desire to further increase tho useiulncsa of the University, aud to this end auggest the creation of a chair in Physics aud Geology. The amount requirod to do thia will be $6,000 anuually for the salaries of two professors, and $2,500 foi ap[jaratua for physical aud physiological laboratory. Were the times more ausjiicious, and other deaiauds uot ao preaaing, the Regenta would earnostly urge upon you the neceasity of a uew Library building ; they uow suggest it only. The University bas outgrown the preeeut buildiug. Tbere íb not room enough in it for roadiug purposes or for books. The Library is so important an element in the suocess of the University, important as an aid in educatioual work, important in its governing power over a body of student in furnishing mental recreatiou, that I beg to oommuud the suggostion of the Kegeuta to your considerution. Our Uuiversity occupies a position in the front rank of educational institutions, it ia giving to Michigan a reputation all over tho world, it is drawing huudreds of families to the State ye&rly, as permanent resideuts, and w ought to foster it in all ways, not with eitravagauce, but with porsistouce, economy, and care." Gov. Croswell said in his inaugural - "The Stte Univeraity is a source of just pride to our people. It has ob tai umi a foremost rank among the higher educational institutions of the country, and BtudentB congrégate within ita walla from all parta of our land and from foreign countriee. It is progressive, aud the standard of its excelle nee keeps pace with the highest demanda of culture. I believe ita offorts to pjomote good scholarship and profouud learning will be heartily secouded by you." Also conceming a " School of Mechanic Arts," which would naturally fit into and be made a departinent of the University : " It seems to me desirable that the scope of the UuiTersity, or some other ot our educational institutious, should be enlarged so as to embrace a department for practical instruction in branches of learning connected with the mechauic arta. Skilied labor is oue great want of the country. It readily commauds work at good pnces. It is said that the improved labor resulting from schools of this character established in France euabled that country to carry easily the heavy weight of taxation impoaed upon it by the Frauco-Prussian war. We have resources which need scientifio and skilled artisans tor their development, and they ought to have thorough traiuing to prepare the in for this wolk. We fit men for the practice of law and of medicine, and why should we not fit them for the practice of those great industries so important to our prosperity and wealth. ' Such instruction will make our nation richer by making our artisans more tasteful aud skilllul, and by developing the latent talent of tbs industrial classes. Without this cultivation no people can aspiro to become a first-clnss uianufacturiag nation, nor will they be able to compete successfully with the producís of akilied mdustry in the great markets of the world. Mechanica are the sinews of our commonwe&lth, and deserve the highest consideratiou of educatora.' While I would in no aense disparage claasical or professional studies, I would not omit to cultívate that geniua which euriches and beautifies our homes, which givea us milis and machinery and all thoss appliances of science and art so efñcient iü nuuuturing to the wants of man." THE LEOI8LATUKE AND THE T7NIVER8ITY. The following praamble and resol utions, introduced by Representativo Baker, of Detroit, were unanimously adopted by the House on Friday last, January 12 : Whekkas, A defalcatien extending over a long period of 'years, and embracing quite a large sum of tnoney, has been discovered in the management of the chemical laboratory of the State University ; And wiieiïeas, The regenta of the University in their " statement of certain needs of the University of Michigan," which they have publifhed and placed in the hands of the members of the Legislatura, have invited, and generously offered avery facility for the most thorough and exhaustive investigatiou, either of' the defalcation itself or their mode of treutiug it ; therefore, Resolved (the Sonate concurring), That the committees on the. Universitv-pOhA.1"! are hereby instructed, jointly, to make a thorough and exhaustive inveatigation of said defalcation and of any and every subject matter connected therewith, which in their j udgmeut may require investigation, to the end that said committees may report to their respective Houses, wheiher any, and il' ao what legislation ia ueeded ; and that said committees sit with open doors. Retolved, That said committees have leave to sit during tbe jessions of the Senute and House of Representativos, and be empowered to administer oaths, compel the attendance of persons and the production of papera, and to employ a stenographer to take and transcribe the testimony at a compensution not exceeding ten cents per folio. Though supported by Senator Burleigh they were tabled in the Senate on the saine day, ou motion of Senator Baxter, - time for consideration being desired. - The resolutions were taken from the Senate table on Wednesday, discussed at considerable length, and then adopted by a vote of 25 to 6.


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