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THE PAPER FOR HOME. NEWS, 8TORY. SKETCH, POETRY. FARM TALK. HOUSEHOLD TOPICS, CORRESPONDENCE, CHUtiS, PUZZLES, ETC. Evorybody I,ike K. THE DETROIT FREE PRB88 II regarded wherever known as distinctively the beat type of the Aim-rican home uewBpaper. Fts f ame is abroad in the land, its articles are quoted by al! periodicals, and the paper is u fresh surprise and delight ia thousands of refined and cultivated homes. Though airead y bel ie ved to be iu most respecta one of the very beat Journal issued, the publishers are constiintly making iuoproveiuents and endeavoring to malee the Kbkk Prkbb still more worthy of public approbatiou. The Frkk Prkss will candidly and fearlesaly discusa all queatlons which may arise. Planted firmly on the platform of braad and liberal Democracy, it will to the ftill extent of its ability, uphold and advance fhoae fundamental principies of Democracy which it believes are the basis of free government, and will give a hearty support to the party niaintaining them. It will in all cases addrossits appeals to the judgment and reason of men, believing that the cause it espouses rests in truth and justice, and ihat the triumph of that cause and the asceudancy of the Democratie partv are for the best. interest of the country. It will labor unceasingly for local self-government in every State, for honesty and economy in the general admiimtratiou, for the reform of abuses, and for a scrupulous regard for the will of the people as constltutionally and legally expressed. It is of the highest iiuportance that the Democracy of the country should have utterance through journals qualified to give it voice ; and Tuk 1'rkk Press, which ia unquestionably accorded a foremost place among the leading Democratie papers Ín the land, can be depended upoo to work unceasingly for the Right. The Michigan State News and the very accurate and trustworthy Commercial Departments, hithertc so popular, wilt ba maintained, and if posslble improved. A distinguishing feature of the The Freí Prkss íb its corres ponden ce. Theae letters abound in anecdote and Information, and perhaps the best test of their nopluarity is the avidïty with which they areperusea by readers everywhere. The Agricnltural Department of The Frer 1'kkss is suggestive, instructive, and fully up to the times. ProfC. W. Garfield, of the Michigan Agiicultural College, contributes every woek to tbls Department, and valuable papers have been furnished by Prof. Beal and Prof. Cook, of the Michigan Agricultural College, and C. K. Carpenter of Orion. Manv men and women of known qualiflcations contrïbute to this departmont of the paper. The Household Department is unique and original. Itcoutainsa great variey of Information upon mattere perlainiug to home comforts and decoration. Mr. J. P. Worstell, of New York, is a regular contributor to this department. The fashiona, and all that pertain to them, are regularly chrouicled by a lady prominent in the bigbeet literary and social circles in New York. All the noted American writers contribute to Thk Frke PreSS, and it numbers among lts contributors of pithy sketches, brtght poems and readable short stories,, the best in America. The tone of the Kree Press Is unexceptionable. It is pre-emiii(ïntly the paper for the famiïy circle. The mout fastidious can not take oñense at it. The aim ia to inake ita newspaper suited to the wants of the best classes of American society ,amusing, inütructive and entertainïng to young and