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- January was split in the middle last Tuesday noon. - Yesterdays " mdicahons " savored of a thaw. There is a heap of snow to dispose of. -The ice now being harvested is not as thick as that gathered in earlier in the season. - The statement ef the First National Bank in another column wil! prove satisfaotory to the stockholüers. - That legislativo investigaron into the laboratory defaloation is to cominence in this city od Tuesday uext. - The N. T. mails are now several days in arrears. All the tault of that pesky " Confedérate House 1" Eh, Bro. George. - Havmg a "January without thaw" haa emptied a large number of cisterna and made good business for water-drawers. -23 minutes: that is the increase in the length of sunlight sinoe Dec. 31,-4' minutes in the morning and 19 in the afternoon. - We invite attention to the prosipetu) of the Detroit Free Press. It is a live paper and a rehable one, politically and otherwise. - Bigelow, the Detroit photographer, is now "taking'' faoulties and students, and prom668 to improve the looks of some of them. -Col. Darius Williams, late Superintendent of Indiana in Wyoming Territory, died at his residence in Ypsilanti, on the llth inst., aged 60 years. -A meeting of the Exocutive Committee of the Washteuaw County Agricultural Society ia tu be held at the Court House in this city on the 27th inst. -Mrs. Submit Disbrow died in this city on the llth inst., of hemorrhage of the bowels, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Prof. Adams, aged 72 years. -Prof. Wilder, of the medical department of the Uuiversity, has commenced a course of lecturos on hygiëne, to be given at 4 o'clock p. m. each Saturday. -Au oíd proyerb saya " Snow is the poor man's manure." Then blessed are the poor this wiuter, provided they don't have a long run of sidewalk to clean. - On Wednesday Henry Mutthews bought three hogs of Henry Osborn, of Scio, the aggregate weight of which was 1,296 Ibs. The heaviest one weighed 510 Ibs. -The ordinance requirmg sidewalks to be eleaned of snow don't enforce itseif worth a continental, and the officers dou't seem to talen . - n _ _ -M, m Wí VUI4W any notioe of its infraction. -Shannan & Brokaw is the style of a new írm that has recently opeued a tidy little meat market on North Main 3treet, and bida for patronage in a card elsewhere. -Suow bound : that was why the SmithWhitney concert company failed in their engagement beiore the Students' Lecture Association on Tuesday evening last. -That snow storm of Monday afternoon last-a genuine nor'easter- was the biggest of the season. Pedestriacs found the homeward road, Jordán like, "a hard road to trayel." -Prof. Tyler drew a very large congregation in Uaivereity Hall on Sunday afternoon last. and bis discourse on " The Crime of Pontius Rlate" was generally commended by his auditota. -The Dexter Leader records the death, January 5, of John Hanna, aged 63 years, and a pioneer. He was buried with Masouic honors on the 9th inst., Rev. J. C. Wortley ofBoiatmg. -öen. Augur, in command of the ü". S, troops at New Orleans, and who seems disposed to fair play, formerly resided in this city, aod a son of his is now a student in the UniTersity. - Arthur Marshall, of this city, is the first architect to put iu a plan for a new court House, and an attractive elevatiuu and Court room floor pian are on exlübition at 'Ie ProWe Office. _ -It took &. Angelí ;" Ol[ay morning Itiuesday mornvug tv. ..e the distance.beteea Boston and his home in thia city. rncks obstructed and trams delayed by the "beautiful snovr." -The Flint Journal details the pleasant innta of a " wooden wedding" in that city, on the eTening of the 3rd iust. Geo. H. Pond (a iormer attaché of the Abgds office) and wife were the celebrating parties. -The directora of the First National Bank whoae re-election the Aequs of last week recorded, have relected the old offioers : Presiáent, Dr. E. Wells; Vice-President, Phüip Bacti ; Cashier, Johnson W. Kuight. -The annual statement of the Germán Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company of this coonty will be fouud in another column. Tóe company has increased its risks during the year, $136,677, and has met with uo losses. - Wm. B. Mead, formerly a resident of Salem but for the last eight years a resident oi this city, died on Sunday last, aged 80 years, learág an aged widow, two sons, and two daughters, one of them, the wife of Dr. G-. H. Clark, of this city. -Oa Tuesday of last week Deacon L. S Boyden and wife of Mooreville, parents of " J. S. Boyden, of Ypsilanti, celebrated tleir golden wedding. And Mrs. Boyden a lecond wite. Numerous fine presenta were ade including a gold-headed cane. -Senator Burleigh and Kepresentative Sawyer spent last Sunday at home : with üiei'r families and their constituents. Mr. 'M of the Third House was also at home on Suaday, but retumed to Lansing and his ariaous and philanthropic duties on Monday. -rtof. Olney, of this city, and Prof. Mclooth, of the Normal School, Ypsilanti, are asMtnt editors oï the Educational Weekly, HWished at Chicago, of which S. B. Winchell, onnerly of this city, is One of the publishers, Mi into which has been merged a number of tte educational monthlies oí the Northwest,- U Michigan Teacher included. -The annual statement of the Southern "Mhtenaw Mutual Fire lnaurance Company showa: No.of members, 154; amount insurgí. $383,125, an increase for the year, of t21.55O; losses d uring the year, nothmg, "í no assessment made ; receipts for rear' W7 ; cash in bank, $52.47. This compaï csrtainly iurnishes cheap as well as safe ""ranee. -This is what the Manchester Enterprise "■!■ "Our friend Wm. G. Doty, who has nin partnership with his father in the Acantile business, in this village, during the Put year, and who has served as recorder of " village Bince March, 1876, has goDe to Ann iflwr to act aB Probate Begister in the office ""h Judge Harriman. He is a young man, a Muate of the Uuiversity, and has maiiy Weuds at home and abroad." -The annual statement of the Washtenaw utual Fire Insurance Oompany- aee another lumn-proyes that the last has been a pros_ Pous year. The old blanket policies have all "o called in during the year, and new poli. "es issued with better saie-guards to the comí Ny and of course to the insured- there being o favored stockholders. We understand that btthreeof the old policy holders refused to 1CcePt new policies. After they try stock ""pauiesawhilo they wül be glad to recon'r their decisious.