Postponement Of Liberty Meetings

Tho Liberiy meetings which werc noticcd n ilie Signul, to be nttended by Henry Uihh nml S. B. Trcadwell at the following places: Green Oak, llnr'.land Centre, Fentonville. Grand l'Ianc. Flini, J.tipccr mid Groveland, will be IosiKncd tiü afier iheir return froia the graat f-iberty Cunvemion lo be Jteld M Chicago, at wliich time noticc will bc giren vhcn thcy will be held in tluse and other places in this section of the State. Our guod frienda u tliis part uf (ie State sliall nol bc forgoiten. They vrill hold Liberty meetings on thcir wav tu Chicago, od ou tlwir return in the places ïueniioncd Jïslow. Wc 'rust our frieads in theèe difl'ereni places Vfill spare no pains to get vp l.irge meetings, as the peoplc in their viciniiy i:iny never enjoy an uher opportuñity of hciring sudi a man as f Jenry Bibb nnrrate a li.e of 25 years in American Slave.y. (D" All the meetings will commeiice at half jast two, P. bï. Spring Arltfir, Jackson Cd. Mondny. June 8. Albiun. Cülhoun Co Tuesdoy, ;i 9. 1 lomer. Wcdnesiiay, 10. Marshall, ' Tl.urfdjy, " II j BnttlcCreek, ;' Fridny, 12. Climax. Kulamizoo Co. Saturday, " 13 KInniaziio. l.' Monday, li 15 Schoolcraft, t; TuesÃay, 4i 1G. Prsiric llonde " Wednesduy, ; 17. P.tsv Paw, Vun Buren Co. Thmsday, " ]?. Biinbridge, Berrien li Friday, i: 19. Niics, ; Monday, " 9. CassopoIÃ8, Cass Co. Tuesday, " ÃU. Ceiitroville, Si. Joseph Co. Wedncsday.July 1. Constantino, 4i Thursday, ;t 2. Sherman, ' Friday, " 3. Uurr Oak, " S.iturday, à 4. Cold Water, Erancli Co. Monday, " 6. Union City, ' 'J'ucsday, 4 7. Liichfield, [Jillsdalo Co. Wednesday. ⺠8 Joneoville, " Thnrsday, f' 9 Jliïlsdale, " Friday, " 10. Ahms. f Saturday, " II. Whcailand, '; Mund.iy, 13
Liberty Party
Old News
Signal of Liberty
S. B. Treadwell
Henry Bibb