old. HOW HE WAS TEMPTED ! A ncw story by " Ei8Eï Hat," the Southern noTelist, whose book waa laat year receiTed with approbation aud delight, and warmly commended by press and people, has just been commenced. Readers are assured that the story will prove of the beat written and oue of the most thrilhng romancea of the day. SUBSCRIPT1ON RATES. The paper is always sent pottpaxd. Specimen Copies sent free. DAILY, ONE YEAR, - $10 60 TRIWEEKLY, " - - 5 80 WKEKLY, " - 2 00 CLUBS OF TEN, " - - - 1 70 CLUBS OF TWENTY, ONE YEAR, - 160 CLUBS OF TH1RTY, " 1 50 An extra copy of the Weokly will be giren to the getter up of a club of ten Weekliea. 9cnd postoffice order or draft when practicable. Addrass subscriptions to The DETROIT FKEE PRESS CO., Detroit, JHtoh. THE SUN. 1877. NEW TOR. 1877. The different editions of the Sun daring the next year will be the same au during the year that bas just pasaed. The daily edition will on week days be a sheet "f fuur pages, and on Bundays be a sheet of eight pages, or 66 broad columns; while the weckly edition will be a sheet of eight pages of the uame dimensions and diameter that are airea - dy familiar to our f riends. The Sun will continue to be the strenuous advo cate of reform and retrenchraent, and of the subHtitution of statesmanship, wisdom and integrity for hollow pretenue, imbecility, and fraud in the administraiionof public affain. It will content) for the government of the people by the people and ior the peopln, as opposed to government by frauds in the ballot-box and in the counting of votes, enforced by military violence. It will n deavor to Bupply ita readers- a body not far froza a mili ion oi soule- with the most caretul, complete and truBtworthy accounts of current erents and will employ for this purpose a numerous and Citrefully selected staff of reporters and correspondente, lts reports from Washington, espeeially, will be full, accurate, and fearless ; and it will doubtless cuiitimie to deserve and enjoy tho hatrd of those who thrive by plundering the treasury or bTitfê'If HT tfift. ífee l_aw __ does . jyjKMetóS5f thepublicby defending the righta of the people aainet the eucroachments of nnjustifled power. Tte price of the daily öun will be 65 cents a month or %B.5O a year, post paid, or with the öunday edition $T.7O a year. The Sunday edition alone, eight pages, % 1 .20 a year, post paid. The WrekltÖün. eight pages of 66 broad colulmna, will be furniahed during the year 1877 at the rate of Si h yenr, post paid, The benefit of this large reduction from the previoue rate for the Weekly can be enjoyed by individual subscriben without the necessity of makimj up clubs. At the same time if any of our frienda desire to aid in extending our oirculation, we shall be grateful to them, and every such peraon who sendi us ten or more subscriben from one place will be entitled to one copy of our paper for himself without charge. At one dollar a year, postage paid, the expenses of paper and printing arebarely prepaid; and, considering the i%% of the sheet and the quality of ita content, we are confident the people will consider the Wikkli 8un the cheapeBt newtpaper published ia the World, and we trust also one of the very best. Address, THE SUN, New York City, T. THE OLD RELIABLE Fire Insurance -A.Q-E ISTCTT OF C. H. MILLEN. HOME OF NEW YORK, Capital and Surplus, $6,000,000. CONTINENTAL OF N. Y., Capital and Surplus, $3,000,000. 1TLA.CAB.A OF U. TT, Cash Assets, $1,500,000. GIRARD OP Phil adelphia., Cash Assets, $1,000,000. OHIE1TT of Hartford Cash Assets, $800,000. Policies iasned at as low rates na in uny responsible Company. C. H. MILLEN, . 4 Siinfli Main Street, Ann Arbor. THE ENEMYOMÑSEASÍf THE FOE OF PAIN TO MAN AND BEAST. Ia the Grand ld MUSTANG LINIMENT Whieh bas atood the test of forty jeam. There is do Sore lt wíll not heal, no Lameneee it wül not cure, no Ache, no Pain tbat affliett tb Ilumttn Body. or the Body of a Horse or other domeetic animal, thut doeo not yield to lts magi: touch. A bottle costing 25i, 50c, or $1.00, has of ten Hiivrri tho life of a human being, and restored to life and uaefulnes many a ralnaolv horM. 1iAlity at home. Agenti wantd. Outfit O and terms tree. THUË & CO.. Augusta, Me IF TOU WANT A GOOD OVERCOAT AND WANT TO BUY IT CHEAP, OO TO WM. WAGNEB'8 Por Hoi Selling Overcoats at Oost. IF YOUR BOY WANTS A BOX OF OOLLARS 8END HIM TO YM. WAGNER'S FOR THEBE HE CAN GET THE BEST FOR THE LEAST MONEY. IP YOU WANT AGOODSUIT MADE TO ORDER, go to WM. WAGIMER'S 11 South Main Sr. Ann Arbob. A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR EARNED ! NEW GOODS I And prices LOWliU THAN EVER. I have purchased in New York, for cash, and l am now duily rcceirini; one of the largest and most select stocks of Grocerio in Washlenaw County, oonsistinK of a fuli and well selected LINE OF TEAS, All of the new erop - including Guupowders, Imperial, My. sons, II j sous, Japans, Ooloug, Farinosas, Cong-ous, SoncUon:, and Xwankay, Together with a full line of COFFEES, consietPi ,'h?r follow'n(f hrands: MOCHA, OLD .uut ItIO, both roasted aud ground ; a full and well Bulected look of SÜCARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Tojtethor with evorything in the line cf Pure Spicos.Uanned fruits. and Vegetables. We have a full and complete line of BOOTS & SHÖES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES Al8' s cll0'ce assortment of Ladies' andOentlemen's Undcrwcar Cali and examine (loods and Pricea and we will insuresutisfaction. EDWAKD UFFY. "Maynard's Block,' cor. Main and Ann atreet Ann Arlior, Mich. ] ■"HiKhest cash pri paid for ,n fam 1 oduce.- RAILROADS. .„ !___ ÜUCHIOAH CENTRAL RA I l.uoA], . NOV. 10, 18T6. JlülIiJt'fi Detroit, Ibbto, 7 00 9 10; PK' ; '. G.T.Junotion, I T IS 9 !5 4 36, s S " '■ Wayne Junction, J 40 V 50 6 18' l V. 10 Ypsilanti, ! 8 15 10 17 Jj, Í ' U Ann Albor, 8 35 10 86 6 12 l u Delhi, 18 50 ; sJïI,1' Dexter, M 00 , 6 38 s - Chelaea, 9 18, i 6 48 s - Grao Lake, 9 47 i 7 28 m'- P. M w Jackson.Ly., 10 20 12 00, S00 gj Albion, 11 04 12 451 ,„ ' Marshall, 11 60 1 30 _: j" 'Jj 1 BattleCreek, 12 20 1 57 f ij „ ., Galeaburg. 12 Í5 { JJ i It Kalamaxoo, 1 15! 2 SS! 00 U"J Lawton, 1 66; j 4 41 f JJ' ' Decatur, 2 15 6 00 ?! - Dowagiac, 2 41; s 16 i :1 - NUes, 8 11 4 07 6 10 Í ïï "- Bnchanan, S 24 6 25 9 S ! Three Oaka 3 66 4 43 7 04 , ÏÏ - - New Buffalo, 4 13 14 66 7 211 ÍS ' Michigan City, 4405 20 7 50 l,i - Lake, a i is i :, Í ' ft Kensington, 6 20 6 40 9 40 ühicago, arriTe, 7 06 i 7 25 10 25! e i ]i, OOINOKA8T. . & JTi = 5. -i ! r í A. . A. H. F. M. J3 " Chicago, leave, 6 00 8 30 3 50, uft' Kemington, 6 45, 9 12; 4 35 tí;1" Lake, 6 40' 9 54 5 43 , Michigan City, ' 7 32 10 40! 6 2l ; JJ J' New Buffalo, i 7 65 11 00l 6 61 -_ I u Three Oake, I 8 09 11 13' 7 0 3 JRJ Buchanan, 8 41' 1 7 60 NileB, I 9 0)ll 8 80 8jsr: Dowagiac, 9 27 8 48 - Z,S Decatur, 9 52 16 {J Lawton, 10 10 v. m. : 9 85 ■ Kalamazoo, 10 50 1 16 10 10 10 ñ 7. öalesburg, 11 12 . -L3JÏ Battle Creek, 11 47 1 57 ■ M 11 u Í p. M. 3 ' Marshall, 12 45 2 40 P n „iAlkion, 1 10 3 02i _J_ ï A.U. A.M Jackson, I.v., 2 15 3 45 7 2S:1S 05 („ Gras Lake, 2 45 [ 7 53 12 M) Chelea, : 3 10 8 20 . ï Dexter, 3 25 8 37 ï Delhi, 3 37 8 50 Ann Arbor, 3 52 4 55 9 06 2 ij 7", Ypsilanti. 4 15 5 10 9 27 2 2! tl Wayne June, ; 4 43 5 29 ;1( 00 'M ],, G.T. June, I 6 S0 6 00 !lO 45 3 SO " Detroit, Ar., I 5 46 6 16' 11 00 3 5 " Öundfty exoepted. ISaturday and Hunda,, oepted. tDaily. ' H. B. LKDYARD, Gen'l Supt., Dettdt H. C. Wkmtworth, lien. Pase. Agt., Chiajo, Corner Main and Hurón Stt DETROIT, HILLSDALÈ&IÜ. ANA BAILROAD. To take effect December 31at, 1876. OPIMO WK8T. aolsa lu!i TATIONE. Fr'ght. Mai:. 1 btationb. Mail fti A. H. V. M. Tpsilanti.... 7:00 6:00 j ■ M Sal'ne 7:67 6:36 , Banken i:( u liridgowatcr.. 8:30 6:66 Hilladule 615 u Manchester. 9:10 7:18 Mancheater.. m u „.,, . "■ Bridgewatór 8: o HillBdale 12:35 9:17 Saline 8-SO '1 Bankera 12:55 9:30 YpBilanti.. 9Í j Trains run by Chicago time. To takeefieot , Deo. 31, 1876. W. F. PARKER, Snp't, Yptiluï GREAT WESTERN RAIL VTAY. THE SHORT LINT BETWEEN DETRniI, BUFFALO, NEW YORK, NIÁGARA FALLS, BOSTON PMlaflelplia, AND ALL EASTERN CITIÖ. ' ■" I Q miI'S the Sbortest Line fro & X 7 Detroit to Dutt'alo anJ Pointe Ext S- r Miles the shortest line from Detroi: w #0 ■■ ' Niágara Fulla and points Last. Sure roniiection at Sutpemiti Bridge and Buffalo willi the New Vork Central aud Erle Railwtiys. The Track and EquipmenU of Vlií 13RK' WiSöTEKN are perlect, and it i mjioapeó & a view to the SAFETY and COMFORT oí iu Patrons. TOÜRI8T8 AND PLEA8URE SEEKER3 Should bear in mind that the GREAT WESTEBS Railway ia the Shortest and most Comfombk Route Detween Detroit, Suspension Bridp u! Buffalo, and íh the only line wbich crosses 8upaaion Bridge in f uil view of the falla. For Information asd tickets ria this popote route apply to G. W. 8HARPLESS, Agent M. C. R. R., Ann Arbor Miei TREES! TREES!! FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL R. G. SMITH, at hls Nursery. West IabKtT I atreet, is readjr to take and fill orders for fruit ui [ ornamental trees, includim; Apples, Pears, Peaclies, Plums, C'herries, Quinces, Evergreens, Horse ('liestuut. Kllniaruock WiIImvs, Cirapes, Small Fruits, Koncs, & Ornaiii cnfal .Sliruli'. ■3"Buy of reaident dealers, and don't betha'" td by unlcnuwn tru.velin(f agenta. "W Price to Suit tbe Tinies. R. tí. SMITH, AnnArbor, Deo. 20, 1876. UHj' IfflRANCl CülHPiï, Capital, - - $3,000,000Aasets Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.98. Loases Paid in 55 Yesrs, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, incluí? Ke-Insurance Kesorre, $4,735,092.86. Net Surplus over Liabilities, including Ke-Insurance and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. MACK, Agent, Ann Arbor"EORGE W. OEOPSÈïT" Late of the tra of Clark 4 Cropskt, " j Kkabney, late of Texas, under the flrm n" KEARNEY & CKOPSEÏHave estabüshed themsolves at No. 33 So1 Jlaln St., Ann Arbor, and propose t "" goueral Grocery Business They wlll also kocp CKOCKKKY, GLA_i!Í WOODKN WARE, aod a full line of DOMpJ'ï and FOREIGN FRUITS. They have fitt iC furnished A First-class Eating Pepartment, Where Meáis can be had at all hour, or bosra ") the week. Cash pald for Rntter, E, .$■ Country produce. Goods promptly ered iu part of the city. Remember tne r" 33 South Jlaln Street. KEARNKÏ &CBOPSEVAnn Arbor, April 26, 1876. 15m Brict Stopr Sale. Í OFFER FOK SALE my Brick Store, CorM' Huron aad Fourth treeU, PP,"ev,12n otel. Thls Is one of the most deslrable "0ijB, ocatlons In the city, and wlll be nold at rfi" 159S JOHN O. fa1L'


Old News
Michigan Argus